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NEGenWeb Project - Dakota County
Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940
Elizabeth H. Neiswanger
THE region now known as Dakota County has figured in accounts of the earliest explorers who visited the middle west. Coronado, the Spaniard who explored Nebraska in 1541, reported, "Here I found plums, such as I have seen in Spain, walnuts and excellent ripe grapes." It is plausible that he was describing the fertile land which is now Dakota County, for it has the oldest, largest walnut trees in the state, and also has plums and grapes. A number of the walnut trees have been found to be 428 years old and Coronado could have gathered walnuts from them 399 years ago. Father Marquette, French priest and explorer, accurately traced the Missouri river at this point on a map drawn in 1673.
When the region which is now the middle west became United States property through the Louisiana Purchase, the Lewis and Clark expedition was sent to explore the newly acquired territory. The explorers began ascending the Missouri May 14, 1804, and reached what is now Dakota County Aug. 13 of the same year. They left the river and camped north of what is now the Sam Deering or Parker farm. This camp was the explorers' headquarters for some time while they met with the Indians and investigated the surrounding country.
While waiting for the Indians to gather, the men went down the Omaha creek to where beavers had dammed it. Making a drag of willow branches, they caught 318 fish of some eleven varieties, along with some shrimp. They also found duck and plover on this pond. Pioneers remember when Omaha creek, instead of flowing into the Missouri as it does today, extended east of the Rathbun and Bliven farms, merging into a large pond.
On Aug. 18, the white men held council with Little Thief, Big Horse and six other Indian chiefs. It was a hot summer day, and the group gathered beneath the shade of five large cottonwoods on ground which was later covered by the Missouri. After the meeting the expedition continued northward. When passing the site of Dakota City, Sergeant Charles Floyd became seriously ill. He died a short time later as they reached eastern shore and was buried atop a high bluff there. Floyd river was named for him and now a tall stone monument marks his grave.
The county is well supplied with good building stone and sand for plaster, as well as excellent quality clay for pottery or bricks. In 1859 C. F. Eckhart and J. B. Ziegler started a pottery in Dakota County. Two years later the building burned, but was rebuilt and continued operations for several years until the Missouri covered their clay source.
From the Missouri's eastern shore adventurous settlers made trips into Dakota County early in the fifties. Some of them were John Arteaux, Tom Griffey, Gustave Pecaut, William H. James, Leonard Bates, William I. Madden, Henry Ream. Despite these exploratory trips, it was not until 1855 that the first claim was staked by George T. Woods, accompanied by William Armell, and two Blackfoot Indians. A year later a party of settlers crossed the turgid river from Woodbury, and joined Father Jeremiah Tracy and Brother John at what is now St. Johns.
In response to a petition signed by Dr. J. D. Crockwell and thirty-one others, the first territorial legislature passed an act organizing Dakota County, naming Dakota City the county seat. In 1859 Dixon County was created from part of Dakota, and in later years other portions of Dakota County went into the creation of Sarpy and Thurston Counties. Half of the county is Missouri river bottom land, the rest consists of uplands and valleys. Bluffs extend diagonally across the county from northwest to southeast.
Dr. Crockwell was granted a ferry franchise in February, 1855, and that year carried over the river Jesse Wigle, the first settler to bring his family to Dakota County. They planned to stay and brought along their household effects. Among other well known pioneers arriving that same (sic) year were Harlan Baird, Moses Kreps, Abraham Hirsch, A. H. Baker, William Cheney, Joseph Brannan, Horace Dutton, George L. Boals, B. F. Chambers, Leonard Bates and Thomas L. Griffey.
These pioneers seemed to have a mania for laying out new town sites. At one time ten towns along the Missouri river from Blyburg to Ponca contained over 10,000 acres. After the early boom, only two survived: Dakota City and Covington.
Omadi, first of these towns to be plotted, was five miles south of Dakota City on the Missouri. From a beginning of three settlers living in a log cabin, the town grew to a population of 400. George T. Woods, one of the original three, built a sawmill and did a thriving business. A school was organized, a newspaper started and a post office established. Then the fickle Missouri began washing away the town, and by 1865 Omadi was a place of the past.
Logan was another town which now lies partly beneath the Missouri. It rivaled Omadi and boasted a school, two stores, a. large hotel, a resident phy-
Who's Who
Sician and twenty-five homes. But by 1860 Logan was deserted. Many of its homes were moved to Dakota City and adjacent farms. The Virden brothers moved their hotel to Dakota City, where it now houses the Barnett Hotel. Other Dakota County ghost towns are Pacific City, Franklin City, Blyburg, Verona, Randolph, Lodi, Emmet, Covington and Stanton addition. The latter two were consolidated with South Sioux City in 1893.
The county's first railroad was a narrow gauge line which went from Covington to Jackson, through Dakota City. When the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha purchased the line from the Covington, Columbus and Black Hills railroad in 1880, the line was changed to standard gauge and extended to Emerald via Hubbard. In 1889 the Sioux City and Ogden Short Line laid a track from South Sioux City, passing a mile north of Dakota City, thence up the Elkhorn valley. The Burlington's Sioux City-Lincoln branch also passes through the county, by way of South Sioux City, Dakota City and Homer.
When the C. St. P. M. & 0. built its road in Dakota County, it laid out the towns of Hubbard, ten miles southwest of Dakota City, and Emerson, on the junction of Dakota, Dixon and Thurston Counties.
In August of 1882 Dakota County old-timers met and effected temporary organization of a pioneers and old settlers association. The next month their first reunion was held, and more than 2,000 persons gathered near Homer. All who were residents of the county before 1861 were admitted as Pioneers, and those who came after 1869 were recognized as Old Settlers. They have met annually ever since.
Dakota County farmers have organized several active agricultural organizations. The oldest is the Agricultural Society, which was founded in 1865 with David Boals the first president and T. L. Griffey first secretary. The Meridian Cheese Makers Association was organized in the county in June 1875, with George Boals as first president. Eleven years later the Farmers Club was established and held a farmers institute in a grove near Homer in 1887. For a number of years it has been holding annual sessions of several days length each winter in the court house.
At the second "National Corn Palace" exhibition in Sioux City in 1888, Dakota County was awarded first prize for com, second on fruits and second premium for the best general exhibit. At the next year's exhibition, Dakota County received first prize for the "best general exhibit of corn, grasses, grass seeds, vegetables and fruit," in addition to having displayed the best corn. The county's agricultural products were consistent winners in this competition and in 1889 its corn was recognized at the Universal Exposition in Paris, France.
Dakota County Towns. Following is a series of sketches of Dakota County's principal cities. They all have played interesting and important parts in the county's development.
South Sioux City, Dakota County's largest city, is located on the south bank of the Missouri, directly opposite Sioux City, Iowa. It was incorporated in 1887, and now is connected with its Iowa namesake by two steel bridges, one for trains. This modern city now has its own water plant, electricity and gas distribution systems. Its present population is about 4,500.
Dakota City, Dakota County seat, was platted in 1855 and made an incorporated village by the territorial legislature three years later. Influential factors in the organization and development of Dakota City were the Kountze brothers, early bankers. They left Dakota City and started the First National Bank of Omaha. From there they went to New York City where they operated a financial house.
Nearly one half of the original town site has been washed away by the Missouri. In early days it was an important town, reaching a population of seven hundred. The U. S. land office was located there until 1878, when it was moved to Niobrara. Settlers from as far west as Columbus and O'Neill had come to the village to file their land entries, and stores did a great deal of trading. Dakota City's population declined when the tide of migration moved westward, and its citizens moved to other cities. The Dakota County seat contributed heavily to the growth of South Sioux City, and its large trade diminished with the development of that city, Sioux City, Iowa, and Omaha.
Dakota City's first school was organized in 1857, but was moved when the Missouri began cutting away the original site and the high school was burned. The structure now stands in the city's northwestern portion. The brick courthouse, which is still in use, was constructed in 1870. Dakota City is also the home of one of the state's oldest Masonic lodges, organized in 1857. The I. O. O. F. chapter in Dakota City was organized in 1874.
Jackson really had its beginning in 1856 with the founding of old St. Johns by Father Jeremiah Tracy and seven or eight Irish Catholic families from Dubuque, Iowa. By 1865 all its people had moved about one mile north to the present site of Jackson, which was incorporated in January of that year. It is the home of St. Catherine's academy, which was completed in 1893 and, under the teaching of the Dominican sisters, is one of the state's oldest and finest high schools. Jackson also supports a public high school. The town's population is now 250.
Homer is situated on the site of an ancient Omaha Indian village, and other prehistoric towns
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have been discovered recently near it. Homer came into being when the Missouri began washing away Omadi. The latter town's post office was moved west to Homer. In 1885 the foundation was laid for a United Brethren college, but was used only two years for a seminary. The Lutheran academy, first Lutheran institution west of the Mississippi, was also founded here in 1885. Homer has survived two disasters which might have permanently crippled a less active community. A fire in 1912 destroyed a full business block, but the eleven burned buildings were replaced with brick structures. In 1920 a flood inundated Homer to a depth of six to eight feet, removing about thirty homes from their foundations. Mrs. Millie Lothrop, telephone operator there for twenty-five years, was awarded $1,000 and the Theodore Vail medal for her heroism during this flood.
ADAIR, HARRY HOLBROOK: Insurance & Loans Dealer; b Dakota City, Neb Oct 5, 1879; s of William Adair-Martha Ford; ed Sioux City Ia; Morningside College, BA 1901; m Jeannette Gribble Dec 6, 1905 Dakota City; d Margaret (Mrs. E D Beachler), Betty Jean; 1901-03 HS tchr, Dakota City; 1904-34 pres Bank of Dakota City; 1934- in ins & loan bus; mbr town bd 12 years; mbr sch bd 12 years; South Sioux City Comml Club; past worthy master AF&AM, RAM 59; Scot Rite 32o Omaha, York Rite, Sioux City, Abu-Bekr Shrine; Meth Ch, trustee; Rep; hobby, gardening; res Dakota City.
ALLAWAY, AUDREY: Merchant; b Clayton Co, Ia Nov 27, 1879; s of James Allaway-Emma Hines; ed Dakota Co; m Nanie P Altemus Dec 3, 1902 Souris N D; 1902-04 homesteaded in Bottineau Co N D; 1904-07 clk in Buckwalter store, Homer; 1907-13 owner mdse store, Homer; 1913- ptr of brother James in gen mdse store, Homer; Homer Progress Club, 1910- treas; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; father was pioneer farmer 40 years in Dakota Co; res Homer.
ALLAWAY, JAMES: Merchant; b Clayton Co, Ia, Jan 18, 1881; s of James Allaway-Emma Hines; ed Dakota Co; m Mary Adams Nov 29, 1910 Columbus; s Howard Glen, Robert James, William Hubert; d Margaret Eleanor, Jean Louise; 1890-1900 clk for Edward J Bradford Lbr Co, Homer, Wakefield, Loretta & Primrose; 1913- ptr of brother Audrey in gen mdse store, Homer; 1914- secy & dir sch bd; 1914-20 mbr town coun; Homer Progress Club; AF&AM 5, Scot Rite 32o, Sioux City, Tangier Shrine; Rep; Meth Ch, dir; father (dec) was pioneer farmer 40 years in Dakota Co; res Homer.
ASHFORD, GEORGE W: Real Estate Dealer; b Homer, Neb July 13, 1875; s of Thomas Ashford-Margaret Duggan; ed Homer; U of N; Iowa St Coll, PhG 1899; Notre Dame 1901-02; m Catherine McLaughlin Oct 15, 1908 Lincoln; s William George; d Catherine (Mrs 0 L Kuhlman), Helen (Mrs J D Thorndyke), Louise; 1903-33 pres Security State Bank, Homer; 1933- in real est & ins bus, Homer; dir Omadia Grain Co; Neb Bankers Assn; KC, Sioux City; Cath Ch; Dem, pct chmn 20 years; hobby, horses; father (dec) homesteaded in Dakota Co in 1856; res Homer.
ASHFORD, WILLIAM GEORGE: Attorney & Insurance Agent; b Homer, Neb July 21, 1909; s of George W Ashford-Catherine McLaughlin; ed Homer HS; U of Notre Dame 1926-28; U of N, LLB 1938; Delta Theta Phi; 1933-34 in U S Indian Service, Washington D C; 1935-37 foreman Natl Park Service, Wild Cat Hill State Park, Gering; 1938- prac law, Homer; adm to Neb bar Nov 11, 1938; Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; Cath Ch; Dem; father a banker at Homer for 30 years; res Homer.
BACON, JUSTIN S: Banker; b Yankton, S D Oct 9, 1870; s of Alonzo W Bacon-Josephine Amelia Hopson; ed Turner Co S D; m Lillie M DeVoe Oct 3, 1900 Yankton S D; s George D, Forest James, Willard; d Faye (Mrs K R Mitchell); 1890-1902 farmed in Turner Co S D; 1902-04 clk Van Osdel Store, Mission Hill S D; 1904-08 station agt Great Northern RR, South Sioux City; 1908-14 RFD carrier South Sioux City; 1915-18 Dakota Co treas; 1919-20 Dakota Co clk; 1920- cash & org Neb St Bank, South Sioux City; 1937 pres NE Neb Bankers Assn; 1904-06 mbr city coun; 1916 mayor; Comml Club; 1905-25 dir sch bd; AF&AM 316, RAM Hurley S D; Presby Ch, elder, 1915-18 pres Dakota Co SS orgn; Rep; hobby, hunting; father (dec) was farmer & co commr of Turner Co S D 40 years; off Neb St Bank; res 2019 3rd Ave, South Sioux City.
BARBER, BURNICE BATES: Hardware Merchant; b Charles Mix Co, S D Feb 4, 1891; s of Charles A Barber-Addie M Bates; ed Hornick Ia; m Nira Elmedo Patrie Oct 22, 1913 Castana Ia; s Burnice Bates Jr; 1907-15 with father in hdw bus, Rodney Ia; 1916 mgr Whitnell Hdw Co, Kingsley Ia; 1916-20 owner hdw & groc store, Ticonic Ia; 1921- owner hdw, furn & funeral service, Homer; 1915- lic embalmer Neb & Ia; 1925- Fire chief; 1922- dir Home State Bank; 1925- mbr town coun; Neb Retail Hdw Assn, pres 1932, dir 1928-32 AF&AM 5, Dakota City, Sioux City Scot Rite 32o, Abu-Bekr Shrine; OES 65; Neb St Funeral Dirs Assn; Luth Ch; Rep, mbr Co Central Com 1930-38; hobbies, baseball, hunting, fishing; res Homer.
BARTELS, FREDDIE AUGUST: Farmer & Cattle Feeder; b Dakota Co, Neb Feb 6, 1906; s of Frederick Bartels-Philericka 0stemeyer; ed Wayne HS; Midland Coll, Fremont; m Mary Camilla Hartnett Nov 3, 1929 Hubbard; s John Frederick, Kenneth Joseph, Ronald Eugene; d Marian Elizabeth, Mary Joan; 1929- farmer, Dakota Co; 1939 mbr sch bd; St Mary's Cath Ch; hobby, baseball; father farmed in Dakota Co 50 years; res Hubbard.
BECKER, ROBERT JOHN: Funeral Director; b Omaha, Neb Feb 7, 1913; s of Robert C Becker-Virginia Barton; ed Dakota City; m Victoria Newman May 26, 1938 Fremont; 1928- mgr Becker Funeral Service; Comml Club; Sons of Herman; IOOF 182; Luth Ch; hobbies, hunting, fishing; father (dec) was licensed embalmer in Chicago, Omaha & South Sioux City 20 years; res 1912 Dakota Ave, South Sioux City.
BEECHEN, MARVIN: Grocer; b Des Moines, Ia July 20, 1914; s of Morris Beechen-Anna Wittenstein; ed Des Moines Ia HS; South Sioux City HS; Drake U; Ia U, BA 1936; Phi Beta Delta; 1937-38 salesman, Kaplan Whol Groc; 1939- owner Beechens Market, South Sioux City; United Foods Assn; Comml Club; AF&AM 316; Shaare Zion; off 919 Dakota; res 917 Dakota, South Sioux City.
BEERMAN, RAY COUGHTRY: Funeral Director; b Dakota City, Neb Feb 9, 1911; s of Eric N Beermann- Flora Coughtry; ed South Sioux City HS; U of N BSc 1935; Williams Inst of Mortuary Science, Kansas City 1937; Alpha Sigma Phi; m Genevieve Owens Feb 26, 1939 Pender; 1937- mgr Butler-Beermann Mortuary, South Sioux City & Ponca; Comml Club; U of N Alumni Assn; Neb Funeral Dirs Assn; First Luth Ch; father farmer in Dakota Co 50 years; res South Sioux City.
BERGER, VILMER KRISTIAN: Creamery Operator; b Sioux City, Ia Apr 1, 1891; s of Ludvig Berger- Patrina Swenson; ed Sioux City HS; m Hannah Mane Brenne May 25, 1915 Sioux City Ia; s Vilmer Kristian Jr; d Phyllis Greta (Mrs J Verald Brown); 1910-31 produce mgr Hanford Produce Co, Sioux City Ia; 1932- owner Berger Creamery Co, South Sioux City; C of C & Kiwanis, Sioux City Ia; Comml Club; AF&AM 103, KT; First Luth Ch, pres 1933-38; Rep; hobby, golf; off 2214 Dakota Ave, South Sioux City; res 26 Blackstone Ave, Sioux City Ia.
BROYHILL, GEORGE FRANKLIN: Merchant; b Dakota Co, Neb Jan 11, 1871; s of William Ervin Broyhill-Margaret Hutchinson; ed Dakota City HS 1888; m Effie May Motes Oct 25, 1916 Scottsville Kas; s Roy Franklin; 1888-90 in painting trade with brother, Dakota City; 1890-97 worked in drug & groc store, under firm name D C Stinson; 1897-1900 in hdw & machine co as ptr in Gribble & Broyhill; 1900 sold firm to Edward's & Bradford Lbr Co; 1900-03 prop G F Broyhill bicycle shop; 1903- opr G F Broyhill Hdw; past mbr town bd; past mbr IOOF; past mbr Maccabees; AF&AM; Chris Sci Ch; Rep; hobby, flowers; res Dakota City.
Who's Who
CHASE, DENTON ANDREW: Radio & Hardware Dealer; b George, Ia April 27, 1892; s of Harvey F Chase-Minnie Miller; ed Sheldon Ia HS; Armour Inst of Technology, Chicago 1911-14; Morningside Coll, Sioux City Ia; m Elsie Metz April 22, 1916 Dakota City; s Hal Denton; d Elaine (Mrs Raymond Krumweide); 1915-18 with father in Chase Plumbing Co, Sioux City; 1918-20 with Corboy Co Chicago; 1920-22 with father in plumbing bus, Sioux City Ia & South Sioux City; 1923- owner Chase Hdw Co, South Sioux City; 1928-30 mbr town coun; Comml Club; Ia Plumbers Assn; Neb Retail Hdw Assn; BPOE; Meth Ch; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res & off 2116 Dakota, South (sic) Sioux City.
DIERKING, ERNEST WILLIAM: Grocer; b Dakota City, Neb June 7, 1898; s of William Dierking- Wilhelmina Tieman; ed South Sioux City HS; Natl Bus Training, Sioux City; Washington U, St Louis Mo; m Carol Pomeroy Mar 3, 1921 South Sioux City; s Richard Ernest; d Shirley Ann; 1921-24 sect Loose-Wiles Co, Lincoln & Sioux City; 1924- mgr groc dept, Savidges, South Sioux City; during World War 1917, in 42nd div AEF, O/S June 1918-June 1919, disch Apr 17, 1919; Amer Leg 307, adjt 1935-38, post comm 1939; 40 & 8, 1115; 1938 dist del to Amer Leg conv; dir Comml Club; First Luth Ch; Dem; hobby, golf; father (dec) farmer in Dakota Co 40 years; res 111 E 22nd, South Sioux City.
DORN, BYRON ORDELL: Contractor; b. South Sioux City, Neb Aug 21, 1898; s of Herbert 0 Dorn-Laura Mullins; ed South Sioux City HS; U of N, mbr track team; m Edna Trone Feb 22, 1924 South Sioux City; s Douglas Ordell, Byron Ordell; 1924-34 gen contracting; 1934- with Booth & Olsen Contractors, Sioux City Ia; during World War in SATC; AF&AM 316; Comml Club; hobby, golf; res South Sioux City.
DORN, MRS LAURA: Homemaker; b Newhouse, England July 28, 1864; d of William Mullins-Ann Hedditch; ed Muchelivey, England HS; m John Bartlett May, 1894 New York City; s John; d Loretta (Mrs E C Sherrard), Anna (Mrs Leslie Dorn, dec); m Herbert 0 Dorn June, 1890 South Sioux City; s Byron; helped org ARC, secy; park bd 25 years; Pioneer Assn of Dakota Co; treas OES 304 since 1924; charter mbr OES 65, past worthy matron, past treas, joiner organization 1892, Dakota City; South Sioux City OES called Laura Dorn Ch in her honor; Amer Leg aux; exec bd mbr South Sioux City Woman's Club; past pres Ladies Literary Soc; Episc Ch; hobby, flowers; res South Sioux city.
DRYDEN, JACK M: Publisher; b Dakota City, Neb June 7, 1911; s of David D Dryden-Venus Schmied; ed East Sioux City Ia HS; LaSalle Extn, Chicago; m Elizabeth St George Feb 27, 1934 Sioux City Ia; s David Dee, Jack Thomas; 1929-32 in mechanical dept of Nashville Banner, Nashville Tenn; 1932-33 in mechanical dept of White Plains N Y Banner; 1934- editor & publisher of The Eagle, South Sioux City, paper originally known as North Neb Eagle, founded 1876 by Atlee Hart; dir Comml Club; Luth Ch; hobby, swimming; res South Sioux City.
ENGELBRECHT, JOHN OTTO: Pharmacist; b Calhoun Co, Ia Mar 18, 1890; s of John N Engelbrecht- Lizzie Becker; ed Pomeroy Ia HS; Highland Park Coll, PhG 1910; m Ethel M Clark Sept 19, 1916 Osage Ia; s Roger Evan, Richard Harold; d Marjorie Jean, Helen Elizabeth; 1910-12 druggist, Des Moines Ia Drug Co; 1912-14 druggist for Small Page Drug Store, Eagle Grove Ia; 1914-16 drug clk, Oskaloosa Ia; 1916-23 druggist for Sungrew & Andreen, Sioux City Ia; 1924- owner & opr of drug store, South Sioux City; lic druggist in Neb & Ia; Neb Pharm Assn, pub relations com; 1934-38 mbr town coun; Comml Club, past pres; AF& AM 316; United Luth Ch; off 2100 Dakota Ave; res 2105 3rd Ave, South Sioux City.
FREDERICKS, EDWARD EARL: Auto Dealer; b Ponca, Neb Mar 1, 1896; s of James Fredericks-Bertha May Porter; ed Ponca; m Lottie Kinder May 1, 1918 Sioux Falls S D; s Donald Russell, Delbert Eugene; d Dorothy Arlene, Doris Lorraine; 1914-15 mechanic at Merritt's Garage, Ponca; 1916-17 clk Pure Food Groc, Sioux Falls S D; 1918-19 mgr stationery dept, Sioux Falls S D Paper Co; 1920-26 farmed in Rusk Co Wis; 1928-30 mechanic Frank Keene's Garage Sioux Falls S D; 1930-34 mechanic Winterseen Chevrolet Co, Sioux Falls S D; 1934- owner Fredericks Motor Co, South Sioux City; 1937- 38 mbr South Sioux City Jubilee com; 1925-26 mbr sch bd, Ladysmith Wis; 1925 & 1926 pres Guernsey Club, Rusk Co Wis; Comml Club, VP; MWA; hobby, mechanical work; off 2224 Dakota Ave; res 308 W 22nd, South Sioux City.
FRUM, SIDNEY T: Attorney; b Danbury Ia Nov 16, 1886; s of Christopher C Frum-Alice Hodgins; ed Danbury HS; U of N, LLB 1909; mbr varsity football team 1907-08; Acacia; m Alice Pomeroy Oct 15, 1913 Shelby Ia; d Virginia Carolyn (Mrs Carlton Follett); 1911 began prac of law in Robert E Evans law off, Dakota City; 1913-18, 1922-26 Dakota Co atty; 1912-20 city atty, Dakota City; 1920-26 city atty, South Sioux City; pres city lib bd since orgn; Neb St Bar Assn; past mbr IOOF; AF&AM, past master Omadi 5, ch mbr & first master Alpha 316; Scot Rite; Shrine; Neb St Bar Assn; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf, reading, fishing; res South Sioux City.
GEORGE, RALPH H: Gardener & Farmer; b South Sioux City, Neb March 19, 1894; s of William George-Libby Beck; ed South Sioux City HS; m Edna Elim June 24, 1930 Elk Point S D; s Leland E, Bernard; d Naomi; 1915-20 farmed, Dakota Co; 1921- owner & opr Half Way farm near South Sioux City; Presby Ch; hobby, growing Yellow Jersey sweet potatoes; father was Civil War veteran, farmed in Dakota Co 40 years; res 3911 Dakota Ave, South Sioux City.
GOOD, ROBERT P: Garage Owner; b Allen, Neb May 14, 1881; s of Robert P Good-Katherine Lindsey; ed Allen; m Hattie Warner May 1, 1905 Dakota City; s Robert P Jr; d LaVeve Doris, Katherine Matilda (Mrs Gilbert Brogden); 1907-12 owner produce station, Allen; 1912-15 mgr light plant, Allen; 1915- garage owner, Allen; 1934-35 mbr town coun; Meth Ch; father (dec) homesteaded & farmed in Dakota Co 35 years; res Allen.
GRAHAM, MRS MATTIE G: Homemaker; b Dakota City, Neb Dec 9, 1876; d of Ralph Goodwin-Mary S Whitehorn; ed Dakota City HS; WSTC; m John Thomas Graham Dec 11, 1895 Dakota City; s Ralph Goodwin (dec), Horace D, Dr James W, Theodore R, Dr Walter C; d Helen (dec), Ruth, Eva M; past dir of Home Demonstration Coun for NE Neb; past dir Dakota Co fair bd; int in exten work for farm & home; past pres Wednesday Literary Club; past pres & secy Lakeview Club; OES; past master Farm Homemaker; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbles, needle work, gardening; husband (dec) was Dakota Co farmer 40 years; father (dec) came from England 1848, homesteaded in Cedar Co, farmed in Dakota Co 50 years; res Dakota City.
GRIBBLE, EMMETT H: Bank President; b Decatur Co, Ia May 1, 1865. s of Barney Gribble-Ellen Walden; ed Dakota Co HS; m Ida M Savidge May 30, 1893 South Sioux City; s Harold F; 1866 came from Ia with parents; farmed on place his father had settled until 1918; 1920- pres of Neb St Bank of South Sioux City; pres sch bd since 1919; owner & opr 320 A near Dakota City; with Jackson-Maley Livestock Commission Co, Omaha 7 years; also with Perry Brothers in livestock bus, Wayne 2 years; Neb Bankers Assn; NE Neb dist 2 Bankers Assn; Presby Ch; Dem; hobby, livestock; res South Sioux City.
GRIBBLE, THOMAS WILLIAM: Agricultural Inspector; b Dakota Co, Neb Apr 18, 1872; s of John C Gribble-Mary Conroy; ed Dakota Co; Northern Ill Normal & Bus Coll, Dixon Ill; m Mary Jane Leamer June 28, 1900 Minot N D; s Oliver Winthrop, Clifford William, Thomas Maynard (dec); d Gertrude S, Mary Carol (Mrs Gurney Drayton); 1891-92 homesteaded in N D; 1894-1912 with father in farming, Dakota Co; 1912-31 farmed, Dakota Co; 1931- inspector dept of agr, port of entry, South Sioux City; 1917-29 moderator sch bd dist 2, Dakota Co; IOOF 48; Dem; father (dec) was pioneer & Dakota co commr, farmed 50 years; res 412 W 19th, South Sioux City.
HAYNES, MERLE A: County Superintendent of Schools; b David City, Neb Nov 2, 1904; s of Arthur Haynes-Clara Butler; ed Grand Island HS; Grand Island Coll, BA 1928; 1926-27 on Neb All State football team, fullback; 1927 capt of Grand Island Coll Football Team; 1928-30 prin & athletic dir, Maxwell; 1930-34 athletic dir, Oakland; 1934-36 athletic dir, South Sioux City; 1936-38 prin Jr HS, South Sioux City; 1939- Dakota Co supt of schs; NSTA; chmn bd dirs Comml Club, exec secy for South Sioux City Golden Jubilee 1937-38; AF&AM, Alpha 316; Bapt Ch; Indep; hobbies, fishing, hunting, gardening; off Courthouse, Dakota City; res 1807 3rd Ave, South Sioux City.
HEFNER, RANSLER M: Postmaster; b Monona, Ia May 5, 1886; s of Joseph Hefner-Mary Oliver; ed Nora
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Springs Ia HS; Nora Springs Seminary & Bus Coll 1905; m Lucy Shane Feb 26, 1922 Sioux City Ia; 1907-14 with CMSP RR in eastern Ia; 1914-16 in contracting bus with brother, Minn; 1919-20 contr, Minn; 1920-21 farmed, Holstein Ia; 1922-24 farmed in Minn; 1924-35 with Fairmont Creamery Co, Sioux City Ia; 1935- P M, South Sioux City; during World War O/S 8 mos, attached to 12th Engineers RR service, disch Camp Grant May 1919; twice past comm, Amer Leg; active in Jr Leg baseball; Comml Club; Neb ch Natl Assn of PMs of US; Presby Ch; hobbies, baseball, fishing; res 310 W 22nd, South Sioux City.
HIRSCHBACH, GEORGE: Farmer; b Claremont Co, Sept 16, 1873; s of Michael Hirschbach-Catherine Rice; ed Claremont Co 0; m Emma Schoetter Feb 4, 1905 Cincinnati 0; s Paul Ralph, Ray, Carl Melvin; 1904- farmer, Dakota Co; moderator 5 years sch bd dist 30; Dakota Co road supvr 2 years; past mbr Tri-State fair bd; recd 1st prize several times on White Cobbler potatoes at Dakota Co fairs; IOOF 182, past noble grand; Luth Ch, coun; Rep; hobby, raising potatoes; res South Sioux City.
JOHNSON, FRED CLYDE: Railroad Conductor; b Chillicothe, Mo July 31, 1888; s of Emanuel Johnson- Margaret Tevault; ed Chillicothe Mo; m Frances Winans Feb 23, 1916 Sioux City Ia; s Lyle Nelson; d Margaret Helen; 1911-13 emp by S R Anstine Lbr & Merc Co, Tamora; 1914- conductor CB&Q RR; 1932-34, 1938- mbr city coun; ORC 227, Lincoln, Presby Ch; Dem; hobby, sports; res 2020 E, South Sioux City.
JOHNSON, RUDOLPH NICOLAI: Garage Operator; b Dakota City, Neb June 6, 1896; s of John Johnson-Matilda Hansel; ed Dakota City HS; m Nanna Anderson Dec 15, 1935 South Sioux City; 1917 farmer in Dakota Co; 1920-24 service mgr Oakland Motor Sales Co, Sioux City Ia; 1925-30 service mgr Greenlease Lied Motor Co, Sioux City; 1930- owner & mgr Rudy's Garage, South Sioux City; 1915-16 pitcher, Nacora Farmers Union Baseball Team; 1936-39 mgr Jr Leg Baseball Team, South Sioux City; during World War 42nd div AEF, trained at Fort Scott, Cal, O/S Nov 5-Nov 13, 1918; 1939 org Sons of Amer Leg, South Sioux City; 1934- service ofcr Amer Leg; 1928 post 307, comm; 40 & 8 voiture 1115, chef de gare 1935; 1936 grand commissionaire voyageur; Comml Club; First Luth Ch, 1928 pres brotherhood; 1938- chmn Co Central Com, Rep; hobbies, baseball, hunting, trapshooting, wrestling; off 1914 Dakota; res 205 E 19, South Sioux City.
KILDEBECK, JERRY CHRISTENSEN: Physician & Surgeon; b Farso, Denmark Mar 6, 1903; s of Peter Kildebeck-Karen Torpe; ed Hardy HS 1922; U of N, BSc 1928, MD 1930; m Grace Heckathorne Apr 10, 1938 Omaha; s John M; 1930-31 Interne Meth Hosp, Omaha; 1931- prac med, Emerson; Five-Co Med Soc, past secy, past pres; Elkhorn Valley Med Soc, past pres; Neb St & AMA; ch mbr Lions, bd of dir; United Luth Ch; Rep; hobbies, autos, golf; res Emerson.
KONEGNI, STANLEY JOHN: Dentist; b St James, Neb Feb 14, 1907; s of Oscar M Konegni-Florence Rutterford; ed Vermillion SD; U of S D, mbr baseball team; Creighton U, DDS 1931; Kappa Sigma; Xi Psi Phi; m Virginia Crane Aug 25, 1931 Elk Point S D; s John Stanley; d Margaret Ann; 1931- dentist, South Sioux City; played semi-professional baseball 2 years; 1938- mbr sch bd; dir Comml Club; Neb Dental Assn; ADA; AF&AM 316; Presby Ch, elder; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res 312 E 19th, South Sioux City.
KROGH, ERVINE NELS: Lumber Dealer; b South Sioux City, Neb Mar 26, 1903; s of Nels Krogh-Sarah Iverson; ed South Sioux City HS; m Vera Brown June 6, 1921 Dakota City; s Gordon Ervine; 1921-30 salesman for Phil Goetz Motor Co, South Sioux City; 1930-33 lineman for McGraw Electrical Co, Sioux City Ia; 1933 machine opr Booth & Olson Paving Contrs, Sioux City Ia; 1934- mgr Holland Lbr Co, South Sioux City; Comml Club, pres 1938; IOOF; Luth Ch; hobbies, fishing, hunting; father farmed in Dakota Co 40 years; res 214 E 23rd, South Sioux City.
KUK, CLARA: Associate Embalmer & Funeral Director; b Sioux City, Ia April 15, 1893; d of E R Kruck- Rickey Klingenbiel; ed Sioux City Ia HS; m Otto E Kuk Dec 14, 1917 Sioux City Ia; 1924- with husband in undertaking bus; bd mbr Luth Hosp, Sioux City Ia; Amer Leg aux, VP, past state pres; exec com South Sioux City Woman's Club; Luth Ch, Aid Soc; hobby, social work; res South Sioux City.
KUK, OTTO E: Funeral Director; b Scotland, S D Apr 12, 1893; s of Christ Kuk-Mary Becker; ed Scotland S D HS; U of S D; Rush Med Coll; Worsham Sch of Embalming, Chicago 1916; m Clara Kruck Dec 14, 1917 Sioux City Ia; 1916-17 with Anderson & Kuk, funeral dirs, Sioux City Ia; 1919-23 furn dlr & undertaker, Scotland S D; 1924-28 with N Nelson, undertaker, Sioux City Ia; 1928- owner & opr Otto E Kuk's Funeral Home, South Sioux City; 1921-23 mbr town coun, Scotland S D; pres & dir Luth Hosp of Sioux City; Neb St & Natl Funeral Dirs Assns; during World War with first aid station, Co C 326th inf, 82nd div, O/S Apr 1918-June 1919; Amer Leg, Past comm; 40 & 8, chef de gare; ARC, co chmn, home service ofcr; C of C, Sioux City (sic) Ia; Comml Club, past VP & dir; Luth Ch, chief usher; hobbies, hunting, fishing; father (dec) homesteaded in S D, owner hdw store 50 years at Scotland S D; res South Sioux. City.
LAKE, FRANK C: Publisher; b Golden, Colo Apr 18, 1879; s of C W Lake-Alfa Maynard; ed Golden Colo HS; m Percie Oliver Jan 19, 1926 Kissimmee Fla; 1897-1900 in printing dept of Golden Globe newspaper, Golden Colo; 1904 reporter Kansas City Times; 1905-07 reporter Cedar Rapids Gazette; 1908-10 reporter Sioux City Ia Journal; 1911-12 reporter Sioux City Ia Tribune; 1913-14 editor & publisher Saturday Mirror, Sioux City Ia; 1916-24 Woodbury Co Ia, representative to legislature; 1923-25 editor Kissimmee Fla Gazette, 1926-29 producer dramatic shows in state of Florida; 1930- editor & publisher of The Mail, South Sioux City; Comml Club; Knife & Fork Club, Sioux City Ia; BPOE; IOOF; hobby, auto travel; res South Sioux City.
LAKE, MRS. WILLIE PERCIE: Publisher; b Wedowee, Ala, Mar 12, 1901; d of James Wise Oliver-Clara Clifton; ed Kissimmee, Fla; m Frank Clarendon Lake Jan 19, 1926 Kissimmee Fla; 1920-26 Johnston & Garrett law off, Kissimmee Fla; 1926-30 on stage & in dramatic cos; 1930- co-pub South Sioux City Mail; Amer Leg Aux; NPA; Woman's Club; Knife & Fork Club, Sioux City Ia; hobbies, riding in buses, swimming, books; res South Sioux City.
LAMMERT, CHARLES: Wholesale Beer Distributor; b Schuyler, Neb Aug 4, 1882; s of Henry Lammert- Martha Fleet; ed Schuyler; m Sadie Lavelle Dec 10, 1904 Sioux City Ia; s Lyle Henry; d Eva (Mrs George R Abel); 1900-04 in construction bus, bldg municipal light plants; 1905-01 round house foreman, GN RR, Garretson S D; 1907-17 owner hdw store; 1917- beverage distributor; 1918-33 owner of garage, South Sioux City; 1924- mbr sch bd; mbr lib bd; Comml Club; hobby, hunting; off 115 W 9th; res 501 A, South Sioux City.
LARSEN, ANTONIUS ANDERS: Physician & Surgeon; b Homer, Neb July 2, 1891; s of Carl Larsen-Lena Nelsen; ed Lyons HS; U of N, BSc 1915, MD 1918; Phi Rho Sigma; m Lola Heizer March 20, 1920 Sidney; d Lois Jean, Patricia Ann; 1919- Prac med Homer; 1939 Dakota Co phys; 1934- mbr sch bd; during World War in USN med corps. 1st lt, O/S Jan 20-June 1919; Amer Leg, post 97, past chaplain, co, comm 1937; Sioux Valley Med Soc; 1939 pres Five-Co Med Soc; Neb St Med Assn; AF&AM 5; Scot Rite 32o; Luth Ch, trustee; Dem; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Homer.
LEAMER, GEORGE W: Attorney; b Dakota City, Neb Sept 19, 1889; s of Jacob Leamer-Olie Brown; ed Dakota City; U of N, BA 1912, LLB 1914; m Besse Shelden Feb 24, 1917 Hyannis; s Norris George; d Evelyn; 1914- prac law, South Sioux City; 1917-23 Dakota Co atty; 1918-22 city atty; dir Highway 20 Assn, Dakota Co; Neb St Bar Assn; Comml Club, past pres; past master AF&AM 316, Scot Rite 32o; Luth Ch; father (dec) farmer in Dakota Co 40 years; res South Sioux City.
LEGG, CHARLES E: Physician & Surgeon; b Plattsburg, Mo Sept 23, 1875; s of George Legg-Melissa Hazen; ed Central HS, Kansas City Mo; Hahnemann Med Coll, Kansas City, MD 1904; interne Kansas City Gen Hosp 1904-05; m Ethel Blanch Teniff Mar 30, 1904 Kansas City Mo; d Clara M; 1904-06 gen med prac, Kansas City Mo; 1906-09 gen med prac, Ewing; 1910-12 gen med prac, LaMoure N D; 1913-17 gen prac, Ewing; 1919-21 gen prac, Waterbury; 1921- gen prac, South Sioux City; examiner & surg for CB&Q. RR & past city phys 10 years; mbr Amer Assn of Railway Surgs; mbr Five-Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; 1917 during World War in 88th div 350th field hosp, O/S 11 mos, disch June 19, 1919 Camp Dodge, commd major; Comml Club; South Sioux City Golf Assn; IOOF; AF&AM 316; Meth Ch; hobby, golf; off 1918 Dakota Ave; res 811 W 24th, South Sioux City.
Who's Who
LOCKWOOD, MARION RUSSELL: Auctioneer; b Allen; Neb March 28, 1905; s of Martin Lockwood-Ena Overboe; ed Allen; Reppert Sch of Auctioneering, Decatur Ind 1926, also was instr; m Frieda Stolle June 16, 1925 Sioux City Ia; s Harold LaVerne; 1920-26 farmed in Dixon Co; 1926- auctioneer in Dakota, Dixon & Thurston Cos; auctioneer, Horse & Mule Commission Co, Sioux City Ia; judged livestock in Knox, Thurston, Dixon Cos Neb also Franklin Co Ind; Comml Club; First. Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, horses; father (dec) farmed in Dixon Co 25 years; res 303 W 23rd, South Sioux City.
LOTHROP, MRS MILDRED SARAH: Manager of Telephone Co; b Homer, Neb Dec 10, 1876; d of John Kinkead-Emaline Loomis; ed Homer HS; m Merton M Lothrop June 29, 1897 Dakota City; s Melford M, Harold S, Everett E, Kenneth A, Donald A; 1914- mgr Homer Tele Co; RNA, Henrietta 9736, oracle 1927-39; Amer Leg aux post 97; OES 69; Rebekah; Luth Ch; Rep; res Homer.
McKINLEY, SHERMAN: Attorney; b Homer, Neb Nov 11, 1901; s of S W McKinley-Josie Smith; ed Sioux City Ia; Morningside Coll, Sioux City Ia BA 1922; U of N, LLB 1925; Phi Gamma Delta; Phi Delta Phi; m Grace Harlan July 5, 1930 Lincoln; s Sherman 3rd; 1925- prac law, Sioux City Ia; 1929- South Sioux City atty; U of N Alumni Assn; Sioux City, Ia St & Neb St Bar Assns; C of C; AF&AM; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, golf; off 507 Trimble Bldg, Sioux City Ia; father Dakota Co judge 25 years; res 301 E 22nd, South Sioux City.
McKINLEY, SHERMAN W SR: County Judge; b St Charles, Ill May 25, 1879; s of Benone McKinley- Bertha Kinnear; ed Homer; m Josie Smith Jan 1, 1901 Dakota Co; s Sherman W Jr; adm to Neb Bar by state bd Nov 27; 1934; prior to 1915 in bus & govt work, Dakota Co; 1915- Dakota Co judge; past mbr sch bds, Homer & South Sioux City; past J P, Homer; Neb Assn of Co Judges; Neb & Amer Bar Assns; Comml Club; AF&AM past master, 316 & 5; IOOF; Luth Ch; Indep; hobby, mountain climbing; off Courthouse, Dakota City; res 223 E 24th, South Sioux City.
MARSH, JOSEPH EDWARD: Attorney; b Jackson, Neb Dec 11, 1908; s of Joseph Gilbert Marsh-Catherine Hennessy; ed Jackson HS 1926; adm to Neb bar June 27, 1934; m Genevieve Miller Oct 28, 1937 Sioux City Ia; 1926-30 teleg opr for CStPMO RR in NE Neb; 1930-35 Dakota Co clk of dist court; 1935- prac law, South Sioux City; Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; Comml Club; Cath Ch; Dem; hobby, baseball; off 1921 Dakota Ave; res 332 E 27th, South Sioux City.
MATZ, FRANK: County Sheriff; b Elgin, Ill. Jan 9, 1883; s of John Matz-Christina Krabbie; ed Homer; m Bessie Lee Waiters Dec 3, 1912 Sioux City Ia; d Frances L, Helen M; 1897-1903 in Mansfield & King meat market, Homer; 1903-11 estab meat market Flagler Colo; 1906-11 homesteaded near Flagler Colo; 1911-12 worked in meat market in Ia; 1912-25 with Sioux City Service Co; 1925-35 built filling station, South Sioux City; 1935- Dakota Co sheriff; mbr sch bd; Izaak Walton; IOOF 183; First Luth Ch; Rep: hobbies, fishing, sports; res Dakota City.
MEILL, CHARLES W: Physician & Surgeon; b Chicago, Ill Feb 17, 1884; s of William J Meill-Alice Cayton Dickson; ed Chicago HS; Loyola U, ND 1909; Phi Chi; m Floy Frederickson May 31, 1911 Toulon Ill; s Charles Jr; d Alice (Mrs Henry A Larsen); 1909-10 interne Cook Co Hosp, Chicago; 1910-17 prac med in Castleton Ill; 1919-22 prac at Deaver Wyo; 1922- prac med, Sioux City Ia; 1939- Dakota Co phys; staff surg Meth & St Vincents hosps, Sioux City Ia; city health ofcr; Sioux Valley Med Soc; Five-Co Med Soc; Neb St Med Assn; Dakota Co bd of insanity; during World War in air craft service, med corps 1st lt, Portland Ore; Amer Leg, past comm; C of C; IOOF; AF&AM 316; Rep; hobby, wood-work; off 1921 Dakota Ave; res 2816 Dakota Ave, South Sioux City.
MONAHAN, THOMAS FRANCIS: Retired; b Dakota City, Neb Nov 1, 1862; s of Patrick Monahan-Bridget Smith; ed Covington; m Catherine Bluitt Nov 19 1889 Eldorado Wis; s Leo Bluitt, Thomas James, Robert Anthony; d Mary Cecelia; 1892-farmer, Dakota Co; 1894-98 dir sch bd dist 11; 1900-12 mbr sch bd: MWA; Cath Ch; Dem; father (dec) homesteaded in Dakota Co 1871, farmed 35 years; res South Sioux City.
MORGAN, WILLIAM ALBERT: Retired; b Dakota Co, Neb Jan 4, 1865; s of Peter Morgan-Martha Hunt; ed Dakota Co; Omaha Comml Coll; m Mary E Benstead Aug 1894 Allen; d Lucille (Mrs A J Coombs); 1885-86 tchr in Dakota & Dixon Cos; 1886-88 farmed, Dakota Co; 1888-1913 owner gen mdse store, Allen; 1913-17 mgr Perrygoy & Moore Whol Tobacco Co, Sioux City Ia; 1917-22 dep U S marshall Norfolk dist; 1927- South Sioux City assessor; 1899 Neb state sen; Dixon Co commr & chmn of bd 10 years; mbr sch bd, Allen 3 years; Allen town bd mbr 10 years; 1st mayor of South Sioux City, 15 years on town coun; AF&AM; IOOF 282, past noble grand; Meth Ch; Dem; father (dec) pre-empted land in 1857 in Dakota Co, farmed 50 years; res South Sioux City.
MORTON, JOSEPH ANTHONY: Insurance Agent; b Hartington, Neb Oct 27, 1889; s of Joseph A Morton-Mary Wilman; ed Hartington HS; Mozer-Lampman Comml Coll, Omaha; m Daphna Bowker Feb 24, 1915 Hartington; s Joseph William; d Laura Mary; 1910-24 farmed, Cedar Co; 1925-28 emp by state guaranty fund commission; 1928-30 impl dlr, Hartington; 1930-35 in ins bus, Dunlap Ia; 1936- gen ins agt, South Sioux City; 1936- mgr Motor Carriers Service Bur; Comml Club; AF &AM 155; Scot Rite 32o, Yankton; Presby Ch; Rep; father (dec) was farmer in Cedar Co 40 years; off 2007 Dakota; res 3000 Dakota, South Sioux City.
MULLINS, WILLIAM HENRY: Insurance Agent; b South Sioux City, Neb Jan 5, 1896; s of John N Mullins-Esther Phillips; ed South Sioux City HS; St Thomas Mil Acad; m Gertrude E Buckland May 1, 1917 Jackson; s William Francis; d Mary Loretta; 1914 clk, Western Weighing & Inspection Bur, Sioux City Ia; 1915-16 butcher, Sioux City Ia; 1916-19 mail clk; 1919- 20 with Purity Serum Co; 1920-22 butcher, Schneider's Market; 1922-33 owner meat market, South Sioux City; 1933-35 meat cutter; 1935- local agt, Prudential Ins Co; 1922- mbr South Sioux City coun, mbr sch bd & city treas; 1916-22 mbr baseball team; Comml Club, pres 1928; KC 743; St Michaels Cath Ch; res 211 E 18th, South Sioux City.
NEISWANGER, MRS ELIZABETH S H: Homemaker; b Dakota City, Neb Jan 25, 1869; d of Augustas Theodore Hoase-Mary Louida Eckhardt; ed Dakota City HS 1884; Carthage Ill Coll, 1886, first pres of coll YWCA; Cicero Literary Soc; m David Melville Neiswanger May 4, 1911 Dakota City (dec Sept 11, 1926); step s James Stott; step d Nona (Mrs H C Paguin), Kathleen (Mrs Frank G Bordner), Barbara (Mrs Dan J Buckley), d Louisa Elizabeth (Mrs Marvin F Oberg); librarian, Dakota City pub library; during World War did ARC work, completed pupils course in standard dressings; ch mbr Wednesday Literary Club 1908, past VP, pres, secy/treas, treas 18 years; Dakota City Comm Club, woman's USDA extn project club, project leader 6 years; Neb Synodical Woman's Missionary Soc of Luth Ch, chmn or ofcr 47 years; att 8 convs of Gen Soc of Women's Missionary Soc of United Luth Churches of Amer; Emmanuel Luth Ch, past SS tchr & supt, secytreas of church coun, pres Luth Ladies Guild & treas of Women's Missionary Soc; hobbies, reading, books, plants & flowers, travel; res Broadway & 20th, Dakota City.
ORTON, CECIL WILLIAM: Clerk of District Court; b Maurice, Ia June 29, 1906; s of Martin William Orton-Kate Schalekamp; ed South Sioux City HS; Morningside Coll, Sioux City Ia; m Lottie Van Fleet May 24, 1936 Albion; 1928-29 with father in groc bus, South Sioux City; 1929-34 opr Natl Refining Co filling station; 1935- Dakota Co clk of dist court: 1931-37 studied law under W V Steuteville, Sioux City Ia; 1937 adm to bar; mbr town coun 1928-30; AF &AM 316; IOOF; Neb St Bar Assn: Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, outdoor sports; res South Sioux City.
PETERSON, PETER HENRY: Manager Telephone Co; b Omaha, Neb Nov 3, 1887; s of John C Peterson-Marie Skow; ed Omaha HS; m Blanche A Henry Nov 11, 1908 Omaha; s Charles A; d Villa L (Mrs F W Grothen); 1904-08 installer for Neb Tele Co, Omaha; 1908-12 installer for Independent Tele Co, Omaha; 1912-18 lineman for Neb Bell Tele Co, Omaha; 1918-30 mgr Northwestern Bell Tele Co, Lyons; 1930-35 wire chief Northwestern Bell, Sioux Falls S D, 1935-37 installer & repairman, Omaha, 1937- mgr, South Sioux City; C of C, Sioux Falls; Lyons Comml Club; South Sioux City Comml Club, secy; AF&AM 1, Scot Rite 32o; Tangier Shrine; Episc Ch; hobby, golf; res 119 E 22nd, South Sioux City.
PICARD, ALFRED ADOLPH: Retired; b Hericourt, France Mar 25, 1881; s of Adolph Picard-Emilie Drotz; ed
in Nebraska
prep sch for theology, Paris France; U of Paris, BD 1905; m Ida Vigen Oct 23, 1923 Sioux City Ia; d Theodora Marie; 1906-08 pastor Luth Ch, Paris; 1908-26 missionary & head of normal sch at Fort Dauphin, Madagascar; former tchr of French, U of Ia; res South Sioux City.
PICARD, MRS IDA MABEL: Homemaker; b Le Mars, Ia. Mar 3, 1886; d of H C Vigen-Ella Iverson; ed Sioux City Ia HS; Morningside Coll; Sioux City Ia. Normal; m Alfred Adolph Picard Oct 23, 1923 Sioux City Ia; d Theodora Marie; 1908-22 tchr, pub schs, Sioux City; 1923-26 tchr & missionary helper with husband, Fort Dauphin, Madagascar; 1926- homemaker; lecturer to groups of Women's Clubs; South Sioux City Woman's Club, secy 1932-33; Norwegian Luth Ch: hobby, reading; res South Sioux City.
PROBST, ALBERT: Hardware Merchant; b Alton, Ia Oct 20, 1886; s of Nick Probst-Mary Haberman; ed Alton Ia HS; m Margaret Kettler May 2, 1911 Alton Ia; s Orville Mathias; 1901-15 clk Western Electric Co, Chicago; 1915- ptr with Kettler in hdw bus, Homer; 1928- mbr town coun; 1936- mayor; 1934- vol fireman; Homer Progress Club; Neb Retail Hdw Dlrs Assn; KC; ARC; Cath Ch; hobby, fishing; father (dec) homesteaded Alton Ia in 1871; res Homer.
QUIMBY, DONOVAN P: Dentist; b Wakefield, Neb Feb 10, 1894; s of Albert E Quimby-Adelaide Thompson: ed Wakefield HS; U of N, DDS 1917; m Ruth Morris Dec 24, 1918 Lincoln; s Donovan M, Richard E; 1917-20 dentist, Springview; 1920- prac law, Wakefield; mbr sch bd 5 years, Wakefield; past mbr Wakefield town bd; mbr med res corps; Amer Leg 81, past comm; Amer Leg band; Neb St Dental Assn; AF&AM 83; Presby Ch, elder; hobby, fishing, music; father (dec) was brick mason in Wakefield 50 years; res South Sioux City.
REAM, RAYMOND H: Publisher; b Dakota City, Neb Oct 25, 1899; 9 of John H Ream-Mattie C Kincaid; ed Dakota City HS; U of N 1917-18; m Marie W Giese June 5, 1926 Schuyler; s John Raymond; d Lois Marie; 1919-24 worked for Dakota Co; 1924-30 mgr Farmers Elevator, Dakota City; 1930- editor Dakota Co Herald; NPA; 1929- village clk; 1932- mbr sch bd, pres & dir; secy of Pioneers & Old Settlers Assn, Dakota Co; mbr SATC during World War; AF&AM 5, secy since 1930, past master; hobby, fishing; res Dakota City.
ROCKWELL, GEORGE RAYMOND: Grocer; b Homer, Neb Sept 1, 1888; s of Louis D Rockwell-Julia E Johnson; ed WSTC 1909; m Lulu E Memmerich June 1, 1915 Sioux City Ia; s George Raymond Jr, Harlan Dale, Frank Stewart, Paul Henry; d Lois Elizabeth; 1909 farmer in Dakota Co; 1910 census enumerator, Dakota Co; 1911- owner of groc & meat market, Homer; 1915-17 mbr town bd; 1923-35 JP, Omadi pct; 1926-36 mbr sch bd; 1934-38 co chmn for Dakota Co Fedn of Neb Retailers; Comml Club; ret vol fireman; Luth Ch, dir; Rep; father (dec) was Dakota Co cattle feeder 67 years, res Homer.
ROCKWELL, WILLIAM H: Engineer; b Dakota Co, Neb Jan 10, 1873; s of George W Rockwell-Elizabeth Widner; ed Dakota Co; m Iona Holloway Oct 30, 1895 Homer; s Clarence; prior to 1924 farmed near Homer; 1924-26 with Overland Auto Co, Sioux City Ia; 1932- owner & opr heating & air conditioning bus, South Sioux City; 1929-30 mbr Neb house of representatives; past co commr; past mbr city coun; Comml Club; AF&AM 316; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, travel; off 1921 Dakota Ave; res 300 E 18th, South Sioux City.
SAVIDGE, CHARLES ROY: Merchant; b Dakota Co, Neb July 11, 1884; s of David J Savidge-Elizabeth Haney; ed South Sioux City; m Daisy Teager Sept 19, 1908 Ponca; 1904-12 station agt CB&Q RR & GN RR, Dixon & Orchard; 1912- owner Savidge meat, groc & gen mdse store, South Sioux City; Comml Club; AF&AM 316, Scot Rite 32o, Abu-Bekr Shrine; IOOF; Presby Ch, trustee; Rep; hobbles, fishing, golf; res 118 E 23rd, South Sioux City.
SCHRIEVER, CARL: Merchant; b Germany Apr 25, 1864; s of Fritz Schriever-Emelia ___; ed Germany; came to Amer 1885; 1886-1926 music tchr & piano salesman, Dakota City; 1926- opr hdw store, Dakota City, since 1889 has owned int in bus with brother; Sons of Herman; IOOF; Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, music; res Dakota City.
SIPE, CHARLES F: Pharmacist; b Gosper Co, Neb 1, 1887; s of Herman H Sipe-Mary F Whitley; ed Gosper Co; Creighton U, PhG 1912; m Mary Ann Chehey May 5, 1914 McCook; s Robert Edward; d Margaret Frances; 1912-14 with Guy Butler in Holbrook Pharm, Holbrook; 1914-21 owner & opr pharm, Melbeta; 1914-21 P M, Melbeta Neb; 1921-23 worked for George McBeth Drug Co, South Sioux City; 1923-28 ptr of John Englebreck in drug store; 1929- owner & opr Sipe Drug Co, South Sioux City; Neb Pharm Assn; NARD; mbr sch bd 12 years, secy; past dir Comml Club; Crystal Park Golf Assn; past master AF&AM 316; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, golf, gardening; off 1921 Dakota Ave; res South Sioux City.
SKIDMORE, CHARLES R: Operator of Saw Mill; b Dakota Co, Neb Sept 2, 1886; s of Charles Skidmore- Acenath Cane; ed Homer; m Ellen Jordan April 14, 1910 Dakota City; 1900-13 blacksmith, Homer; 1914-22 farmed, Dakota Co; 1922- owner & opr saw mill, South Sioux City; 1930-32 mbr city coun; 1932-36 mayor; 1914-18 dir sch bd, Dakota Co; Comml Club; IOOF 282; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, fishing; father (dec) was blacksmith & mill opr, also Dakota Co homesteader 1890; res 912 B, South Sioux City.
SMILEY, MRS LILLIAN E: Homemaker; b Morris, Ill July 23, 1879; d of Tom A Teter-Rebekah Foster; ed South Sioux City HS; m C D Smiley Oct 14, 1914 Chattanooga Tenn (dec); 1902-07 with father in gen mdse store, South Sioux City; 1907-12 owner of store, Sioux City Ia; First Presby Ch, aid soc treas 15 years; husband (dec), assisted in making plat of South Sioux City; father (dec) was owner of gen mdse store 25 years; res 326 West 17th, South Sioux City.
SMITH, MALCOLM R: County Attorney; b Homer, Neb Apr 14, 1896; s of Ernest J Smith-Mabel Ream: ed Sioux City Ia; U of N, BA 1922, LLB 1923; mbr freshman football squad: lettered in wrestling & baseball; Phi Delta Phi; Phi Gamma Delta; m Olive Leamer Mar 5, 1923 Sioux City Ia; s Rodney Ream, Larry. Joe; d Shirley Lou; adm to Neb bar Mar 14, 1923; 1923-26 with father in law prac & real est bus at Winnebago; 1927- Dakota Co atty; during World War in coast arty, field arty, 2nd lt QMC, Camp Kearney, Camp Fort MacArthur; Amer Leg 307, past comm; 40 & 8; U of N, Alumni Assn; Comml Club; AF&AM 316; Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res 217 W 30th, South Sioux City.
SOHN, CHRIST FRED: Farmer & Dairyman; b South Sioux City, Neb Feb 15, 1890; s of John Sohn-Mary. Wagner; ed Dakota Co; m Ida Mae Wilson July 3, 1913 South Sioux City; s Charles Donald; d Mary Jean; 1913 farmer, Dakota Co; 1930- owner of dairy, South Sioux City; 1923-32, & 1934- mbr city coun; Comml Club; Izaak Walton; Walkers Comm Club; IOOF 182; First Luth Ch; Rep; hobbies, fishing, hunting;. father (dec) was Dakota Co farmer 10 years; rev 402 E 29th, South Sioux City.
SOHN, JOHN: County Commissioner; b Dakota Co, Neb Feb 7, 1888; s of John Sohn-Mary Wagner; ed Dakota Co; m Minnie Biermann June 30, 1909 Dakota Co; s George Henry; opr 410 A farm until 1937: 1923- Dakota Co commr; was road overseer 14 years; mbr Neb Co Commrs Assn; co assistance relief dir; Neb Assn of Co Commrs, Co Clks, Co Registers of Deeds & Co Highway Commrs; Comml Club; Alpha 316 IOOF; Sons of Herman; AF&AM; Luth Ch; hobby, fishing; res 208 W 22nd, South Sioux City.
STORY, ELZA BROWN: Merchant; b Pierce Co, Neb Mar 10, 1895; s of Frederick John Story-Elizabeth Brown; ed Pierce; m Sadie Lumsden Aug 16, 1916 Pierce; d Wanda Alice (Mrs. I E Pardee); 1911-17 clk Klise's Gen Store, Foster; 1916 mgr Edwards & Bradford Co groc dept, Nacora; 1917 bkkpr Edwards & Bradford Co, South Sioux City; 1918-23 mgr Edwards & Bradford Lbr Co, Hubbard; 1923- 32 mgr Monroe-Wilbur-Lake Lbr Co; 1934- owner Story Merc Co; 1929- fire chief; 1937- clk town bd; co chmn ARC 1932; AF&AM 5; OES 65, past worthy patron; 1920-28 clk MWA; Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, planting trees; father (dec) was Pierce Co farmer 30 years; res Hubbard.
SUTER, CHARLES WILLIAM: Plumbing & Heating Engineer; b Pikesville, Md Jan 25, 1882; s of William suter-Carrie Small; ed Sioux Co Ia; m Minnie Pressey Dec 25, 1904 South Sioux City; s James William, Kenneth Miles, Curtis Martin; 1906-17 stationary engineer for Hanford Produce Co, Sioux City Ia; 1917-25 emp in heating dept of William Warnock Co, Sioux City; 1926-30 owner South Sioux City Sheet Metal Works; 1930- mgr C W Suter & Son Plumbing; 1929-32 mbr city coun; Comml Club;
Who's Who
IOOF 182, past noble grand, past chief patriarch 107; First Luth Ch; Rep; father (dec) was millwright & homesteader, also Sioux Co Ia, farmer; res 222 E 20th, South Sioux City.
SUTER, JAMES WILLIAM: Plumbing & Heating Engineer; b Omeeme N D Oct 21, 1905; s of Charles W Suter-Minnie Pressey; ed South Sioux City HS; WSTC 1926; m Elsie Johnson Jan 7, 1929 South Sioux City; d Ardyce Mae; 1926- with father in plumbing & heating bus; 1935- mbr town band; IOOF 182, past noble grand, past chief patriarch 107; First Luth Ch; Rep, ward committeeman; hobby, music; res 223 E 20th, South Sioux City.
SWETT, MRS BESS FLORENCE: Homemaker; b Grand Island, Neb Nov 2, 1893; d of Douglass Gilbert-Ida May Prigey; ed Grand Island HS; Neb Wes, BA 1915; m Erman N Sweet Aug 19, 1915 Grand Island; s Robert Earl; 1916-18 HS tchr, Grafton; 1920-21 prin Homer HS; 1921-27 head normal training dept, South Sioux City HS; 1933- secy South Sioux City lib bd; Amer Leg aux, ch mbr post 307, pres 1921-22, 1925-26 & 1931-32; Woman's Club, pres 1931-33; PEO, pres 1925-28 & 1935-37 OES 301 ch mbr; Presby Ch; hobby, comm work; res South Sioux City.
SWETT, ERMAN N: Superintendent of Schools; b Ainsworth, Neb Aug 19, 1890; s of Charles N Swett-Amanda Raper; ed Grafton HS; Neb Wes, BA 1916, capt baseball, team 1915-16; grad work U of Minn; m Bess Gilbert Aug 19, 1915 Grand Island; s Robert Earl; 1915-18 supt schs, Grafton; 1919-21 supt schs, Homer; 1921- supt of schs, South Sioux City; during World War 2nd lt, field arty, replacement depot, Camp Jackson, Columbia S C; Amer Leg 307; past dir Comml Club; NSTA, pres 3rd dist 1936-37; NEA; AF&AM 316; Presby Ch, trustee; Rep; father (dec) farmed in Brown Co, homesteaded in 1878; res South Sioux City.
TEDFORD, FRANK JOSEPH: Printer; b Belfast, Ireland Jan 31, 1892; s of John Tedford-Mary Ann Lester; ed Belfast Ireland; Natl Bus Training, Sioux City Ia; m Ferne Buckland May 16, 1921 Sioux City; d Mary Louise, Patricia Frances; 1912-13 printer, Sioux City Journal; 1914-18 printer, Sioux City Ia; 1920-26 in printing dept of O J Moore Whol Groc Co; 1926-36 owner printing co; 1936- asst supt mfg dept, Sioux City Journal; mbr Internatl Pressmen's Union; during World War 51st teleg batt, AEF, O/S June 1918-Aug 1919; Neb del to Amer Leg convs 1929-39; mbr Legion post 307, dist comm 1938-39, post comm 1929-30 vice dist comm 1935-37; past chef de gare & org 40 & 8, alternate del to natl conv in 1934, Chicago & 1935, Portland Ore; KC 743; Rep; hobbies, golf, bridge; off Sioux City Journal; res 1510 Dakota, South Sioux City.
THACKER, ALBERT EARL: Theater Manager; b Sloan, Ia Sept 20, 1893; s of George W Thacker-Clara Forney; ed Homer HS; Natl Bus Training, Sioux City Ia; m Margaret M Smith Mar 15, 1920 Omaha; s Albert Earl Jr; d Nancy Margaret; 1912-17 mgr Thomas Ashford Merc Co, Homer; 1919-27 mgr Ford garage, Homer; 1927-29 mgr Chevrolet Co, Walthill; 1929-31 mgr Chevrolet Co, South Sioux City; 1931-37 owner Soo Theater; 1937- owner State Theater, South Sioux City & owner theater in Pender; during World War in coast arty San Pedro Cal, QMC Camp Kearney, Fort Omaha balloon sch, commissary dept, disch Mar 1919; Comml Club, pres 1930; AF&AM 5; Abu-Bekr Shrine; Luth Ch; hobby, hunting; father (dec) farmed in Dakota Co 40 years, also was in impl bus, Homer; res 308 E 19th, South Sioux City.
VOSS, RAYMOND: Stockman; b Homer, Neb Feb 28, 1883; s of Charles Voss-Mary Winkhaus; ed Dakota Co; Chillicothe Normal Sch; m Rebecca Knox Jan 12, 1910 Homer; 1910-30 farmed with father in Dakota Co; 1930- farming with brother, Dakota Co; mbr Farmers Union; Luth Ch, mbr coun since 1915; Rep; hobby, raising Belgian horses; father (dec) was Dakota Co farmer 30 years; grandfather was Dakota Co homesteader in 1868; res Homer.
VOSS, WILFRED ELLIOTT: Stockman & Teacher; b Omaha, Neb Nov 6, 1881; s of Charles Voss-Mary Winkhaus; ed Dakota Co; Chillicothe Bus Coll; Chillicothe Normal 1904-05; U of N 1906-07; PSTC 1912-14; 1902-05 tchr, Chillicothe Bus Coll; 1906 tchr Chillicothe Normal; 1907-09 tchr, Cuming Co; 1909- Supt of schs, Dakota Co; Comml Club; 1939 del to state conv North Platte Luth synod, York; Neb St Assn of Co Supts; NSTA; NEA; Luth Ch; Rep; hobby, raising Hereford cattle; res Homer.
WAGNER, MRS LENA M: Publisher; b Homer, Neb May 15, 1890; d of August Wilkins-Bertha Knop; ed Homer HS; Natl Bus Training, Sioux City Ia; m Henry N Wagner Jan 29, 1914 Winnebago (dec); s Donald John, Paul Frederick, Rexford August; 1912 printer, Homer Free Press; 1914-38 with husband on Homer Star; 1938- publisher & editor of Homer Star; Womans Club, treas 1931; Tri-State Press Assn; NPA; Luth Ch; hobbies, flowers, gardening, home decoration; father (dec) pioneer, farmed in Dakota Co 40 years; husband (dec) was editor & publisher of Homer Star 28 years; res Homer.
WAGNER, LEO M: Pharmacist; b Sibley, Ia Jan 27, 1892; s of John E Wagner-Elizabeth Bohr; ed Le Mars Ia HS; Creighton U 1913-14; m Elsie Wilkins May 6, 1916 Omaha; 1915- owner & mgr of Wagner Pharm, Homer; 1920-24 owner drug store, Wisner; 1924-32 druggist, Huron S D; May 1916 adm to prac pharm in Neb; 1914-19 mbr vol fire dept; during World War with evacuation hosp, 1st army, O/S July 1918-June 1919; vice comm Amer Leg, past treas; Neb Pharm Assn; NARD; Natl Retail Druggists Assn; S D Pharm Assn; Rep; hobbies, hunting, fishing; res Homer.
WILBUR, EUGENE CLINTON: Lumber Dealer; b South Sioux City, Neb Feb 26, 1880; s of Judge Eugene B Wilbur-Mary Ellen Savidge; ed Sioux City Ia HS; m Anna Myers Nov 12, 1901 Columbus; s Francis Clinton, Frederick Eugene; d Ellen (Mr. P H Weir), Anna Mae; 1899-1903 traveling auditor Edward & Bradford Lbr Co; 1904-09 mgr Edward & Bradford Lbr Co; 1909-29 credit mgr & auditor, Edward & Bradford Lbr Co; 1929- with Monroe-Wtlbur-Lake Lbr Co, South Sioux City; Presby Ch; hobbies, hunting, fishing; father (dec) was Dakota Co atty & judge, pioneer, helped org South Sioux City; res 301 E 22nd, South Sioux City.
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