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Welcome to the NEGenWeb Project Dawson County, Nebraska Site! Dawson County has a rich history, beginning with the large number of Indians that passed through the county while roaming the plains. Then came the establishment of the old overland freight and emigrant road across the plains, which traveled on the south side of the Platte River through Dawson County. Ranches were established every few miles along the route, and these were some of the earliest settlers of the county. The telegraph was established through the county in 1861, and the Union Pacific Railroad in 1866. You can read about this early history in Andreas' "History of the State of Nebraska" (1882) and in some of the other books and articles that we have on our Dawson County History page.

Dawson County Records
Dawson County History
Dawson County Communities
Search Dawson County
1940 Dawson County US Census Index (Complete)
This web site is part of the NEGenWeb Project and the USGenWeb Project, and is dedicated to offering free information on the web. All of the information, including queries, databases and images, found on any of the pages of this web site belongs to the submitter. It may be freely copied for your personal use. None may be used by anyone for any "for profit" endeavor. If you find something of value on these pages that you want to use, please LINK to the page giving credit to our site. Do not copy it and put it on your own site. Please contact the submitter of the information for permission to use their information for anything other than personal use. If a submitter is not named, please contact the county coordinator. You can read more about copyright, along with what you might find available on our NEGenWeb Project county sites by visiting the Availability Statement found on our State page.
Dawson County Queries and Surnames
- These queries are archived so that it might help someone researching a name. Most of the email addresses seem to be no longer valid.
- Pages for each community in the county.
- We have a lot of historical information available for the county. If you have something that you feel would be appropriate for this page, please be sure to send me a message about it.
- See what records are available and where to find them.

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NEGenWeb County Unknown - Even if you know where your ancestors were in Nebraska, this site has some very good ideas and resources that you should check. You'll find a list of Nebraska surnames gathered from many sources, some Basic tips for research in Nebraska, a Nebraska Features List, Nebraska Immigration List, and the Unknown County Query list.