Nebraska State Gazetteer, Business Directory and Farmers List for 1890-91
J. M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509-510 Paxton Block 1890 (Omaha, NE)
Entered according to act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J. M. Wolfe & Co.
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Gresham, a station on the F. E. & M. V. R. R. Is located in the northeastern part of York county, about 1 miles from York, the county seat. Population, 300. The shipments of 1,000 car loads of grain, and 200 car load of live stock from Gresham during the past year indicates the properous conditon of the neighboring country. The churches are Presbyterian, United Brethern and Methodist.
- Bader Gustave, carpenter.
- Bank of Gresham, G W Post pres, E E Post cashier.
- Barbee S A, meat market.
- Bennett E D & J, livery.
- Blodgett J J, farm machinery.
- Bose John, bee hive mfr.
- Bristol C S, agl implts.
- Brown Mary Miss, Millinery.
- Byers & Dullum, hardware.
- Carlisle Bros. Genl mdse.
- Davidson & Son, grain, coal, live stock.
- David D S Rev, pastor M E church,
- Elwood S H, insurance.
- Fuller E & G, hardware, genl mdse.
- Fuller Ernest, justice, notary.
- Fuller George II, pumps, windmills, well borer.
- Gill Wm, mason.
- Gordon J A, feed mill.
- Gresham Hotel, Mrs. S Horn prop.
- Greshm Review, S R Rhodes pub.
- Hawley A A, furniture.
- Hirsch R S, phys.
- Kingsolver & Reed, drugs.
- Kreischer & Co, genl mdse.
- Lash S P, restaurant.
- Landenklos Alexander, blacksmith.
- Marvel & Raikes, blacksmith.
- Merritt G W, horse breeder.
- Moberly L, sewing machines, musical instruments.
- Nelson A M Miss, dressmaker.
- Oakes S C & Co, lumber.
- Polehn F R, carpenter.
- Rhodes Samuel R, pub Gresham Review, postmaster.
- Rammel Edward, barber.
- Sharp B F Rev, pastor Presbyterian church.
- Sherman J F, sta agt, F E & M V R R.
- Sherman M C, jeweler.
- Walford, Haines & Co, grain, live stock.
- Walford & Imm, genl mdse.
- Weltzel Frederick, harness.
- Wemple E A, justice, ins.
- Williams A C G Miss, pastor United Brethern church
- Yates S R, billiard hall.
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