York County, Nebraska York Homepage

Nebraska State Gazetteer, Business Directory and Farmers List for 1890-91
J. M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509-510 Paxton Block 1890 (Omaha, NE)

Entered according to act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J. M. Wolfe & Co.
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Farmer's List:

Sackschewski A, Thayer.
Saddoris Fred D, York.
Sailsberry Wm K, Houston.
Salmen Caspar, Lushton.
Salmon John, York.
Samatzky J, Bradshaw.
Samuelson Chas, York.
Samuelson John, Benedict.
Samuelson Wm C, York.
Sand T H B, Arborville.
Sandall Andrew L, York.
Sandall Chas M, York.
Sandall C J, York.
Sandall H M, York.
Sandall John G, York.
Sandall John Z, York.
Sandall Jonas P, York.
Sanders Rufus, Blue Valley.
Sanderson Wm A, York.
Sarver Henry A, York.
Savage E T, Arborville.
Sawyer C A, Bradshaw.
Sawyer S, McCool Junc.
Sayre J, Waco.
Scalph Alfred, Henderson.
Scharfenburg F K, Charleston.
Scharfenburg H, Charleston.
Schark Henry, Utica.
Scheele Henry, Waco.
Scheirling John, Henderson.
Scheirling Jacob, Bradshaw.
Schlechte Carl, Blue Valley.
Schlechte Henry, Utica.
Schlechte Lewis, Utica.
Schlenning Adam, Exeter.
Schmidt Heinrich, York.
Schmidt H W, Gresham.
Schmor J jr, Henderson.
Schmor John Henderson.
Schnebly H H, Blue Valley.
Schneider H, Henderson.
Schneider Jacob, Lushton.
Schneider John, Henderson.
Schnelier Simeon, Cordova.
Schneringer F, Bradshaw.
Schonhoff P, Henderson.
Schreiber S, Benedict.
Schroeder S, Lushton.
Schultz H W, Waco.
Schumacher A, York.
Schumacher F, York.
Schuster C, Arborville.
Schwab P H, Lushton.
Schwarting Henry, Waco.
Scott John, Gresham.
Scott Walter, Benedict.
Scruby Chas, Fairmont.
Seaman A S, Waco.
Seaman D W, Waco.
Seaman J A, Waco.
Seaman S, Waco.
Search Wm, Lushton.
Search Wm B, Lushton.
Sears L D, Benedict.
Seeger Chas, Exeter.
Seeley John, Lushton.
Selbert John, Lushton.
Selbert Peter, Lushton.
Selgrist J R, Gresham.
Selby Wm T, Thayer.
Senff A, Bradshaw.
Senff Carl, Hampton.
Sephens Edward, Waco.
Sessler J F, Waco.
Sessler J F, Blue Valley.
Sessler J L, Waco.
Sewert Wm, Waco.
Shackelford M J, York.
Shackel H, Blue Valley.
Shafer A W, Arborville.
Shaffer Geo, McCool Junc.
Shaffer Harvey, Waco.
Shambaugh A J, Bradshaw.
Shambaugh M L, Bradshaw.
Shaner Stuart, Lushton.
Shannon J A, Blue Valley.
Shannon Wm J, Blue Valley
Shapland J K, Benedict.
Shapland John, Benedict.
Sharp B F, York.
Sharp Chas E, York.
Shark Fred K, York.
Shause J H, Thayer.
Shaw Frank, McCool Junc.
Shaw John, York.
Shaw John B, Bradshaw.
Shaw J S, Houston.
Sheldon H S, Bradshaw.
Sheldon O P, Bradshaw.
Shepard Rowlen, Lushton.
Shepard R S, Lushton.
Shepardson Geo, York.
Sherman J F, Gresham.
Sherman M C, Gresham.
Shetler Jerry, McCool Junc.
Shibley John, Benedict.
Shiley S L, Benedict.
Shipley A, Lushton.

Shipley Jefferson, McCool Jc
Shipley L, McCool Junc.
Shipp James, York.
Shirly T J, Utica.
Shockey Fred, Arborville.
Shonek Gustav, Thayer.
Shonek R, Thayer.
Shrigley H H, Arborville.
Shuknecht C, Gresham.
Shuknecht John, Gresham.
Shultz F A, Waco.
Shultz L D, Waco.
Shuman Jeremiah, Lushton.
Shurlock P, Charleston.
Sidwell L M, Benedict.
Sills John, Fairmont.
Simmons A C, Bradshaw.
Simmons A D, Arborville.
Simmons B R, York.
Simmons H A, Exeter.
Simmons I A, Bradshaw.
Simmons N, Bradshaw.
Simmons Wm F, Arborville.
Simpson T C, Stromsburg.
Simpson W N, Benedict.
Sing W W, McCool Junc.
Sirrs Thos, Bradshaw.
Sivers Alfred, Benedict.
Skadden Clark, Waco.
Skadden J D, Waco.
Skinner Wm F, York.
Sloan David, McCool Junc.
Sloan Elmer, McCool Junc.
Sloan Theodore,McCool Junc
Sloniger G E, Lushton.
Sloniger J M, Lushton.
Sloniger O P, Lushton.
Small John, York.
Small Robt, York.
Small James, York.
Small J D P, York.
Smasal Jos, Charleston.
Smith A A, McCool Junction
Smith Abe, Lushton.
Smith Alex, Blue Valley.
Smith C A, Benedict.
Smith Chas M, McCool Junc.
Smith E C, Arborville.
Smith E D, Waco.
Smith E E, McCool Junction.
Smith Fred, Arborville.
Smith Henry, Arborville.
Smith Henry, Lushton.
Smith I M, Arborville.
Smith Jacob, York.
Smith James H, York.
Smith J C, McCool Junction.
Smith J F, Waco.
Smith John, McCool Junc.
Smith Jos E, Bradshaw.
Smith Jos P, York.
Smith J W, Waco.
Smith Levi J, McCool Junc.
Smith Lewis L, Arborville.
Smith Saml L, Exeter.
Smith Thos W, McCool Junc.
Smith W J, York.
Smith Wm, Thayer.
Snow B O, Waco.
Snyder Caspar, Lushton.
Snyder Chas W, McCoolJunc
Snyder G M, Benedict.
Snyder Philip, Lushton.
Soelter Henry, McCool Junc
Sommers W E, Waco.
Somer A C, Waco.
Sorrick L S, York.
Sorrill Wm York.
Southard Fred, York.
Sowers DW, Beaver Crossing
Sowers D W, Blue Valley.
Spackman C S, Bradshaw.
Sparling Chris Benedict.
Sparling R J, Benedict.
Spelman Chas E York.
Spelman Chas S, Charleston.
Spelman G E, York.
Spelman Seymour, York.
Spelman Willie, Charleston.
Spencer W J, Waco.
Spenst Frank, Henderson.
Spittler Amos, Arborville.
Spoerl Fred, Henderson.
Spohr Chas, Utica.
Spratt F P, York.
Spratt Robt, Thayer.
Stack Jas T, Bradshaw.
Stafren E J, Waco.
Stager Fred, Gresham.
Stahr Carsten, Wadco.
Stahr Diedrich, Waco.
Stahr Henry, Waco.
Stahr John, Waco.
Stahr Wm, Utica.
Stall Chas, Utica.
Stambaugh G A, McCool Jc.
Stambaugh G W, McCool Jc.
Stambaugh J W, McCool Jc.
Stammers L S, Exeter.
Standfield David, Bradshaw.
Standing Geo W, Arborville.
Stanley J A, McCool Junc.
Stanley O A, McCool Junc.
Stanton J, McCool Junction.
Stark Chas H, McCool Junc.
Stark J H, York.
Stark Simeon, Bradshaw.
Statts J R, Gresham.
Stauffer C T, Arborville.
Stauffer Isaac, York.
Steadman C, Bradshaw.
Steepleton F M, York.
Steepleton Fred, York.
Steffen Alto, Waco.
Steffen Aug, Waco.
Steffen Ferdinand, Waco.
Steffen F O, Waco.
Steffen Frank, Waco.
Steffen Fritz, Gresham.
Steffen Herman, Utica.
Stephens A P, McCool Junc.
Stephens J F, McCool Junc.
Stephens Richard, Waco.
Stern D M, McCool Junction
Sterry Hans, Gresham.
Steube A, McCool Junction.
Steube Andrew, Lushton.
Stevens Austin, Benedict.
Stevens D P, Waco.
Stevens F S, Waco.
Stevens J A, Waco.
Stevens J L, Waco.
Stevens R B, Bennett.
Stevens S B, Waco.
Stevens W I, Waco.
Stewart J B, Benedict.
Stewart John, Waco.
Stewart John, McCool Junc.
Stewart J P, Benedict.
Stewart N W, Benedict.
Stewart R C, Benedict.
Stewart Wm sr,Waco.
Stewart Wm jr, Thayer.
Steyer Grant, Exeter.
Steyer Henry, Exeter.
Steyer Levi, Exeter.
Stickle C W, Gresham.
Stilson E L, York.
Stint Diedrich, Waco.
Stitzel W H, Bradshaw.
StJohn Frank D, York.
Stockberger Geo, York.
Stockburger W, Arborville.
Stockton S, Lushton.
Stockton W F, Benedict.
Stoddard E A, Benedict.
Stoddard J M, Benedict.
Stoker R D, Bradshaw.
Stollar H S, Lushton.
Stollar John, Lushton.
Stone August, Gresham.
Storm J E, Arborville.
Stout Abner, Bradshaw.
Stout Jacob M, Arborville.
Stout John A, Arborville.
Strickler H D, Arborville.
Strickler Joseph, Waco.
Strickler J W, Waco.
Strickler Mark, Waco.
Strickler Saml, Waco.
Strickler T J, Waco.
Strickler W M, Waco.
Striker S P, Benedict.
Strinz J B, Utica.
Stubbs D A, Bradshaw.
Stubbs H F, Bradshaw.
Stubbs O A, Bradshaw.
Stubbs S C, Bradshaw.
Stuck F M, McCool Junction
Stuck Wm, McCool Junction
Stumer E, York.
Sturgeon James, York.
Sukin Abraham, Lushton.
Sukkan A, Lushton.
Suley H B, McCool Junction
Sullivan Wm, Cordova.
Summers J A, Bradshaw.
Summers Wm W, York.
Surface T K, McCool Junc.
Sutton E E, York.
Sutton Z W, York.
Southard Fred, York.
Swalks Jos, Henderson.
Swalley Hiram, Benedict.
Swan A W, York.
Swan M L, Charleston.
Swanson A P, Bradshaw.
Swanson Gust, Charleston.
Swanson John, Gresham.
Swanson N B, Charleston.
Swanson Oscar, Bradshaw.
Swanson Solomon, Gresham
Swanson Swan, York.
Sweltzer Jas J, Thayer.
Switzer Parker, Bradshaw.
Sypher Geo K, Lushton.

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