Vol VI, no. 1, page 10 - Summer 1983
Submitted by: James D. Wolken, Marysville, KS
From: "Early Files" section of the Tecumseh Chieftain (Johnson
Co.) NE.
September 1891, Tecumseh Chieftain
Married: Arthur RUSSELL and Lula BEATTY
A dau. to Mr. & Mrs. Hart DAVIS, Sept. 2nd.
A son to Mr. & Mrs. C.W. WILSON, Sept. 11.
L. C. YOUNG recently sold his farm in Spring Creek prect.
A. B. ALLEN to Nellie W. INGERSOLL, Sept. 2nd.
John F. CROFT married to Miss Vina GANUN, Sept. 2nd in Wellsville,
William GOWEN was injured in a fall.
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew CARSE celebrated their 40th wedding anniv.
D.C. KERR sold his farm south of town to Cyrus GRAFF for $2,600.
Orin HALL of Sterling killed in an accident.
W.L. HEIDMAN new owner of grocery store owned by Alf HOWORTH.
Mr. & Mrs. GRAIOT's little five week old baby died.
WM. ERNST exhibited 22 of his Percharon horses at the state fair
Died--at the residence of W.P. SAUNDERS, the infant dau. of Mr.
& Mrs. M.A. CLUTE, aged ten weeks.
Died--in Pulashi, Oswego Co., N.Y., Sept. 11th E.D. PHILLIPS old
settler of this county.
Mr. & Mrs. R. T. BROWN observed 13 anniv. Sept. 10th.
CRAB Orchard--J.A. GRAY sold his farm.
Born--a dau. to Mr. & Mrs. Dick McLANAHAN.
Everett MILKS met a painful accident with a pony.
J.P. PRICE of Smartville have removed to Okla.
An accident killed an adopted son, Harry GARNER, age 13 of Luther VANLANINGHAM of Tecumseh.
APRIL 1891
Long Branch--Mrs. Richard GOLDSBY died leaving a husband and six children.
Dr. McCRANN delivered a girl to Mr. & Mrs. Al CORK near
A son born to Mr. & Mrs. James MCKINZIE south of town.
A son born to Mr. & Mrs. George PHILLIPS of Lincoln
A son born to Mr. & Mrs. FITHIAN on Monday
A son born to Mr. & Mrs. C. J. GALLAGHER April 28th.
COMMUNINGS and CUNNINGHAM sold their meat business to Robert STAKES of Auburn.
Lewis LINVILLE of Smartville has sold interest in a steam thresher to Geo. HEILIG for $450.
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