York County, Nebraska York Homepage

Compiled by B. A. Ward
York Republican, Steam Book and Job Printers, 1887
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Lacey, W. H. grocer, 113 e 6th st bds Commercial hotel.
Lagasse, Hugh teamster, r 402 Iowa ave.
Laird, Mrs. Olive wid res J. S. Enslow.
Lamson, Mrs. P. wid res E. W. Smith.
Lammers, B. J. prop water mill r near same.
Lane, J. R. clerks Coles & Thomas, r 214 e 7th st.
Langner, Hermann harness-maker, res over 503 Lincoln ave-
Larkin, C. W. drayman, 1026 Elmer ave.
Larson, Miss Sophia domestic, R. Carscadden's.
Laws, N. M. capitalist, bds Waverly house.
Laws, Frank clerk, bds Waverly house.
Leer, Chas. D. brick moulder, bds Iowa house.
Lenfest, Rev. C. B. r 1110 East ave.
Lennox, J. C. stock raiser r No. 303 w 3d st.
Lennox, Miss Mary L. r 403 York ave.
Leslie, Frank brick mason res 72 Lincoln ave.
Lett, Chas shoemaker r Grand ave. bet Plum and Cherry.
Liedtke, Mrs. A. L. wid r 802 Platte ave.
Linch, O. L. Linch & Duley res B. F. Farley's.
Linch, W. B. teacher res W. J. Linch's.
Linch, Miss Anna res W. J. Linch's.
Linch & Duley (O. S. Linch, E. E. Duley) confectioners, 524 Grant ave.
Linch, W. J. r 707 e 9th st.
Linder, Nicholas wks Geo. Spears res same.
Lindsay, Rev. R. S. pastor First Congregational church, r par,sonage, 614 Beaver ave.
Lindholm Miss Anna bds G. R. Nisser's.
Lininger, Metcalf Co. (Omaha) agricultural implements, 115-117 w 6th st.
Linsbaugh, Miss Grace student, bds dormitory.
Lisk, Abe carpenter, bds B. Smith's.
Little, G. C. laborer, bds Wyoming hotel.
Lloyd, Mrs. M. J. wid r 826 Burlington ave.
Lloyd, Miss Mattie W. res same as above.
Lloyd W. B. res same as above.
Lloyd, J. P. photographer, res same as above.
Lloyd, John tailor, r w s Cedar bet Grand ave and 5th st.
Logan, Harlan laborer, bds Waverly house.
Lohr, J. J. grocer, w s Broadway, r 821 Lincoln ave.
Long, H. H. engineer, elevator A r sw cor Grand av and Pine.
Longwell, C. A. teacher, bds J. B. Thompson
Love, Jesse r 404 College ave.
Love, Lee cashier York National Bank, r 305 e 6th st.
Love, Mrs. C. M. wid, r 609 Nebraska ave.
Love, H. L. book-keeper 1st National Bank, res same as above
Love, Miss Lucetta res same as above.
Love, Miss Blanche res same as above.
Luckey, Marion carpenter, r Grand av bet Plum and Cherry.
Luckey, N. horseman, r s terminus Grant ave.
Lund, Oscar laborer, bds G. R. Nisser's.
Lundell, Mrs. S. wid, res G. R. Nisser's.
Lundy & Haney (H. H. Lundy, L. M. Haney) blacksmiths, 722 Lincoln ave.
Lundy, H. H. Lundy & Haney, r 114 Lincoln ave.
Lyons, Albert wks John Ittner's bds Waverly house.

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