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Nebraska State Gazetteer, Business Directory and Farmers List for 1890-91
J. M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509-510 Paxton Block 1890 (Omaha, NE)

Entered according to act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J. M. Wolfe & Co.
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Farmer's List:

Page H T, Gresham.
Paine Lucius B, Arborville.
Pankratz H jr, Henderson.
Pankratz Hein, Henderson.
Pankratz Jacob, Henderson.
Pankratz P A, Henderson.
Parker Chas G, Arborville.
Parker G R, Utica.
Parker John H, Thayer.
Parker O H, Thayer.
Parker G J, Benedict.
Parker Wm J, Benedict.
Parris F J, York.
Parry Robt, Benedict.
Parsons A, Bvr Crossing.
Parsons I N, Charleston.
Parsons R, Tucia.
Pasche B E Hampton.
Patard Celestine, Waco.
Patten Geo, Blue Valley.
Patten Ned, Thayer.
Patterson Geo W, York.
Patterson J G, Utica.
Paulsen John C, Cordova.
Paxson F M B, Bradshaw.
Payne Jesse O, Lushton.
Pearson Fred, Lushton.
Pearson Henry, Lushton.
Pearson Oliver, Charleston.
Peck J B, York.
Peck John H, Charleston.
Peck W O, Charleston.
Pegar Julius, Thayer.
Pelco W R, Bradshaw.
Pence Jas F, McCool Junc.
Pence Thos H, McCool Junc.
Pence W C, McCool Junc.
Penner C F, Lushton.
Penner C, Henderson.
Penner Franz, Lushton.
Penner Henry, Lushton.
Penner Jacob, Lushton.
Penners Isaac, Bradshaw.
Pennington L A, Charleston.
Pennington M F, McCool Jc.
Pennington M M, Lushton.
Perce B, McCool Junc.
Perce G D, McCool Junc.
Perry E M, York.
Perry E, York.
Peters C B, McCool Junc.
Peters C, Henderson.
Peters Daniel, Henderson.
Peters D D, Henderson.
Peters Dietrich, Henderson.
Peters D J, Henderson.
Peters I, Farmers Valley.
Peters J jr, Bradshaw.

Peters J sr, Bradshaw.
Peters Jacob, Lushton.
Peters Jacob, Bradshaw.
Peters J J, Henderson.
Peters John, Bradshaw.
Peters John, Henderson.
Peters Joseph, Waco.
Petersen A A, Arborville.
Petersen C, York.
Peterson Alb J, Arborville.
Peterson A P, Cordova.
Peterson Aug, Waco.
Peterson Chris, Cordova.
Peterson Chas, McCool Junc.
Peterson Geo, Bradshaw.
Peterson Jacob, Hampton.
Peterson Jacob, Cordova.
Peterson Jonas, Stromsburg.
Peterson Jonas, Benedict.
Peterson Mons, Bradshaw.
Peterson M P, Exeter.
Peterson Nils, Bradshaw.
Peterson Ole, Waco.
Peterson Peter H, Exeter.
Peterson Rasmus, Cordova.
Pettes S W, York.
Pettker Ger, Henderson.
Phelan Edward, York.
Phillippi R B, Benedict.
Phillipps L, Blue Valley.
Phillips R E, Lushton.
Philp H J, Bradshaw.
Phipps R W, York.
Pickrel C R, York.
Pickrel Harvey, York.
Pidgeon L W, Gresham.
Pieper Wm, Utica.
Pierce Nathaniel,Charleston
Pierson John, Waco.
Pierson Thos, Lushton.
Pittman C W, York.
Pittman T S, Waco.
Piper C W, Benedict.
Piper Henry J, Arborville.
Piper John, Arborville.
Piper Wm B, Arborville.
Plank M E, Bradshaw.
Plants D T, Thayer.
Plessinger C Arborville.
Plessinger Jos, Arborville.
Plett Cornelius, Lushton.
Poe J D, Henderson.
Poetker Heinrich, Henderson
Poffenberger H, York.
Pohl August, Thayer.
Pohl Wilhelm, Hampton.
Polehn Frank, Gresham.
Poole N E, Houston.
Poor Henry, York.
Poor Wm, Bradshaw.
Pope Nathaniel, Bradshaw.
Porch Jos H, York.
Porter F, McCool Junction.
Porter Jas R, Benedict.
Porter Thos H, York.
Post C H, York.
Powell C, Beaver Crossing.
Powell I S, Exeter.
Powell M, Beaver Crossing.
Powell R T, York
Powell Wm V, Benedict.
Powers Jacob, Charlleston.
Powers James, Henderson.
Powers John L, Henderson.
Powers Sanford, Charleston.
Pozehl Fred, Gresham.
Prather J W, Waco.
Prather Thos C, Thayer.
Prest J E, McCool Junction.
Prest R, McCool Junction.
Prewitt J S, McCool Junc.
Prewitt Ora G, York.
Prewitt W M, Waco.
Price David, Thayer.
Price Edward, Benedict.
Price F P, Waco.
Price J A, Exeter.
Price J J, Waco.
Price Martin, York.
Price Richard B, Thayer.
Price Thos, Thayer.
Price W H, York.
Price Wm, Thayer.
Priday P, Benedict.
Pries Chas, York.
Prichard T B, Bradshaw
Pritchard J jr, McCool Junc
Pritchard John, Exeter.
Pritchard Thos, Exeter.
Pritchard Wm, Exeter.
Prohaska A, Charleston.
Pruner D H, Blue Valley.
Pryce Richard, Thayer.
Purinton D E, Waco.
Purinton W F, Utica.
Pursel O J, Lushton.
Pursel G C, Lushton.
Pursel J E, McCool Junction
Pursel J S, Lushton.
Pursel Peter H, Lushton.
Pyle C A, Arborville.
Pyle John B, Arborville.
Pyle Milton R, Arborville.
Pyott H G, Blue Valley.
Pyott James, Blue Valley.

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