Nebraska State Gazetteer, Business Directory and Farmers List for 1890-91
J. M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509-510 Paxton Block 1890 (Omaha, NE)
Entered according to act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J. M. Wolfe & Co.
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Bradshaw is on the line of the B.& M. R. R. In York county, nine miles west of York, the county seat. The country around is devoted to raising grain and rearing stock, for which it is well adapted. The shipments last year amounted to 650 cars of grain, mostly corn, and 400 cars of live stock. A large tank of considerable height in the center of the main street at the far end of the town is the reservoir for the towns water works. A dozen or so hydrants line the street and water comes from them with sufficient force to reach the highest building in the place, and cost about $900. Population, 400. Churches: Methodist, Christian, Congregational and Baptist. The G.A.R. have an organization here.
- Adams A J, live stock.
- Allen A R Dr, drugs.
- Barr House, J Knebler prop.
- Bohner George W, drugs.
- Bohner M M Mrs, millinery.
- Bradshaw Bank, capital $20,000, Wm Kerr pres, T M Shallenberger cashier, H G Shallenberger asst cashier.
- Brown Thomas, dry goods, shoes.
- Brumsey J A, real estate, justice.
- Byrnes Carl, barber.
- Byrnes R C, carpenter.
- Chapin Edw E, sta agt B & M R R
- DeWitt D M, livery.
- Dorsey George W, postmaster, confectionery.
- Eckerman Rev, pastor Christian church.
- Englehardt J T, clothing, dry goods, shoes.
- Fountain Joseph, painter.
- Gierens T A, livery.
- Gray & Son, blacksmiths, wagonmakers.
- Hankins H S, genl mdse.
- Heath A Z T, furniture.
- Jennings Edward, Painter.
- Keck George C, ins.
- Kline Andy, hardware.
- Klock W W, grain, coal.
- Kuebler John, prp Barr House.
- Linsley Austin, agl implts.
- Logan & Bice, millinery.
- McConnell & Kezar, barbers.
- Miller Alexander, auctioneer.
- Miller & Co, live stock.
- Moore Orville, phys.
- Moore S V, hardware.
- Morrison E Walter, harness maker.
- Noyes Arthur, carpenter.
- Palmer C B, groceries.
- Prescott W H Rev, pastor M E church.
- Reynolds Frank D, groceries.
- Sirrs John, meat market.
- Sirrs Thomas, live stock.
- Stratton James, carpenter.
- Stubbs Oscar A, coal, grain.
- Stubbs S C & Co. groceries.
- Tidball & Fuller, lumber, coal.
- Tighe Joseph, grain, coal.
- Tilden J H, justice.
- Truesdell A, notions.
- Truesdell, Colby & Son, live stock.
- Walrod F C, groceries and meat market.
- Wellman A W, washing machine mfr.
- Wirt G W & Bro, grain, coal
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