The Voter’s Registry of Hall County, Nebraska is a listing of registered voters in various years. Some of these were found in old history books, and others, in past supreme court texts or dockets published for public use. Thanks to the many volunteers from the Prairie Pioneer Genealogical Society for transcribing some of these names from the 1920’s History of Hall County Nebraska. Keep in mind, these listing a noteworthy information for family historians for it will put a placeholder on those ancestors’ whereabout in history. Thank you for your patron.
Select one of the provided links to our voter's registry of the past.
a voter's registry requested by the court in 1860 Voter's Litigation
For Hall County Residents: In our department's section at this site you will find information relating to all facets of elections in Hall County, you can view these pages by selecting links from the text menu to the left. For convenience, here are those links:
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