York County, Nebraska York Homepage

Compiled by B. A. Ward
York Republican, Steam Book and Job Printers, 1887
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Nalley, Miss Ella seamstress res Mrs. Mattie West.
National Lumber Co. yard Lincoln ave bet 3d and 4th st.
Neally, J. B. wks J. M. Briley, r 214 Nebraska ave.
Nearing, Mrs. P. M. wid, r 818 East ave.
Nearing, R. D. wks Foundry res same as above.
Nearing, Miss Della res same as above.
Nelson, Peter carpenter, res J. C. Durmer.
Nelson, John laborer, bds Wyoming hotel.
Nelson, Mrs. Laura res Blodgett house.
Neselroad, Miss Callie wks Commercial hotel.
Newell, Miss Willa B. p. o. delivery clerk, res R. J. Coles.
Newell, S. A. stock raiser r sw cor Walnut and 5th st.
Newman, A. J. clerk district court, r 1015 Platte ave.
Newton F. E. student, bds H. J. Kirtland's.
Newville, Miss Lotta chambermaid, Blodgett house.
Newville, Leroy laborer, r 500 w 5th st.
Nicolai, Chas. book-keeper, York Nat Bank, bds Waverly.
Nichols, F. E. student, bds dormitory.
Nichols, Henry horticulturist, r 719 e 6th st.
Nicholson, Prof. D. P. bds dormitory.
Nickols, Mrs, K. wid r 501 York ave.
Nickols, C. M. painter, res same as above.
Nightengale, Chas. hostler, Southworth & Forsteburg, bds city dining hall.
Niles, G. tinner, res H. B. Dibble.
Nisser, G. R. speculator, r 427 East ave.
Nobes, C. J. Real Estate and Loans, Opera Block, also proprietor Opera House and owner of Opera Block, 1/3 Masonic Block, 1/4 Union Block and Nobes stock farm, containing 1200 acres, r 216 e 3d st.
Noyes, O. C. cook, Capital restaurant.
Noyes, Miss Inez waiter Capital restaurant.
Northup, Geo. F. wks A. F. Bloomer's, r 632 e 10th st.
Northup, Mrs. Mary E. wid res same as above.
Norton & Barbee (R. D. Norton, W. Barbee) harness-makers, 515, Lincoln ave.
Norton, R. D. Norton & Barbee, r 105 Lincoln ave.
Norton, B. F. Ballard & Norton, res same as xbove-

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