Johnson County, NE - Family Histories
Contributed by Kathy Rosenberg <[email protected]>Mrs. F.C. JONES Ora A. Storm was born near Vesta, Neb., April 20, 1879, thus lacking two months and six days of being 32 years old at the time of her death. She was married to F. C. Jones in 1808, near the place of her birth, where they made their home until about three years ago, when they moved to Scottsbluff. Three children, two of whom, Paul, aged 11, and Fay, aged 9, survive her. Besides the children are husband and four sisters. Mrs. Jones united with the United Brethren church in Vesta, of which she continued a faithful member up to the time of her death. She was a loving, a tender mother, and a kind neighbor, doing her duty cheerfully, and always thinking of other people's interest and comforts rather than her own.
Mrs. Jones died Feb 14, 1910, at 2:30 p.m., and the funeral service were held at the Presbyterian church Feb 16, at 10:30 a.m., conducted by the Reb Dr. Richards.
Submitted by Kathy Rosenberg <[email protected]>
Phineas JONES Tecumseh Chieftain March 24, 1900
Phineas Jones, one of the early settlers and well-known characters of this county, died at his home, south of Vesta, last Monday morning of paralysis.
He was first stricken with the disease last fall, but soon recovered from that shock and was apparently in good health during the greater part of the winter.
Of late he had experienced several slight returns of the trouble and last Monday morning the fatal stroke came. Mr. Jones was 68 years old. He was born in the state of new York, moved to Wisconsin in an early day, came to Nebraska in 1858, settled on the farm where he died in 1873 that place having been his home for twenty-seven years. The deceased possessed a very quaint personality. He was decidedly original in expression and his utterances were frequently punctuated with dry humor which was irresistible. Everybody knew Phin Jones and he was generally respected for his integrity and sterling worth as a citizen. He leaves a wife, three sons, and one daughter. The funeral was held at the Methodist church in Vesta, Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock, conducted by Rev. L.G. Parker of Crab Orchard, after which the interment was made in the adjacent cemetery.
Submitted by Kathy Rosenberg <[email protected]>