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Johnson County, NE - Family Histories

Contributed by Anita Drain
<[email protected]>



Tecumseh Chieftain
Tecumseh, Johnson County, Nebraska
12 Jan 1918

Mrs. Kennedy BOONE is Dead

Passed Away at Table Rock on Sunday, Jan 6, 1918. Mrs. Mary Jane BOONE, wife of Kennedy BOONE, died at a hospital in Table Rock , at 11:00 o�clock, a. M., on Sunday, Jan. 6, 1918. She had been in failing health for several years, suffering with a heart trouble and perhaps other ailments and had been taken to the hospital for treatment about a week before death. An operation had been submitted to. Her age was sixty-two years, nine months and eighteen days. Mary Jane DRAIN was born in Pennsylvania, March 18, 1855, and moved to Galva, Ills., with her parents in her girlhood days. She attended the public schools at Galva, and on June 12, 1878, was married to Mr. BOONE, the marriage being at Galva. Mr. And Mrs. BOONE continued to live at Galva for about two years after their marriage, and in 1880, they moved to Johnson County and here they have since resided. The family home is now northeast of Elk Creek. Mr. And Mrs. BOONE were blessed with 3 children, one of whom is deceased. Two sons survive and they are W. J. And Henry C. BOONE of Elk Creek. For from twenty to twenty-five years Mrs. BOONE had been an active member of the Long Branch Baptist church, and she had assisted that congregation in a material way during all this time. She was devoted to her church, and to her family. Mrs. BOONE's disposition was bright and she filled her home with joy and happiness to the members of the family, and to friends, at all times. Mr. BOONE and his sons, as well as the other relatives, have the sympathy of their many friends in the hour of their great sorrow. The funeral was held at the Long Branch church at 10:00 o�clock, a.m., on Tuesday last,, and was conducted by Rev. Mr. Lewis, pastor of the church. The attendance was large. Among those to come from a distance to the obsequies were a sister of the departed, Mrs. A.E. CHABAUGH, who was with the sister during her final illness, and her husband, who live at Oak; a brother of Mrs. BOONE, H. S. DRAIN, and his son Samuel DRAIN, of Ruskin; Mr. And Mrs. A. O. RICHARSON of Diller and Mr. And Mrs. Andrew SCHUM of Crab Orchard. The interment was in the Tecumseh cemetery." -- Editorial note: CHABAUGH should be CLABAUGH

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