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Tecumseh Chieftain Happenings extract

Submitted by Anita Drain

The Tecumseh Chieftain
January 13, 1918:

Miss Marian COOK, daughter of Mr. And Mrs. E. W. COOK of this city, has resigned her school near St. Mary and has accepted the position of assistant principal at Rulo.

Ross L. HAMMOND of Fremont, who spoke of the war at the M.E. Church in Tecumseh on Thursday evening of last week, spoke to the students at the school, the next morning.

John COSTELLO returned home from Omaha, Monday. A surgeon there advised him that he was recovering from his injury, in which his leg was broken, as well as he could expect.

Mrs. Clyde IDE, who lives north of the city, took her baby to Lincoln, Saturday, for examination by a specialist. A course of special treatment was prescribed and it is expected the child will get along nicely.

Mr. And Mrs. E. D. ANDERSON returned home, Monday, from Nelson, where they had been visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. C. BOWMAN. They went out there before Christmas. Mrs. BOWMAN is their daughter.

Henry HOHL came to Tecumseh, a week ago, and visited with Mr. And Mrs. Al BERGMAN. From here he went to Cook to visit Mr. And Mrs. Elzie HERVEY. Mr. HOHL is a brother of Mrs. BERGMAN and Mrs. HERVEY.

The board of county commissioners has been reorganized for the year. E. B. PLATT is the new chairman. This paper bows its thanks to the gentlemen for naming it the official organ of the county for the coming year.

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