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Who's Who in Nebraska, 1940


Who's Who


Elvon Howe

   Crossroads of two early day trails down which laboring oxen and mules drew thousands of emigrants and mountains of freight toward the beckoning West, Johnson County has a story typical of the entire region of the great plains. Here, in smaller focus, are evidenced all the elements of the great American epic of the nineteenth century which saw a wilderness conquered and transformed into the busy communities known to the present generation.
   During the first half of that century the area embraced by Johnson County was merely a tiny part of the vast territory known popularly then as the “Great American Desert.” But in 1855, after the Otoe and Missouri Indians had relinquished their last claims to territory between the Nemaha rivers, the first settlers found not a desert but a rolling, grassy terrain with rich soil and clear streams. The land was dotted with thousands of ponds and buffalo wallows and inhabited only by a multitude of wild game of all kinds. It was scourged almost annually by prairie fires which swept up from the southwest and prevented heavy timber growth except in the most sheltered spots.
   For twenty-five years previous to settlement, this section had been traversed by wagon trains bound for the Oregon Trail, of which the Nebraska City-Marysville Trail running through this county was one of the principal feeders. The plow has not yet entirely obliterated the final traces of ruts made by these wagons, and they may still be seen in various places. Other trails, including the Pawnee City-Lincoln Trail and Brownville-New Fort Kearny Trail, were in use across this area.
   The year 1854 witnessed admission of Nebraska as a territory of the United States and the following spring an act of the legislature created Johnson County, measuring 18 by 24 miles. Tecumseh was laid out at the intersection of the Nebraska City-Marysville and Brownville-Fort Kearny Trails mentioned above, and in 1857 was designated county seat. Platting of the town was at the instigation of Col. John Boulware, supposedly (next to Peter Sarpy) the first white man to attempt settlement in the river valley above the north line of the state of Missouri. He and I. C. Lawrence, A. P. Drake, *?. H. Hickson, John Maulding and George W. Boulware were listed as proprietors.
   The honor of being the first permanent settlers of Johnson County belongs to John Riggle and Isaac Irwin, who came in the spring of 1855 from Indiana to take land southeast of the present location of Tecumseh. In 1856 and in succeeding years prior to the Civil War new settlers arrived constantly. Among the first were Dr. Charles Goshen, who became the first postmaster, Dr. John Cochran, a physician who was noted as a crack shot with his prized six-shooters, J. H. Butler, later killed by Indians, and a number of others whose descendants have been prominent in this county’s activities to the present day.
   A series of near-catastrophes was in store for the newly-arrived settlers--troubles which were to be interspersed with intervals of prosperity and growth over a period of thirty years. Winter came with a vengeance in 1856-57, before there was much opportunity to raise a crop. Blizzard after blizzard, accompanied by sharp cold and immense snowdrifts, made travel impossible and destroyed so much wild game that settlers, shivering in their hastily built shelters, were finally forced to augment their food supplies by hazardous trips to Brownville. At least two men, Robert Price and his son, are known to have perished on these trips.
   The following year seems to have been a good one, with sizable crops and an inpouring of new settlers to the area. But in 1858 came floods and "landsharks." Of the two the latter caused the greater alarm. "Squatter's rights, " not recognized legally, were naturally the only rights the settlers had to their land and hard-won improvements. When suddenly the land was offered for sale at Nebraska City in that year, they were forced to go and buy the land they were occupying. Lacking money, as most of them did, they fell into the "merciful" hands of men who sold them land warrants worth $150 for $200 and charged them 40 percent interest, another 5 percent a month after maturity was added and for good measure a trust deed to the property was taken. On these terms many sober, able homeowners were soon stripped of their possessions.
   A drouth came in 1860, but regular mail service had been established and the development of mining in the Rockies stimulated farming immensely by providing a ready market, via wagon train, for products produced here. At the same time the passage of the homestead act brought a flood of new residents.
   Johnson County sent more than its quota of soldiers to the Civil War, while those who stayed at home experienced the annoyances of refugees, “Jayhawkers” who terrorized the communities and drove off stock and repeated rumors of Indian uprisings which never occurred.
   Johnson County was created by an act of the first territorial legislature in 1855, but organization


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was not effected until two years later. Several legislative acts in 1857 separated Johnson County from Nemaha, defined the new county's borders and fixed Tecumseh as the county seat. Officers appointed to serve until the first election were Robert Wright, Noble B. Strong, Enoch Riggle and Robert Johnson, commissioners; James Bishop, probate judge; Charles A. Goshen, clerk and register of deeds; Cyrus Wright, sheriff; James R. Little, treasurer; Amos R. Brewer, surveyor; J. Blake Hayes, superintendent; and William P. Walker, notary public. All these appointments were made by Governor M. W. Izard.
   Following the war there was a breathing spell for several years during which the county experienced the benefits of prosperity. Returning soldiers took up much of the remaining vacant land. H. B. Strong's grist mill was put into operation at Butler in 1866. People were beginning to talk about a possible railroad. B. F. Perkins, the first practicing attorney in Tecumseh, arrived. The first frame school building was put up at Tecumseh in 1866. Roads and bridges were built in all parts of the county, including the state's first iron bridge which went up at Tecumseh in 1869. Presson and Andrews started a newspaper.
   With the aid of a $100,000 county bond issue, the Atchison and Nebraska railway was completed to Tecumseh amid much celebration in April of 1872. With this and other signs of progress there was little to mar the picture until 2 o'clock on the afternoon of Aug. 17, 1874.
   Tales are endless with regard to the grasshopper scourge which struck most of Nebraska at that hour. The people of this county had their full share of the complete devastation and ruin which the "plague of locusts" brought to great sections of the plains for two crop years. The insects returned in 1876, but unfavorable weather conditions prevented as complete a stripping of the fields as had occurred before.
   A summary of the Johnson County of 1880 is found in the following figures compiled in the census that year: Vesta precinct was given 1,034 population; Nemaha 2,183; Todd Creek 1,925; Helena 742; Lincoln 594; Spring Creek 568 and Sterling 1,245--a total of 7,761. Improved land 83,412 acres; unimproved land 142,824 acres; value of all land $812,,000 or less than an average of $4 an acre. Tecumseh had a population of 1,450.
   Four towns, Sterling, Elk Creek, Helena (now Cook), and Tecumseh had survived the optimistic rush of platting in the earliest years which had caused the laying out of about ten other towns. By 1880 the real or proposed settlements of Charleston, Johnson, Loganville, Albany, Eldorado, Kingston, and others were a memory.
   Sterling, now second largest town of the county, came into existence in 1870 and was incorporated in 1876. Founder of the town was William Mann, who came here from Sterling, Illinois, and purchased land which he understood was along the chosen route for the railroad. After the coming of the railroad and construction of the depot the village grew quickly, gaining a hotel in 1879, a bank and elevator in 1881. There were two early newspapers, the News, started in 1877 and the Press, founded four years later.
   Elk Creek superceded the older settlement of Butler a mile or so north with the arrival of the Atchison-Nebraska railroad. Railroad surveyors did the necessary platting and the town was gradually moved. It was named for the creek that empties into the Nemaha nearby on which, legend has it, great herds of elk once gathered in pre-settlement days.
   Crab Orchard received its name in the old stage coach days from a wild crab apple thicket on the Warren S Dilworth homestead, where a tavern for travelers was operated. When the Burlington line came through, the town was laid out and papers filed in 1883. It has been and remains a prospering progressive community. Vesta was the county's fifth postoffice, established in 1882.
   The growth and development of education in the county started from the first tiny, makeshift school taught in Tecumseh by I. C. Lawrence in 1856. The Tecumseh school was housed in its frame building until construction of the first stone school building in 1872. A brick addition in 1883 was superseded by the purchase of the old Presbyterian Church building about 1891 which in turn served the purpose until a high school building was erected 13 years later. Now the $100,000 building built in 1930 is the pride of the community. Other schools throughout the county are proportionately well appointed. Johnson County people are justly proud of the educational advantages which have been continually afforded their children.
   Tecumseh, the county seat, enjoyed its most rapid growth during the twenty years following the Civil War, when it reached almost its present size and most of the major public buildings and business institutions were built. Since then the principal changes have been those of alteration and replacememt with more modern buildings and homes. Most recent occurrences of major importance have been construction of new school buildings and the completion of concrete paving of all principal streets.


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   ALLEN, HARRY HAYES: Farmer; b Johnson Co, Neb Jan 1, 1878; s of James Edwin Allen-Frances Ann Strine; ed Johnson Co; U of N, 1899-1900; m Laura Havill May 9, 1907 Norman Okla; s James Havill, Clifford LeRoy; d Vida Moreen; 1900-21 tenant farmer in Johnson Co; 1921- owner & opr farm in Johnson Co; mbr sch bd 15 years; MWA, past mbr; Chris Ch, trustee 5 years; Rep; hobby, chickens; res Crab Orchard.
   ANDERSON, MRS ALBA W: Homemaker; b Denison, Kas Jan 12, 1894; d of James V Copas-Nellie M Myers; ed Denison Kas HS 1912;Campbell Coll, Holton Kas; m Alba W Anderson Apr 7, 1917 Fort Sill Okla; s Paul M, Donald L; d Cody Ruth; grand-niece of Bill Cody & in 1915-16 traveled by covered wagon over the Oregon Trail, traversing land familiar to Buffalo Bill, visited his holdings at North Platte, the T E Ranch & Erma Hotel at Cody Wyo., thence thru Yellowstone Natl Park, terminated in Cal, disposed of outfit at Los Angeles & retd by rail; 1917-18 Kas sch tchr; 1919-21 with C B Holland gen mdse store, mostly Rosebud Reservation Indian trade; 1921-26 farmed near Valley Falls Kas; 1926-31 owner & opr restaurant, Auburn; 1931- owner & opr restaurant, Tecumseh; Amer Leg aux; Project Club; B&PW, VP; Meth Ch, SS treas, mbr of choir, sponsor jr Epworth League; hobbies, flowers & antiques; res Tecumseh.
   BAILEY, ORESTUS ANDREW: Lumber Dealer; b Fort Ann, N Y Oct 31, 1861; s of Lyman Randolph Bailey-Mary Hicks; ed Fort Ann N Y HS 1876; m Harriett Elizabeth Myers Nov 27, 1884 Tecumseh; s Carl Chester; d Harriett; 1882-86 sch tchr; 1886-89 farmer & carp; 1889-99 mgr Crab Orchard Lbr Co; 1889- owner & opr Crab Orchard Lbr Co; mbr village bd 30 years; mbr sch bd 12 years; during World War mbr of draft bd Johnson Co; MWA; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn, believed to be oldest active mbr in assn; Meth Ch, trustee 40 years; Rep; hobby, gardening; res Crab Orchard.
   BARDEN, THOMAS: Clergyman; b Mooncoin, Co Kilkenny, Ireland Apr 22, 1878; s of Michael Barden-Margaret Walsh; ed natl schs of Co Kilkenny; Kilmacow Coll, Ireland; St. John's Coll, Waterford Ireland 1894-99; St Mary's Coll, Baltimore Md, 1900-01; 1901 ordained in Baltimore; 1901 located first in Plattsmouth then in Beaver Crossing; 1902-04 pastor St Francis Ch, David City; 1904- pastor St Andrew's Ch Tecumseh; erected present churches in Tecumseh & Crab Orchard; ch mbr Kiwanis; KC; Cath Ch; Dem; hobby, breeding racing greyhounds; res Tecumseh.
   BARNES, JOHN WESLEY: Dentist; b Chicago, Ill Dec 11, 1891; s of Dr Chester D Barnes-Frances Mae O'Neill; ed Tecumseh HS; Northwestern U, DDS 1915; m Gladys G Miner Sept 1916 Nebraska City; s John Wesley Jr; d Lois Jean; 1915- dental prac, Tecumseh; during World War commd lt USN Feb 22, 1918, active duty 1918-20, inactive duty until 1921, sr dental ofcr 7th naval corps dist; Amer Leg 2, holder 20 year service card; Neb State Dental Assn; C of C; AF&AM, RAM; KT, past comm & capt gen many years; Episc Ch, past treas; hobbies, fishing, hunting, flower gardening; grandfather, John W. Barnes came into Neb territory as RR land agt; maternal great-grandfather, Rev Gage first Meth missionary in Neb, name given to Gage Co; res Tecumseh.
   BEETHE, EDWIN JOHN: Merchant & Funeral Director; b Johnson Co, Neb Jan 3, 1896; s of August Beethe-Emma Reckewey; ed Johnson Co; St Peter’s Sch, Elk Creek; Concordia Tchrs Coll, Seward; m Nettie Helen Kovanda June, 1923 Elk Creek; s Edwin Lavern; d Elaine, Eilene; 1919- with brother Emil, co-owner hdw, impl & furn store, also undertaking bus, Elk Creek; during World War enl in US army; J P 2 terms; police judge; Luth Ch; Rep; father farmer & carp, came from Ill to Neb 1868; res Elk Creek.
   BEETHE, EMIL H: Merchant & Funeral Director; b Elk Creek, Neb Dec 30, 1883; s of August Beethe-Emma Reckewey; ed Luth parochial & rural schs, Elk Creek; m Clara L Peters May 14, 1914 Elk Creek; d Alvira L, Lucile H; att sch, assisted father in farming & livestock raising until 1903; 1903-13 carp; 1913 with W T Waidley pur half int in hdw, furn & impl store, also undertaking bus; 1919 Waidley sold int to Edwin J Beethe; 1919- ptr in firm Beethe Bros; 1922- chmn village bd; 1923- mbr sch bd; chmn vol fire dept since orgn; St Peter’s Luth Ch, 1926- mbr ch & sch bds; Rep, mbr Johnson Co Central Com; res Elk Creek.
   BENSON, MRS EDWARD T: Photographer; b Johnson Co, Neb Oct 18, 1876; d of Frank B Foster-Mary E Nimmons; ed Johnson Co HS; Cotner Coll; m Edward T Benson Mar 14, 1900 Johnson Co (dec 1935); d Ione May (Mrs Harvey Grimes); 1900-35 with husband in photographic studio at Sterling, bus founded by former in 1897, 1935- mgr & owner; Meth Ch; Dem; hobby, travel; father Civil War veteran, came to Johnson Co 1867; Mr Benson’s parents homesteaded in Johnson Co 1865; res Sterling.
   BOYDEN, LEWIS FREDRICK: Agricultural Extension Agent; b Platte, S D Sept 14, 1895; s of Oscar L Boyden-Sarah E Barber; ed Ward Acad, Academy S D; S D State Coll, Brookings S D, BSc 1926, pres Agrl Assn; pres Literary Soc; mbr Little Internatl Livestock Judging Team 1925; m Suzanne Martin Dec 27, 1932 Fargo N D; s Fredric Martin; 1916-17 tchr, Charles Mix Co, S D; during World War waggoner with 5th div battery A, 13th field arty, 20 mos in service, O/S 14 mos; 1919-23 supt Ward Acad farm, Academy S D; 1927-29 tchr Smith Hughes vocational agr in Garretson S D; 1929-30 Dakota Co agrl extn agt; 1930-36 Colfax Co agrl extn agt; 1936- Johnson Co. agrl extn agt, Tecumseh; Amer Leg, Kenneth Curtis post; Natl Assn of Co Agrl Agts; C of C; Country Club; elder 4 years Presby Ch; Rep; hobbies, gardening, golf, ping-pong; off Courthouse; res Tecumseh.
   BUEHLER, CHRISTIAN: Retired; b Schiltach, Baden, Germany June 19, 1850; s of Mathias Buehler--------------; ed Germany; m Mary Joekel Oct 30, 1881 Sterling: s William, Carl, Ernest, Ezra; d Cora (Mrs ---- Coover); 58 years active in Hopewell Meth Ch, SW of Sterling, mbr bldg coms of 2 churches in com; hobby, writing Lord’s Prayer in English or German on dime size card; res Sterling.
   BUERSTETTA, GRANT HERMAN: Farmer; b Johnson Co, Neb Apr 4, 1872; s of Henry Buerstetta-Catherine Brinkman; ed Tecumseh HS; m Fannie A Mason Jan 6, 1898 Tecumseh; s Lowell M, Charles E; d Katherine M (Mrs Axel Berglund); 1893- farmer, Johnson Co; dir approximately 30 years Tecumseh Natl Bank, later renamed Tecumseh State Bank; Johnson Co commr; past mbr sch bd dist 32; Meth Ch, trustee; res Tecumseh.
   CAMPBELL, CLARE PAUL: Dentist; b Friend, Neb Apr 20, 1909; s of John M Campbell-Mary F Smith; ed Friend HS 1927; U of N, DDS 1933; Phi Kappa; 1931-32 letterman in football; m Beth Glasson Sept 17, 1938 Tecumseh; 1933- dental prac in Tecumseh; 3rd Dist Dental Soc; Neb St & ADA; chmn Johnson Co Country Club; Johnson Co Conservation Club; Cath Ch; Dem; hobbies, sports; off Hopkins Bldg; res Tecumseh.
   CAMPBELL, WALTER PAUL: Farmer; b Johnson Co, Neb Aug 24, 1877; s of William H Campbell-Katherine Singer; ed Johnson Co; PSTC, 1898; U of N; m Jessie A Green Feb 13, 1901 Tecumseh; s Donald W; d Mildred B (Mrs H H Hill), Helen E (Mrs Roger Peterson); 1899-1901 farmed with father; 1901-1922 owner & opr registered Jersey cattle dairy farm; 1922-27 Johnson Co dep treas; 1927-29 with Asplund Construction Co, Tecumseh; 1929-37 Johnson Co judge; 1937- with M M Bridgmon Sales Barn, also continued farm activity; 9 years mbr city sch bd; mgr Tecumseh Chautauqua Assn during years of activity; during World War federal food administrator; MWA; Presby Ch, past elder & supt; Rep; hobby, flowers; res Tecumseh.
   CARMAN, JOHN LINN: Farmer; b Fremont Co, Ia May 16, 1874; s of Henry C Carman-Emma I Jones; ed Auburn HS 1891; m Margaret Gillilan June 2, 1897 Peru; s Wyril B (dec); d Fay F (Mrs L J Hazen); 1891-1900 with father farmed & raised cattle; 1900- indep stock raiser; until 1926 owned sow weighing 1,015 lbs, & largest in U S; has won many prizes on hogs; representative from 3rd dist in 1933 legislature; MWA; SUV, mbr state coun several years; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, stock raising; res Cook.
   CARMAN, ORVIL C: Retired; b Johnson Co, Neb Sept 13, 1869; s of Israel Carman-Mary Allen; ed Johnson Co; PSTC; Lillibridge & Roose Comml Law Sch 1888; m Mary Holmes Sept 27, 1893 Tecumseh; s Allan (dec July 1898); d Margaret (Mrs Lynn W Grandy); 1889-98 with Chamberlin Banking House of Tecumseh; 1898-1930 prin credit adjuster for Wheeler & Motter Merc Co


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of St Joseph Mo; 1930- ret; AF&AM; hobby, trout fishing; res Tecumseh.
   CARMINE, GEORGE CHARLES: Retired; b Henry Co, Ill May 23, 1869; s of George Carmine-Abigail Cales; ed Plymouth Co Ia; m Carrie Hurlbutt Jan, 1893 Johnson Co; s Ralph, Clarion, Earl, Leroy, Owen; d Mary (Mrs Mark McClanahan), Marie (Mrs Charles Hoar), Retta (Mrs Max Hutt); came from Ia to Neb 1884; 1885-1929 Farmer & stock raiser near Elk Creek; 1909-31 dep assessor, Todd Creek pct; 1894-1929 chmn sch bd dist 18; 1931-39 Johnson Co commr, several years chmn of bd; res Elk Creek.
   CONLEE, CHARLES CLEVELAND: Physician & Surgeon; b Barrow, Ill Oct 7, 1884; s of Isaac J Conlee-Nancy Taylor; ed Greene Co Ill; Chicago Coll of Med & Surgery, MD 1915; interne St John’s Hosp Springfield, Ill one year; m Mary Klemish Aug 26, 1913 Chicago Ill; s Charles; d Dorothy Marie, Aileen M, Delores; 1915- prac med in Cook; local examiner for N Y Union Central, Bankers Life, Neb-Ia & Northwestern Life Ins Cos; phys CMTC; camp phys MWA; past mbr sch bd dist 3, pres 9 years; mbr health bd; past pres, now VP Johnson Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; chmn ARC; treas AF&AM; trustee Meth Ch; Dem Committeeman, Spring Creek dist; hobbies, good literature & writing; off & res Cook.
   DAFOE, ALBERT NELSON: Attorney; b Elmwood, Ill Nov 23, 1870; s of Peter Van Renssalaer Dafoe-Caroline Nelson; ed Tecumseh HS; Campbell Coll, Holton Kas 1889-90; m Mattie Hurff Gregg June, 1900 Niagara Falls N Y; s Frank Gregg; m Gertrude H Gardner Aug, 1917 Lincoln; s William Van Renssalaer; 1890-92 studied law in off of S P Davidson; 1892 adm to Neb bar; 1892- in law prac, real est, ins & loan bus in Tecumseh, also owns drug store, in family since 1881; 1909-33 pres First State Bank of Tecumseh; pres First State Bank of Johnson; 1915-17 mbr Neb legislature; dir Neb Real Est Assn; Neb St Bar Assn; C of C; trustee Meth Ch 40 years, lay del to annual conf; Dem; hobby, gardening; off & res Tecumseh.
   DAFOE, CHARLES ALBERT: Attorney; b Tecumseh, Neb Sept 22, 1901; s of Frank Dafoe-Mary Graff; ed Tecumseh HS; Neb Wes, BA 1923; U of N, LLB 1924; Theta Sigma Alpha; Phi Alpha Delta; m Allie Findlay June 26, 1924 Craig Mo; d Mary Elizabeth, Barbara Jane, Charlotte Ann; 1924- law prac, Tecumseh; 1926-30 city atty; 1926-34 Johnson Co atty; 1935-37 sen from dist 1 in state legislature, 1937-38 mbr unicameral dist 1; AF&AM; Johnson Co, Neb St & Amer Bar Assns; Meth Ch; Dem; off & res Tecumseh.
   DOUGLAS, JUDSON BENJAMIN JR: Assistant Manager Building & Loan Association; b Tecumseh, Neb Oct 12, 1912; s of J B Douglas-Grace Tinsley; ed Tecumseh HS 1929; U of N, BSc 1933; Delta Sigma Pi; m Helen Naeve 1936 Cook; s Judson Benjamin III; d Judith Anne; 1933- with Tecumseh B & L Assn; Neb League of Savings & Loan Assns; past secy Kiwanis; Uni Club, Lincoin; C of C; hobbies, hunting, collecting fire arms; off B & L Assn; res Tecumseh.
   DOUGLAS, JUDSON BENJAMIN SR: Manager Building & Loan Association; b Johnson Co, Neb July 25, 1876; s of Cyrus Douglas-Louisa Elizabeth Munson; ed Omaha; Tecumseh HS 1896; U of N, LLB 1901; m Grace Tinsley 1911, Ames Ia; s George W (dec); Judson B Jr; during Sp-Amer War served in Co G 2nd Neb vol inf; 1901-04 prac law, Tecumseh; 1904- org & mgr Tecumseh B & L Assn, one of largest in U S for city of less than 2,000, assets more than a million dollars; Neb League of Savings & Loan Assns; mbr sch bd; mbr state game, forestation & parks commission; secy 4 years Johnson Co Fair Assn; past pres C of C; AF&AM, Scot Rite 32o, Sesostris Shrine; Dem, del from 1st dist to natl conv in 1932; hobbies, travel, obtaining material for motion picture travelogs; off B & L Assn; res Tecumseh.
   DOUGLAS, OSCAR: Real Estate Dealer; b Johnson Co, Neb Feb 5, 1880; s of Cyrus Douglas-Louisa Elizabeth Munson; ed Tecumseh; LBC; U of N, LLB 1902; m Jennie M Dew Oct 24, 1906 Tecumseh; s Munson, Eldred; d Minnie B (Mrs R T Stewart); 1902- prac law & in real est, loan & ins bus, Tecumseh; 1913- also land appraiser; Johnson Co & Neb St Bar Assns; Johnson Co Conservation Club; C of C; mbr HG during World War; Bapt Ch; Dem; hobbies, flowers, fishing, hunting, stamp collecting; off 3rd & Lincoln; res Tecumseh.
   DOWNING, ALFRED BULLION: Insurance Agent; b Cornwall, England Nov 25, 1871; s of Richard Downing-Grace Freeman; ed England; Vesta HS; m Jennie L Jeffery Sept 23, 1903 Crab Orchard; foster s Chester A, Charles A, & Chester W Jeffery; came to Neb 1881; 1890- farmer near Vesta, former prominent stock feeder; 1919-23 mbr Neb legislature; 1929-agt in Johnson & Pawnee Cos for State Farm Mutual Auto Ins Co, Victory Life Ins Co, North Amer Health & Accident Ins Co, Central States Hail Ins Co; 25 years mbr sch be; AF&AM, RAM; KT; KP; Meth Ch, Tchr Men’s Bible class 10 years; Rep, 25 years mbr Central Com; hobbies, chess, checkers; off & res Vesta.
   EFFKEN, FRIEDRICH H: Lumber & Grain dealer; b Barkel Gemeinde Schortens, Lower Saxony, Germany Oct 4, 1884; s of Friedrich L Effken-Almuth M Dirks; ed Germany; St John's Coll Winfield, Kas; Okla Agrl & Mech Coll; U of Okla; m da M Beckmann June 30, 1926 Albion; s John Fredrick, William Arnold, Theodore Fredrick; 1898-1900 farmed in Germany; 1900-04 appr to bldg contr, Germany; 1904-05 bricklayer; 1905-11 bricklayer & plasterer; 1911-20 bricklayer, plasterer & contr Otoe & Johnson Cos; 1920-24 oprd lbr yard, Burr; 1924-26 oprd lbr yard in Sterling; 1926- opr of lbr yard & grain elevator in Cook; mbr city coun 3 terms, chmn 2 terms; Neb Lbr Mchts Assn; Southeastern Grain Dlrs Assn; Southeastern Neb Knot Club; Comml Club; Sons of Hermann; AF&AM; Luth Ch; hobby, travel; off & res Cook.
   EFFKEN, MRS IDA MARGARET: Homemaker; b Unadilla, Neb Feb 28, 1892; d of Rev William Beckmann-Matilda Gerecke; ed Burr; Martin Luther Acad, Sterling 1910; Neb Sch of Commerce 1923; U of N; m Friedrich H Effken June 30, 1926 Albion; s John Fredrick, William Arnold, Theodore Fredrick; 1910-23 sch tchr, Otoe Co; 1923-25 instr in bookkeeping Neb Sch of Commerce, also secy to state supt of pub instruction; 1925-26 supt of schs, Burr; 1926- homemaker; Womans Club, ch mbr; Luth Ch, mbr Ladies Aid; hobbies, travel, reading; res Cook.
   EVANS, JOHN R: County Commissioner; b Richardson Co, Neb Sept 3, 1890; s of John H Evans-Eva Seldon; m Callie May Ross Mar 4, 1913 Auburn; s James R, Charles, Jack, Lloyd; 1904-20 farmed with father in Johnson Co; 1920-39 stock raiser, owner & opr farm near Vesta; 1924-26 engaged in road bldg, Johnson Co; 1939- Johnson Co commr, chmn bd; pres Comm Club; Neb Assn of Co Commrs, Co Clks, Co Registers of Deeds, & Co Highway Commrs; Meth Ch; Rep; hobby, machinery; off Courthouse; res Vesta.
   EVERSOLE, GUY: Merchant; b Falls City, Neb Oct 1, 1887; s of Frank P Eversole-Eliza J Lafferty; ed Falls City HS; PSTC 1909; m Ethel Worley Miner June 22, 1933 Omaha; 1907-08 rural sch tchr, Richardson Co; 1909-34 with father co-owner of Eversole Store at Elk Creek, 1934- mgr since death of father; secy village bd 20 years; AF&AM, secy; Rep; res Elk Creek.
   FINN, ROBERT STEPHEN: Attorney; b McCook, Neb Nov 26, 1908; s of Stephen Finn-Helen Cullen; ed McCook HS; McCook Jr Coll 1926-28; U of N, BA 1931, LLB 1932; Delta Upsilon; Phi Delta Phi; m Eva Peairs Oct 15, 1933 Des Moines Ia; s Stephen P, Robert P, Robert T; adm to bar 1932; 1932 in legal dept Standard Oil Co, Omaha & Lincoln; 1933- gen prac at Tecumseh, jr ptr of Jay C Moore until latter’s death 1939; 1935- bonded abstractor in Neb; dir C of C; past pres Kiwanis; Johnson Co & Neb St Bar Assns; Neb & Amer Title Assns; Tecumseh Golf Club; Cath Ch; Rep; hobby, golf; off & res Tecumseh.
   FITZSIMMONS, ALBERT POPE: Physician Surgeon; b Louisa Co, Ia Feb 7, 1869; s of John Fitzsommons-Nancy Moss; ed Octavia HS; Omaha Comml Coll; U of N, MD 1895; m Clara Dean June, 1897 Pawnee City (dec 1904) m Nellie Reed July 1913 Schuyler; d Lenora (Mrs J V Johnson), Katherine; 1895-97 med prac in Linwood; 1897-98 & 1901- prac, Tecumseh; “horse & buggy” doctor, has performed over 300 operations in patients’ homes; 1898-1901 U S army surg apptd by U S Surg Gen Sternberg for med service in Philippine Islands; 1909-11 surg gen NNG, rank of col; 1909 recd first Neb apptmt to US med res corps; 1914-16 dir finance, school & welfare, Manila Philippine Islands; 1916-23 treas & supvr establishment of first mint in Philippine Islands; 1918 helped estab first tuberculosis hosp in Philippine Islands, now world’s largest, dir 6 years; past dir 6 years Manila RR Philippine Islands; dir Johnson Co


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Bank; dir Tecumseh B & L Loan Assn; org & pres 1935-38 Eastern Neb Public Power Dist; int in farm lands, stock raising & farming in Kas, Neb & Wash; during Sp-Amer War 1898, staff lt W J Bryan’s 3rd Neb vol inf regiment in Cuba; Johnson Co Med Soc; Neb St & AMA; Assn of Mil Surgs of U S; AF&AM; RAM, past high priest; KT, past commander; Sesostris Shrine; Presby Ch; Dem; hobby, farming; off & res Tecumseh.
   GARDNER, WILLIAM HENRY: Retired; b Lee Co, Ill July 19, 18551; s of Joseph Gardner-Hannah Maria Shaw; ed Lee Co Ill; Rock River Seminary, Mount Morris Ill; Neb Wes, BA 1910; U of N, MA 1911; m Elizabeth Nesbitt July 3, 1878 Hanover Ill (dec Nov 4, 1938); celebrated 60th wedding anniversary July 3, 1938; s John M, Charles H; d Gertrude H (Mrs Al N Dafoe), Mary E (Mrs James F Powell), Erma Jane (dec 1893); 1872-1881 tchr in Elizabeth & Hanover Ill; 1881-90 supt of schs Tecumseh when first class graduated; 1890-1910 supt of schs in Wymore, Nebraska City, Auburn, Fremont; 1911-17 Lancaster Co supt of schs; during World War called upon for teaching service; ret in 1921, maintains ext correspondence with former students; 50 years mbr AF&AM; RAM; KT; Sesostris Shrine; SAR; IOOF; KP; Meth Ch; Rep; hobbies, raising purebred chickens & flower gardening res Tecumseh.
1Died Oct 3, 1939.
   GIESER, CARL WILLIAM: Rendering Plant Operator; b Highland Park, Ill Sept 4, 1893; s of Ernst Gieser-Elizabeth Hupprich; ed Highland Park Ill; Western Union Coll, Le Mars Ia 1916; m Minnie A Koehl Aug 25, 1920 Ames Ia; s Carl Richard, Robert William; 1917-18 with C L Percival Co at Des Moines Ia, 1919-23 mgr; 1923-32 ptr of brother in rendering plant at Ames Ia; 1932- owner & opr rendering plant, Tecumseh; during World War with 26th Co, 161st depot brigade machine gun transport co, 23rd co motor transport div, 19th provisional co, machine gun transport co, 332nd, MTC, Augusta Ga; Amer Leg; seventh regional area of Renderers Assn; C of C; Kiwanis; Meth Ch, steward; Rep; hobbies, music, singing; res Tecumseh.
   HALSTED, CHARLES HENRY: Retired; b Onondaga Co, N Y, Nov 12, 1842; s of Jerome Halsted-Philena J Denney; ed Big Rock Ill; m Ann Ellen Adams Apr 14, 1869 Kaneville Ill; s Fred C (dec), Lloyd D; d Mamie (Mrs B B Buffum), Myra (Mrs W Z Henry), Fannie (Mrs George F Morrissey, dec), Helen (Mrs David Dunlap); during Civil War enl Oct 24, 1861 at Geneva Ill, served under Gen John A Logan, marched with Sherman to the sea & N thru Carolinas to Richmond & on to Washington, was in battles of Donaldson, Shiloh, siege of Corinth, Iuka, 2nd battle of Corinth, Lay’s Ferry, Dallas, Calhoun’s Ferry, Kenesaw Mtn, Decatur, Atlanta, Savannah & others; also mbr 2nd & 7th Ia 1st brigade 4th div 15th army corps, participated in Grand Review at Washington, hospitalized in 1862 at Quincy Ill, disch Dec 25, 1863 & 1865; 1868 came in covered wagon to Johnson Co; 1869-72 farmed; 1872 pur & many years co-owner livery stable in Tecumseh; formerly active in real est bus & sale of farmlands in Johnson Co; 1877 elec sheriff & served 3 terms; at various times mbr city coun & sch bd; 4 years mbr drainage dist bd; 1879 with 8 others participated in buffalo hunt on present site of Red Cloud, killed 40 buffalo; ch mbr GAR, Tecumseh; many years active in KP; Meth Ch; Rep, past chmn Johnson Co Central Com; hobby, politics; res Tecumseh.
   HESTERMANN, JOHN: Retired: b Gehlbergen, Germany Mar 29, 1876; s of Henry Hestermann-Maggie Dunkacke; ed Gehlbergen, Germany; m Annie Agena Dec 7, 1888 Sterling; s Fred, Herman, Gade, Henry, Bernhard, John, Lewis (dec); d Margaret (Mrs Henry Dissmeyer, dec), Lena (Mrs William Lane), Rose (Mrs Herman Boden), Bertha (Mrs Martin Eilers); 1881 came to Amer; 1881-87 emp on farm in Wis; 1887-88 emp on farm in Gage Co; 1888- owner & opr farm, Johnson Co; 1900-07 owner & opr farm, Gage Co; dir Adams Elevator 25 years; mbr Gage Co sch bd 2 years; juror Johnson Co 1 term; 1938 celebrated golden wedding anniversary at Sterling, all living children & grandchildren present; Emmanuel Luth Ch, trustee 6 years, elder 24 years; hobbies, gardening, livestock; off & res Sterling.
   HINTZ, HENRY: Merchant; b Johnson Co, Neb Sept 6, 1868; s of Joseph Hintz-Josephine Ross; ed Johnson Co; m Josephine Nesper Oct 1889 Tecumseh; s Frank (dec), William, Leonard (dec), Ralph; d Emma (Mrs Mike Masur), Gertrude (Mrs Tom Goracke), Edna, Mary; left sch at 15 years of age to support family; 1882-1904 farmed near St Mary; 1904- owner & mgr Henry Hintz store, St Mary; org & dir Citizens State Bank, org & dir Farmers Elevator; 12 years P M; mbr sch bd 33 years; Johnson Co dep assessor 16 years; chmn ARC many years; helped found St Mary’s parochial sch; local chmn coun of defense during World war; KC; Cath Ch; Rep; off & res St Mary.
   HOLTHUS, MRS ALICE LOUISE: Postmaster; b Gage Co, Neb Dec 18, 1910; d of John G Hireth-Minnie Heller; ed Clatonia HS 1928; PSTC 1928-31; U of N, 1931; Alpha Erudito; m Paul L Holthus Aug 1, 1932 Seneca Kas; s Robert Eugene; 1929-31 sch tchr, Gage Co; 1931-33 tchr Elk Creek; 1933- homemaker; 1935- P M Elk Creek; 1939- with husband opr IGA Groc, Elk Creek; chmn Elk Creek Natl foundation for Infantile Paralysis; Neb ch natl Assn of P Ms; Luth Ch; hobby, reading; res Elk Creek.
   HONEY, FAY MARQUIS: Theater Owner; b Red Oak, Ia Apr 13, 1889; s of Frank B Honey-Emma Van Vorhis; ed Raymond HS; m Lillian Forke Oct 2, 1912 Raymond; s Lloyd M; 1908-14 owner barber shop, Raymond; 1914-17 agt in S E Neb for Nispel Land Co, Chappell; 1917-23 owner & mgr Tecumseh Theater; 1923-24 owner Isis Theater in Cedar Rapids Ia; 1924-25 in real est bus, Miami Fla; 1925-28 owner & mgr Beardsley Theater, Red Oak Ia; 1928- owner & mgr Tecumseh Theater, also opr theaters at Cook, Sterling & Johnson; Motion Picture Theater Owners Assn; C of C; ch mbr Kiwanis; Tecumseh Golf Club; Dem; hobbies, golf, hunting; off Tecumseh Theater; res Tecumseh.
   HUNT, OLIVER FULLER: Retired; b Vernon Co, Conn Jan 17, 1863; s of Oliver Hunt-Harriett Fuller; ed Elmwood Ill; m Nellie Manning Nov 14, 1888, Johnson Co; s Oliver Leon, Paul Chester; d Roxana Gertrude (Mrs B C Peckman), Carlotta Augusta (Mrs A M Diedrichs), Harriett Katherine (Mrs R E Dilworth); 1885-87 worked on various farms; 1887- owner & opr farms in Johnson & Gage Cos; sch bd mbr 10 years; Crab Orchard Co-op Assn; hobby, cattle; off & res Crab Orchard.
   HURST, DAN WEBSTER: Veterinarian; b Story Co, Ia Apr 18, 1886; s of Amos Hurst-Mary Conrad; ed Story Co Ia; Ia State Coll, DVM 1908; m Julia Swan July 20, 1916 Tecumseh; s Hudson R, Paul A; d Mary M; 1908 prac with Dr Gidley, Malvern Ia; 1908-20 veterinary inspector USDA, Bur of Animal Industry; 1920- veterinarian in Tecumseh; 3 terms mayor; mbr state bd of examiners in veterinary medicine; past pres Neb St & Amer Veterinary Med Assns; past pres C of C; AF&AM; hobby, reading; off Johnson Co Bank Bldg; res Tecumseh.
   JOHNSON, JOSEPH VINCENT: Bank President; b Lincoln, Neb Dec 19, 1892; s of A V Johnson-Ella S Martin; ed Cathedral HS, Lincoln; U of N, LLB 1914; Kappa Sigma; m Lenore Fitzsimmons Oct 11, 1923 Tecumseh; s Joseph V; d Virginia Anne, Margaret Elizabeth, Nancy Catherine; 1914-16 with Central Natl Bank, Lincoln; 1916-17 chief clk Neb state banking dept; 1918-19 during World War served with 807th inf, maj in res U S army, O/S 13 mos; 1919-33 pres Farmers State Bank, Tecumseh; 1933- pres Johnson Co Bank, Tecumseh, formed 1933 thru merger with First State Bank; 1936- mayor, pres group 1 Neb Bankers Assn; VP Neb St & Amer Bankers Assns; past comm 13th dist Amer Leg; past pres C of C; past pres Kiwanis; BPOE, Falls city; KC; Cath Ch; Dem; off Johnson Co Bank; res Tecumseh.
   JONES, CLIFFORD WELDON: Retired; b Tecumseh, Neb Apr 13, 1884; s of Emery E Jones-Clara E Linvill; ed Johnson Co; PSTC 1905; m Maude A Tubbs June 26, 1907


Part 2 (Keim - Zink)
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