THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY of RAVENNA resides in the city of Ravenna, Buffalo County, Nebraska. It is a non-profit organization that strives to collect and preserve history of its local area. The
local area is considered to be the boundaries of the Ravenna School District containing the
defined communities of Ravenna, Hazard, Sweetwater, Luce, St. Michael, and Poole. Undefined
communities in the local area are Sodtown, Majors, Nantasket/Trocnov, South Ravenna, Hayestown,
Dry Creek, Sartoria, Pool Siding, Berg, Waters, Waltham, and Paris.
The Historical Society of Ravenna maintains a collection at its Historical center, located at 210
Grand Avenue, Ravenna, Nebraska. Items in the collection are displayed on a rotating basis,
including images, objects, books, and textiles. Also part of the collection, are family histories
from the local area. Some volunteer researchers may be able to provide assistance on a time
available basis. Contributions for these services are greatly appreciated.
THE ROOT CELLAR, the official newsletters for the Ravenna Historical Society contain information
about our monthly meeting presentations and the activities of the society.
The Historical Society of Ravenna is open by appointment only. Arrangements may be made to visit
by contacting Valerie Vierk.
Please feel free to contact us by mail, e-mail or telephone:
Valerie Vierk, contact person/researcher
Historical Society of Ravenna
210 Grand Avenue
Ravenna, NE 68869

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