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Compiled by B. A. Ward
York Republican, Steam Book and Job Printers, 1887
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Mack, Mrs. Ada wid res St Elmo house.
Macy, C. T. book-keeper, bds Capital restaurant.
Mailley, Rev. James bds dormitory.
Marble, Mrs. L. wid, r 929 Academy ave.
Mark, A. E. carpenter, r 617 Iowa ave-
Markham, L. book-keeper for G. W. Wirt, r 522 e 9th st.
Marmaduke John (colored) cook, Commercial hotel.
Marsden, G. W. can maker, bds Iowa house.
Marston, Geo. E. billiard hall 629 Lincoln av r 508 Beaver ave
Martin, Wm. carpenter, bds Wyoming hotel.
Martin, Mrs. Margaret wid, res J. B. Thompson.
Martin, H. L. Smith & Martin, bds J. D. Smith's.
Martin, Prof. S. Wesley bds dormitory.
Martin, J. C. bookkeeper, Stark & Mosher, res E. W. Mosher
Martin, A. wks Foundry, r nw cor Broadway and 5th st.
Martin, Miss Lucretia student, bds dormitory.
Marshall, B. F. blacksmith, nw B. & M. depot, r w side Plum bet Grand ave and 5th st.
Mast, C. H. gardner, r 549 w 6th st.
Matthews, Geo. teamster, r 126 Platte ave.
Matthews, Miss Carrie teacher public school
Mattox, A. hostler, Southworth & Forsteburg.
Mauler, Elmer laborer, res S. Kanode
Maxfield, J. B. dealer in old iron, r 827 Platte ave.
Maxfield,.C. E. res same as above.
May, Chas. B. carpenter, r e terminus Grand ave.
Mayhew, F. L. capitalist, r 649, e 6th st.
Mayhew, F. G. farmer, res same as above.
Maylard, J. B. buyer, J. M. Davidson, res same.
McBride, L. N. Courtney & McBride Bros., bds Geo. Spears.
McBride, G. W. same, bds same
McCabe, Geo. laborer, bds S. C. Davis.
McCann, F. L. confectioner, post office, res Union.block.
McCarty, E. laborer, r 72 Platte ave.
McCarty, Miss Mary chamber maid, Commercial hotel.
McCalenaugh, J. T. bds Blodgett house.
McCandless, W. R. farmer, 648 e 9th st.
McClelland, Mrs. A. L. wid, r 6oo w 5th st.
McCleese, Hunter r nw cor Plum and 5th st.
McCloud, C. A. right-of-way-man, F. E. & M. V. R. R. Co., r 728 York ave.
McCollum, J. carpenter, bds St Elmo house.
McConaughy, Robt. physician, 107 w 6th st res G. W. Post.
McConaughy, James M. D., res same as above.
McConaughy, J. F. merchant, 620 Lincoln ave r 124 w 9th st.
McCracken, Melvin laborer, r 126 Iowa ave.
McCue, Wm. Page & McCue, res H. C. Page.
McDonald, Geo. 1st cook, Blodgett house.
McDonald, Miss Maggie cook, Wyoming hotel
McFadden, John baggage-master B. & M. bds Waverly house.
McFall, L. N. painter, r 228 Nebraska ave.
McFall, Geo. laborer, bds same as above.
McGowan Miss Bessie student, bds dormitory.
McGowan, Robert machinist, r 7I7 Division ave.
McGowan, Perry engineer, roller mills, res same as above.
McGowan, Patrick laborer, r 109 Iowa ave.
McIlvain, Miss Mattie res Dr. B. F. Farley 's.
McKaig, Rev. R. N. president College, r 415 Blackburn ave.
McKaig, Miss Lyda res same as above.
McKay, Alex employ K. C. & O. bds U. Bonser.
McKee, Thos. brick-mason, bds W. L. Morgan.
McKelvey, Wm. clerks John S. Knott's, res M. J. Shackelford,
McKenzie, Miss Agnes student, bds dormitory.
McKenzie, Prof. J. M. res dormitory.
McKinney. J. W. clerk, bds Wyoming hotel.
McLain, Miss Anna res J. A. Osborn.
McLeod, John carpenter, res M. Torrance.
McPherson, Mrs. A. B. wid, res Jesse Love.
Meacham, J. H. atlas publisher, 104 w 6th st r 107 w 6th st. up stairs.
Mead, F. F. real estate, loans and insurance, 512 Grant ave. r 621 e 6th st.
Meehan, Lawrence brick mason, r 808 Grant ave.
Meehan, Phillip brick mason, r 644 e 10th st.
Meehan, Miles res same as above.
Meissner, C. L. dry goods 629 Lincoln avenue, r ne cor Grand ave and Pine st.
Meek, S. wks Chas. Greene.
Meeker Bros. (M. and M.) attorneys, 610 Lincoln ave up str's
Meeker, Mahlon Meeker Bros. r south F. E. & M. V. crossing Blackburn ave.
Meeker, Merton Meeker Bros. r 227 College ave.
Melton, S. L. laborer, bds Geo. Shreck's.
Merrefield, F. C. superintendent canning factory r near same.
Meredith, John M. Meredith, Clapp & Swartz, r 522 e 6th st.
Meredith, Clapp&Swartz (J. M. Meredith, F. O. Clapp, R. C. Swartz) barbers, under York National Bank.
Messply, Miss Nellie res Mrs. Stephenson's.
Methodist Church se cor 7th st and Nebraska ave.
Metz, W.H. laborer, r 403 Burlington ave.
Miller, G. W. merchant tailor, 717 Lincoln ave, res W. T. Scott
Miller, John wks Anderson & Strasser, bds Wm. Anderson's.
Miller, Miss Ada domestic, Geo. H. Jerome's.
Miller, Sherman clerk, bds G. W. Coon.
Miller, J. H. carpenter, r 651 e 10th st.
Miller, Harry carpenter, bds A. E. Mark's.
Miller, Wm. Miller & Palmore, r over 506 Grant ave.
Miller, A. L. barber, bds Capital restaurant.
Miller & Palmore (Wm. Miller, J. A. Palmore) second hand store, 506 Grant ave.
Miller, Rev. F. W. r north line City limits 2nd e East ave.
Miller, N. carpenter, r e terminus 13th st.
Miller, Byron carpenter, res same as above.
Mills, Miss Ruth land lady, Commercial hotel.
Minard, R. L. gardner, r nr K. C. & O. depot.
Minard, J. D. carpenter, res same as above.
Minard, T. M. artist, res same as above.
Minard, L. H. carpenter, r 317 Blackburn aye.
Miner, Mrs. Mary wid, res A. F. Bloomer.
Minton, Miss Mary domestic, J. C. Panter's.
Missman, Miss Georgia seamstress, res J. A. Boyer.
Mitchell, G. W. r e side Pine bet Grand and 5th sts.
Molan, John harness-maker, bds Waverly house.
Mohson John surveyor, bds Wyoming house.
Montgomery & Carnahan (A. C. Montgomery, J. Carnahan) Roller Mills, w s Lincoln ave bet 2nd and 3d sts.
Montgomery, A. C. attorney, Bell's Block, r 607 e 9th st.
Montgomery, John wks roller mills, r same as above.
Montgomery, Miss Ella teacher, res same as above.
Moore, Geo. H. painter, r north line city limits, 1 e East ave.
Moore, C. laborer, bds Wyoming house.
Moore Dick laborer, r w s Blackburn ave bet 3d and 4th sts.
Moore, Alvin teamster, r 428 Burlington ave.
Moore, Mrs. Matilda wid res same as above.
Moore, D. T. attorney, 107 e 6th st up stairs r 1028 East ave.
Moore, Dwight S. medical student, res same as above.
Moore, Miss Alice M. res same as above.
Morgan, W. E. r 702 Beaver ave.
Morgan, R. D. printer, Republican, res same as above.
Morgan & Green (W. L. Morgan, D. S. Green) contractors and builders, 728 Lincoln ave.
Morgan, W. L. Morgan & Green r 414 Iowa ave.
Morse, John plasterer, r 808 Lincoln ave.
Morrison & Wirt (W. B. Morrison, G. W. Wirt) stock dealers near B. & M. depot.
Morrison, W. B. lives half mile south of city.
Morrison Jos. coal dealer, 802 Lincoln ave r 915 Lincoln ave.
Morrison, S. C. clerks and res same as above.
Morrow, D. clerk, bds Wyoming hotel.
Mosher, E. W. Stark & Mosher, r 211 College ave.
Mosley, Mrs Anna E. wid r 522 e 6th st.
Moulds, John laborer, r 541 w 6th st.
Moyer, Miss Alice student, bds dormitory.
Mullihan, S. hardware, McCool Junction, r 633 e 9th st.
Munson, Victor laborer, 1005 Nebraska ave.
Murray, T. laborer, bds Wyoming hotel.
Myers, M. L. teamster, r ne cor Cherry and 5th st.

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