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Johnson County, NE - Family Histories

Contributed by Julia Ryden



John Pearsley, One of Cass County's Best and Most Respected Citizens, Is Dead

The entire community mourns with the relatives on account of the sudden death of John Pearsley, realizing that his passing away removes from our midst one of the most highly esteemed citizens, his death coming after so few days of illness and before it was generally known that he was seriously ill. He had slight attacks of stomach trouble at times during the past three years, but they caused him very little inconvenience. Otherwise he had been in good health until a week before his death, when he suffered an unusually severe attack and a physician was called, but heart trouble followed and he and the relatives realized that his condition was very serious, in fact, he expressed the opinion that death was near and that he was fully prepared and anxious for the end to come. He was a devout Christian man and had his own ideas as to ceremony, and it was his desire that no display be made after his death, and in deference to his wish there were no funeral services held here. Sunday evening the remains were taken to the depot and the relatives accompanied them to the village of Vesta, in Johnson county, and interment was made there beside the first wife, whose death occurred there in 1876. At the cemetery near Vesta short song and prayer services were held.

John Pearsley was the youngest of six brothers, their father having died in 1847, and their mother six years afterward. In 1853, with two of his brothers, John came to the New England states, where he grew to manhood, and later located at Morrison, Ill., where he was married to Susan A. [sic] Scoggs [sic] on Oct. 1, 1868, and her death occurred November 10, 1876, at their home near Tecumseh, Neb. They were the parents of a son and daughter, Art O. Pearsley, who resides near Union, and Mrs. Mattie Becker, who resides in Omaha. Mr. Pearsley's second marriage was October 21, 1877, to Miss Ellen Parrish at Tecumseh, and they resided there until 1890 when they came to Cass, county and located on a farm three miles northeast of Union, and later they resided two years in Plattsmouth, then came back to this neighborhood and resided on a farm southwest of here. In 1905 they went to the Pacific coast and lived fifteen months at Forest Grove, Oregon, then returned and made their home near here until 1909, when they became residents of this village.

John Pearsley was one of Cass county's best citizens whose motto was to do right at all times and in all things and wrong nobody, and it is well known that he strictly followed that policy. He was a good Christian man whose church membership extended back more than forty years, and its teachings were his guide in his daily life. Always happy and jovial, he imparted that same feeling to his companions on all occasions, and that same disposition manifested itself during his last hours, it being his request that his friends be admitted to his room to greet him. His death is a great loss, not only to the relatives, but to this community, were his influence was always for the betterment of his associates, and many sorrowing friends extend sincere sympathy to the bereaved widow, son and daughter.

OBIT: From the Union Ledger
republished in the Plattsmouth, Nebraska paper on April 5, 1915

There is a picture but it is too dark to see any particular features. The caption beneath reads:

"Born in 1840 near Glasgow, Scotland. Died at 8:20 Saturday Morning, March 27, 1915, at His Home in Union, Neb., Aged 75 Years."

Note: John Pearsley's first wife was named Susan O. Scaggs NOT Susan A. Scoggs.

Prepared by: Julia Ryden

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