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Nebraska State Gazetteer, Business Directory and Farmers List for 1890-91
J. M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509-510 Paxton Block 1890 (Omaha, NE)

Entered according to act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J. M. Wolfe & Co.
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Farmer's List:
Gable Jas, Charleston.
Gaines Reuben, McCool Junc
Galaway D S, McCool Junc.
Galaway J J, McCool Junc.
Galaway Jos S,McCool Junc.
Galaway T M, McCool Junc.
Galaway W H, McCool Junc
Gallagher James, Lushton.
Gallagher Jas E, Lushton.
Gallagher W H, Lushton.
Galusha Chas, Exeter.
Galusha Frank, Exeter.
Galushu Fred, Exeter.
Galusha Geo, Exeter.
Galvin G A, York.
Galvin S P, York.
Galvin W W, York.
Ganz W J, Thayer.
Gardner Geo, Thayer.
Gardner J W, York.
Gardner T M, Waco.
Garner Curtis, Bradshaw.
Garner E C, York.
Garner Ed, York.
Garner Wm, York.
Garretson F M, Arborville.
Garrott Matt Benedict.
Garton M, Benedict.
Garver Saml S, Lushton.
Garwood Alden, Arborville.
Gastineau Henry,Charleston
Gausman Chas, Bradshaw.
Gebbers C, Bradshaw.
Gebbers C M, Bradshaw.
Geiger S P, Benedict.
Geiger W H, Waco.
Geiger Wm, Benedict.
Geiger Wm E, York.
Gemar Jacob, Sutton.
Gempler D, Farmers Valley.
George Daniel, Lushton.
George Edward, Thayer.
George Jacob E, Henderson.
George L, Henderson.
George Laura B, Henderson
George N M, York.
George W A, Thayer.
Gerhto Val, Charleston.
Gerris Chas, Exeter.
Gerris J B, McCool Junction
Gerris Jos jr, Exeter.
Gerris Jos sr, Exeter.
Getty R F, Waco.
Gewz Aug, Utica.
Geyser J J, Waco.
Glangue A T, Benedict.
Gibbers Henry, Bradshaw.
Gibbers Wm, Bradshaw.
Gibson Wm T, Benedict.
Giersdorf Jos, Bradshaw.
Gilbert Geo E, Benedict.
Gilbert J A, Waco.
Gilbert R N, Utica.
Gilbert S K, Benedict.
Gilbert Wm H, York.
Gill Wm, Gresham.
Gillam Jonathan, Waco.
Gillam Levi, Waco.
Gillan Alex, Cordova.
Gillan Robert L, Cordova.
Gillen John A, Blue Valley.
Gillett B F, Waco.
Gilmore A, Blue Valley.
Gilmore A J, Blue Valley.
Gilmore Chas, Blue Valley.
Gilmore Elias, Blue Valley.
Gilmore J H, Blue Valley.
Gilmore Jonas, Blue Valley.
Gilmore J W, Blue Valley.
Gilmore M, McCool Junction
Gilmore S, Blue Valley.
Gilmore Walter, Blue Valley
Gilmore W C, Blue Valley.
Gilmore W L, York.
Glade Henry, Henderson.
Gladson James, Arborville.
Glamy F M, Arborville.
Glasser John F, Bradshaw.
Gleim Edward, Gresham.
Gleim Ernest R, Gresham.
Gleim Geo, Gresham.
Gliesting Gerhard, Waco.
Gaben Wm T, McCool Junc.
Gocke Fred, Waco.
Gocke Gerhard, Blue Valley
Gocke Henry, Utica.
Gocke Wm, Blue Valley.
Goetzen Peter, Henderson.
Golden Wm, Charleston.
Gonsolus J H, Benedict.
Goodwin Enoch, Gresham.
Goosen Johann, Henderson.
Gordon D B, Gresham.
Gordon J H, Gresham.
Gordon W H, Gresham.
Gorham H H, Bradshaw.
Gorham H H, Charleston.
Gorham S C, Bradshaw.
Gorman Jos. Charleston.
Goudy Henry, Gresham.
Gould Wm H, York.
Graham A M, York.
Graham C, Benedict.
Graham C V, Benedict.

Graham David, York.
Graham H, Bradshaw.
Graham I, Bradshaw.
Graham Jas W, Bradshaw.
Graham John, McCool Junc.
Graham M, McCool Junc.
Graham R W, York.
Graham S W, Arborville.
Graham W R, York.
Grant Miron, Houston.
Grass Frank, Thayer.
Grass J E, Waco.
Grass W F, Lushton.
Grass W, Waco.
Graves Chas, McCool Junc.
Graves Daniel, Arborville.
Graves S A, Benedict.
Gray A L, York.
Gray Chas, Bradshaw.
Gray E L, Arborville.
Gray J C, Gresham.
Gray Geo J, Bradshaw.
Gray H C, Bradshaw.
Gray J S, Bradshaw.
Gray Thos, Bradshaw.
Green Abel, McCool Junc.
Green Benj, McCool Junc.
Green D S, York.
Green Enoch, McCool Junc.
Green Gilbert, Bradshaw.
Green L P, Benedict.
Green Martin, Waco.
Green Thos, Benedict.
Green Thos, McCool Junc.
Greenwood J H, Gresham.
Greer F J, Arborville.
Greer G M, McCool Junc.
Greer Harvey, Henderson.
Greer J A, Arborville.
Greer James McCool Junc.
Gregory A H, Benedict.
Gregory S R, York.
Greiss Henrich, Lushton.
Greiss Johann, Henderson.
Greiss John P, Lushton.
Griffon F P, Benedict.
Grobe Henry, Benedict.
Grueber Richard, Gresham.
Grueber Wm, Gresham.
Grun Chas F, Bradshaw.
Gunlach C F, Waco.
Gunlach Christian sr, Waco.
Gunlach John, Waco.
Gunnell John, Benedict.
Gunnell Louis, Benedict.
Gurnett J M, York.
Gustafson F A, York.

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