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1890-1 Business Directory & Farmer's List of the Nebraska State Gazetteer

Johnson County Farmers Listing

A-K                              L-Z
NAME                Post Office    NAME                Post Office
Aaron F O .........  Smartville      Laeger Fred .......  Sterling
Abernathy Geo .....  Elk Creek       Laflin E B ........  Crab Orchard
Ackerman ..........  Crab Orchard    Laflin L H ........  Crab Orchard
Ackerson ..........  Vesta           Lalicker J H ......  Vesta
Adams J H .........  Sterling        Lamaster J E ......  Tecumseh
Aden Fokke ........  Sterling        Lamb H W ..........  Tecumseh
Aden J J ..........  Sterling        Lambert T J .......  Tecumseh
Aden Jasper .......  Sterling        Landwehr Henry ....  Burr
Adkins G W ........  Smartville      Lane ..............  Tecumseh
Agana G H .........  Sterling        Lane Dennis .......  Tecumseh
Agana Harm ........  Sterling        Lane J M ..........  Tecumseh
Agana John G ......  Sterling        Lane Jim ..........  Tecumseh
Akin S E ..........  Tecumseh        Lane Patrick ......  Tecumseh
Albers E M ........  Tecumseh        Langley Moses .....  Tecumseh
Albers Fred .......  Tecumseh        Lantz L W .........  Tecumseh
Alder Jacob .......  Tecumseh        Lawless Jas H .....  Cook
Alderman Jas ......  Elk Creek       Lawrence Geo ......  Elk Creek
Alderman T A ......  Elk Creek       Lawrence J W ......  Elk Creek
Alexander V C .....  Tecumseh        Lawson ............  Crab Orchard
Alinger G W .......  Tecumseh        Leach Chas ........  Tecumseh
Alkin R M .........  Tecumseh        Leach Geo .........  Crab Orchard
Allen B F .........  Tecumseh        Leach S A .........  Talmage
Allen D C .........  Smartville      Leake G B .........  Talmage
Allen J E .........  Tecumseh        Leck ..............  Vesta
Allen L B .........  Tecumseh        Lee C F ...........  Sterling
Almbhuah ..........  Tecumseh        Leggett Geo .......  Tecumseh
Andrews D S .......  Sterling        Leggett H D .......  Vesta
Ann Levi ..........  Tecumseh        Leggett L L .......  Vesta
Annis Geo W .......  Sterling        Lehman Aug. .......  Sterling
Anson Mary ........  Tecumseh        Lehn Jacob ........  Johnson
Antholz Fritz .....  Tecumseh        Lenhart Adam ......  Tecumseh
Antholz Henry .....  Tecumseh        Lerhoff Henry .....  Sterling
Archer Ben ........  Sterling        Lester E L ........  Elk Creek
Archer J L ........  Sterling        Libby .............  Elk Creek
Archer Jane .......  Sterling        Libby H N .........  Elk Creek
Archer T E ........  Tecumseh        Libby Nathaniel ...  Elk Creek
Armsted ...........  Tecumseh        Limpka Thos .......  Tecumseh
Armsted Job .......  Tecumseh        Lindsay J T .......  Sterling
Atkins A B ........  Sterling        Linford ...........  Smartville
Atkins W A ........  Sterling        Linford Geo .......  Vesta
Atkins W C ........  Sterling        Linnvile Adam .....  Tecumseh
Atkinson ..........  Tecumseh        Linnvile L D ......  Tecumseh
Atterberry E M ....  Tecumseh        Lintz .............  Tecumseh
Auker Geo .........  Tecumseh        Lintz Antone ......  Tecumseh
Austin A B ........  Tecumseh        Lintz Chas ........  Tecumseh
Autram G R ........  Sterling        Lipp Charles ......  Sterling
Averitt W W .......  Tecumseh        Little Frank ......  Crab Orchard
                                     Little Lindsay ....  Tecumseh
Bacon Royal .......  Sterling        Little Wm  Jr .....  Crab Orchard
Bacon Sanford .....  Vesta           Little Wm  Sr .....  Tecumseh
Bacon Solon .......  Sterling        Littli Charles ....  Crab Orchard
Badberg J H .......  Talmage         Livingston ........  Cook
Baily F M .........  Tecumseh        Livingston Henry ..  Cook
Baily F R .........  Tecumseh        Livingston N S ....  Sterling
Baily L J .........  Tecumseh        Loar S S ..........  Sterling
Bain W A ..........  Tecumseh        Logsdon T W .......  Crab Orchard
Baird B W .........  Tecumseh        Long ..............  Vesta
Baird J O .........  Elk Creek       Long Jacob P ......  Steinauer
Baird W T S .......  Elk Creek       Loper M L .........  Tecumseh
Baker B J .........  Sterling        Lovejoy D G .......  Tecumseh
Baker H Z .........  Crab Orchard    Lovett ............  Crab Orchard
Baker R A .........  Crab Orchard    Lucas Albert ......  Elk Creek
Baker Robert E ....  Sterling        Luce Geo ..........  Tecumseh
Baker Sarah A .....  Tecumseh        Luce Worthy .......  Tecumseh
Baker T C .........  Sterling        Lucott E E ........  Crab Orchard
Baker W P .........  Vesta           Lyell John ........  Tecumseh
Baldwin J R .......  Sterling        Lyman John R ......  Tecumseh
Bales .............  Smartville      Lynch W J .........  Tecumseh
Bales Frank .......  Smartville                           
Ballard ...........  Crab Orchard    Macy John .........  Sterling
Ballard A F........  Vesta           Madden C E ........  Tecumseh
Ballard A N .......  Vesta           Mahler Fred .......  Tecumseh
Ballard G A .......  Vesta           Mahler Herman .....  Sterling
Ballard G J .......  Vesta           Maines L P ........  Tecumseh
Ballard P F .......  Vesta           Makinson ..........  Tecumseh
Ballard Thos ......  Vesta           Makinson A L ......  Tecumseh
Bancke ............  Elk Creek       Makinson Grant ....  Tecumseh
Bancke Jurgen .....  Elk Creek       Mandery John ......  Tecumseh
Barber C A ........  Crab Orchard    Manley J A ........  Tecumseh
Barnett W A .......  Tecumseh        Manley Steve ......  Tecumseh
Barrett J E .......  Sterling        Mann C F ..........  Tecumseh
Barrett Seth E ....  Helena          Mann G W ..........  Crab Orchard
Barrow C M ........  Tecumseh        Manning W E .......  Crab Orchard
Bartels ...........  Mayberry        Marity A A ........  Cook
Bartels Henry .....  Elk Creek       Marity J D ........  Tecumseh
Bartels John ......  Elk Creek       Marity J H ........  Cook
Bash M G ..........  Sterling        Marity Leonard ....  Tecumseh
Bates .............  Elk Creek       Marity W W ........  Tecumseh
Bates Fred ........  Elk Creek       Marks Peter .......  Tecumseh
Batt Thomas  E ....  Tecumseh        Marrs .............  Tecumseh
Baumler J L .......  Tecumseh        Marrs H C .........  Tecumseh
Beal John .........  Crab Orchard    Marsh C W .........  Tecumseh
Beatty F L ........  Tecumseh        Marshall Frank ....  Talmage
Beatty H M ........  Tecumseh        Marshall J L` .....  Crab Orchard
Beaty A P .........  Vesta           Martin Alex .......  Tecumseh
Beaty J W .........  Crab Orchard    Martin B C ........  Tecumseh
Beckman B G .......  Tecumseh        Massey W H ........  Sterling
Beckman H F .......  Helena          Masur Michael .....  Tecumseh
Beckman H W .......  Helena          Matthew T H .......  Tecumseh
Beethe Aug. .......  Elk Creek       Matthews Jno  S ...  Tecumseh
Beethe C A ........  Elk Creek       Matthews W S ......  Tecumseh
Beethe C F ........  Elk Creek       Mattox Luther .....  Tecumseh
Beethe C H ........  Tecumseh        McAuliffe C F .....  Smartville
Beethe Carl .......  Elk Creek       McAuliffe J C .....  Smartville
Beethe Harmon .....  Elk Creek       McCallough J N ....  Tecumseh
Behrends George ...  Sterling        McCarthy Dennis ...  Tecumseh
Beisemeier C F A ..  Sterling        McClintock A M ....  Smartville
Beisemeier Fred ...  Sterling        McClure A V .......  Elk Creek
Bell E F ..........  Smartville      McClure Tom .......  Elk Creek
Bell Martin .......  Tecumseh        McConnell .........  Crab Orchard
Bener N O .........  Helena          McCoy J C .........  Tecumseh
Benson ............  Sterling        McCoy Jas .........  Tecumseh
Bentzinger ........  Tecumseh        McCoy W H .........  Tecumseh
Berg ..............  Talmage         McCoy W P .........  Tecumseh
Berg B H ..........  Talmage         McDannold John ....  Tecumseh
Berg F W ..........  Talmage         McDonald ..........  Crab Orchard
Bergstrusser ......  Helena          McDougal C W ......  Tecumseh
Berington C E .....  Sterling        McDougal Ernest ...  Tecumseh
Berrie S G ........  Tecumseh        McDougal J E ......  Tecumseh
Berrie Saml .......  Tecumseh        McDougal Owen .....  Tecumseh
Berry .............  Tecumseh        McGarry Pat .......  Tecumseh
Berry H S .........  Tecumseh        McGee Lincoln .....  Tecumseh
Best Chas .........  Tecumseh        McGrath ...........  Crab Orchard
Billhart J H ......  Tecumseh        McGrew J B ........  Sterling
Bird Julia H ......  Mayberry        McIlrary Thos .....  Elk Creek
Bishoff Joseph ....  Vesta           McIntosh Thos .....  Elk Creek
Black .............  Helena          McKee John ........  Tecumseh
Blake E T .........  Tecumseh        McKee T H .........  Tecumseh
Blake Palmer ......  Tecumseh        McKinzie ..........  Crab Orchard
Blake Seth E ......  Tecumseh        McKinzie Jas ......  Smartville
Blakeley Jacob ....  Tecumseh        McLane ............  Crab Orchard
Blakeley James ....  Tecumseh        McLaughlin ........  Tecumseh
Blattler W C ......  Sterling        McLaughlin Jno ....  Tecumseh
Blazier Wm C ......  Smartville      McLaughlin Pat ....  Tecumseh
Blue ..............  Talmage         McMahan ...........  Tecumseh
Blystone W J ......  Tecumseh        McNeal Alex .......  Vesta
Blythe J B ........  Tecumseh        McNeil C F ........  Tecumseh
Blythe Jas S ......  Tecumseh        McNutt F D ........  Tecumseh
Blythe S K ........  Tecumseh        McReynolds A F ....  Tecumseh
Boatman Chas ......  Tecumseh        Mershon G H .......  Tecumseh
Boatman Ezra ......  Tecumseh        Messinger William .  Tecumseh
Boatman Frank .....  Tecumseh        Metzer Fred .......  Tecumseh
Boatman J L .......  Tecumseh        Meyer Adolph ......  Tecumseh
Boldman Henry .....  Vesta           Meyer Edward ......  Tecumseh
Boldman Matt ......  Vesta           Meyer Fred ........  Tecumseh
Bomgardner ........  Sterling        Meyer George ......  Tecumseh
Book Benj .........  Tecumseh        Meyers G H ........  Crab Orchard
Boone J T .........  Elk Creek       Meyers J W ........  Tecumseh
Booth .............  Smartville      Micklan M J .......  Cook
Bosch Henry .......  Tecumseh        Middleton J W .....  Crab Orchard
Bostick Andy ......  Elk Creek       Miles T W ........  Crab Orchard
Bowen .............  Smartville      Miles F A .........  Crab Orchard
Bowman J I ........  Tecumseh        Milks Thomas W ....  Tecumseh
Bowman T H ........  Tecumseh        Millard G P .......  Tecumseh
Boyd John .........  Crab Orchard    Miller ............  Tecumseh
Bradt D W .........  Tecumseh        Miller J E ........  Tecumseh
Brand Wm A ........  Tecumseh        Miller J O ........  Tecumseh
Branfas Henry .....  Helena          Miller John .......  Tecumseh
Breckenridge A C ..  Sterling        Miller Louis ......  Tecumseh
Brehm F W .........  Talmage         Miller Robert A ...  Tecumseh
Brehm William .....  Talmage         Miller T W H ......  Tecumseh
Brennan Matt ......  Smartville      Million George ....  Tecumseh
Briar J C .........  Sterling        Minkler A J .......  Crab Orchard
Brigham ...........  Tecumseh        Minner James ......  Tecumseh
Brinkman C H ......  Tecumseh        Minner Sam ........  Tecumseh
Brittain G C   Jr.   Elk Creek       Mitchell Thos .....  Vesta
Broady Fred .......  Tecumseh        Mohear Fred .......  Sterling
Broderick Mike ....  Smartville      Moller Henning ....  Talmage
Broers Jno ........  Sterling        Moller Henry ......  Talmage
Brooks H W ........  Tecumseh        Moller Jurgen .....  Talmage
Brooks W P ........  Cook            Mollering .........  Smartville
Bross Jas .........  Sterling        Mommens Aug. ......  Tecumseh
Brown E A .........  Elk Creek       Mook Chas .........  Tecumseh
Brown Grant .......  Elk Creek       Mook David ........  Tecumseh
Brown Henry .......  Sterling        Moore J A .........  Sterling
Brown J N .........  Talmage         Moore J E .........  Crab Orchard
Brown Jno E .......  Cook            Morehead C W ......  Tecumseh
Brown Odin ........  Sterling        Morehead J C ......  Tecumseh
Brown Peter .......  Talmage         Morganstein .......  Tecumseh
Brown R S .........  Cook            Morris Robert .....  Elk Creek
Brown S S .........  Sterling        Morrisey ..........  Tecumseh
Browne F H ........  Helena          Morrisey James ....  Tecumseh
Brunk Sophe .......  Sterling        Morrisey Pat ......  Tecumseh
Brunsdon W H ......  Smartville      Morton ............  Tecumseh
Bryson Robt .......  Elk Creek       Morton C A ........  Tecumseh
Buel Jno W ........  Mayberry        Moslander William .  Tecumseh
Buell E N .........  Crab Orchard    Mostalke J A ......  Tecumseh
Buffun J W ........  Tecumseh        Mostalke J S ......  Tecumseh
Buhler ............  Sterling        Moyer D L .........  Tecumseh
Buhler Christ .....  Sterling        Moyer D L   Jr ....  Tecumseh
Buhler Danl .......  Sterling        Moyer E D .........  Tecumseh
Buhler Geo ........  Sterling        Moyer J M .........  Tecumseh
Buhler John .......  Sterling        Mucha Math ........  Smartville
Buhler Jos ........  Sterling        Mullen Fred .......  Tecumseh
Burlington John ...  Elk Creek       Murphy Chas .......  Tecumseh
Burmeister John ...  Sterling        Murphy J L ........  Tecumseh
Burns John ........  Tecumseh        Murphy James ......  Tecumseh
Burrell C A .......  Burr            Murphy Lawrence ...  Tecumseh
Burt C A ..........  Elk Creek       Murphy M D ........  Smartville
Busch Bros ........  Tecumseh        Murphy Mathew .....  Elk Creek
Bush Andrew .......  Tecumseh                             
Buss Henry ........  Sterling        Navin Geo .........  Vesta
Byrne Catherine ...  Tecumseh        Neal Harry ........  Sterling
Byrnes Thos .......  Elk Creek       Neal W H ..........  Sterling
                                     Nealy Jno .........  Smartville
Cady W L ..........  Tecumseh        Nelson ............  Tecumseh
Campbell ..........  Tecumseh        Nelson Chas   A ...  Tecumseh
Campbell J C ......  Tecumseh        Nelson E W ........  Tecumseh
Campbell Jas ......  Tecumseh        Nelson W M ........  Tecumseh
Campbell W W ......  Tecumseh        Neston Martin .....  Tecumseh
Cannan ............  Tecumseh        Neuhaus Jacob .....  Elk Creek
Cannan A A ........  Tecumseh        Newhauser .........  Tecumseh
Cannan Adam .......  Tecumseh        Newman J R ........  Tecumseh
Cannan Chas .......  Cook            Newman R C ........  Tecumseh
Cannan H C ........  Tecumseh        Nicholas Jno   E ..  Tecumseh
Cannan Israel .....  Tecumseh        Nicholson A N .....  Elk Creek
Cannan J A ........  Tecumseh        Niemann Wm ........  Tecumseh
Cannan W E ........  Tecumseh        Nissley N M .......  Smartville
Canon .............  Tecumseh                             
Canon S P .........  Tecumseh        O'Connell J G .....  Tecumseh
Canton & Elliot ...  Vesta           Oestman Fred ......  Tecumseh
Carlyle J S .......  Tecumseh        Oetken John .......  Tecumseh
Carmine G W .......  Elk Creek       Oldaker A T .......  Tecumseh
Carrington W C ....  Tecumseh        Oldaker Phineas ...  Tecumseh
Casford A A .......  Tecumseh        Oldfield ..........  Tecumseh
Casford H T .......  Elk Creek       Olds A V ..........  Crab Orchard
Casford J D .......  Tecumseh        Olds J D ..........  Crab Orchard
Casford Jas W .....  Tecumseh        Olds J E ..........  Crab Orchard
Catchpole C L .....  Sterling        Olds R L ..........  Crab Orchard
Catchpole D J .....  Sterling        Olmsted John ......  Sterling
Catchpole M M .....  Sterling        Omarra James ......  Tecumseh
Cathcart G C ......  Cook            Orton T C .........  Tecumseh
Cathcart J M ......  Talmage         Osgood L P ........  Tecumseh
Catlin Levi .......  Tecumseh        Osgood W A ........  Tecumseh
Catron J H ........  Sterling        Osterhaut J W .....  Tecumseh
Cawley S C ........  Smartville      Ostrander .........  Sterling
Caylor J W ........  Vesta           Ostrander D R .....  Tecumseh
Chamberlain .......  Cook            Ostrander J W .....  Vesta
Chamberlain F B ...  Talmage         Otis Leroy ........  Tecumseh
Chamberlain W J ...  Talmage         Otteman ...........  Tecumseh
Chambers ..........  Crab Orchard    Overman ...........  Crab Orchard
Chapin ............  Sterling        Overturf Jas ......  Tecumseh
Chapin W H ........  Tecumseh        Overturf S F ......  Tecumseh
Chas ..............  Smartville                           
Christensen E K ...  Tecumseh        Pallet ............  Sterling
Christensen W H ...  Sterling        Pallet T E ........  Sterling
Churchill .........  Sterling        Palmer David M ....  Tecumseh
Clansen Henry .....  Sterling        Panko John ........  Burr
Clark A R .........  Cook            Panko Matt ........  Burr
Clark D W .........  Vesta           Parker ............  Smartville
Clark J A .........  Vesta           Parker H D ........  Tecumseh
Clark J L .........  Vesta           Parker J W ........  Elk Creek
Clark J W .........  Elk Creek       Parker S B ........  Smartville
Clark James .......  Tecumseh        Parker Thos .......  Smartville
Clark John ........  Vesta           Parks .............  Sterling
Clark W L .........  Vesta           Parks Albert ......  Sterling
Clark Washington ..  Graff           Parrish ...........  Vesta
Clasen ............  Elk Creek       Parrish C F .......  Sterling
Clinaberg Fred ....  Tecumseh        Parrish Elias .....  Vesta
Cochran John ......  Tecumseh        Paster Adam .......  Crab Orchard
Cole J T ..........  Tecumseh        Patch J W .........  Sterling
Collins ...........  Cook            Paton T M .........  Sterling
Collins David .....  Smartville      Paulman H C .......  Tecumseh
Collister R S .....  Smartville      Payne T J .........  Tecumseh
Colton ............  Vesta           Peacock Edward ....  Tecumseh
Combs E B .........  Tecumseh        Pearceley John ....  Vesta
Combs L B .........  Tecumseh        Peck Mrtgas .......  Sterling
Compton W F .......  Vesta           Peek G M ..........  Tecumseh
Conklin D C .......  Tecumseh        Peek J R ..........  Tecumseh
Conklin W N .......  Vesta           Peek John O .......  Tecumseh
Conover Ben .......  Crab Orchard    Peek William ......  Tecumseh
Converse L  J .....  Sterling        Pella .............  Smartville
Conway Cornelius ..  Vesta           Perchil Frank .....  Tecumseh
Cook ..............  Cook            Percival B F ......  Burr
Cook A S ..........  Vesta           Perkins  A B ......  Sterling
Cook C C ..........  Tecumseh        Perkins  P G ......  Sterling
Cook Edward .......  Cook            Perry E M .........  Cook
Cook J L ..........  Vesta           Perry W W .........  Cook
Cook J W ..........  Cook            Peter Henry .......  Tecumseh
Cook James ........  Cook            Peter Jacob .......  Tecumseh
Cooper E M ........  Vesta           Peters H  L .......  Cook
Cooper J A ........  Vesta           Peterson ..........  Sterling
Cooper J R ........  Tecumseh        Peterson  A S .....  Tecumseh
Cooper John A .....  Vesta           Peterson Fred M ...  Tecumseh
Cooper O A ........  Smartville      Peterson J L ......  Tecumseh
Cooper O A ........  Vesta           Peterson S P ......  Tecumseh
Corbin O A ........  Tecumseh        Peterson Thos .....  Tecumseh
Cornell J E .......  Tecumseh        Phelan Fred .......  Elk Creek
Cornell James .....  Tecumseh        Phelan W H ........  Elk Creek
Corrigan ..........  Sterling        Phillips B L ......  Tecumseh
Corrigan ..........  Vesta           Phillips C S ......  Tecumseh
Corrigan James ....  Sterling        Phillips E P ......  Tecumseh
Corson ............  Tecumseh        Phillips Geo A ....  Tecumseh
Corson G H ........  Tecumseh        Phillips Geo S ....  Tecumseh
Corson Geo ........  Tecumseh        Phillips Geo W ....  Tecumseh
Corson Luke .......  Tecumseh        Phillips John L ...  Tecumseh
Cowden J G ........  Tecumseh        Pickrell W M ......  Crab Orchard
Cox Albt ..........  Elk Creek       Pierdell ..........  Smartville
Cox W B ...........  Tecumseh        Pieton James ......  Tecumseh
Crabtree J O ......  Vesta           Pilmore Henry .....  Tecumseh
Craig R P .........  Vesta           Pilmore Marion ....  Tecumseh
Craig W P .........  Tecumseh        Piontek Andrew ....  Smartville
Creaney ...........  Smartville      Piper Aug. ........  Helena
Creaney Thos ......  Smartville      Pittim Hiram ......  Smartville
Crile C A .........  Tecumseh        Pittinger .........  Tecumseh
Crile Frank .......  Sterling        Pittinger John  Jr   Tecumseh
Crile Jno .........  Sterling        Pittinger Mike ....  Tecumseh
Crisenbury P S ....  Tecumseh        Place Charley .....  Tecumseh
Croft Chas ........  Elk Creek       Place Jacob .......  Tecumseh
Croft Jacob .......  Elk Creek       Plank Henry .......  Sterling
Crouse C J ........  Tecumseh        Platt Albert ......  Cook
Crouse E F ........  Tecumseh        Platt J S .........  Crab Orchard
Crouse N C ........  Tecumseh        Platt Purdy .......  Tecumseh
Cruise ............  Sterling        Platt Purdy P .....  Tecumseh
Cummins W J .......  Tecumseh        Pohlenz Aug. ......  Sterling
Curry .............  Elk Creek       Pohlenz Chris .....  Sterling
Curry R T .........  Elk Creek       Pohlenz Geo .......  Sterling
Curtin Davis ......  Sterling        Pohlenz P W .......  Sterling
Curtis Frank ......  Cook            Poore William .....  Elk Creek
Curtis H B ........  Cook            Pope B F ..........  Tecumseh
                                     Pope H G ..........  Tecumseh
D'camp Alvin ......  Vesta           Pope Henry ........  Tecumseh
D'camp D C ........  Vesta           Pope James R ......  Tecumseh
D'camp W W ........  Vesta           Powell J B ........  Elk Creek
Damon O L .........  Crab Orchard    Powell John .......  Burr
Darby J E .........  Crab Orchard    Powell John P .....  Burr
Davey Petis .......  Tecumseh        Power James .......  Tecumseh
Davis .............  Tecumseh        Pratt Geo .........  Elk Creek
Davis Geo .........  Tecumseh        Price G W .........  Smartville
Davis Jno .........  Tecumseh        Price J P .........  Smartville
Davis W A .........  Tecumseh        Price Z G .........  Elk Creek
Davison Jas .......  Sterling        Prill John ........  Tecumseh
Davison O J .......  Tecumseh        Prosser Jos .......  Tecumseh
Davisson T B ......  Crab Orchard    Puryear ...........  Elk Creek
Dawson ............  Vesta           Puryear S P .......  Elk Creek
Dawson G T ........  Vesta           Puryear Thos ......  Elk Creek
Dawson W J ........  Vesta                                
Delong Hiram ......  Sterling        Raddon James ......  Vesta
Delong P H ........  Vesta           Rankin Preston ....  Tecumseh
Denlen J E ........  Crab Orchard    Rathburn J B ......  Crab Orchard
Denlen W E ........  Crab Orchard    Rathe Aug. ........  Sterling
Dennis C H ........  Tecumseh        Rathe C C .........  Sterling
Dennis J W ........  Tecumseh        Rathe C F .........  Sterling
Derr ..............  Tecumseh        Rathe Christ ......  Sterling
Derr J H ..........  Tecumseh        Rathe Gust ........  Sterling
Derr Jas ..........  Tecumseh        Rathe Henry .......  Sterling
Derr Jno ..........  Tecumseh        Rathe Henry Jr ....  Sterling
Determan L H ......  Graff           Ravenscroft .......  Tecumseh
Dew Robt ..........  Tecumseh        Reasoner Chas .....  Burr
Dewry G W .........  Smartville      Redfield F A ......  Crab Orchard
Dible J H .........  Tecumseh        Redfield L H ......  Crab Orchard
Dickerson Philip ..  Tecumseh        Redfield W C ......  Crab Orchard
Diggens A J .......  Tecumseh        Redmond Jno .......  Vesta
Dillon J J ........  Vesta           Reed Almeron ......  Tecumseh
Dilworth W S ......  Crab Orchard    Reed Anderson .....  Tecumseh
Dirks Geo .........  Tecumseh        Reed C C ..........  Vesta
Dirks R M .........  Sterling        Reed Chas .........  Tecumseh
Divelbiss .........  Tecumseh        Reed M N ..........  Tecumseh
Dolan Jno .........  Crab Orchard    Reeder W R ........  Crab Orchard
Dollarhide A H ....  Sterling        Reiman Louis ......  Elk Creek
Dollarhide E E ....  Sterling        Rellis Patrick ....  Tecumseh
Dollarhide Jno ....  Sterling        Remmers Fred ......  Sterling
Dorn John .........  Sterling        Reuter ............  Tecumseh
Dornbaugh E L .....  Tecumseh        Reynolds ..........  Tecumseh
Dorsch Geo ........  Tecumseh        Reynolds E M ......  Tecumseh
Dorsch J H ........  Smartville      Reynolds Edgar ....  Tecumseh
Dorsey B F ........  Tecumseh        Reynolds J H ......  Tecumseh
Dorsey C B ........  Tecumseh        Reynolds P L ......  Tecumseh
Dougherty J A .....  Steinhauer      Richards ..........  Crab Orchard
Douglas ...........  Crab Orchard    Richards ..........  Tecumseh
Douglas Cyrus .....  Tecumseh        Richards James ....  Vesta
Douglas Jno W .....  Tecumseh        Richardson ........  Crab Orchard
Douglas N B .......  Tecumseh        Richardson ........  Tecumseh
Douglas Volney ....  Tecumseh        Richardson C E ....  Crab Orchard
Downing Richard ...  Vesta           Richardson O P ....  Crab Orchard
Doyle Frank .......  Tecumseh        Riensche Chas .....  Tecumseh
Dragoo W E ........  Tecumseh        Riffle Jas ........  Smartville
Drake B F .........  Tecumseh        Riffle Jno ........  Smartville
Dray A H ..........  Tecumseh        Riggs Basil .......  Tecumseh
Drury J H .........  Sterling        Riley Thos ........  Vesta
Dudge T S .........  Elk Creek       Robb ..............  Tecumseh
Duds J T ..........  Tecumseh        Robb D L ..........  Tecumseh
Duff N A ..........  Tecumseh        Robb J A Q ........  Tecumseh
Duncan T B ........  Tecumseh        Robb W C ..........  Tecumseh
Dunn G C ..........  Tecumseh        Roberts B F .......  Tecumseh
Durall A M ........  Smartville      Roberts J M .......  Vesta
Durall J J ........  Smartville      Roberts Moses .....  Tecumseh
Dyson Thos ........  Tecumseh        Robertson I R .....  Tecumseh
                                     Robinson ..........  Elk Creek
Easterday M V .....  Tecumseh        Robinson C P ......  Vesta
Eastman Jas .......  Tecumseh        Robinson Jas ......  Elk Creek
Eaton .............  Tecumseh        Robinson Thos .....  Elk Creek
Eaton Hugh ........  Tecumseh        Rock C H ..........  Vesta
Eaton J B .........  Tecumseh        Rogers E L ........  Tecumseh
Eaton S W .........  Tecumseh        Rogers E N ........  Tecumseh
Eckley Richard ....  Tecumseh        Rogers M B ........  Tecumseh
Edmisten ..........  Talmage         Rogers T P ........  Tecumseh
Edwards J W .......  Crab Orchard    Rogge Henry .......  Sterling
Edwards W L .......  Tecumseh        Rohrs Fred ........  Tecumseh
Ehman Wm ..........  Sterling        Rohrs Jno .........  Tecumseh
Eisenberg J C .....  Talmage         Rook Aug. .........  Tecumseh
Eisman ............  Elk Creek       Rose Kirk .........  Smartville
Ellers Gade .......  Sterling        Ross ..............  Tecumseh
Ellett Noah .......  Cook            Ross Ben ..........  Vesta
Elling Henry ......  Tecumseh        Ross Dirk .........  Vesta
Ellis B P .........  Crab Orchard    Ross J H ..........  Vesta
Ellsworth .........  Tecumseh        Ross J M ..........  Vesta
Ellsworth A J .....  Tecumseh        Ross R M ..........  Vesta
Ellsworth D C .....  Tecumseh        Ross W O ..........  Vesta
Ellsworth Geo .....  Tecumseh        Rothell Geo D .....  Crab Orchard
Ellsworth H L .....  Tecumseh        Roup Chas .........  Tecumseh
Emerson Asa .......  Cook            Roup Edsell .......  Tecumseh
Emerson S O .......  Tecumseh        Rowe ..............  Vesta
Emery M L .........  Tecumseh        Rowland Wm T ......  Cook
Emmonds C A .......  Tecumseh        Rozell G A ........  Sterling
Empson C W ........  Vesta           Rubink Chris ......  Tecumseh
Ensor John W ......  Durr            Rucher Peter ......  Tecumseh
Ensor S R .........  Sterling        Rulla Aug. ........  Vesta
Enterline Chas ....  Sterling        Rulla Gottlieb ....  Vesta
Enterline Geo .....  Sterling        Rulla John ........  Vesta
Enyart ............  Nebraska City   Runnion H P .......  Tecumseh
Enyart A F ........  Nebraska City   Rusch Herman ......  Tecumseh
Epler J M .........  Tecumseh        Russell ...........  Tecumseh
Epler J P .........  Tecumseh                             
Epler Jos M .......  Tecumseh        Saathoff H G ......  Sterling
Epley C M .........  Tecumseh        Saathoff W H ......  Sterling
Epley Geo .........  Tecumseh        Sabin G W .........  Smartville
Epley H F .........  Tecumseh        Sacha John ........  Tecumseh
Ernst .............  Tecumseh        Salzman ...........  Tecumseh
Erwin R M .........  Tecumseh        Salzman Chas ......  Tecumseh
Eshenberg Chris ...  Tecumseh        Sampson C E .......  Tecumseh
Evans John ........  Sterling        Sampson G W .......  Tecumseh
                                     Sanders ...........  Cook
F Wright A J ......  Tecumseh        Sanders J C .......  Tecumseh
Fairbrother F M ...  Tecumseh        Sandusky Geo D ....  Tecumseh
Farine Peter ......  Tecumseh        Sandusky T A ......  Smartville
Farrin Henry ......  Tecumseh        Sandusky W N ......  Tecumseh
Farrin Thos .......  Tecumseh        Sandusky Wiley ....  Tecumseh
Fawst .............  Tecumseh        Sanford John W ....  Vesta
Fenzer Jacob ......  Tecumseh        Sapp C W ..........  Tecumseh
Ferguson E S ......  Talmage         Sapp G W ..........  Tecumseh
Feurer Gottlieb ...  Johnson         Sapp Isaac W ......  Tecumseh
Fink ..............  Elk Creek       Sattkill Abe ......  Smartville
Fink A R ..........  Elk Creek       Saunders Casper ...  Tecumseh
Fink L A ..........  Elk Creek       Saylor Jos ........  Tecumseh
Finkner Killian ...  Sterling        Schlosser .........  Tecumseh
Fisker J R ........  Tecumseh        Schmidt Gerd G ....  Smartville
Fisker James ......  Vesta           Schmidt Henry .....  Tecumseh
Fithian P M .......  Tecumseh        Schmidt John ......  Tecumseh
Flarin Jack .......  Vesta           Schmuer Frank .....  Tecumseh
Flarin James ......  Vesta           Schnell ...........  Tecumseh
Fleck John ........  Tecumseh        Schnell Albert ....  Tecumseh
Fockanga ..........  Sterling        Schnell W O .......  Tecumseh
Foreman C E .......  Sterling        Schulte Chas ......  Tecumseh
Foss C B ..........  Sterling        Schumann ..........  Tecumseh
Foster Frank ......  Tecumseh        Schumann J D ......  Tecumseh
Francis J L .......  Sterling        Schuster ..........  Tecumseh
Frazier C G .......  Tecumseh        Schuster Paul .....  Tecumseh
Free W J ..........  Tecumseh        Scoville O A ......  Cook
Fritsch Hannah ....  Sterling        Scumscher W F .....  Cook
Fritsch W C .......  Sterling        Seay ..............  Cook
Fritts F B ........  Sterling        Seay J E ..........  Cook
Fritz Henry .......  Sterling        Sebeck Frank ......  Tecumseh
Fuller ............  Tecumseh        Sebring W M .......  Sterling
Fuller F F ........  Sterling        Seele .............  Helena
Funkner Adam ......  Sterling        Seketa Frank ......  Sterling
Funkner Mike ......  Sterling        Self Thos .........  Cook
                                     Sellers Cyrus .....  Cook
Gardner ...........  Elk Creek       Sharrett J B ......  Tecumseh
Garring Geo .......  Graff           Sharrett L A ......  Tecumseh
Garriston .........  Tecumseh        Shasteen Edward ...  Sterling
Gatz Foder ........  Smartville      Shaughnessy .......  Crab Orchard
Gehr Isreal .......  Crab Orchard    Shaughnessy .......  Tecumseh
Gehr J W ..........  Crab Orchard    Shaw E K ..........  Crab Orchard
Gelstfield Henry ..  Sterling        Shaw E M ..........  Cook
Geoorke Louis .....  Elk Creek       Shaw J M ..........  Crab Orchard
Gerdes Henry ......  Vesta           Shaw John .........  Tecumseh
Gerretts G J ......  Tecumseh        Shay Jas ..........  Tecumseh
Gerrits Geo .......  Sterling        Sheld John ........  Tecumseh
Gibb Thos .........  Tecumseh        Sheldon Murray H ..  Vesta
Gibbs .............  Tecumseh        Sherman ...........  Tecumseh
Gibbs W T .........  Elk Creek       Sherman Frank .....  Tecumseh
Giesmann John .....  Vesta           Sherman Grant .....  Tecumseh
Glascock C W ......  Crab Orchard    Sherman Henry .....  Tecumseh
Glasson Jos .......  Tecumseh        Sherman J A .......  Tecumseh
Glenn Patrick .....  Tecumseh        Sherman John L ....  Tecumseh
Glooer A C ........  Sterling        Shindler Albert ...  Tecumseh
Goddenough ........  Elk Creek       Shoop Simon .......  Smartville
Godfrey E W .......  Tecumseh        Shores G W ........  Crab Orchard
Godfrey G B .......  Tecumseh        Short C L .........  Tecumseh
Godfrey J M .......  Tecumseh        Short W J .........  Tecumseh
Godfrey J W .......  Tecumseh        Shoup Manuel ......  Sterling
Godfrey Peter .....  Tecumseh        Showalter Jacob ...  Cook
Godfrey R L .......  Tecumseh        Showalter John ....  Cook
Goeman Henry ......  Smartville      Showalter Peter ...  Cook
Goemann Geo .......  Tecumseh        Shrum W B .........  Tecumseh
Goldsby ...........  Crab Orchard    Shutz Samuel ......  Tecumseh
Goldsby And. ......  Crab Orchard    Simmons ...........  Tecumseh
Goldsby John ......  Crab Orchard    Sisson B F ........  Cook
Golsdsby ..........  Crab Orchard    Six Wm H ..........  Tecumseh
Gooch J B .........  Tecumseh        Slagle Alex .......  Tecumseh
Good H B ..........  Tecumseh        Slagle Alfred .....  Tecumseh
Good J N ..........  Tecumseh        Slagle Chas S .....  Tecumseh
Goodenbugh ........  Elk Creek       Slater Henry ......  Crab Orchard
Goodman G T .......  Tecumseh        Sly Geo W .........  Crab Orchard
Goodman Thos ......  Tecumseh        Smart Robert ......  Smartville
Goold .............  Tecumseh        Smiley L W ........  Tecumseh
Goold James .......  Tecumseh        Smith .............  Tecumseh
Goold John ........  Tecumseh        Smith B G .........  Sterling
Goold Thomas ......  Vesta           Smith C B .........  Sterling
Goosman Fred ......  Tecumseh        Smith C E .........  Sterling
Goracke ...........  Smartville      Smith F M .........  Elk Creek
Goracke Albert ....  Smartville      Smith G A .........  Smartville
Goracke Andrew ....  Smartville      Smith J W .........  Tecumseh
Goracke Andrew ....  Tecumseh        Smith L W .........  Sterling
Goracke Anton .....  Smartville      Smith N P T .......  Cook
Goracke Geo .......  Smartville      Smith Robt ........  Smartville
Goracke Joseph ....  Smartville      Smith Theo ........  Tecumseh
Goracke Thos ......  Smartville      Smith Walter ......  Tecumseh
Gore W R ..........  Tecumseh        Snyder ............  Tecumseh
Graff Chas ........  Tecumseh        Snyder D C ........  Elk Creek
Graff Cyrus .......  Tecumseh        Snyder S W ........  Tecumseh
Graff Geo .........  Tecumseh        Souders ...........  Tecumseh
Graff Lewis .......  Graff           Souders Wm A ......  Cook
Graham D P ........  Tecumseh        Souter Jos ........  Sterling
Grannaman .........  Helena          Spalding M W ......  Tecumseh
Gray J A ..........  Crab Orchard    Spears J H ........  Cook
Green James .......  Tecumseh        Speckman ..........  Tecumseh
Greenfield ........  Sterling        Spence Geo ........  Sterling
Griffin J T .......  Tecumseh        Stadler ...........  Tecumseh
Grim ..............  Tecumseh        Stanton ...........  Tecumseh
Grim D F ..........  Tecumseh        Starkebaum Harmon .  Vesta
Grim Geo W ........  Tecumseh        Starlin P W .......  Tecumseh
Grimes G W   Jr ...  Sterling        Starlin W A .......  Tecumseh
Grimes John W .....  Vesta           Starrett Steve ....  Tecumseh
Grimes L F ........  Sterling        Stenholm Edwin ....  Tecumseh
Grotrean Chas .....  Tecumseh        Stevens D J .......  Tecumseh
Grove Thos ........  Elk Creek       Stevens Henry .....  Tecumseh
Gue F A ...........  Pawnee City     Stevens W F .......  Tecumseh
Gue P L ...........  Tecumseh        Stevens Walter ....  Tecumseh
Gurnsey Logan .....  Sterling        Stewart ...........  Vesta
Gutcher ...........  Crab Orchard    Stewart B F .......  Tecumseh
Gutcher C H .......  Crab Orchard    Stewart H W .......  Tecumseh
                                     Stewart J A .......  Tecumseh
Haffner Wm J ......  Vesta           Stindt Behrend ....  Sterling
Hahn Chas .........  Tecumseh        Stindt Jacob   Jr .  Sterling
Hahn Geo ..........  Graff           Stindt John .......  Sterling
Hale Thos .........  Steinauer       Stone B F .........  Crab Orchard
Hall J E ..........  Cook            Stone E C .........  Crab Orchard
Hall W P ..........  Vesta           Stone J P .........  Sterling
Hamilton ..........  Talmage         Stone J T .........  Crab Orchard
Hamiolton J S H ...  Tecumseh        Stone W G .........  Crab Orchard
Hammond Calvin ....  Tecumseh        Stott Chas ........  Crab Orchard
Hanberg ...........  Graff           Stottenberg Jas ...  Tecumseh
Hanberg E H C .....  Graff           Stout J O .........  Crab Orchard
Hanberg Henry .....  Tecumseh        Stover M L ........  Vesta
Happel J G ........  Sterling        Stover S J ........  Vesta
Hardenburg H D ....  Vesta           Strait ............  Vesta
Hardin J H ........  Tecumseh        Strait E J ........  Crab Orchard
Hardy C A .........  Tecumseh        Straube Herman ....  Sterling
Harmes Fred .......  Burr            Strine Jacob ......  Tecumseh
Harmley B F .......  Sterling        Strine Jas L ......  Tecumseh
Harrah G H ........  Tecumseh        Stroda Jacob ......  Vesta
Harrah N A ........  Vesta           Stroda John .......  Vesta
Harris E B ........  Smartville      Strong H B ........  Elk Creek
Harris F C ........  Sterling        Stuenkel A L ......  Sterling
Harris J W ........  Sterling        Stunkel Martin ....  Sterling
Harris Jno ........  Smartville      Stutheit B F ......  Helena
Hart Adam .........  Tecumseh        Stutheit Fred .....  Helena
Hart E T ..........  Smartville      Stutheit J E ......  Helena
Hart John .........  Tecumseh        Sudmeyer Christ ...  Sterling
Hart N M ..........  Smartville      Super Geo .........  Tecumseh
Hartley G W .......  Sterling        Super S S .........  Tecumseh
Hartley W T .......  Sterling        Sutherland ........  Tecumseh
Hartman Levi ......  Vesta           Sutton ............  Cook
Hatch J R .........  Tecumseh        Svoboda Frank .....  Smartville
Hawkins Geo F .....  Vesta           Svoboda Frank .....  Vesta
Hawkins J C .......  Vesta           Svoboda John ......  Sterling
Hayden ............  Sterling        Svoboda Tom .......  Sterling
Hayden B S ........  Sterling        Swallow R D .......  Sterling
Haynes S R ........  Sterling        Swan P G ..........  Tecumseh
Haynes W C ........  Sterling        Swank Noah ........  Tecumseh
Hazen Samuel ......  Tecumseh        Switzer J W .......  Tecumseh
Head Smith ........  Tecumseh                             
Hedges Thos .......  Tecumseh        Tagart ............  Vesta
Heilig G J ........  Tecumseh        Tagart James ......  Vesta
Heilig H G ........  Tecumseh        Tagart Robert .....  Vesta
Hendrick H A ......  Sterling        Talbot D L ........  Tecumseh
Hendrickson P C ...  Tecumseh        Talbot H F ........  Tecumseh
Henke Henry .......  Burr            Talcott W H .......  Tecumseh
Henry D P .........  Tecumseh        Taylor ............  Crab Orchard
Henry Jas .........  Tecumseh        Taylor ............  Tecumseh
Hershey J M .......  Sterling        Taylor Cecil ......  Tecumseh
Hervey ............  Tecumseh        Taylor E H ........  Tecumseh
Hervey E J ........  Tecumseh        Taylor Franklin ...  Tecumseh
Hester J D ........  Tecumseh        Taylor Howard .....  Tecumseh
Hestermann ........  Sterling        Taylor Leander ....  Tecumseh
Hestermann H J ....  Sterling        Taylor Mort .......  Crab Orchard
Hestermann Henry ..  Sterling        Teckenberg ........  Sterling
Hestermann John ...  Sterling        Tegarden D A ......  Tecumseh
Hickey J C ........  Johnson         Teman .............  Tecumseh
Hiebner Thos ......  Tecumseh        Temple Peter P ....  Sterling
Hill C W ..........  Tecumseh        Terrell O R .......  Tecumseh
Hill D F ..........  Smartville      Theis .............  Tecumseh
Hill W H ..........  Smartville      Theis Peter .......  Sterling
Hindernack Geo ....  Tecumseh        Thillman Frank ....  Vesta
Hiney M B .........  Vesta           Thompson A J ......  Crab Orchard
Hinnenkamp ........  Tecumseh        Thompson D C ......  Talmage
Hinsman P T .......  Sterling        Thompson D E ......  Elk Creek
Hintz .............  Smartville      Thompson E C ......  Elk Creek
Hoar E C ..........  Tecumseh        Thompson J M ......  Elk Creek
Hoar John R .......  Tecumseh        Thompson J M   Jr .  Tecumseh
Hodge .............  Vesta           Thompson R G ......  Tecumseh
Hoehna Aug. .......  Sterling        Thompson W E ......  Tecumseh
Hohl Henry ........  Cook            Thurman Thos ......  Tecumseh
Holben Israel .....  Vesta           Tibbits E A .......  Talmage
Holben Joe ........  Vesta           Tibbs J J .........  Vesta
Holberg Chas ......  Elk Creek       Tomer W O .........  Tecumseh
Holbrook ..........  Vesta           Townsend C M ......  Tecumseh
Holbrook Enos .....  Vesta           Townsend G E ......  Tecumseh
Holden J W ........  Burr            Townsend Geo ......  Tecumseh
Holeman ...........  Tecumseh        Tracy John ........  Elk Creek
Holland John H ....  Tecumseh        Tracy Owen ........  Elk Creek
Hollingsworth .....  Tecumseh        Trayer John .......  Tecumseh
Holloway ..........  Tecumseh        Triplett ..........  Talmage
Holm ..............  Graff           Trout Eli .........  Crab Orchard
Holman Jas ........  Tecumseh        Trout Geo .........  Crab Orchard
Holmes Frank ......  Tecumseh        Trout Irwin .......  Crab Orchard
Holmes O M ........  Elk Creek       Trout Jno .........  Crab Orchard
Holmes W H ........  Tecumseh        Tucker Edward .....  Elk Creek
Holthause .........  Cook            Tucker J J ........  Sterling
Holthause H L .....  Cook            Turner J S ........  Crab Orchard
Holtus ............  Elk Creek       Turner P J ........  Tecumseh
Hoopka Peter ......  Smartville      Tuttle Don ........  Sterling
Hoopke ............  Tecumseh        Tyler Jacob .......  Sterling
Hoot Ira ..........  Tecumseh                             
Hoover Jacob ......  Tecumseh        Unverzagt Fritz ...  Sterling
Hopkins Henry .....  Vesta                                
Hoppas C P M ......  Tecumseh        Van Ness ..........  Sterling
Hoppas S A ........  Tecumseh        Van Ness W G ......  Sterling
Hoppas W M ........  Tecumseh        Van Ness Willis ...  Sterling
Hosic .............  Tecumseh        Van Osdol .........  Crab Orchard
Hosic C B .........  Tecumseh        Vandarvoort M C ...  Cook
Hosic J W .........  Tecumseh        Vandervoort W H ...  Cook
Hosic L W .........  Tecumseh        Vanlaningham ......  Elk Creek
Hosinyager ........  Tecumseh        Vanlaningham O G ..  Elk Creek
Hostick P J .......  Vesta           Varrel Chas .......  Tecumseh
Hotalling D W .....  Tecumseh        Vernon Aurora .....  Sterling
Houck John ........  Sterling        Verrall ...........  Tecumseh
Howard J T ........  Sterling        Versaw F E ........  Cook
Howarth Henry .....  Tecumseh        Versaw F F ........  Cook
Howarth Jas .......  Tecumseh        Vetter ............  Elk Creek
Howe Rufus ........  Vesta           Vogan .............  Smartville
Hughes J W ........  Cook            Voorheis A C ......  Tecumseh
Hughes Wm T .......  Vesta                                
Hull ..............  Vesta           Wade Geo ..........  Tecumseh
Hunt ..............  Vesta           Wade H C ..........  Tecumseh
Hunt B P ..........  Vesta           Waggoner ..........  Crab Orchard
Hunt J Q ..........  Tecumseh        Waggoner L S ......  Tecumseh
Hunt O F ..........  Vesta           Wagner Aug. .......  Tecumseh
Hupka Frank .......  Tecumseh        Wagner Fred H .....  Tecumseh
Hurlbutt C E ......  Tecumseh        Wagner John .......  Tecumseh
Hurlbutt Chas .....  Tecumseh        Wagoner W M .......  Tecumseh
Huston A R ........  Sterling        Waidely John   Jr .  Tecumseh
Huston C E ........  Tecumseh        Waidley John   Sr .  Tecumseh
Huston Paul .......  Tecumseh        Wakeman Henry .....  Cook
Huston Robert .....  Tecumseh        Walker G H D ......  Crab Orchard
Hyslop E W ........  Burr            Walker Mark .......  Crab Orchard
Hyslop James ......  Burr            Wall W R ..........  Cook
                                     Wallace C G .......  Tecumseh
Ide L P ...........  Tecumseh        Wallace J E .......  Tecumseh
Ide N J ...........  Tecumseh        Walters ...........  Crab Orchard
Imler Lewis .......  Tecumseh        Walters J L .......  Crab Orchard
Ingersoll E A .....  Tecumseh        Walters R C .......  Crab Orchard
Ingersoll E P .....  Tecumseh        Walters W M .......  Crab Orchard
Irwin W A .........  Tecumseh        Ward David ........  Tecumseh
                                     Ward Frank ........  Vesta
Jacka John L ......  Tecumseh        Warner D S ........  Tecumseh
Jackson Benton ....  Tecumseh        Warriner C C ......  Cook
Jackson G W .......  Sterling        Water T W .........  Vesta
Jackson J C .......  Tecumseh        Watermann .........  Tecumseh
Jackson Joseph ....  Sterling        Waters ............  Tecumseh
Jackson W C .......  Sterling        Waters J N ........  Cook
Jacobson John .....  Sterling        Watkins H L .......  Sterling
Janken John .......  Sterling        Webb ..............  Tecumseh
Janssen H J .......  Sterling        Webb James ........  Tecumseh
Janssen Jurgen ....  Helena          Webb Walker J .....  Tecumseh
Jeffrey John ......  Crab Orchard    Weber .............  Sterling
Jobes W W .........  Tecumseh        Weber Fred ........  Sterling
Jockel Fred .......  Sterling        Weber Henry .......  Sterling
Jockel John .......  Sterling        Weber Ind. ........  Sterling
Joeckel John ......  Sterling        Weber J M .........  Tecumseh
John ..............  Tecumseh        Wehmer Fred .......  Sterling
Johns H A .........  Sterling        Wehmer Garrett ....  Sterling
Johnson ...........  Sterling        Wehmer Geo ........  Sterling
Johnson ...........  Tecumseh        Wehmer Harm .......  Sterling
Johnson J W .......  Sterling        Weigel Andrew .....  Sterling
Johnson Jno .......  Sterling        Weinman W J .......  Sterling
Jones .............  Crab Orchard    Welch Richard .....  Tecumseh
Jones Abner .......  Cook            Wellman W A .......  Vesta
Jones B F .........  Tecumseh        Welmer Henry ......  Henry
Jones Elias .......  Tecumseh        Wenthe Henry ......  Tecumseh
Jones Emery .......  Tecumseh        Werner Chas .......  Sterling
Jones Henry .......  Tecumseh        Werner Henry ......  Cook
Jones J T .........  Tecumseh        Weston Robt .......  Tecumseh
Jones Jas .........  Sterling        Whisler D E .......  Tecumseh
Jordon John .......  Tecumseh        Whisler David .....  Tecumseh
Joy W A ...........  Tecumseh        Whisler Henry .....  Tecumseh
Julien H C ........  Tecumseh        Whistler Jos R ....  Tecumseh
Jump F M ..........  Sterling        Whitehead W L .....  Cook
Jump J D ..........  Sterling        Whitfield S S .....  Sterling
Jury E G ..........  Tecumseh        Whitman ...........  Tecumseh
                                     Whitney ...........  Cook
Karns E S .........  Crab Orchard    Whitney A L .......  Cook
Karuan Jos ........  Tecumseh        Whitney E G .......  Cook
Kaufman C M .......  Crab Orchard    Whitney J R .......  Cook
Kaufman Henry .....  Sterling        Whitney Scott .....  Tecumseh
Kavanaugh .........  Crab Orchard    Widekind Henry ....  Tecumseh
Kavenaugh Jno .....  Tecumseh        Wiebke Chas A .....  Helena
Keebler ...........  Sterling        Wiebke F C ........  Helena
Keebler Jno V .....  Sterling        Wiebke Henry ......  Helena
Keegan Joe ........  Tecumseh        Wiechman ..........  Sterling
Keihauer Jas ......  Tecumseh        Wilcox Lon ........  Crab Orchard
Keiser F R ........  Sterling        Wilcox Steve ......  Vesta
Keiser J R ........  Sterling        Wilkinson .........  Tecumseh
Kelle Henry .......  Sterling        Wilkinson Chas ....  Tecumseh
Kelley ............  Tecumseh        Will ..............  Tecumseh
Kelsey Andy .......  Tecumseh        Williams C F ......  Vesta
Kensmier Julius ...  Tecumseh        Williams C W ......  Vesta
Keplinger .........  Tecumseh        Williams J L ......  Vesta
Kershaw ...........  Sterling        Williams Jno ......  Tecumseh
Kershaw Jno .......  Tecumseh        Williams L L ......  Tecumseh
Kesler T T ........  Smartville      Williams Noah .....  Sterling
Kimber A M ........  Tecumseh        Wilson ............  Cook
Kimes Chas A ......  Tecumseh        Wilson David ......  Cook
King Amos .........  Elk Creek       Wilson E L ........  Vesta
King E F ..........  Elk Creek       Wilson J  E .......  Tecumseh
King W L ..........  Elk Creek       Wilson J  J .......  Cook
Kinkade Jno .......  Elk Creek       Winter D A ........  Sterling
Kinkade Sam .......  Elk Creek       Winter Geo ........  Sterling
Kinniburg Jas .....  Tecumseh        Winter L A ........  Sterling
Kittlehoke ........  Tecumseh        Winters Lewis .....  Sterling
Klein .............  Sterling        Wolf Henry ........  Sterling
Klein Geo .........  Sterling        Wolfe .............  Sterling
Knapp E W .........  Tecumseh        Wolfe Geo .........  Sterling
Knippelmeyer ......  Elk Creek       Wolff Julius ......  Sterling
Knowels Geo .......  Elk Creek       Wolfs C G .........  Tecumseh
Kochler ...........  Elk Creek       Wolterrath J E ....  Tecumseh
Kohler Geo ........  Crab Orchard    Wolzfeld Henry ....  Tecumseh
Kohn Fred .........  Crab Orchard    Wood Geo ..........  Tecumseh
Kohrs .............  Tecumseh        Woodruff ..........  Tecumseh
Koitner Jacob .....  Sterling        Woodruff O D ......  Tecumseh
Kokemoon Chas .....  Tecumseh        Woods Ira .........  Crab Orchard
Kolter ............  Crab Orchard    Woods John ........  Vesta
Kopplein Albert ...  Sterling        Worlen Geo ........  Sterling
Kopplein Arnel ....  Sterling        Worlen J W ........  Sterling
Kopplein Hannah ...  Sterling        Worlen John .......  Sterling
Koutney Edwd ......  Tecumseh        Wright J C ........  Tecumseh
Kozak Jos .........  Sterling        Wright J W ........  Tecumseh
Kracke Deidrick ...  Tecumseh        Wright John .......  Tecumseh
Kraettle Jacob ....  Sterling        Wright Mark .......  Tecumseh
Kramer Henry ......  Smartville      Wright Peter ......  Tecumseh
Krause Albert .....  Tecumseh        Wright S G ........  Tecumseh
Krause Aug. .......  Sterling        Wright T M ........  Tecumseh
Krautz Frank ......  Sterling        Wrobbkin ..........  Elk Creek
Krautz Wm .........  Sterling        Wusk ..............  Smartville
Krautz Wm  Jr .....  Sterling        Wusk Adolph .......  Smartville
Krikara Frank .....  Smartville      Wusk Mattis .......  Smartville
Krikara Jno .......  Smartville                           
Krikara Vaclay ....  Smartville      Yarwood N B .......  Cook
Kringar Henry .....  Sterling        Yeakle I H ........  Cook
Krouse A J ........  Tecumseh        Yockey ............  Sterling
Krouse Fred .......  Tecumseh        York W R ..........  Cook
Krouse Jno ........  Tecumseh        Young Elias .......  Tecumseh
Krum J D ..........  Sterling        Young J E .........  Cook
Kuhlman ...........  Tecumseh        Young J F .........  Cook
Kuhns John ........  Tecumseh        Young J L .........  Tecumseh
                                     Young J S .........  Tecumseh
                                     Young L O .........  Cook
                                     Young Simon .......  Tecumseh
                                     Young W M .........  Cook
                                     Young W M .........  Crab Orchard
                                     Zinmaster .........  Tecumseh
                                     Zion A Z ..........  Crab Orchard
                                     Zion E J ..........  Crab Orchard
                                     Zion J M ..........  Crab Orchard
                                     Zumbrunn H F ......  Sterling
                                     Zuspaun Frank .....  Tecumseh

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