York County, Nebraska York Homepage

Compiled by B. A. Ward
York Republican, Steam Book and Job Printers, 1887
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Samuelson, John laborer, res over E. H. Dorr's drug store.
Sandall, John r 913 Iowa ave.
Sanderson, W. A. horseman, r 127 Grant ave.
Sanderson, Miss Cora res same as above.
Sarrver, S. M. teamster, 911 Platte ave.
Sayre, D. E. capitalist, r 424 w 8th st.
Schnurr, Mrs. Lena wid res Carl Zimmerer's.
Schoettler, J. W. paper-hanger, r 703 e 10th st.
Schoettler, Geo. E. clk A. F. Robinson, r 721 Burlington ave.
Schwabl, Geo. butcher, wks J. F. Clark, r 417 Nebraska ave.
Scott & Gilbert (W. T. Scott, E. A. Gilbert) attorneys, 104 w 6th st up stairs.
Scott W. T. Scott & Gilbert, r 1015 Lincoln ave.
Search, Wm. lightning rod agent, bds City Dining Hall.
Sedgwick & Power (S. H. Sedgwick, F. C. Power) attorneys, over York Savings Bank.
Sedgwick, D. E. M. D., 529 Lincoln ave up stairs, r 421 e 7th
Sedgwick & Bell (T. E. Sedgwick, J. M. Bell) York Times, 118 e 5th st up stairs.
Sedgwick, S. H. Sedgwick & Power, r 223 W 10th st.
Sedgwick, T. E. Sedgwick & Bell, r 420 e 7th st.
Segerkranz, V. A. veterinary surgeon, Southworth & Forsteburg's
Seeley, Z. L. Brown & Seeley, r 548 w 6th st.
Seeley, Arthur laborer, bds S. C. Davis'.
Selover, Miss Carrie domestic, M. Sovereign's.
Sexson Miss E. A. teacher, res E. H. Dorr's.
Seymour, Benj. tombstone agent, r 1015 Grant ave.
Seymour, Mrs. Mary J. wid res same as above.
Seymour, Chas. E. teamster, res same as above.
Seymour, Miss Hattie res same as above.
Seymour, H farm machinery, 108-10 w 6th st. r 557 w 5th st.
Seymour, Edward wks and res same as above.
Seymour, Miss Georgia res same as above.
Shackelford, M. J. r s ter Grant ave.
Shamp, Miss Nellie seamstress, res J. W. R. Shamp.
Shamp, E. R. groceries, No. 511 Lincoln ave, r 527 Beaver av
Shamp, J. W. R. with E. R. Shamp, r 527 Beaver ave.
Shanon, Thomas carpenter, bds Wyoming hotel.
Sharrar, W. A. cashier Citizens State Bank, r 702 East ave.
Sheeks, I. H. Vice President Farmers and Traders Bank Waco, r sw cor Walnut and 6th st.
Sheldon. F. R. bds Blodgett house.
Sheldon, O. P. carpenter, r 327 Thomson avenue.
Sheppard, Willis student, bds W. J. Linch.
Shidler, G. W. physician 125 e 6th st up stairs, r 623 Nebraska ave.
Shephardson, Orrin blacksmith, res H. C. Shephardson's.
Shephardson, H. C. coal, r N. E. cor 5th and Pine.
Shipman, R. C. house mover, r n terminus Division ave.
Shively, Ira teamster, r 614 w 8th st.
Shreck, Geo. dep co sheriff, r 1103 Iowa ave.
Simmons, M. W. carpenter, bds Wyoming hotel.
Simmons, Irvin Simmons & Green, r 805 e 6th st.
Simmons & Green (I. Simmons E. V. Green), real estate, 604 Lincoln ave.
Simpson, Mrs Harriet I wid, res C. S. Edwards.
Singer Sewing Machine 114 e 5th st.
Slagel, Frank student, bds H. Reader's.
Slater, Chas. wks Southworth & Forsteburg, bds City dining hall.
Slavens, Rev. Duke pastor M. E. church, r parsonage 711 Platte ave.
Sleeper, D. C. with C. J. Nobes, r 827 Beaver ave.
Sloan, Benj. laborer, bds J. Poffenbarger.
Slossen, Edward bds Blodgett house.
Small, J. W. dealer in horses, 126 and 128 Burlington ave., r 420 Blackburn ave.
Smick, Daniel billiard hall, 116 e 5th st, bds Iowa house.
Smith, J. A. Smith & Martin, res J. D. Smith.
Smith, J. Q. r 641 e 10th st.
Smith, Miss Eva res same as above.
Smith, Chas. farmer, res same as above.
Smith, Stephen A. plasterer, r sw cor Plum and 5th st.
SmitN N. T. r 628 e 9th st.
Smith, J. R. res same as above.
Smith, Miss Lillie res same as above.
Smith, B. wks for B. & M. R. R.. n ter Cherry st.
Smith, Miss Fannie res J. V. Hyder's.
Smith, Miss Mattie student, res F. L. Mayhew.
Smith, Miss Mamie student, res same as above.
Smith, J. E. Smith Bros., bds J. B. Thompson.
Smith, E. C. loans and real estate, 615 Lincoln ave, res Commercia1 hotel.
Smith, L. F, student, r 627 e 6th st.
Smith, Earl student, bds Geo. Shreck.
Smith, J. D. r 519 e 6th st.
Smith, Miss Bella res same as above.
Smith, G. W. bookkeeper York National bank, bds H. Readers.
Smith, J. P. farmer, r 710 Platte ave.
Smith, Robt. wks canning factory, res same as above.
Smith, Miss Dora student, res same as above.
Smith, Miss Clara teacher, res same as above.
Smith, Miss Flora teacher, res same as above.
Smith, E. W. insurance, 703 Lincoln ave, r 1105 York ave.
Smith, H. A. Smith Bros., bds J. B. Thompson.
Smith Bros. J. E. and H. A., photographers 107 e 6th st up stairs.
Smith, G. C. bridge contractor, bds Commercial hotel.
Smith, Miss Carrie res N. T. Smith.
Smith & Martin (J. A. Smith H. L. Martin), livery and feed stable, 412 Lincoln ave.
Smyser, Mrs. L. B. wid res J. S. Thompson.
Snodgrass, R. L. post office news stand, r Union Block.
Snodgrass, Mrs. R. L. Page & Snodgrass, res same as above.
Snow, A. L. loan and collection agent 107 e 6th st up stairs, r Union Block.
Snyder, David laborer, bds S. Idell's.
Snyder, A. C. hardware, 626, Lincoln ave r 613 e 7th st.
Sollenberger, J. tank builder, r 526 College ave.
Sollenberger, Miss Ona res same as above.
Sollenberger Miss Etta seamstress, res same as above.
Sollenberger, Lincoln carpenter, res same as above.
Sollenberger, S. C. harness-maker, bds Wyoming hotel.
Southworth L. F. Southworth & Forsteburg, r 300 w 5th st.
Southworth & Forsteburg (L. F. Southworth, C. Forsteburg), City Livery, Nos. 115, 117, and 119, w 5th st.
Sovereign, M. county clerk, r 902 Iowa ave.
Sowden, T. J. horseman, bds Iowa house.
Sparks, Riley horseman, wks Geo. Marston, bds Wyoming.
Sparling R. J. bds J. D. Smith's.
Sparling, Christ. manager J. S. Knott's store, Benedict.
Spears, Geo. prop sand bank, r 204 Iowa ave.
Spears, Jacob L. wks and res same as above.
Spears, Mrs. S. E. wid r 720 East ave.
Spellman, C. E. teamster,roller mills, r 509 York ave.
Spellman, Miss Emma res. W. S. Woolard
Spooner, J. L. laundry, 120 w 5th st r same.
Spencer, B. F. stone-mason, bds City Dining Hall.
Spencer, F. W. barber, under Citizens Bank, r 510 York ave.
Spittler, M. clerk, bds A. J. Bolster's.
Sprague, Geo. W. contractor and builder, 715 Lincoln ave r 714 Platte ave.
Stache, E. harness, 503 and 505 Lincoln ave r 404 Lincoln ave.
Stafford, Miss Millie clerk W. R. Furman's, res same.
Stafford, Miss Leona res C. O. Wilcox'.
Stafford, Wm. feed stable 201 w 6th st r nw ter north 7th st.
Stafford, Oliver wks and resides same as above.
Stafford, Martin teamster,res same as above.
Stafford, Alvin wks Ittner's brick yard, res same as above.
Stalk, Chas. bds Blodgett house.
Stansberry Miss Viola res D. Hutchison.
Stark, A. M. Stark & Mosher, r 627 York ave.
Stark & Mosher (A. M. Stark, E. W. Mosher,) real estate loans and insurance, 106 w 6th street.
Steinbach, J. O. agent K. C. & O. R. R. Co.
Stephens, Thos. tailor, bds Nils Rosenolf.
Stephenson, Thos. wks M. B. Atkins, bds City Dining Hall.
Stephenson, Mrs. Emma wid washwoman, r 523 w 6th st.
Stevens, A. confectioner, 617 Lincoln ave res same.
Stevens, Austin laborer, bds G. J. Heath's.
Stewart, James H. r 223 e 11th st.
Stewart, Miss N. D. post office news depot, 120 e 5th st.
Stewart, J. O. wks Burr & VanTuyl, r 533 w 6th st.
Stiles, Miss Mattie domestic, H. W. Ragan's.
Stiles, H. gardner, r 92 Grant ave.
Stilson, L. D. real estate, r 1/2 mile south city. See Card.
Stinmetz, Chas. blacksmith, r 424 w 5th st.
Stoddard, John wks John Ittner's, bds Waverly house.
Stoddard, C. W. clerk, E. M. Cobb & Co., r 122 w 7th st.
Stohlberg, Miss Saima domestic, J. F. McConaughy's.
Stonecypher, N. J. laborer, r 664 e 10th st.
Stout, Oscar carpenter, bds Wyoming hotel.
Strade, Mrs. Stella M. r over 504 Grant ave.
Stratman, Miss Mary domestic, A. D. Wyckoff 's.
Strasser, J. M. Anderson & Strasser, r 603 Academy ave.
Strasser, Joseph laborer, bds J. M. Strasser.
Strawderman, John engineer, r 1010 East ave.
Stubbs, D. A. farmer, r 93 Platte ave.
Swedish church cor Platte ave and 8th St.
Sweet, F. W. laborer, r 558 w 7th St.
Sweet, E. E. drayman, r 558 w 7th St.
Swineford, Miss Maggie res Mrs. Swineford.
Swineford, Mrs. S. R. wid res over 1st Nat. bank.
Swanson, Swan r 521 E 8th St.
Swanson, Miss Annie domestic L. F. Southworth's.
Swanson, Gus. laborer, bds Waverly house.
Swartz, R. C. Meredith, Clapp & Swartz, r 427 Iowa ave.
Swartz, Mrs. Iry wid res R. C. Swartz.
Swartz, Rev. G. H. r n side 7th nr Cherry St.

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