York County, Nebraska York Homepage

Nebraska State Gazetteer, Business Directory and Farmers List for 1890-91
J. M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509-510 Paxton Block 1890 (Omaha, NE)

Entered according to act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J. M. Wolfe & Co.
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Farmer's List:

Kabe Christian, Cordova.
Kaeding Aug, Blue Valley.
Kaeding Aug, York.
Kagg J M, McCool Junc.
Kagg L M, McCool Junc.
Kail G R, Exeter.
Kailey F, Farmers Valley.
Kaliff Aug, York.
Kaliff Johann, York.
Kalns J A, Benedict.
Kaltenborn H J, Waco.
Karre H, McCool Junc.
Kaspari Henry, York.
Kastner Wm, Henderson.
Kaufman Philip, York.
Kealiher M H, Arborville.
Keckley C R, York.
Keckley W H, Benedict.
Keefe C A, York.
Keefe Daniel, York.
Keefe John, McCool Junc.
Keefe John J, York.
Keefe Wm F, York.
Keeler Edward, Utica.
Keeler O D, Benedict.
Keeler W G, Benedict.
Keeley Wm, Waco.
Kelley W M, Waco.
Keith Adam, Gresham.
Keith G J, Benedict.
Keith W J, York.
Kelley Clark, Arborville.
Kelley J F, York.
Kelley J H, York.
Kelley R S, Blue Valley.
Kelly J R, Arborville.
Kelly Maggie,Utica.
Kelly Peter, Utica.
Kelsey Asa, Arborville.
Kelso John A, Cordova.
Kendig John S, Thayer.
Kendig R C, McCool Junc.
Kennedy Jas, Blue Valley.
Kennedy M P, Exeter.
Kennedy P, Blue Valley.
Kennedy T F, Waco.
Kenney M C, Waco.
Kent Daniel D, York.
Keny Chas, Henderson.
Kepner Geo L, Henderson.

Kerns Walter, Arborville.
Kerr J A, Cordova.
Kerwood J R, Charleston.
Kerwood S, Charleston.
Kestner C J, Utica.
Keyes A H, Thayer.
Keyes Geo D, Thayer.
Keyes M J, Thayer.
Kibble E T, Waco.
Kibble James, York.
Kibble N B, Waco.
Kibble W C, Waco.
Kibby J C, Thayer.
Kidd S A, Charleston.
Kilpatrick Jas, Waco.
King B, Bradshaw.
King W G, Waco.
King W W, Bradshaw..
Kingem Geo, Cordova.
Kingsley A L, York.
Kingsley Alex, York.
Kingsolver I M, Gresham.
Kingston J W, Arborville.
Kingston R C, Arborville.
Kinne Martin, Waco.
Kinney M J, Gresham.
Kinsey S M, Thayer.
Kiuyon Geo W, Benedict.
Kirbey Jas R, Gresham.
Kirbey T J, Gresham.
Kirbey Wm H, Gresham.
Kirk I B, Lushton.
Kirkpatrick J F, Charleston.
Kirkpatrick M H, Charleston.
Kisler Henry, Arborville.
Kisler Wm, Arborville.
Kittleberry Geo, Bradshaw.
Klane Wm F, Bradshaw.
Klein Peter, Utica.
Kleinholz H, Charleston.
Klinck D S, York.
Klinck F M, York.
Kline D H, Waco.
Kline Morris P, Thayer.
Kline P, Thayer.
Kline S C, Waco.
Klinefelter Dan, Arborville.
Klingenberg A, Lushton.
Klinzman L C, McCool Junc.
Klippinstein J, Henderson.
Klock W W, Bradshaw.
Klone Edward, York.
Klone Henry, York.
Klone H H, York.
Klone John, York.
Klump J B, York.
Knerr Chas, Stromsburg.
Kness C F, Exeter.
Knight O N, Henderson.
Knights T H, McCool Junc.
Knorr J B, Waco.
Knorr J J, Utica.
Knorr John, Waco.
Knorr T J, Blue Valley.
Knouse Robert, Gresham.
Koahn H W, Cordova.
Kobs Karl, Benedict.
Kohn T B, Benedict.
Kolff Cornelius, Arborville.
Koller Jos, Henderson.
Kolling C, York.
Kolling C H jr, York.
Konrad P B, McCool Junc.
Koons M G, Thayer.
Koons R C, Lushton.
Kornelcen Abe, Henderson.
Kornelcen G, Henderson.
Kornelcen J, Henderson.
Kottke G, Benedict.
Krabbe Auton, Lushton.
Krabbe H, Lushton.
Kreischer Carl P, Gresham.
Kremser Wm H, York.
Kroeker B, Henderson.
Kroeker G, Henderson.
Kroeker H H, Bradshaw.
Kroeker H M, Henderson.
Kroeker Jacob, Henderson.
Kroeker J I, Henderson.
Kroeker J jr, Henderson.
Krueger Geo, Gresham.
Krueger Henry, Gresham.
Kruze Franz, Blue Valley.
Kuch N, Blue Valley.
Kuch Nicholaus, Waco.
Kuebler David, Waco.
Kuebler J W, Waco.
Kuebler W H, Waco.
Kuns D C, McCool Junction.
Kuns J C, McCool Junction.

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