Nebraska State Gazetteer, Business Directory and Farmers List for 1890-91
J. M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509-510 Paxton Block 1890 (Omaha, NE)
Entered according to act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J. M. Wolfe & Co.
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York, this energetic and prosperous city with a population of 4,500, is located at the geographical center and is the county seat of York county. The location is auspicious and the site most beautiful. The business portion of the city is situated in the valley of the Beaver, which at this point extends back about a mile from the stream, and from which the ground rises on all sides by a gentle slope, to an eminence overlooking some of the business portion of the city. Upon this elevated ground, and confronting each other across the valley, are many fine, costly and elegant residences. The country surrounding York is exceedingly rich, highly cultivated and productive. Three great railroads entering here, give the city superior railway facilities. They are The Nebraska City to Newcastle branch of the B. & M. R. R., the Fairbury and Stromsburg branch of the U. P. Ry., and the York and Hastings line of the F. E. & M. V. R. R. A street railway connects the two depots. The business part of the city is lighted by electricity. The improvements made during a comparatively short time are extraordinary. The court house, a very imposing brick and stone edifice, cost $76,000; the Masonic block $50,000, Central block $35,000, a school building $25,000, a new brick hotel, the LeGrand, B Crabb & Co, proprietors, cost $25,000, the Methodist church $20,000, the Presbyterian church $15,000 and private residences to the value of over $75,000. The college of the United Brethren has recently been removed from Gibbon to this place, and will soon erect suitable buildings. The York Foundry & Engine Co, do a large and increasing business in mill and elevator supplies, engines, boilers, etc.; the steam roller mills have a capacity of 80 barrels per day; a canning factory in active operation has a capacity of 500,000 cans, a water power mill, four steam elevators, and two more about to be built, two brick yards, three printing offices, two extensive nurseries, a fence factory, marble works and various other industries are in active operation; also a number of hotels and two banks. Two daily papers are published here, the York News and the Times, and several weeklies. A number of fine churches have been erected. The denominations represented are the Congregational, Lutheran, Methodist, Christian, Catholic, Baptist, Swedish Evangelical and Free Church. Societies: G. A. R., A. F. & A. M., R. A. M., I. O G. T., I. O. O. F., M. W. A., A. O. U. W., K. of L., K. of P. and W. R. C.
- Allen A A, carpenter.
- Allen James T, confectionery.
- Armstrong & Cowan, dry goods.
- Armstrong James, blacksmith.
- Atkins M B, furniture.
- Badger E B, notary.
- Baer Chas, furniture.
- Bagg R A, feed stable.
- Bagnell W H, drugs.
- Baher I A, news depot.
- Baldwin & Wyckoff, abstracts, loans.
- Ball W K & Son, lumber.
- Ballard & Laird, barbers.
- Barnett O, pianos and organs.
- Basom & Bamgrove, props York News.
- Beaver Valley Poultry Yard, R C Swartz prop.
- Behling & Hawthorne, clothing.
- Bell J M, groceries.
- Bell & Miller, loans, ins, real estate.
- Bennett T E, atty.
- Bever & Wagner, contractors.
- Bick John, carpenter.
- Bissell Aron, groceries.
- Blodget A, prop Blodget House.
- Blodget House, A Blodget prop.
- Bloomer A F, prop York County Lumber Co.
- Bloom R H, fence mkr, agl implets.
- Bohn Peter, meat market.
- Bolles Chas, meat market.
- Boyer & Troutman, drugs.
- Boynton C M, grain dealer.
- Briley James M, pumps, etc.
- Bringham C W, laundry.
- Brooks W S, shoemaker.
- Brown & Giller, contractors.
- Brumer J B, laundry.
- Burr Geo F, agl impls.
- Carnahan J C, atty.
- Burr Geo F, agl implts.
- Chaney A Z, feed stable.
- Chessman G P, prop York creamery.
- Chilcote & Co, groceries.
- Chittenden C M, editor Gazette and Register.
- Christman T F, loans.
- Clappen A F, confectionery.
- Clark & Beveridge, meat market.
- Clark Perry, prop Farmers House.
- Clark W L, livery.
- Cobb E M & Co, dry goods.
- Cochran Wm, jewelry.
- Codding A B, ins.
- Codding & Weaver, loans.
- Coles R J, groceries.
- Colling D J, dry goods, etc.
- Colling George, wagonmaker.
- Conaughy Robert, phys.
- Conoway J B, phys.
- Conner, sta agt B & M R R,
- Cooding A B, surveyor.
- Corcoran George F, editor and proprietor York Democrat.
- Cowell J H, ins.
- Cowell W H, atty and ins.
- Cowell W M, atty.
- Crabb B & Co, props Le Grand Hotel.
- Daggy F B, real estate.
- Dale P W, confectionery.
- Dale P W Mrs, dressmaker.
- Daniels O J, prop Broadway House.
- David & Kildow, marble works.
- Davidson J M, grain elevator.
- Davis J N, phys.
- Davis T L & Co, dry goods.
- Dayton & Frank, props York Republican.
- Dean N A, second-hand goods.
- Deefenbaugh N A, painter.
- Dennis H J, wood turning.
- Detreck H M, postmaster.
- Dever J L, restaurant.
- Dever S K, barber.
- Dieffenbacher J A, dentist.
- Dillon F M, jeweler.
- Doerffel H, cigar mft.
- Dorr E H, drugs.
- Downie George F, practical machinist, machine work of all kinds including patterns, models, forging, etc, shop north of B & M Depot. (See adv page 558.)
- Dufford W H, flour and feed.
- Earl & Bishop, prop, The St. Elmo Hotel.
- Edwards C S, grain, coal, live stock.
- Eisen A, merchant tailor.
- Elarth P N, musical mdse.
- Elliott O A, notions.
- Estevelt M Mrs, notions.
- Ewen & Butler, dry goods.
- Farley B F, phys.
- Farmer & Merchants Bank. capital $50,000, E E Brown pres, C E Waite vice pres, J P Hebard cashier.
- Faulkner A G, phys.
- Fender W H, livery.
- Ferguson Samuel, livery.
- First National Bank, capital $50,000, T O Bell pres, F Baldwin vice pres, H C Kleinschmidt, cashier.
- Fisher A R Mrs, millinery.
- Foristall D E, phys.
- France George B, atty.
- Frank M C, atty and justice.
- Frickey J B, pumps and windmills.
- Froid O, boots and shoes.
- Furman W R, bakery.
- Garternicht F, soda water mfr.
- Gazette & Register, C M Chiltenden ed.
- Gilbert E A, atty and justice.
- Gould W H, wagonmaker,
- Graham & Tenney, pumps, and windmills.
- Griffin S C, vice pres York Foundry and Engine Co, (See adv page
- Hacker R W, candy mfr.
- Hamlin C H, loans.
- Harlan & Harlan, attys.
- Harrison W & Bro, props Harrison Nursery Co.
- Hatfield T J, dentist.
- Heislar D, broom mfr.
- Helslar & Collier, carpenters.
- Hendricks May Miss, millinery.
- Hicks A D, billiards.
- Hix M, blacksmith.
- Holden Wm, carriage painter.
- Hopkins Geo, clothing.
- Houston L, cigar mfr.
- Huffman Jasper, real estate.
- Hunter R V & Co, hardware.
- Hutchins Cyrus, real estate.
- Hyde G S, prop Waverly House.
- Iliff Geo, restaurant.
- Ittner Jno, brick mfr.
- Jerome G H & Co, drugs.
- Jones Charles W, barber.
- Jones F J, loans and groceries.
- Keilbert Joseph, merchant tailor.
- Kilner J C, pres York Foundry & Engine Co. (See adv page 557).
- Kilner P A, sec and mgr York Foundry & Engine Co. (See adv page 557).
- Kingsley J C, loans.
- Knapp & Ryan, drugs.
- Kneeshaw W C, harness.
- Knott John S, genl mdse.
- Lacey W H, abstracter (Sovereign & Lacey).
- Laird George, drayman.
- Lee Wm, photographer.
- Le Grande Hotel, B Crabb Co. (See adv page 557).
- Lennox J, coal.
- Leslie C F, contractor and builder.
- Lininger & Metcalf Co, A J Bolster mgr.
- Linn, Harrison & Co, lumber.
- Lloyd C P, abstracts.
- Lloyd J A, photographer.
- Lueders Gustav, groceries.
- McCloud C A, loans.
- McGinnis R W, sta, tel and ex agt.
- Mack W, flour and feed.
- Mansfield S E, groceries and bakery.
- Marshall B F jr, carriage repository.
- Meehan Bros, boots and shoes.
- Meeker Merton, atty.
- Meissner C L, dry goods.
- Meredith, Clopp & Swartz, barbers.
- Metcalf & Wood, grain, live stock.
- Miller G W, merchant tailor.
- Miller J P, auctioneer.
- Miller N, carpenter.
- Miller Wm, second-hand goods.
- Montgomery A C, atty, notary.
- Montgomery & Colton, props York Roller Mills.
- Moore D T, atty.
- Morgan & Green, carpenters.
- Morrison Joseph, coal.
- Nebraska National Bank, capital $50,000, E Davis pres, F F Mead vice-pres, N M Ferguson cashier.
- Newman A J, pension agt.
- New York Auction Co, genl mdse.
- Niles & Fuller, billiards.
- Nobes C F, loans.
- Nobes C J, real estate.
- Nugent John, cigar mfr.
- Olson I, tailor.
- O'Neal T M, meat market.
- Page H C, grocers.
- Paley John, loans and collections.
- Parmelee A & Co, hardware.
- Perry S C Mrs, prop Windsor Hotel.
- Porter H I, plumber.
- Pruitt A G, commission.
- Rae Robert, florist.
- Ragan N D, photographer.
- Reed J D, atty.
- Reynold W F, phys.
- Rick & Son, bed spring mfr.
- Ritger Philip, agl implts.
- Rosendorf Nils, tailor.
- Ross & Co, meat market.
- Rothman Lewis, sign painter.
- St Elmo Hotel (The), Earl & Bishop props.
- Sampson Sisters Misses, dressmakers
- Scott & McClelland, groceries.
- Sedgwick D E, phys.
- Sedgwick & Power, attys.
- Sedgwick T E, pub York Times.
- Seeley Z L, painter.
- Seymour B, junk dealer.
- Seymour & Maylard, agl implts.
- Sheeks I H, coal.
- Shepardson H C, coal.
- Shidler G W, phys.
- Shindle W H, bakery.
- Simmonds & Devine, livery.
- Smith E C, real estate.
- Smith Ira A, jewelry.
- Snodgrass Louis, groceries.
- Snow A L, loans.
- Snyder A C, hardware, groceries.
- Southworth L F, livery.
- Sovereign & Lacey (M Sovereign, W H Lacey), abstracts of titles, real estate, loans and insurance.
- Sovereign M, ex-county clerk (Sovereign & Lacey).
- Spencer A H, carriage painter.
- Stache Ernest, harness.
- Stafford Wm, livery.
- Stark & Mosher, real estate.
- Stilson & Worley, pubs York Star.
- Swartz O D, drugs.
- Taylor W M, veterinary surgeon.
- Tilden N F, blacksmith.
- Torrance M, restaurant.
- Tucker Sarah Miss, dressmaker.
- Wagner F S, groceries.
- Walker C E, mgr York Telephone Exchange.
- Ward A C, loans.
- Warner E A, coal and ice.
- Weaver Edith Mrs, dressmaking.
- Weldman & Rainboldt, attys.
- Westervelt P J, shoemaker.
- Whedon F L, groceries.
- Whedon W L, jeweler.
- White & Ingrey, ins.
- White J D, notary.
- Wickman Charles, groceries.
- Wildman M M, justice.
- Williams W K, mayor, clothing.
- Winne J G, ins.
- Wirt Bros. grain elevator.
- Woods E B, clothing.
- Woolard W S, atty.
- Woolman C M C, ins.
- Wray & Johnson, blacksmiths.
- Wruck & Behling, boots, shoes.
- Wyckoff A D, rubber stamps.
- York Auction Co, A L Gray mgr, genl mdse.
- York Building and Loan Assn, R Rae sec.
- York Canning Co, E A Butterfield pres.
- York Democrat, George F. Corcoran editor and prop.
- York Foundry and Engine Company, J C Kilner pres, S C Grippin vice-pres, P A Kilner sec and mgr. (See adv page 557.)
- York National Bank, Geo W Post pres, J C Kingsley vice-pres, Lee Love cashier.
- York Republican, Dayton & Frank props.
- York Roller Mills, Montgomery & Colton props.
- York Star, J C Worley pub.
- York Street Railway Co, H L Love
- York Telephone Exchange, C E Walker mgr.
- York Times, T E Sedgwick prop.
- York Water Works, Robt McGowan mgr.
- Young Mens Christian Assn, E A Ford sec.
- Ziegler G O, dentiat.
- Zimmerer Carl, genl mdse.
- Zimmerer E V, hardware.
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