Farmer's List:
Nebraska State Gazetteer, Business Directory and Farmers List for 1890-91
J. M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509-510 Paxton Block 1890 (Omaha, NE)
Entered according to act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J. M. Wolfe & Co.
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Naber Burchard, Waco.
Naber D J, Waco.
Naber Diedrich, Waco.
Naber Fred Waco.
Naber H B, Waco.
Naber H F, Waco.
Naber J H, Waco.
Nachtigal Benj, Henderson.
Nahrgang J J, McCool Junc.
Nanfeld A C, Henderson.
Nash W B, Gresham.
Nears Jacob, Bradshaw.
Nelson John, Gresham.
Nelson M E, Waco.
Nelson Nels, York.
Nelson Rasmas G, York.
Nelson Swan, Gresham.
Neufeld O, Henderson.
Neufeld C, Charleston.
Neuhauser A, Blue Valley.
Neville James, York.Neville John, York.
Neville Jos, York.
Neville Wm, York.
Nevin Patrick, Utica.
Newburn A J, Bradshaw.
Newcomer Jos F, Thayer.
Newcomer Wm H, Benedict.
Newman John W, Bradshaw.
Newquist O N, Charleston.
Newton E L, Arborville.
Nicholas W A, McCool Junc
Nichols Wm R, Bradshaw.
Nichols W R, Waco.
Nickerson S H, Lushton.
Nikkel A J, York.
Nikkel Abraham, York.
Nikkel B H, Lushton.
Nilson John, York.
Ninn Milton, Arborville.
Nisley Frank, Benedict.
Nixon Eli, McCool Junction.Nixon Geo W, McCool Junc.
Nobes C J, York.
Noble Geo P, Bradshaw.
Noel H C, Bradshaw.
Noel Jacob, Utica.
Nolan L C, McCool Junction.
Norden Jonas York.
Norling Jonas, York.
Norquest Chris, York.
Norquest Jonas J, York.
Norquest P M, York.
Norris W D, Exeter.
Northingham C, Bradshaw.
Norton Leander, Charleston.
Nowack Fred, Utica.
Noyes C W, Bradshaw.
Nydagger C, Waco.
Nye W C, Gresham.
Nistrom Bengt, Waco.
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