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Education in Johnson County

     The advantages possessed by Johnson County, in the way of school facilities, are many and obvious. The excellent system of public schools adopted by the State affords little ground for complaint at the educational methods adopted anywhere within its borders, provided, of course, the proper officials are conscientious in carrying out their duty. The first schoolhouse built in the county was, as elsewhere stated, put up by Isaac C. Lawrence in 1856. The increase of schools and school districts kept pace with the growth of the county, and from the latest returns at hand, the present number in the county is found to be sixty-seven districts, all but two of which are supplied with suitable building. The census returns, as shown by the Assessors' reports for 1881, give 3,308 children of school age within the county. In 1880 the average attendance at the schools was 1,033 out of a total attendance of 2,019. Remembering that Johnson County is strictly an agricultural region, this proportion does not indicate any neglect of opportunities. Thirty-nine male and sixty-six female pedagogues were employed in shaping the adolescent minds, the males receiving $4,736 and the females $6,130 annually for their services. The total value of all school buildings possessed by the county, as assessed, was, in 1880, $24,300, and that of the school sites, $1,540. The only graded schools in the county are two at Tecumseh and one at Sterling. Tecumseh's two schools have 395 scholars, and one male and four female teachers. NOTE: THE FOLLOWING LINKS WILL BE UPDATED WHEN ROOTSWEB IS ONLINE AGAIN. THANK YOU FOR YOUR PATIENCE.

Source: Andreas History of Nebraska, pub. 1882, page 1007

8th Grade Graduates
1916, 1920 - 1921, 1930 8th grade graduates at Johnson County schools

High School Graduates
1898 - 1930 High school graduates at Johnson County schools

Tecumseh High School Graduates
1887 - 1949 | 1950-1999 All graduates for all years

1920 - 1923 Teachers at Johnson County schools

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