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Names Available in Johnson County

This is a list of the names that I currently have information on. I have different types of information for each name and it would take up too much space to tell you what kind of information I have. If you see a name here that you would like more information about, please email Judy Coe.

   Abernathy, Mary                    Fink, John                         Morrissey, Mayme R 
   Adams, Etta                        Fink, O                            Morrissey, Nora J 
   Adkin, Carlton                     Fink, W W                          Morrissey, Owen J 
   Adkin, Chauncey                    Finzer, Jacob                      Morrissey, Roger L 
   Ahl, Henry Albert                  Fish, Ellen                        Morrissey, Spencer W 
   Ahl, Leonard Albert                Fithian, Henry                     Morrissey, Theresa R 
   Albers, Henry                      Fithian, Mr Mrs                    Morrissey, William A 
   Alder, Jacob                       Fornefelt, Wilma                   Morrissey, William T 
   Alder, Jonathon                    Foster, Charles                    Mourer , Mattie M 
   Alderman, T A                      Foster, Frank                      Mourer, Mary A 
   Aldrich, Mary A                    Francis, Sarah                     Muchmore, Ellen 
   Alen, Hays                         Frank, A.J.                        Muchmore, J D 
   Allen, A B                         Freeborn, William                  Murphy, Catherine 
   Allen, Alson                       Fremole, Mathew                    Murphy, Joseph 
   Allen, Delbert C                   Frownfelter, D.W.                  Murphy, Marie 
   Allen, Hattie                      Frushour, Earl                     Murphy, Mary 
   Allen, James                       Fuller, Ada P                      Murphy, Pierre 
   Allen, Lulu                        Fuller, Alta M                     Myers, Charles H 
   Allen, Mary                        Fuller, Arlene R                   Myers, John 
   Allen, Catherine (Dolan)           Fuller, Bessie M                   Nachtigall, Jack M 
   Allison, Madge                     Fuller, Carlton C                  Naye, Samuel 
   Allison, Nancy J                   Fuller, Charles E                  Needham, Elizabeth 
   Anderson, C.A.                     Fuller, Daisy M                    Needham, Hannah 
   Andrews, Pearl                     Fuller, Elam A                     Needham, James 
   Archer, Benjamin                   Fuller, Elmer B                    Needham, John 
   Archer, John W                     Fuller, Frances E                  Needham, Joseph 
   Archibach, Mr                      Fuller, Frank                      Needham, Maria 
   Argo, Emily A.                     Fuller, George W                   Needham, Mary 
   Armstrong, Henry                   Fuller, Harriet E                  Needham, Machel (Howarth) 
   Atkinson, J                        Fuller, John L                     Needham, Nancy 
   Auman, John  Iii                   Fuller, Myrtle E                   Needham, Sarah 
   Ayres, Amanda                      Fuller, O.H.                       Needham, William 
   Baily, Lydia                       Fuller, Opal G                     Neidhart, Charles 
   Bain, Lettie                       Fuller, Paul                       Nelson, Earl E 
   Bain, W A                          Fuller, Robert E                   Nelson, Elmer 
   Bain, William R                    Fuller, Ruth                       Nelson, Goldia M 
   Baird, W C                         Fuller, Ruth M                     Nesbitt, Lizzie 
   Baker,                             Fuller, Sherman L                  Nestor, Martin 
   Baker, Allen                       Fuller, William                    Nestor, Michael 
   Baker, Florence M                  Fuller, William B                  Nestor, Phil 
   Baker, Harvey                      Fuller, William I                  Neukirch, Gary L 
   Baker, Horace                      Fulton, Ambrose L                  Newcomb, C D 
   Baker, Hugh P                      Gaiser, Dr.                        Newhouse, Jacob  Mrs 
   Baker, Jesse M                     Gallagher, C J                     Nissley, Noah 
   Baker, Sabrina                     Ganun, Vina                        Norcross, Henry 
   Baker, Tyler C                     Gardner, Albert L                  Norris, Mr & Mrs 
   Ball,                              Gardner, Alphonzo                  O'Rourke, Emily H 
   Ball, Samuel                       Gardner, Beverly                   Oestmann, Fred 
   Ballard , G.A.                     Gardner, George A                  Oldaker, Andy 
   Baltezor, Brett William            Gardner, Joseph                    Olstrander, Charles 
   Baltezor, Jesse N                  Gardner, Lena O                    Orourke, Alberta 
   Baltezor, Jessica Lee              Gardner, Margaret L                Orourke, John A. 
   Baltezor, William Kent             Gardner, Olda C                    Orourke, Arminda 
   Banzhap, Karen A                   Gardner, Vera R                    Othmer, Edward 
   Barger, Alice M                    Gardner, William H                 Othmer, Lu Ann M 
   Bargman, Otto                      Gardner, Zelma R                   Othmer, W 
   Barker, Asbury                     Gariss, John                       Parker, Emma 
   Barrett, Mary E                    Gariss, Oliver                     Parker, Richard 
   Bartels, Edwin                     Garner, Harry                      Parkinson, Hanson B 
   Bartels, F                         Garrett, John                      Parrish, Margaret Ann 
   Bartels, Herman                    Garriss, Jacob                     Payne, Mary C 
   Bartels, John  F                   Garriss, Julia Charity (Carman)    Pease, Hattie 
   Barton, Mary                       Gates, Schuyler                    Peek, J O 
   Bassett, Cyrus                     Gebers, Lenor                      Peek, Lester 
   Baucke, Wm                         Gehr, Israel                       Penkava, D 
   Baum, A.                           Gerh, John                         Pennell, Samuel J 
   Baumer, Louis                      Gets, Lewis                        Perkins, E F 
   Beal, Alex                         Getz,                              Perkins, Jeanette 
   Beard, Etta                        Geweke, Fred H                     Perkins, P F 
   Bearden, Martha Elizabeth          Geweke, W  J                       Peters, Gustav  R 
   Beardsley, J.W.                    Gibbs, W T                         Peters, Gustav R 
   Beatty, Lula                       Gilbert, Rev                       Peters, Henry 
   Bebensee, Hans                     Gilley, Fred Alfred                Phelan, Chas 
   Bebensee, Jessie M                 Gilley, Maxine Beatrice            Phelan, Flora 
   Beesler, Geo                       Gillispie, C                       Phelps, R L 
   Beethe, Edwin J                    Goff, Bridget                      Phillips, Ada   E 
   Beethe, Emil H                     Goldsby, Richard Mrs               Phillips, Cyrus 
   Beethe, Herman                     Goodman, Esther A                  Phillips, E D 
   Bell, John                         Goodman, James                     Phillips, E P  
   Bell, Parker                       Goodman, Thomas                    Phillips, Elihu  P 
   Benedict, James                    Goracke, Geo.                      Phillips, George 
   Benner, Joseph A                   Gordon, Bertha  Adele              Phillips, Horace 
   Bennett, G D                       Goshen ,                           Phillips, Lottie 
   Bennett, J S                       Goshen,                            Phillips, Susan  B 
   Benscoter, D.V.                    Goshen, C  C                       Phippin, Phebe A 
   Benson, Clarence                   Goshen, C A                        Pierce, Elizabeth 
   Bentz, Catharine                   Goshen, Charles A                  Pike, Ellen 
   Bentz, Rachael                     Gossman, Catherine                 Pillmore, Aaron 
   Berrie, Frank                      Gottula, C  L                      Plager, Fred H C 
   Berrie, Sam                        Gottula, Geo                       Platt,  
   Berrie, Samuel                     Gottula, Geo L                     Platt, E G 
   Berrie, Susan                      Gottula, John                      Platt, Ethel 
   Berrie, Thomas                     Gottula, Ruth E                    Platt, I S 
   Bicknell, R  E                     Gould, Bridget                     Pluta, Virginia A 
   Biesemeir, Lydia                   Gould, Solomon                     Pope, B F 
   Bishop, J                          Gowen, William                     Poppe, Donabelle A 
   Bivens, Addison                    Grady, Edna F                      Potter, Clarence 
   Black, James M                     Graff, C.W.                        Potter, G G Mrs 
   Blake, Adah                        Graff, Cyrus                       Potter, Mary E 
   Blake, Joseph                      Graff, Dr                          Potter, Maude 
   Blake, Palmer                      Graff, John P                      Powell, Angeline 
   Blakeley, S.L.                     Graoit, Mr Mrs                     Powell, Anna 
   Blakely, Jacob                     Gray, A W                          Powell, Darrel J 
   Blakely, W  A                      Gray, J A                          Powell, Douglas G 
   Blakely, Walter A                  Greenfield, Julia                  Powell, J B 
   Blakley, Jennie                    Greenfield, Thursy   Mrs           Powell, Wm 
   Blakley, Margaret J                Grim, J.                           Powers, James 
   Blystone, W.J.                     Grimes, Jonathan                   Powers, William 
   Bodie, Frederick E                 Grove, Thomas B                    Pratt, John W 
   Boellstroff, Wilhelminia           Gue, D D                           Price,  
   Boland, D.M.                       Gue, F.A.                          Price, Ansford 
   Boone, Kennedy                     Gue, M A                           Price, Elizabeth 
   Bowen, Arden                       Gue, P.F.                          Price, James 
   Bowens, Pearl L                    Gue, Vinnie                        Price, P J 
   Boyer, F.H.                        Guernsey, P                        Privett, Arminda 
   Bradbury, Mary                     Haden, Betty                       Proffitt, J E 
   Brammann, Rosa                     Haenni, John Kent                  Proffitt, Ralph  E 
   Brandt, Chas.                      Haenni, Mark Allen                 Proffitt, Sarah   Mrs 
   Bratt, G.                          Haenni, Tia Genene                 Proffitt, Stella  S 
   Bray, Harvey                       Hagelbach, Rose                    Puchalla, Dennis E 
   Breatey, Florence                  Hahn, William                      Putman, William E 
   Brewer, Amos                       Hall , J.E.                        Questa, Anthony 
   Brewer, Amos A                     Hall , John W                      Quillen, John 
   Brewer, Ann                        Hall , Lewis G                     Radley, Mrs 
   Bridge, Lawrence                   Hall,                              Ragon, George 
   Bridgmon, George A                 Hall, B                            Ragon, Leona 
   Brinkman, Fred                     Hall, Emily                        Ramsey, Esther 
   Britton, Cicily                    Hall, Emma F                       Rasley, Sarah 
   Broady, John                       Hall, Franklin L                   Ratchford, Mary A 
   Brott, Betty Jean                  Hall, J                            Ray, Charles 
   Brott, Carol Jean                  Hall, Orin                         Ray, James Allen 
   Brott, Carroll Lee                 Hallock,                           Ray, Orlana L 
   Brott, Charles M                   Hallock, Lucinda                   Ray, Viola Elvira 
   Brott, Charles Martin              Halter, Mary Catherine             Reams, Lorence Cecele 
   Brott, Clara                       Halverstadt, I N                   Reardon, Dennis 
   Brott, Cynthia Ann                 Hanburg, Catherine                 Reardon, Lizzie 
   Brott, Dallas Duval                Hands, L A                         Reckewey, William 
   Brott, Deborah Kay                 Hansenyager, Henry                 Redfield, F A 
   Brott, Elizabeth                   Hanson, Jas A                      Redfield, William C 
   Brott, Florence                    Harden, John  R                    Reed, A.C. 
   Brott, Floyd Henry                 Harrington, Annie                  Reed, Flora 
   Brott, Freeman E                   Harrington, Fred                   Reeder, Truesdale 
   Brott, George W                    Harrington, Margaret Hannah (Mrs.) Reese, Guy 
   Brott, Henry                       Harrington, Martha                 Reighard, Elizabeth 
   Brott, Ida M                       Harrington, Osie                   Ress, Nicholas 
   Brott, Isaac Martin                Harrington, Vardemon               Reynolds, Edgar 
   Brott, James                       Harris, W R                        Reynolds, Reuben F 
   Brott, James H                     Harrison, A D                      Rhinehart, J 
   Brott, James Martin                Harrow, Robert                     Rhodes, H Col 
   Brott, Joesph Martin               Hart, Alvis                        Rhodes, Hinman 
   Brott, John William                Hart, Charles                      Richards, Charles 
   Brott, Josephine                   Hart, Clifton                      Richardson, Asa 
   Brott, Karon Sue                   Hart, Elisha Truman                Richardson, Daniel 
   Brott, Kathleen Sue                Hart, Eliza                        Richardson, Owen  P 
   Brott, Lloyd Raymond               Hart, Gladys                       Richardson, Pliny 
   Brott, Lorena Bell                 Hart, Lula May                     Richardson, T E 
   Brott, Lorence Cecele              Hart, Margaret Hannah              Riggles, J 
   Brott, Lorene Inez                 Hart, Nellie                       Riley, John 
   Brott, Mabel                       Hart, Roland                       Ring, John 
   Brott, Marcelle Louise             Hartley, Walter                    Ring, Wilson 
   Brott, Margaret Ann                Hartwell, R B                      Robb, Robert 
   Brott, Mary                        Harvey, C K                        Roberts, C W 
   Brott, Mary Catherine              Hasenyager, Henry                  Roberts, Elizabeth 
   Brott, Maude Brott                 Haughton, Catherine                Roberts, Emily  S 
   Brott, Maxine Beatrice             Hawley, Ruth A                     Roberts, James 
   Brott, Mildred                     Haynes, F B                        Roberts, John 
   Brott, Nancy                       Hazen, Frank K                     Roberts, Rebecca 
   Brott, Patricia Gayle              Hazen, Orville                     Roberts, Thomas 
   Brott, Paul Howard                 Hazen, Sarah A                     Roberts, Wm 
   Brott, Phebe A                     Hazen, Virgil                      Robins , Henry 
   Brott, Ralph David                 Hecht, Henry                       Robins, Delia M 
   Brott, Reuben C                    Hecht, Velma S                     Robins, Lewis R 
   Brott, Rosa                        Heckman, Catherine                 Robins, Lucy Ethel 
   Brott, Samuel                      Heidelmann, Wm                     Robins, Orlo Anson 
   Brott, Sarah M                     Heidman, W L                       Robinson , James 
   Brott, Sarildria A                 Heilig, Eleanor                    Robinson,  
   Brott, Shari Renee                 Heilig, Geo                        Robinson, Allen 
   Brott, Tia Genene                  Heillig, Archie                    Robinson, Charles 
   Brott, Viola Elvira                Heist, Lydia                       Robinson, Gordon 
   Brott, Wanda Bell                  Hemminghaus, Fred                  Robinson, Helen 
   Brott, William Calvin              Hemphill, Achsah                   Robinson, John 
   Brown, Alice L                     Hemphill, Oscar                    Robinson, S C 
   Brown, Amy C                       Hempler, J                         Rogers, Eveline A 
   Brown, Andrew J                    Hempler, J H                       Rogers, Harriett 
   Brown, Charity                     Henry, D P                         Rogge, Belle 
   Brown, Clarinda                    Henry, Elizabeth                   Rogge, Cora 
   Brown, Ezekiel A                   Hervey, Elmer                      Rogge, Edwin 
   Brown, George                      Heuke, Louis                       Rogge, Henry 
   Brown, George T                    Hickey, Ann                        Rogge, Jacob 
   Brown, Grant                       Hickey, Mathilda                   Rogge, Margaret 
   Brown, Henry A                     Highwood, Esther                   Rogge, Mary 
   Brown, Jeremiah                    Hild, Albert L                     Rogge, Ola 
   Brown, Jessie                      Hill, James                        Rogge, Rowie 
   Brown, Lorena Bell                 Hill, Jas                          Rogge, Sophia 
   Brown, Lottie                      Hill, Mary (Needham)               Rogge, Stella 
   Brown, Margaret J                  Hillman, Clarence                  Rogge, Willis 
   Brown, Mary  S                     Himburg, John                      Root,  
   Brown, Sarah A                     Hindman, Elizabeth (Carman)        Root, Elizabeth 
   Brown, Sarah N                     Hitchcock, J  Hall                 Root, George 
   Bryant, C R                        Hitchcock, N F                     Rosakrans, Henry 
   Bryson, R                          Holbrook,                          Rosenberg, Jeffery L 
   Bucholtz, Fred                     Holbrook, Barbara                  Ross, J J M 
   Buckman, Cal                       Holden, Lorinda M                  Ross, J M 
   Bueg, Henry                        Holden, Oscar                      Roth, Barlow 
   Buehler, Elsie                     Holden, Wm                         Rothell, C.L. 
   Bueltemeier, Wilhelmine            Holman, J B                        Rothell, Geo D 
   Buerstetta, Charles                Holmes, C A                        Rothwell, Geo W 
   Buerstetta, F  W                   Holmes, John E                     Rottmann, Fred C 
   Buerstetta, F W                    Holmes, Warren H                   Rounds, E.D. 
   Buethe, Adolph                     Holthus, J H L                     Rowland, Charles 
   Buethe, Arthur                     Holtus, L                          Rowland, Paulina 
   Buethe, August                     Hopkins, Henry                     Rulla, John A 
   Buethe, C  H                       Hopkins, Lewis R                   Runnion, Ralph 
   Buethe, C F                        Hopkins, Lucy Ethel                Runnion, Warren 
   Buethe, C H                        Hopkins, Orlo Anson                Russell, Al 
   Buethe, Carl                       Hopkins, Pitts H                   Russell, Betsey 
   Buethe, Edward                     Horn, Elizabeth                    Russell, Don 
   Buethe, Gustave                    Horn, Emily                        Russell, Hazel 
   Buethe, Henry J                    Horn, Joel                         Ryner, Sarah 
   Buethe, Herman                     Horn, Johanna                      Sampson, Suzie 
   Buethe, John                       Horn, W  H                         Sanders, Caspers 
   Buethe, W  L                       House, Dora   Alice                Sandusky, Wiley 
   Buethe, W L                        Howard, Dr. S                      Sankey, T B 
   Buethe, Wm                         Howarth, James                     Sapp, Charles 
   Bueths, Herman                     Howarth, John H                    Sapp, George W 
   Buffum, J W                        Howarth, Machel                    Sapp, Henry 
   Buffum, J.W.                       Howell, Robert                     Sapp, Isaac 
   Buffum, Joseph                     Howeth, Edward                     Sarbin, Edward 
   Buffum, Joseph W                   Howorth, Alf                       Sarbin, Emil 
   Bulch, Daniel                      Howorth, Edwin                     Saunders, Joseph 
   Bump, Maria  B                     Hoy, Lena                          Saunders, W P 
   Burns, Isaac                       Hoyt, Shirley L                    Schepmann, Wm 
   Bush, Edith M                      Huegel, John D                     Scherer, H 
   Butler, Ellen                      Hueke, Wm                          Schneider, Donald J 
   Butler, L                          Huffman, Adam                      Schnell, Louisa 
   Butler, Norton                     Hughes, Cynthia Ann                Schoel, Bertha 
   Byerly, F  P                       Hughes, Douglas Eugene             Schoene, Adam 
   Caffee, Ann                        Humpal, Mrs                        Schugart, G E 
   Campbell,                          Hunt, Alanzo                       Schultz, Betha 
   Campbell, Euphemia                 Hunt, J.E.                         Schumann, Catherine 
   Campbell, Jane                     Hunt, Marilyn M                    Seaver, Flora M 
   Campbell, John                     Huntley, Amanda                    Seay, James E 
   Campbell, John C.                  Hurlbutt, Charles E                Seckman, Freddie W 
   Campbell, Elizabeth (Needham)      Hurlbutt, Eliza                    Seckman, James L 
   Canfield, A                        Hurlbutt, Helen B                  Seckman, Stephanie A 
   Cannel, John     Son Of            Hurlbutt, Lloyd F                  Seiber, Robert 
   Cannell, John D                    Huston, Paul                       Senter, John 
   Cannell, William D                 Huston, Robert                     Severance, Daniel 
   Cannon, Mary E                     Hutchens, Frances                  Sharp, William 
   Card, A                            Hutchison, Mary E                  Sharratt,  
   Carlyle, James  E                  Ingrahm, S.E.                      Sharret, Elizabeth 
   Carlyle, Jonathan                  Irwin, Ann                         Sharrett, J D 
   Carman, A. F. (Anna?)              Irwin, David T                     Sharrett, Jessie M 
   Carman, Adam                       Irwin, Franklin                    Sharrett, John 
   Carman, Adella (Charly A.?)        Irwin, Isaac                       Sharrett, La Fayette A 
   Carman, Alfred Augustus            Irwin, Mary                        Sharrett, Mable L 
   Carman, Alice                      Jahnke, James Douglas              Sharrett, Pearl M 
   Carman, Ami                        Jeffery, John                      Shaughnessy, Michael 
   Carman, Amos Lockwood              Jeffery, Millie                    Shaw, Hannah M 
   Carman, Anna (A. F.?)              Jeffery, Thomas                    Shaw, I N 
   Carman, Anna V.                    Jeffrey, C.T.                      Sherman, Wilbur 
   Carman, Annie                      Jeffrey, Charles T                 Sherman, Wm N 
   Carman, Arminda                    Jewett, C J                        Shew, Bert 
   Carman, Carman                     Jobes, J J                         Shew, Geraldine E 
   Carman, Carrie                     Jobes, Jay  L                      Shew, Pansy B 
   Carman, Charity                    Jobes, Jay L                       Shriver, R.M.J. 
   Carman, Charity L.                 Jobes, Julia  A                    Shull, Elmer 
   Carman, Charles Frederick          Jobes, W  E                        Sieber, Louise 
   Carman, Charles Jasper             Jobes, Wallace L                   Siebler, Robert 
   Carman, Charly A. (Adella?)        Johns, Ferdinand                   Simpson, Sarah 
   Carman, Clara B.                   Johnson , Ralph W                  Skillman, Clarissa 
   Carman, Edwin Halsey               Johnson, Albert F                  Skogg, Harold A 
   Carman, Elizabeth                  Johnson, Allen C                   Sloan, George 
   Carman, Ellen                      Johnson, Anna                      Smart, Nancy 
   Carman, Emily                      Johnson, Arthur G                  Smiley, Ann 
   Carman, Emmer/Emmor Dean/David     Johnson, Benjamin                  Smith , Mary O 
   Carman, Enoch                      Johnson, Benjamin F                Smith, Albert 
   Carman, Etta L.                    Johnson, Constance M               Smith, Alice  E 
   Carman, Euphemia                   Johnson, Darrell D                 Smith, Benjamin F 
   Carman, Hannah                     Johnson, David M                   Smith, Clarence E 
   Carman, Henry Clay                 Johnson, Donald L                  Smith, Frances 
   Carman, Israel                     Johnson, Donna J                   Smith, Henry 
   Carman, Israel/Jacob Benoni        Johnson, Frank B                   Smith, J Roy 
   Carman, James                      Johnson, Geo J                     Smith, J W 
   Carman, James A.                   Johnson, Gregory L                 Smith, Luvina 
   Carman, James I.                   Johnson, Hugh B                    Smith, Mary 
   Carman, John L.                    Johnson, Jacqueline S              Smith, Mrs Louisa 
   Carman, Julia Charity              Johnson, James                     Smith, Roy 
   Carman, Libni                      Johnson, Jeanette M                Smith, Theodore 
   Carman, Lucy C.                    Johnson, Joyce A                   Smith, Valentine 
   Carman, Marcus H.                  Johnson, Lawrence L                Smith, William E 
   Carman, Maria                      Johnson, Leonard R                 Snider, Charles 
   Carman, Mary                       Johnson, Linda D                   Snodgrass, John 
   Carman, Mary Ann                   Johnson, Linda L                   Snow, J W 
   Carman, Mary Jane                  Johnson, Locada J                  Snyder, D C 
   Carman, Minnie M.                  Johnson, Lorain V                  Snyder, Leonard 
   Carman, Annie (McKenzie)           Johnson, Mary F                    Snyder, Wm 
   Carman, Charity Lockwood (Currey)  Johnson, Melvin R                  Somberg, A. 
   Carman, Elizabeth (De Vall)        Johnson, Michael R                 Somberg, Abraham 
   Carman, Elizabeth (Wheelock)       Johnson, Mildred L                 Sonberg, Eva 
   Carman, Emily A. (Argo)            Johnson, Patriciaa E               Soper, Michael 
   Carman, Emma I. (Jones)            Johnson, Penny S                   Souders, R  D 
   Carman, Euphemia (Campbell)        Johnson, R M  Gen                  Sparling, Geo 
   Carman, Louisa (Schnell)           Johnson, Raymond L                 Spears, Charles 
   Carman, Margaret (Cooper)          Johnson, Rosemary                  Spence, Jeffrey A 
   Carman, Martha (Elliott)           Johnson, Shirlee A                 Spicer, John L. 
   Carman, Martha Elizabeth           Johnson, Thelma L                  Spicer, Mary Jane (Carman) 
   Carman, Martha Elizabeth (Bearden) Johnson, Verne E                   Springton, Rev.   
   Carman, Mary (Allen)               Jolly, W C                         Stakes, Robert 
   Carman, Mary Ann (Van Winkle)      Jones, Agnes                       Stanton, Michael 
   Carman, Nancy (Needham)            Jones, Daisy R                     Stevens, Jesse 
   Carman, Susan J. (Vanwinkle)       Jones, Emma I.                     Stevens, Olive A 
   Carman, Nancy Agnes                Jones, Florence                    Stewart, Clarence 
   Carman, Orvil                      Jones, Geo                         Stewart, M E 
   Carman, Quindora                   Jones, Grace M                     Stewart, Roy 
   Carman, Robert                     Jones, James H                     Stoltenberg, Elizabeth 
   Carman, Samuel Sheldon             Jones, James T                     Stoltenberg, Emil 
   Carman, Sarah E.                   Jones, Phineas                     Stoltenberg, Ferdinand  G 
   Carman, Simon                      Jones, Robert                      Stoltenberg, Henry 
   Carman, Solomon                    Jones, W.D.                        Stoltenberg, James 
   Carman, Stephen Dean               Jones, William                     Stoltenberg, John 
   Carman, William                    Jones, William S                   Stone, B F 
   Carman, William E.                 Joughin, W.A.                      Stone, Jasper 
   Carman, William H.                 Jump, Flora B                      Stover, Arthur E 
   Carman, William M.                 Jury, Emanuel G                    Stover, Elizabeth A 
   Carmen, Israel                     Jury, George                       Stover, Frances E 
   Carmine, Carrie A                  Karas, I  W  Est                   Stover, Hughey M 
   Carmine, George W                  Kays, Abigail                      Stover, J 
   Carothers, Mary                    Kebler, Valentine                  Stover, James A 
   Carse, Andrew                      Keim, Frederick E                  Stover, James A Jr 
   Carson, Elizabeth                  Keim, Jacob                        Stover, Jo Anna 
   Carson, J  L                       Keim, Kathleen M                   Stover, Ladonna J 
   Carson, J Lind                     Keim, Marjery A                    Stover, Margaret C 
   Carson, Luke                       Keim, Mildred D                    Stover, Samuel J 
   Carson, Rosanna                    Keim, Peter                        Straly, Elizabeth 
   Carter, Ann  E                     Kelley, Nora M                     Strong, Charles 
   Cassford, Henry                    Kenney, Pamelia                    Strong, H B 
   Catchpole, Meda                    Kent, Charles                      Strong, N B 
   Chatfield, C S                     Kent, Floretta                     Strong, W H 
   Childs, Abbie                      Kent, Hiram                        Super, Inez  May 
   Christy, Bessie                    Kent, Homer                        Super, Loduska  Ellen 
   Christy, M H                       Keplinger, Charles                 Super, Samuel 
   Chubbuck, C K Dr                   Keplinger, Jacob W                 Sutton, William 
   Chubbuck, Carlton                  Kerr, D C                          Swallow, John 
   Chubbuck, James                    Kickkok, Charles                   Swan, James 
   Cickel, C H                        Kiely, Jane                        Swan, W.G. 
   Cilley, P  J                       Kline, Melville Norman             Synder, Maude L 
   Clark, Brian D                     Kline, Melvin Norman               Talbott, M.M. 
   Clark, Carol A                     Knippelmeyer, Henry D              Taylor, Ann 
   Clark, Diane R                     Knippelmeyer, J  F                 Taylor, Christinia E 
   Clark, G.N.                        Knippelmeyer, Wilhelm F            Taylor, H E 
   Clark, Steven G                    Koehler, Conrad                    Taylor, J J 
   Clark, William L                   Koehler, Wm                        Taylor, John W 
   Cloud, Carol J                     Kohn, M                            Taylor, Margaret  D 
   Clute, M A                         Konlny, Anton                      Tevebaugh, William 
   Clutter, Myra                      Kracke, D                          Thompson, Elijah 
   Cochran,                           Krantz, A L                        Thompson, F M 
   Cochran, Pearl                     Krause, Peter A                    Thompson, J M 
   Cody, A  T                         Kreifel, H P                       Thompson, Marianne S 
   Cody, Caroline                     Krotzer, C.E.   Mrs                Thurber, Frank 
   Cody, Milo K                       Krouse, John   Mrs                 Thurber, S W 
   Coffe, Noble                       Kuhl, Henry                        Tierney, K 
   Colburn, Betty Jean                Kuhlman, F D                       Tingle, Harvey 
   Cole, W.P.                         Labers, Adolph                     Titus, Leroy 
   Colhapp, Daniel Boone              Laflin, George                     Tomer, W O 
   Collins, Phoebe  A                 Laflin, Lou                        Tourtlot, George 
   Combs, Ann                         Lamonte, Frank                     Townsend, Edna 
   Comstock, Ansel                    Lantz, Fred                        Townsend, W H 
   Comstock, George                   Lave, Fred                         Tracey, Finley 
   Comstock, James M                  Lawler, Josephine                  Trumble, J E 
   Conner, Jane                       Lawrence,                          Tucker, E N 
   Cook, J. W.                        Lawrence, Adline                   Tucker, G P 
   Cook, James                        Lawrence, I C                      Tucker, George 
   Cook, Mamie                        Lawton, Frances                    Tucker, Wm 
   Cook, Minnie                       Lempka, F W                        Turner, P J 
   Cook, Ted                          Libby, Clara Ann                   Tyler, Charles 
   Cooper, Mabel F                    Libby, H  N                        Tyson, Horace 
   Cooper, Margaret                   Libby, H N                         Tyson, J W 
   Corbin, O.A.                       Libby, Lucy                        Uliorka, C Mrs 
   Cork, Al                           Libby, Pamelia                     Ulrich, Edmund 
   Corson,                            Lillich, Geo                       Underhill, Charles 
   Cox, David W                       Lindenmeyer, T A  Rev              Underhill, Michael L 
   Cox, Mathilda                      Linville, Lewis                    Underhill, Ellen (McKenzie) 
   Coykendall, John                   Little,                            Unverzagt, Fred 
   Craft, John  F                     Little, Almer                      Van Winkle, James 
   Craig,                             Little, H                          Van Winkle, Mary Ann 
   Craney, Mary E                     Little, J A                        Van Winkle, Sarah 
   Crawley, S                         Little, James                      Van Winkle, Susan J. 
   Crile, John                        Loomis,                            Vance, Nellie N S 
   Crile, Michael                     Loomis, Alfred                     Vance, Ralph 
   Croft, John F                      Loomis, Israel                     Vanlaningham, Frances 
   Crook, Earl R                      Lovitt, Wood                       Vanlaningham, Gertrude H 
   Cropp, Clarence Louis              Luddington, Margaret               Vanlaningham, Oscar 
   Cropp, Delmer William              Lushbaugh, B F                     Vanwinkle, Dennis L 
   Cropp, Elsie  Etta                 Lusher, Sarah                      Vanwinkle, Frederick A 
   Cropp, Louis                       Lynch, W J                         Versaw, Fred 
   Cropp, Raymond  M                  Lytle, Iva                         Versaw, H.H. 
   Cropp, Ruby Ellen                  Mace, David                        Vetter, Joshua J 
   Crosier, Cusia                     Mace, Mary                         Volker, R W 
   Crow, J H                          Mace, Susannah                     Wada, Dorothy Evelyn 
   Culp, Constance                    Madden, Willie L                   Wada, James 
   Cummings, Arthur                   Mahar, Emma                        Waddell, Helen 
   Cummins, J.C.                      Maines, Herbert S                  Waidley, W T 
   Cummins, Laura                     Makinson, Ann                      Walden, L R 
   Cummins, Wilson                    Makinson, W L                      Waldron, E Mrs 
   Cummunings,                        Mandery, Margaret                  Walker,  
   Cunningham,                        Manley, Stephan                    Walker, Tabitha  A 
   Currey, Charity Lockwood           Mann, Abraham                      Walker, W P 
   Currey, R.J.                       Marble, Harmon  P                  Walters, Ellen 
   Curry, Geo  W                      Marble, Milton                     Ward, Dr 
   Curry, George W                    Marshall, Nona                     Ward, J. 
   Curry, R.F.                        Martin, C                          Ward, James 
   Curry, Richard F                   Martin, Elree Thomas               Ward, Nellie 
   Curtis, Eliza                      Martin, Isaac                      Warner, Matilda 
   Curtis, Harrison J                 Martin, L.                         Waterman, Louis 
   Curtis, Henry                      Martin, Amanda (McKenzie)          Watermann, Henry 
   Curtis, Mary A                     Martin, Hannah (Carman)            Watson, Ann 
   Dafoe, Alda                        Martin, Patricia Gayle             Way, D  L 
   Darby,                             Mason, George                      Waymire, Beverly J 
   Darby, John                        Mastalha, Mary                     Webb, Jas 
   Davey, Peter                       Matson, Caroline S                 Weber, Arthur 
   David, W                           Matters, Margaret                  Weddington, Craft 
   Davidson, Maria (Needham)          Maulding,                          Weddington, Wanda Bell 
   Davidson, S P                      Maulding, John                     Wehmer, Gaylord G 
   Davidson, William                  Mavity, E W                        Weidikin, Henry 
   Davis, Hart                        Mayberry, C N                      Wenzle, L R 
   Davis, L M                         Mayer, G  W                        Werner, Lena  G 
   Davis, Wm                          McAllister, Hannah (Needham)       Werstler, Sarah 
   Davis, Wm A                        McAllister, Thomas                 Wert, Edward D 
   De Vall, Elizabeth                 McClure,                           Wert, Mary 
   Delfs, Mary                        McClure, Charles                   Wert, Michael 
   Delong, G.W.                       McClure, Ellen                     West, Margaret K 
   Delong, Geo                        McClure, Thomas   Est              Wever, Alice Marie 
   Deming, Edna  M                    McCoy, Bevery J                    Wever, Arthus 
   Dennis,                            McCoy, Darwin D                    Wever, Arvile 
   Dettermann , Henry                 McCoy, Delvin L Jr                 Wever, Avis 
   Dettermann, Henry L                McCoy, Delvin L Sr                 Wever, Bessie M 
   Dettermann, Lena                   McCoy, Edna J                      Wever, Daisy 
   Dettermann, Lewis H                McCoy, Teresa M                    Wever, Dale 
   Dettermann, Martha                 McCoy, Timothy Y                   Wever, Edna 
   Dettermann, Mary J                 McCoy, Victory K                   Wever, Eltoras 
   Dettermann, Nancy                  McCoy, William G                   Wever, Floyd  Franklin 
   Devenney, Willie                   McCrann, Dr                        Wever, Floyd Eugene 
   Dew, Elizabeth C                   McDonald, Daniel                   Wever, Francis E 
   Dew, J.S.                          McDonald, Jas                      Wever, Frank Edwin 
   Dew, Peter                         McDougal, Owen                     Wever, Franklin  Thomas 
   Dew, Robert                        McGauph, Amanda                    Wever, Franklin Thomas 
   Dible, John                        McGuire, Charles Mrs               Wever, George Arthur 
   Dible, John  H                     McKee , G W                        Wever, George Everett 
   Dickerson, Phillip                 McKee, Angelia                     Wever, George H 
   Dillion, Grandpa                   McKee, Ann                         Wever, George Henry 
   Dillion, J.J.                      McKee, Anna                        Wever, Inez  Inora 
   Dillon, Job                        McKee, Charles L                   Wever, Iola   Isabel 
   Dillworth, H.S.                    McKee, Chester S                   Wever, James 
   Dilworth, James M                  McKee, Donald L                    Wever, John  Ellis 
   Dilworth, Lindsay                  McKee, Ester A                     Wever, Leonard Alvin 
   Dilworth, Warren S                 McKee, Gladys E                    Wever, Lila Mildred 
   Divelbiss, Charles L               McKee, James H                     Wever, Lloyd Henry 
   Divelbiss, Mary E                  McKee, James L                     Wever, Lula  May 
   Doeden, David W                    McKee, Janice A                    Wever, Lula May 
   Dolan, Catherine                   McKee, Jennie                      Wever, Marjory 
   Dollarhide, Absalom                McKee, John                        Wever, Mary Florence 
   Dollarhide, Albert                 McKee, Kenneth R                   Wever, Ralph Anson 
   Dollarhide, Asel                   McKee, Mary                        Wever, Ray  Benson 
   Donahue, Alice                     McKee, Robert B                    Wever, Riley  Anson 
   Doolittle, Roy                     McKee, Robert W                    Wever, Roland  N 
   Doolittle, Wm. H.                  McKee, Samuel W                    Wever, Rosetta 
   Dorsey, Adaline                    McKenzie, Amanda                   Wever, Rosetta  Emaline 
   Dorsey, Benjamin F                 McKenzie, Annie                    Wever, Russell 
   Dorsey, Chas                       McKenzie, Frederick                Wever, Sarah Elizabeth 
   Dorsey, John W                     McKenzie, Henrietta                Wever, Sherman Taft 
   Doty, Eliza                        McKenzie, John                     Wever, Vehna  May 
   Doud, D.M.                         McKenzie, Joseph                   Wever, Viva Mae 
   Douglas, Angeline                  McKenzie, Ellen (Pike)             Wever, Walt  Wayne 
   Douglas, J.W.                      McKenzie, Thomas                   Wever, Walter Andrew 
   Douglas, Oscar                     McKenzie, William                  Wever, William Russell 
   Douglas, Sanford                   McKinzie, James                    Wheelock, Elizabeth 
   Douglas, W                         McLanahan, Dick                    Whistler, Riley 
   Doyle, L.O.                        McLaughlin, Alfred A               White, Alfred 
   Drake, B.F.                        McLaughlin, Eloise M               White, F M 
   Duden, Anna                        McLaughlin, Harrison               White, George 
   Duebler, Conrad                    McLaughlin, Miram                  White, L A 
   Duebler, Geo                       McMann, Wm                         White, Mariel 
   Dufeck, F  J                       McMillen, Nerva                    Whitfield, Maude 
   Dunlap, W L                        McMullen, Frank                    Whitfield, S S 
   Durst, David                       McReynolds, Chester B              Whitfield, Teressa 
   Easterday, M V                     McReynolds, Cora                   Whitlock, Dewey J 
   Easterday, M.W.                    Medearis, Wiley                    Whitlock, John 
   Eaton, Alexander                   Medhurst, William                  Whitlock, Manila F 
   Eaton, Eliza                       Mendehall, J L                     Whitmack, Rollie O 
   Eaton, Hugh                        Merrill, H W                       Widmeier, Theo G 
   Eaton, James                       Merwin, E                          Wiggington, Alice 
   Eaton, John                        Metcalfe, E W                      Wiggington, Victoria 
   Eaton, Margaret                    Metcalfe, Virgil                   Wigginton, Charles  W 
   Eaton, Mary J                      Miles, E D                         Wigginton, Cyril 
   Eaton, Matilda                     Miles, H A                         Wilkerson, Jesse 
   Eaton, Sarah                       Milks, Everett                     Wilkerson, Sarah E. (Carman) 
   Edgar, Wilbur                      Millard, Duck                      Wilkinson, Charles 
   Edwards, Allen                     Miller, Albert                     Wilkinson, Harriett 
   Edwards, John                      Miller, B                          Wilkinson, John 
   Egan, Harriet                      Miller, Clara                      Will, William 
   Ehmen, Anna                        Miller, Mr & Mrs                   Williams, Alfred 
   Eilers, Gade                       Miller, Susan                      Williams, Charles 
   Elliott, Daniel                    Mills, Abbie                       Williams, John 
   Elliott, John  M                   Mills, Sarah A                     Williams, Oliva   Mae 
   Elliott, Lewis                     Miner, Charles                     Williams, Rebecca 
   Elliott, Martha                    Mitchell, A J                      Willson, I G 
   Ellis, Benjamin P                  Monteith, Elmira                   Wilson, Thomas 
   Ellis, Fernandesh                  Moore, C W Dr                      Winters, Daniel 
   Ellsworth, Betsy                   Moore, James  Dr                   Winters, Lewis 
   Ellsworth, E A                     Moore, Lydia                       Wolford, Solomon 
   Ellsworth, Lycurgus                Moreynolds, A  F                   Wolken, Jos A 
   Emerson, Samuel                    Morganatern, D                     Woltemath, G  H 
   Emery, Frances E                   Morris, P                          Woltemath, G H 
   Ensor, W.P.                        Morris, Robert                     Woltemath, H  G 
   Enterline, George                  Morrissey, Anna                    Woltemath, J  C 
   Eply, Harvey D                     Morrissey, Bernard R               Woltemath, J  H 
   Eply, John                         Morrissey, Bernice H               Woltemath, J C 
   Ernst, Herman                      Morrissey, Charles                 Wood, Elijah 
   Ernst, Josephine                   Morrissey, Charles L               Woodard, Lucinda 
   Ernst, Martin F L                  Morrissey, Charles W               Woodley, C 
   Ernst, William                     Morrissey, Cynthia A               Woodruff, Lee 
   Erwin, Angie  M                    Morrissey, Donald J                Woodruff, U D 
   Erwin, Arthur C                    Morrissey, Donetta M               Woosley, G W 
   Erwin, Britt                       Morrissey, Elaine                  Work, R G 
   Erwin, C                           Morrissey, Eleanore A              Workman, Holly S 
   Erwin, George A                    Morrissey, Forrest                 Wornstaff, Nancy 
   Erwin, Hattie                      Morrissey, George B                Wright, A J Mrs 
   Erwin, Jennie M                    Morrissey, Geraldine E             Wright, Charles 
   Erwin, Mary                        Morrissey, Harland F               Wright, Cyrus 
   Erwin, Minnie C                    Morrissey, Hubert                  Wright, Jud 
   Erwin, Peter                       Morrissey, Irene C                 Wright, R 
   Erwin, Robert M                    Morrissey, Jack D                  Young, John T 
   Erwin, Robert P                    Morrissey, John                    Young, Julius L 
   Evans, John                        Morrissey, Julie                   Young, R M 
   Fairbrother, F M                   Morrissey, Katheryn L              Young, Robert 
   Fairbrother, G W                   Morrissey, Lois E                  Young, William 
   Farvel, F.M.                       Morrissey, Mamie                   Young, William M 
   Fields, Elizabeth                  Morrissey, Margaret E              Ziegler, Dr 
   Fink, J F                          Morrissey, Martin J                Zink, N 
   Fink, J W                          Morrissey, Matthew J               Zuhlke, E. 

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