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Johnson County, NE - Family Histories

Contributed by: Bev Zuerlein
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Hart and Harrington families of Johnson county, NE

While they were living in Wayne county, Iowa, Elizabeth Bond Hart lost her husband Elisha Hart Sr. leaving her with three young children; Hannah, Nehemiah and Elisha to raise.

Elizabeth returned to Clay county, Mo...met and married Mr. Littleton Turner who accepted the shared responsibility of her children. Littleton and Elizabeth produced several children as a result of that marriage.

These three children of Elizabeth's first marriage moved to Johnson county, NE, led by Nehemiah and his wife Susan Harrington who settled near Sterling in 1889.

Some time later Elisha Truman and his family moved to Johnson county. The 1920 census indicates that Elisha had moved from Johnson county to Dundy county, NE.

In 1899 after 10 years in Johnson county, Nehemiah and Susan moved to Gage county (next county west), bought a farm, and became solid citizens of the community.

The year 1894 must have been an exciting years for Margaret Hannah as she and her husband Vardamon Harrington (cousin to Susan) joined the siblings in Johnson county. Atchison county, Mo hae been the home of Vardamon his entire life and Hannah has never lived far from Atchison county.

After their move to Johnson county, unlike their siblings; Johnson county became their home for the remainder of their lives. When this couple had to give up farming they moved into the home of their daughter Mrs. Anna Nealy.

Vardamon was born in Kentucky June 24, 1849, one of 12 children, of John and Marida Blevins Harrington who moved to Tarkio, MO. with young children. He passed away Aug 24, 1942 at the age of 93. Margaret was born Aug. 6, 1849 and died Aug 5, 1934 one day short of 85 years of age. Vardamon and Margaret are buried in the Sterling cemetery.

Vardamon and Margaret Hannah were parents of nine children, three dying in infancy, with one son and five daughters growing to adulthood.

Fred, their son, was born Nov 23, 1880...married Betha Belle Churchill, bn July 24, 1884, a Johnson county native. Their marriage was blessed with three children; Opal, Loyal, and Irma. Fred passed away Dec. 7 1953 and Belle passed away April 3, 1975

Daughters included Mrs. Mildred Bacon who died young Oct 8, 1921, Mrs. C. W. Couts, Mrs. Nell Hartwell, Mrs. Anna Nealy and Mrs.Ocie Brown. After their marriages the girls moved away from Johnson county...

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