Metz Mortuary Death Records
York, Nebraska
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Clarence J. Able
- Birth date and place were not recorded
- Father was Peter Able; mother's name was not recorded
- Marriage fields were blank
- Died on July 4, 1918 at Waco, Nebraska; age was not recorded
- Residence at death was Waco, Nebraska
- Funeral information was not recorded
- Burial was at Waco Cemetery, Waco, Nebraska
- Survivors were not recorded
Neva E. Able
- Born on January 4, 1870 at Harrison County, Indiana
- Father was Alfred Grass; mother was Indiana Macmonigal
- Married Pete Able; no other marriage information was recorded
- Died on May 31, 1935 at Waco, Nebraska; age 65
- Residence at death was Waco, Nebraska
- Funeral was held at the Methodist Church, Waco, Nebraska
- Burial was at Waco Cemetery, Waco, Nebraska
- Survivors were not recorded
Peter Able
- Born on January 30, 1867 at Harrison County, Indiana
- Father was William Able; mother was Charlotte Evans
- Married Neva Able; no other marriage information was recorded
- Died on September 22, 1937 at Waco, Nebraska; age 70
- Residence at death was Waco, Nebraska
- Funeral was held at the Methodist Church, Waco, Nebraska
- Burial was at Waco Cemetery, Waco, Nebraska
- Survivors were not recorded
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