York County, Nebraska York Homepage

Compiled by B. A. Ward
York Republican, Steam Book and Job Printers, 1887
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Ragan, H. W. grain, elevator A, r sw cor Cherry and 5th St.
Rae, Robt. secretary Building and Loan Association, broker, 703 Lincoln ave r 727 Beaver ave.
Rae, Miss Ella domestic, H. E. Well's.
Rainey, W. R. K. C. & 0. bds Iowa house.
Ramsey, Miss Sarena domestic, A. Brubaker's.
Randolph, Mrs. Martha wid res Geo. Flock.
Randolph, A. F. Baldwin & Randolph, r 422 w 7th st.
Randolph, Samuel surveyor, bds Wyoming hotel.
Randolph, Jos. laborer, r 506 w 6th st.
Raper, F. A. merchant tailor, 405 Lincoln ave res same.
Raper, Miss Jennie teacher, res same as above.
Read, J. F. buggies, 426 Grant ave r 726 Platte ave.
Reader, H. M. D., Reader Bros & Co., r 627 Beaver ave.
Reader, L. D. Reader Bros & Co., res same as above.
Reader, Scott E. Reader Bros & Co., res same as above.
Reader, Miss Augusta student, res same as above.
Reader Bros. & Co. (H., E. S., and L. D. Reader) confectioners, 104 e 5th st.
Reed, John D. attorney, r 659 e 10th st.
Reed, Luther insurance agent, bds Commercial hotel.
Reed, Geo. R. insurance, r 122 e 11th st.
Regner, John baker, r 322 Grant ave.
Reisinger, E. shoe-maker, 422 Grant ave r 320 e 3d st.
Reisinger, Frank farmer, res same as above.
Reisinger, Miss Mary res same as above.
Retz, Miss Joanna domestic, Mrs. Hammond's.
Retz, Miss Tena domestic, Jesse Love.
Reynolds, James teamster, r 1st north iron bridge.
Reynolds, John laborer, bds Wyoming hotel.
Rhodes, R. W. wks elevator B, r ne cor 6th and Plum sts.
Riale, Rev. F. N. pastor First Presbyterian Church, bds Blodgett house.
Ricabaugh, W. H. surveyor, bds Blodgett house.
Richards, M. drayman, r 501 w 7th st.
Richards, Miss Alice res same as above.
Richardson, Mrs. P. r 1000 Grant ave.
Richardson, L. F. clerk, resides same as above.
Ridinger, J. W. farmer, r se cor Broadway and 6th st.
Riley, J. C. with J. C. Carnahan.
Ritger, Phillip farm machinery, 426 Grant ave r 304, e 4th st.
Roberts, H. J. prop Capital Restaurant, 500 Grant ave.
Robbins Sisters (Miss Rebecca, and Viola) dressmakers, w side Broadway res same.
Robbins Bros (G. M. and H. W.) musical instruments, w side Broadway, res rame as above.
Roberts, Edward student, bds dormitory.
Robinson Fred. printer Times, bds dormitory.
Robinson, A. F. confectioner, 611-1/2 Lincoln ave bds Blodgett.
Robinson, Frank laborer, bds S. C. Davis'.
Rockwell, Miss Nancy teacher, r 519 Thomson ave.
Roden, Miss Iren laundress, Blodgett house.'
Rosenolf, Nils merchant tailor, over York National Bank, r 521, East ave.
Rosenolf, Chas. carpenter, res same as above.
Ross, D. J. wks John Oppfelt, r nw cor Cherry and 5th st.
Rothmanz, Lois fresco painter, bds Blodgett house.
Rowley, A. harness maker, r 520 Iowa ave.
Rumbaugh, Geo. S. clerk Commercial hotel.
Rushman Miss Minnie res Peter Bohn.
Ryan, Wm. carpenter, bds City Dining Hall.
Ryder, A. M. painter, bds Wyoming hotel.

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