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Johnson County, NE - Family Histories

Contributed by Don Sherron
<[email protected]>


GARISS FAMILY Mini-genealogy

Generation 1 - Biographies

Jacob S. Gariss - born February 28, 1833 in Sussex Co., New Jersey

died April 07, 1904 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne.

Julia Charity Carman - born July 10, 1836 in Seneca Co., NY

Died April 16, 1904 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne.

Jacob and Julia married January 02, 1855 in Bath, Mason Co., IL. Jacob�s obituary has him being in Nebraska in 1858 but the entire family probably didn�t move to Nebraska until 1862. At that time they located on a farm near Peru in Nemaha County. In 1865, the family moved to a farm near Tecumseh in Johnson County. It appears that Jacob was in Logan County Kansas at times from about 1877 until 1898. Jacob might have traveled between Kansas and Nebraska but the entire family was in Kansas from about 1885 until about 1898.

The Gariss name was in Johnson County from 1865 through 1971 and descendants are still in Nebraska.

Children of Jacob Gariss and Julia Charity Carman are:

  1. John B Gariss, born October 13, 1855 (obituary & biography)
  2. Susan Alvera Gariss, born 1861 (biography)
  3. James Henry Gariss, born August 08, 1862, Nemaha Co., Ne (obituary)
  4. Libnia Gariss, born July 26, 1864 (obituary & biography)
  5. Jenette Gariss, born August 09, 1865 (biography)
  6. Genefla Gariss, born 1868 in Ne, died bef 1880
  7. Albert Gariss, born January 12, 1870 (biography)
  8. Harriet Gariss, born Abt. 1875 (biography)
  9. Katie Gariss, born 1876 in Ne, died bef 1880

10.Carol Gariss, born 1879 in Ne, died bef 1880

11.Sarah Ann Gariss, born January 17, 1879 (obituary)

Generation 1 - Obituaries

Jacob S. Gariss died at the home of his son, Libni Gariss, in Tecumseh, Thursday at 10:20 o'clock, a. m., After lingering illness. He was afflicted with a complication of diseases and had been confined to the house since early last fall. He was aged 71 years.

Jacob S. Gariss was a native of Sussex Co., New Jersey, During his lifetime he had lived in New Jersey, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska. He came to this state in 1858 and located in Nemaha Co. Thirty-one years ago he moved to this Co., and here he had since resided. He was married to Miss Julia C. Carman at Mason City, Ill., January 2, 1855. Twelve children were born to them, six of whom are living and are Mrs. Thomas Warren, Pocatello, Canada; Mrs. Wilson Stevens, of Farmington, New Mexico; Albert Gariss of Thomas Co., Kansas; and John, Libni and James Gariss of this city. The faithful wife also survives him. The deceased was an old soldier, having been a member of Co. F., Second regiment, Nebraska infantry. He was a devoted husband, and indulgent father, and a good citizen.

The funeral will be held at the home of the son this (Friday) afternoon at 2:00 o'clock, conducted by Rev. W. F. Smith of the Baptist church. Interment will be in the Tecumseh cemetery. (Tecumseh Chieftain; April 7, 1904)


Mrs. Julia C. Gariss died at the home of her son, Libni Gariss, in this city (Tecumseh, Nebraska) Saturday, April 16, 1904. The deceased had been in failing health for some time and the death of her husband, which occurred but ten days previous, was a great shock to her and no doubt hastened the end. She was aged 67 years, 9 months and 5 days.

Julia C. Carman was a native of New York, state. In her girlhood she moved with her parents to Illinois, and January 2, 1855, she was married to Jacob S. Gariss at Bath. Twelve children were born to them, six of whom are living and are Mrs. Thomas Warren, Pocatello, Canada; Mrs. Wilson Stevens of Farmington, New Mexico; Albert Gariss of Thomas Co., Kansas; and John, Libni and James of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Gariss resided in Illinois, Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska. Coming to Nemaha Co., this state, in 1858. They had lived in this Co., over thirty years. Mrs. Gariss was a patient, lovable woman and her death will be greatly mourned by the relatives.

The funeral was held at the house at 2:00 o'clock Monday afternoon, conducted by Rev. W. F. Smith: The attendance was large. Interment was made in Tecumseh cemetery. (Tecumseh Chieftain dated April 23, 1904)

Generation 1 � Misc. Newspaper Articles

J. S. Gariss sent a sample of corn to this office which he raised on his farm northwest of town this year. The corn is fully matured and the ears are as long as your arm. (Logan Co., Republican 8/26/1877)


Jacob Gariss, who lives seven miles west of town, has made an offer to the commissioners that he will donate one hundred fine trees for planting in the Courthouse Square if they will see to having them planted. They propose to accept these and all other trees that parties wish to donate. This is a generous act on the part of Mr. Gariss who has had wonderful success in growing trees. His claims are an evidence that trees can and do grow here, and Mr. G. is loud in his advocacy of tree planting. Those who have failed to grow them should go and consult him, and see the practical work he has to back up his theories. A day earlier than the Legal Arbor day will be set for planting these trees, and it would be a wise thing for the schools board to secure a lot of trees and make a joint Arbor day for both grounds. The school grounds could be much improved by a few clumps of shade trees tastefully arranged on them.

(Logan Co., Republican January 16, 1890)


A private letter from Jacob Gariss who left here last fall for Nebraska announces that he will be back to Logan Co., as soon as he can dispose of property he purchased in that state. He says: "Times are more stringent in Nebraska than in Kansas. Farms are hard to rent and when you do rent one it takes all you raise to pay the landlord". (Logan Co., Clipper 3/31/1898)


Some time between 2:00 and 3:00 o'clock last Sunday morning the residence building in the extreme north-eastern part of town, occupied by Ben Nurse and family was burned to the ground. Mr. Nurse, who had been detained down town, went home at that hour and proceeded to light a lamp. The lamp exploded with the result as stated. Mr. Nurse got the members of his family and some household effects out of the burning building. As the house was so far from water connections the alarm was not sounded and the fire company did not go out. The building was the property of the Jacob Gariss estate and was insured for about $300, while Mr. Nurse carried $200 insurance on his household effects.

(Tecumseh Chieftain, Saturday May 28, 1904)


Generation 2 � Biographies

John B. Gariss son of Jacob S. Gariss

Born October 13, 1855 in Mason Co., Il, and died September 20, 1939 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne. He married (1) Estella Josephine Stewart July 07, 1877 in Brock, Nemaha Co., Ne, daughter of William Stewart and Persy Bernett. She was born July 15, 1856 in Oh, and died March 25, 1898 in Rexford, Thomas Co., Ks. He married (2) Etta Lewelline Carman August 22, 1900 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne, daughter of Henry Carman and Emma Jones. She was born Abt. 1872 in Ia., and died February 18, 1937 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne.

Children of John Gariss and Estella Stewart are:

  1. Viola May Gariss, born December 07, 1878 (obituary & biography)
  2. William Jacob Gariss, born September 27, 1880 (biography)

3. Luella Gariss, born February 19, 1882 (biography)

4. George Gariss, born July 22, 1883 (biography)

5. John Lyman Gariss, born August 15, 1886 (obituary & biography)

6. Oliver Gariss, born June 30, 1888 (obituary)

  1. Ulysses Grant Gariss, born February 28, 1890 (biography)

8. Julia Ann Gariss, born February 21, 1891 (biography)

9. Lena Gariss, born May 30, 1895 (biography)

10. Alivia Gariss, born March 22, 1897 in Rexford, Thomas Co., Ks

Children of John Gariss and Etta Carman are:

1. Opal Ruth Gariss, born May 30, 1902 (biography)

  1. Vetra Irma Gariss, born April 02, 1905 (biography)

3. Alta Gariss - (Don't know details for Alta but buried with John

B. Gariss and Etta Lewelline Carman Gariss)


Susan Alvera Gariss daughter of Jacob Gariss

Born 1861 in Ia, and died 1893 in Rexford, Thomas Co., Ks. She married Joseph Wesley Turrell October 08, 1880 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne, son of George Turrell and Sarah Shaw. He was born June 15, 1854 in Pa, and died November 16, 1934 in Rexford, Thomas Co., Ks.

Children of Susan Gariss and Joseph Turrell are:

1. Sarah Ella Turrell, born February 12, 1881 in Ne

2. Walter Turrell, born July 17, 1882 in Decatur Co., Ks

3. Ona May Turrell, born December 06, 1885 in Decatur Co., Ks

4. Ora May Turrell, born December 06, 1885 in Decatur Co., Ks.

  1. Joseph Wesley Turrell, Jr, born February 29, 1888 in Rexford, Thomas Co., Ks
  1. Julia Merinda Turrell, born December 24, 1890 in Ks


Libnia Gariss son of Jacob Gariss

Born July 26, 1864 in Nemaha Co., Ne., and died October 30, 1945 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne. He married Elizabeth Jane Steel December 22, 1883 in Tecumseh,Johnson Co., Ne, daughter of Samual Steel and Elizabeth Krisher. She was born December 22, 1867 in Hardin Co., Oh, and died September 14, 1954 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne.

Children of Libnia Gariss and Elizabeth Steel are:

1. Alvia Gariss, born 1884; died July 20, 1888.

2. Arthur Gariss, born November 11, 1885 (biography)

  1. Bertie Gariss, born Abt. February 1888 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne;
  2. died July 01, 1888 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne.

  3. Edith Ann Gariss, born September 08, 1889 (biography)
  1. Nellie M. Gariss, born May 11, 1893; died May 15, 1906 in Tecumseh,

Johnson Co., Ne.

6. Marjorie Bessie Gariss, born December 14, 1899 (biography)

7. Theodore Earl Gariss, born February 02, 1903 (biography)

  1. Chester Gariss, born June 23, 1910 (biography)


Jenette Gariss daughter of Jacob Gariss

Born August 09, 1865 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne, and died July 17, 1941 in Paradise, Butte Co., Ca. She married (1) Nicholas Schoonover Bet. September 1877 - March 1885 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne, son of Lewis Schoonover and Catherine Van Etten. He was born November 19, 1858 in Saidora, Mason Co., Il, and died March 10, 1890 in Rexford, Thomas Co., Ks. She married (2) Wilson Stevens Bet. 1890 - 1904. He was born Abt. 1865, and died Unknown. She married (3) Ira Nathaniel Spencer Bet. 1904 - 1932. He was born August 21, 1861, and died December 18, 1953.

Children of Jenette Gariss and Nicholas Schoonover are:

  1. Grover D.C. Schoonover, born August 05, 1886 in Rexford, Thomas Co., Ks
  2. Walter Marian Schoonover, born August 26, 1888

Children of Jenette Gariss and Wilson Stevens are:

1. Henry S. Stevens, born Abt. 1892

2. Mable Mae Stevens

3. Sarah Stevens


Albert Gariss son of Jacob Gariss

Born January 12, 1870 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne, and died June 07, 1944 in Paradise, Butte Co., Ca. He married (1) Margeret Stewart September 06, 1897 in Colby, Thomas Co., Ks. She was born 1874 in Louisville, Jefferson Co., Ky. He married (2) Carrie L. Goff January 06, 1934 in Burdock, Fall River Co., SD. She was born Unknown.

Children of Albert Gariss and Margeret Stewart are:

  1. Francis Ruby Gariss, born January 30, 1915 in Valley City, Barnes Co., ND
  1. Chester Arnold Gariss, born December 07, 1919 in Denver, Denver Co., Co


Harriet Gariss daughter of Jacob Gariss

Born Abt. 1875, and died Bef. 1945. She married Thomas Warren July 17, 1894 in Colby, Thomas Co., Ks. He was born Abt. 1872.

Generation 2 � Obituaries

Miss Sarah A. Gariss, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob S. Gariss, died at her home in Tecumseh last Tuesday morning at an early hour, of heart disease, aged 22 years. The funeral was held at the house, Wednesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by Rev. A. B. Whitmer, after which the interment was made in Tecumseh cemetery.

(Tecumseh Chieftain November 1900)


I have copies of obituaries for the following:

James Henry Gariss

Mrs. Libnia Gariss

Libni Gariss

John B. Gariss

Generation 2 � Misc. Newspaper Articles

Notes for John B Gariss:

Eight of Mr. Garris' family are at present down with the measles. One of the boys took a cold and acute pneumonia set in and at this writing his recovery is doubtful. (July 1, 1897 The Colby Tribune 'Rexford Items' - Gleanings from the Colby Tribune)

An infant child, of John Garris' was buried at the cemetery at this place the 24th. (April 1, 1897 (page 1) The Colby Tribune 'Rexford Items' - Gleanings from the Colby Tribune) (Note: child was Alivia Gariss)

Generation 3 � Biographies

Viola May Gariss daughter of John B. Gariss

Born December 07, 1878 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne, and died February 04, 1964 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne. She married (1) Joseph Brott Yates September 18, 1897 in Rexford, Thomas Co., Ks.. He was born February 15, 1836 in Rome, Oneida Co., NY, and died January 21, 1914 in Russell Springs, Logan Co., Ks. She married (2) John Parrish December 24, 1919.

William Jacob Gariss son of John B. Gariss

Born September 27, 1880 in Otoe, Nemaha Co., Ne; died March 07, 1951 in Beatrice, Gage Co., Ne. He married Jessie Eva Liggett June 17, 1900 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne; born January 03, 1882 in Johnson Co., Ne; died January 27, 1965 in Beatrice, Gage Co., Ne.


Luella Gariss daughter of John B. Gariss

Born February 19, 1882 in Rexford,Thomas Co., Ks; died November 05, 1959 in St. Joseph, Buchanan Co., Mo. She married Thomas E. Kelley Abt. 1904; born Abt. 1870 in Ne; died June 07, 1939 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne.


George Gariss son of John B. Gariss

Born July 22, 1883 in Rexford, Thomas Co., Ks; died December 11, 1951 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne. He married Catherine C. Liggett April 13, 1904 in Johnson Co., Ne; born May 06, 1888 in Ne; died January 14, 1962 in Hillsboro, Washington Co., Or.


John Lyman Gariss son of John B. Gariss

Born August 15, 1886 in Rexford, Thomas Co., Ks; died April 09, 1952 in San Diego, San Diego Co., Ca. He married (1) Florence M Hazen October 18, 1905 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne; born September 12, 1887 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne; died December 14, 1914 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne. He married (2) Clara Liggett October 18, 1916; born August 26, 1886 in Ne; died July 04, 1959 in San Diego, San Diego Co., Ca.


Ulysses Grant Gariss son of John B. Gariss

Born February 28, 1890 in Rexford, Thomas Co., Ks; died February 18, 1965 in Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Ne. He married (1) Mae Florence Meyer January 10, 1914 in Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Ne // St Mary's; born July 21, 1889 in Burr, Otoe Co., Ne; died June 18, 1925 in Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Ne. He married (2) Amelia Anna Beck January 10, 1928 in Nebraska City, Otoe Co., Ne; born 1889; died Unknown. He married (3) Violet // Gariss Abt. 1932; born Abt. 1893; died Unknown. He married (4) Edith Martin Abt. 1940; born April 11, 1896; died July 1970 in Ceres, Stanislaus Co., Ca.


Julia Ann Gariss daughter of John B. Gariss

Born February 21, 1891 in Rexford, Thomas Co., Ks; died November 11, 1971 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne. She married (1) Clarence A. Rowe October 11, 1911 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne; born October 29, 1889 in Ne; died July 24, 1970. She married (2) Richard Mitchell Aft. 1920; born 1884 in Ne; died 1961. She married (3) Henry Harmony Aft. 1964; born December 06, 1907; died December 23, 1988 in Ashland, Saunders Co., Ne.


Lena Gariss daughter of John B. Gariss

Born May 30, 1895 in Rexford, Thomas Co., Ks; died November 07, 1959 in Beatrice, Gage Co., Ne. She married Levi Mitchell October 17, 1917; born December 16, 1889; died May 10, 1963.


Opal Ruth Gariss daughter of John B. Gariss

Born May 30, 1902 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne; died April 02, 1984 in Beatrice, Gage Co., Ne.


Vetra Irma Gariss daughter of John B. Gariss

Born April 02, 1905 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne. She married LaVern H Trout August 12, 1925 in Crab Orchard, Johnson Co., Ne; born June 08, 1902 in Ne; died November 10, 1988.


Arthur Gariss son of Libnia Gariss

Born November 11, 1885 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne; died March 23, 1973 in Lamar, Barton Co., Mo. He married (1) Annette Young December 25, 1905 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne; born October 01, 1889 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne; died April 15, 1906 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne. He married (2) Callie May Porter December 17, 1907 in Galesburg, Knox Co., Il; born September 16, 1891 in Bushnell, McDonough Co., Il; died March 06, 1910 in Galesburg, Knox Co., Il. He married (3) Inez Marie Porter November 27, 1922 in Auburn, Nemaha Co., Ne; born April 20, 1895 in Knoxville, Knox Co., Ill; died December 1982 in Lamar, Barton Co., Mo.

Note: Arthur Gariss and Inez Marie Porter are my Grandparents.


Edith Ann Gariss daughter of Libnia Gariss

Born September 08, 1889 in Russel Springs, Logan Co., Ks; died June 28, 1978 in St. Helens, Columbia Co., Or. She married Roland Stewart Cleckner November 10, 1908 in Johnson Co., Ne; born 1887; died December 14, 1955 in Portland, Multnomah Co., Or.


Marjorie Bessie Gariss daughter of Libnia Gariss

Born December 14, 1899 in Ne; died July 23, 1975 in St. Helens, Columbia Co., Or.. She married James H. Malone Bet. October 1916 - February 1926 in Tecumseh, Johnson Co., Ne; born December 01, 1895 in Ne; died January 01, 1960.


Theodore Earl Gariss son of Libnia Gariss

Born February 02, 1903 in Ne; died May 03, 1970 in Graf, Johnson Co., Ne. He married (1) Laura Goff Straton; born January 07, 1904; died November 11, 1971. He married (2) Lynda Watson; born Abt. 1904.


Chester Gariss son of Libnia Gariss

Born June 23, 1910 in Ne; died November 15, 1995 in Broken Arrow, Tulsa Co., Ok. He married Dixie Evelyn Waters July 16, 1936; born Abt. 1918; died March 06, 2000 in Broken Arrow, Tulsa Co., Ok.


Generation 3 - Obituaries


Florence Gariss

Death claims young wife and mother Mrs. Florence Gariss, wife of John L. Gariss of this city, died at a hospital in Lincoln at 10:45 o'clock, Monday afternoon, December 14, 1914.

She had been very poorly for two months and had been in the hospital for an operation and treatments. It was thought she was able to return home, and she was planning accordingly, expecting to come to Tecumseh on the afternoon train, that day, with her husband who had been with her, when she was suddenly stricken with heart failure and passed away within a few moments. Her age was 27 years, three months and two days.

Florence Hazen daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Horace Hazen of Tecumseh was born here September 12, 1887 and was reared in this city. She was married to Mr. Gariss on October 18, 1906 and four children were born to them and all survive. The youngest is but two or three months old. Mrs. Gariss was a loving daughter wife and mother, and her passing at this time seems inopportune to mortal mind. Her life was such that her memory will ever be precious to those who knew her best.

Funeral was held at the home, Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 O'clock and was conducted by Rev. E.M. Furman pastor of the M.E. Church, The attendance was large. Burial in the Tecumseh Cemetery. The grieving stricken relatives and friends have the sympathy in their affliction.


Oliver Gariss died at the home of his parents, Mr. And Mrs. John Gariss, in Tecumseh, at 3:30 o'clock last Saturday morning. He was aged seventeen years, four months and eleven days and was a victim of diphtheria.

Oliver Gariss was born in Tecumseh. Here he lived during his short life. A month or more ago he contracted the disease which caused heath. Another child in the family is still sick with diphtheria but is getting along nicely and will recover.

Owing to the nature of the disease no funeral was head. Burial was made in the Tecumseh cemetery Saturday afternoon at 4:00 o'clock, after prayer at the grave.

(Tecumseh Chieftain Saturday October 28th 1905)

I have copies of obituaries for the following:

Mrs. John (Viola May) Parrish

John Lyman Gariss

Donald Edwin Garris Sr.

W. J. Gariss

George Gariss

Generation 3 � Misc. Newspaper Articles

Mr. John L. Gariss and Miss Florence Hazen of this city were married at the home of the Co., judge, by that gentleman, at 8:30 o'clock Wednesday evening. The bride is the daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Horace Hazen and the groom the son of John B. Gariss. He is in the employ of the Burlington railway company. Both are well known young people of this city. They have gone to house-keeping in East Tecumseh. (Tecumseh Chieftain Sat October 21, 1905)


I have more information on many of the families listed above. Some family names that I have and are related to Gage, Johnson, Nemaha and Otoe Counties, Nebraska: Carman, Cleckner, Funkhouser, Gariss, Hazen, Kelley, Liggett, Malone, Mitchell, O�Neil, Rowe, Trout, Turrell, Sanders, Steel, Stewart, Yates and Young.


Many thanks to Bill Wever and Carl M. Johnson for obtaining the obituaries and other newspaper articles.

Don Sherron [email protected]

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