York County, Nebraska York Homepage

Compiled by B. A. Ward
York Republican, Steam Book and Job Printers, 1887
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Page, Mrs. Alice wid, Page Snodgrass, r Union block.
Page, Louis printer, Republican, r sames as above.
Page & Snodgrass (Alice Page, R. L Snodgrass) dressmakers, 118 e 5th st up stairs.
Page, H. C. Page & McCue r 823 Platte ave.
Page & McCue (H. C. Page, Wm. McCue) grocers, 701, Lincoln avenue.
Paley, Mrs. Sarah boarding house, 411 Grant ave.
Palmore, Miss Nannie domestic, S. Idell's.
Palmore, J. A. Miller & Palmore, r 405 Grant ave.
Panter, J. C. M. D., Panter & Bishop, r 123 e 7th st.
Panter & Bishop (J. C. Panter, John Bishop) druggists, 609 Lincoln ave.
Pappin, Wm. butcher, with Henry Jeffery, r 123 e 10th st.
Parish, Wm. buyer for Wirt & Morrison, bds Waverly house.
Parkinson, Rev. T. A. r 803 Platte ave.
Parris, F. J. speculator, r nw cor city limits.
Paxton, C. r nw cor Grand ave and Plum sts.
Paxton, Miss Bertie teacher, res same as above.
Peabody, Geo. E. brick and stone mason, contractor, r 514 Nebraska ave.
Peck, T. K. civil engineer, F. E. & M. V. bds Blodgett house.
Perrin, H. W. sewing machine agent, r over 109 e 6th st.
Perrin, Miss Emma res J. S. Prewitt.
Perry, Mrs. Alice wid washwoman, r 919 Division.
Perry, Miss Alice res St. Elmo house.
Perry, Mrs. S. C. wid proprietress, St. Elmo House, 769 Lincoln ave.
Peterson, I. wagon maker, rear 722, Lincoln ave r 522 e 7th st
Peterson, Miss Hannah domestic, I. F. Kennedy.
Peterson, Peter wks B. & M. R. R. r w s Plum bet 6th and 7th
Peterson, Andrew laborer, bds John Olin.
Peterson, Gust. horseman, wks Dr. Shidler.
Peterson, Charles wks C. N. Carpenter, r rear Graham & Tenney's office.
Peterson, Peter gardner, r 1021 Grant ave.
Pfeifle, Mrs. M. J. wid res e s Cedar bet Grand ave and 5th st.
Phillips, J. E. music dealer, 600, 602 Grant ave res up stairs.
Phillips, Robt. hostler, Fry & Fabrbach, bds S. Idell.
Pierson, N. P. painter, 726 Lincoln ave r 325 East ave.
Plumb, J. N. student, bds dormitory.
Plummer, E. R. clerk, Robt Armstrong, r 322 w 5th st.
Plummer, Wm. wks Weeks & Plummer, res same as above.
Poffenbarger, J. horseman, with J. W. Small, r 128 Neb ave.
Poffenbarger, Fred. hostler, res same as above.
Porter, H. J. carpenter, r 303 Blackburn ave.
Porter, Mrs. Sylvia wid res H. J. Porter.
Post, Geo. W. president York National Bank, r 222 W 10th St.
Post, W. D. general merchant, Bradshaw, r 601 Beaver ave.
Post & Kingsley (Geo. W. Post, J. C. Kingsley) loans, over York National Bank.
Power, F. C. Sedgwick & Power, r 651 e 7th St.
Power, Mrs. Jane res same as above.
Powers, E. J. machinist, Foundry, bds H. Jeffery's.
Powers, W. C. machinist, bds same as above.
Powers, M. book agent, bds Commercial hotel.
Pratt, Mrs. Alice wid seamstress res A. J. Brigham.
Presbyterian Church ne cor Lincoln ave and 9th st.
Prewitt, J. S. laborer, r 314 Burlington ave.
Prewitt, Goldson wks county treasurer's office r nw cor 12th st.
Prewitt, Wm. L. clerk, res same as above.
Prichard, Geo. student, bds dormitory.
Pritchard, T. B. capitalist, bds Waverly house.
Pringle, Miss Anna waiter, Wyoming house.
Pruitt, A. G. solicitor, r ne cor 10th st and Gandy ave.
Purdy, Miss Rebecca student, bds dormitory
Pursel, Seymour student, bds W. J. Linch's.

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