York County, Nebraska York Homepage

Compiled by B. A. Ward
York Republican, Steam Book and Job Printers, 1887
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Jacobs, N. confectioer, 514 Grant ave.
Jacobs, Mrs. M. A. wid res same as above.
Jaffet, Wm. mail carrier, r 1042 Elmer ave.
Jasper, J. S. carpenter, res J. L. Hutcherson,
Jaynes, S. D. agent B. & M. R. R. Co., r 208 w 11th st.
Jaynes, E. res same as above.
Jeffery, Henry meat market, 605 Lincoln ave r 822 Grant av
Jeffery, Wm. wks and res same as above.
Jeffery, Miss Della res same as above.
Jenkins, J. P. W. drayman, r nw cor 5th and Pine sts.
Jenks, A. carpenter, r 322 e 4th st.
Jenks, J. A. res same as above.
Jerome & Co. druggists, 123 e 6th st.
Jerome, Geo. H. Jerome & Co., r 414 e 6th st.
Johnson, J. A. Wray & Johnson, r 543 w 7th st.
Johnson, Miss Ida domestic, Geo. B. France's.
Johnson, Miss Nannie milliner, with H. E. Wells & Co., bds Mrs. Hammonds.
Johnson, Wm. speculator, bds Waverly house.
Johnson, Mrs. Mary r 1008 Nebraska ave.
Johnson, Miss Minnie student, bds D. Graham's.
Johnson, Miss Anna domestic, W. A. Sharrar's.
Johnson, Miss Augusta domestic, A. C. Ward's.
Johnson, John (colored) wks Nat Lumber Co., r 715 Grant av.
Johnson, Peter (colored) laborer, r same as above.
Johnson, Wm. (colored) wks Geo. W. Post.
Johnson, Mrs. Eliza (colored) laundry, r rear 410 Grant ave.
Johnson, Richard (colored) musician, res same as above.
Johnson, John C. barber, r w terminus Grand ave.
Johnson, O. E. carpenter, r w terminus Grand ave.
Jones, Geo engineer, elevator B, r w s Cherry bet Grand & 5th
Jones, F. J. farm implements, Loup City, r 222 e 6th st.
Jones, A. L. laborer, r 827 Burlington ave.
Jones, C. J. clerks Geo. A. Beck, res same as above.
Jones, Charles can maker, bds J. B. Chandler's.
Jones, H. (colored) porter, Blodgett house.
Joy, Walter produce, 124 e 5th st down stairs.
Judge, C. carpenter, r 650 e 10th st.

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