This is a list of potential draftees for WW1 of men in Johnson County from the ages 21 to 30 years on June 5, 1917. These names appeared in the 16 June 1917 issue of the Tecumseh Chieftain newspaper. Headline read:
Total Registration, 843. The cards show the following claims: Totally disabled, 6; with dependent relatives. 730; indicated occupational exeptions, 112; total claiming exemption, 588; indicating no exemption 337. Included in the registration were, aliens 8; alien enemies, 9; colored man, 1.
Helena No. 1 Helena No. 2 Anson, Pat J. Baumgart, Fred Christline, William Beckmann, Otto C. Chrzazscz, William F. Beckmann, August F. Duschka. William F. Broers, John Jr. Duschka, Albert J. Bucholz, Edward T. Goracke, Lawrence J. Busch, William Goryczka, Stavisaus Eden, Wilhelm Goosman, Elzie J. Frey, Charles Goracke, Mark J. Grotrian, John E. Goarcke, Frank J. Jr. Harms, William A. Goracke, Frank J. Sr. Juilfs, Fred C. Hupka, Barney Juilfs, John H. Hulizka, Allen J. Juilfs, Adolph Hosic, Frank E. Krause, Albert Kempkes, Antone McCoy, Stanton O. Kempkes, John McCoy, Calvin R. Kramer, Samuel H. McCoy, Carroll W. Lempka, Felix J. Neukirch, Joseph L. Lantz, Iven W. Neeman, Harm E. Lantz, D. B. Powell, Wade H. McAuliffe, Leo J. Pella, Martin G. McAuliffe, Cornelius Pieper, Willie Newkirch, Paul M. Powell, Johnny Neukirch, Thomas Panko, Fred A. Peterson, Herman L. Patton, Orval W. Pella, Frank G. Riensche, Alfred Peschel, Herman W. Riensche, Theodore G. Schuster, Joseph P. Roubinek, Lawrence J. Schmidt, Albert F. Schmidt, Hege Schuster, Paul T. Sacha, Joe Scheberle, Frank Straube, Herman Jr. Schmidt, Elme M. Stuteit, Herbert H. Sebek, L. G. Straube, Godfrey G. Schmidt, Frank Straube, Theodore C. Thies, Fred, Jr. Turner, Thomas J. Wroblski, Ed Thies, Raymond R. Wroblski, Will Whisler, John Wusk, Fred Warnke, William R. Wohlers, Dick Wiebke, Benjamin C. Whisler, Hal Lincoln Precinct Abbott, James Elmer Jones, John R. Allen, J. R. Kavanagh, Johhn Allen, Warren L. Keyyey, William A. Arandus, Chas R. Lantz, Luther Ayers, Fred M. Luce, Ira F. Bailey, Benjamin F. Lynch, Bergie W. Blue, Albert Maple, Emitt Broady, Harry J. Mattox, Ellis S. Chard, Frank R. Mattox, Leslie Combs, Lloyd W. Miner, Fay S. Custis, James A. McPherrin, Robert C. Etter, Henry Roberts, Willis C. Frederick, Irvin Ruxton, Harry A. Glasson, Arthur R. Ribink, Frank W. A. Graf, John C. Russell, Don A. Graf, Lewis A., Jr. Scott, Preston L. Graf, Glenn V. Slagle, Jacob Goering, Louis A. Smith, Oliver K. Haack, George Wagner, William A. Hahn, Louie W. Wagner, John L. Hansen, George G. Wagner, Louis E. Hutt, John H. Wagner, Fred W. Jacka, Carl H. Wallace, Roy E. Johnson, Dennis L. Nemaha Precinct No. 1 Nemaha 2 Nemaha 3 Appelget, Fred B. Allen, Frank A. Ambroz, John Ball, Harrison Artz, William Barnes, John W. Baird, Jesse W. Anderson, Claud F. Barnes, Chester D. Baird, Dale F. Baber, Roy T. Baty, Elmer F. Baird, James H. Bates, Ernest M. Brundage, Percy Alan Berner, Carl H. Benson, Robert W. Bicknell, Elza W. Borrenpohl, Fred A. Bush, Dale R. Butler, Lee S. Borrenpohl, William Canfield, Wallace W. Campbell, Charley L. Brown, Charles E. Clark, Garrett H. Clark, John T. Cathcart, Earl Chritton, Fred L. Cleckner, Ronald S. Corrington, Louis N. Davison, Edward Chapman, Lewis C. Crawford, Everett D. Davison, Chancie Curtis, Russell F. Ellsworth, Joseph E. Dwyre, Ronald Dolph, George H. Gates, William F. Ege, John A. Dunlap, David Henry, Lloyd A. Engleman, Jesse O. Evans, John Jr. Higgins, Ray R. Farley, Leo A. Fisher, Clarence R. Higgins, Ralph R. Gates, Nealy Jr. Goracke, Roy C. Hindenach, Charlie A. Gariss, John L. Halstead, Lloyd D. Hill, Maurice E. Grof, Tyomas J. Jones, Hugh A. Horn, Oswald J. Grof, Joseph T. Jones, Walter C. Humphrey, Dr. C. M. Hamm, Roy F. Kuster, Louis C. Hulse, Clifford R. Humphrey, Jesse C. Maines, Delmar Lawrence, Edward H. Howard, Elbert G. Masur, Paukl A. Lempka, Frank R. Ide, Clyde O. Oelschlager, Otto W. Lynch, Emmett Kreps, Virgil H. Parker, Samuel B. Lynch, William J. Lane, John F. Peek, Charley Madden, Ralph Lillie, Harry A Pella, Paul L. Maines, Herbert S. Miller, Raymond L. Peek, Charles Mandery, Albert G. Mooney, Claud J. Rubelman, Harrison J. Meyers, Willis F. McQuary, George L. Saabin, William E. Meade, Willis F. McQuary, Rodney L. Shaw, Edson W. Mooney, Henry A. Mcilravy, Earl F. Stephens, Allen R. Morrissey, Matthew Nibbe, Claire G. Stewart, Charles E. Morrissey, James P. Ramsey, Walter E. Stevens, Raymnd B. Nachtigall, Jacob M. Rowe, Hiram E. Safranek, Frank A Place, Edgar S. Pope, Dale R. Taylor, Alva R. Pohlenz, Paul P. Pratt, Leroy E. Villars, Harry S. Phillips, William A. Schmidt. Hugo J. Yant, Theodore T. Rainey, George A. Stewart, Alfred W. Young, Harold T. Reedy, John T. Schmidt, Louis H. Rogers, Prince A. Smith, Frank Sherman, Ralph M. Sullivan, Harold F. Sherman, Eugene C. Thompson, Charley Sivey, Bryqn J. Varvel, Charles L. Stanley, Fred E. Varvel, John J. Stewart, Kenneth A. Vanwinkle, Harry L. Stutz, Emery W. Walker, Cecil P. Taylor, Gilbert P. Watts, Henry Taylor, Ralph Wagner, George N. Turner, Bert J. Weber, Clarence R. Vanwinkle, John Webb, David W. Vanwinkle, Marcus Webb, James Walker, Roy L Warlick, Irl A. Whitehead, Samuel A. Wilson, Dr D. Spring Creek 1 Spring Creek No. 2 Armknecht, Henry P. Marrs, Albert A. Badberg, Harm W. Borse, Herbert E. Mittleberg, John F. Badberg, William F. Behrens, John G. Mandery, Charles F. Badberg, Albert B. Biner, Dewitt Niebrugge, William H. Berg, Alye A. Biner, Ernest H. Niebrugge, Henry J. Brehm, Walter W. Brooks, Guy W. Niemann, Henry L. Brehm, Frank O. Birkmann, August F. Paulsen, John F. Bremer, Fred W. Bobo, Thomas E. Paulsen, Otto H. Casper, James Cook, Mac F. Platt, Daniel V. Carman, Walter R. Chamberlain, William R. Proffitt, Hadley R. Cantley, Silas A. Cook, Robert A. Patterson, John W. Carman, Ad Child, Royal B. Platt, Ralph Carman, Orin M. Campbell, Elred F. Rookstool, Gerge F. Feurer, Charles E. Deason, Edwin Rosenthal, William Friederich, Walter P. Dreyer, William Riensche, Herbert J. Harris, Thomas C. Dunn, Pat Schoene, Elmer H. Johns, Edward F. Dieckgrafe, Fred Seckman, Cline Kinnison, Cedric F. Dieckgrafe, Carl W. Seckman, Leonard A King, Oren G. Dornbaugh, Luke L. Schoene, Harry C. Lalk, Bennie A. Dieckhoff, Ernest H. Sutherland, Gilbert D. Livingston, Palmer B. Denker, Henry A. Seeba, Henry W. Mack, Harl T. Dieckhoff, Henry D. Sillman, Henry A. Marshall, George Denker, August E. Schaefer, Alfred Marrs, John H. Elrod, Ernest E. Seeba, Herman C. Meyer, Henry W. Ennen, Henry H. Smith, Harry A. Moller, John H. Franklin, Henry H. Thompson, Guy A. Melander, William F. Fisher, Frank J. Ullsperger, Louis Nelson, Clarence A. Fisher, Elmer W. Vandevort, Fred M. Neimann, Henry A. Fricke, William H. Varner, Noble W. Peterson, Lars Fisher, Earl M. Walker, Willie G. Peters, John L. Grotrian, Fredrich C. Windhorst, Louis Rademacher, Albert J. Howarth, George E. Wakeman, Jesse D. Rademacher, Bill Hunke, Walter L. Williams, Charles H. Ritter, Carl F. Hemminghaus, William A. Schacht, Edward W. Haas, Carl A. Swanson, Harry A. Henning, William Scoville, Donald Harris, William B. Thompson, Riley O. Hopp, Richard C. Wellsandt, William Johns, Andrew L. West, Mace B. Kontny, Edward J. Whitham, Elmer J. Logsdon, Hazle K, Wellsandt. Leonard Mershon, Ralph D. Wellsandt, Alvin Martin, Ira C. West, Brice Miller, Jesse B. Young, Lindell B. Sterling Precinct No 1. Sterling No. 2 Aden, William J. Aden, John E. Aden, Christy J. Aden, Rolley J. Agena, Gad G. Brunsdon, Clarence E. Buehler. Ezra Brundson, James Brunke, Otto C. Bucknell, George E. Brunsdon, John W. Boltjes, John Brunke, August F. Boller, Henry Berg, Gerhard F. Berg, Altman Bomberger, Pete Beach, George E. Bomberger, Wilmer Caley, John L. Boden, George W. Churchill, Thomas L. Brinkman, John G. Diedrichs, Henry Jr. Buehler, Ernest M. Eilers, Edward H. Coulter, Lloyd C. Ehmen, William J. Christline, Henry Fristsch, Ed C. Craney, Adam M. Finkner, Arthur E. Campbell, Iisac J. Gandee, Vane W. Christline, George J. Green, Cassino A. Curtin, Cornelius M. Gemaehlich, Andrew G. Dirks, Fred Heussmannm, Herman Dughman, Winfield Hollenbach, Carl F. Edwards, Cleo J. Harms, Herman M. Gage, Logan Hyslop, Clarence Horstman, Carl H. Johnson, William W. Harris, Lloyd M. Hanssen, John J. Hovel, Henry W. Johnson, Einer J. Herterman, Herman D. Johnson, Fred W. Hoferer, Arnold A. Keebler, John T. Hesterman, Gade H. Krautz, Edward Heuke, Henry F. Kruger, Alfred Heusmann, Fred C. Koehler, Donald A. Imelman, Conrad C. Little, Clifford I. Kelle, Robert Lipps, Thomas G. Kershaw, Clyde R. Linford, Roy G. Kelle, Henry Lipps, Lewis J. Kirby, Sylvester H. Miller, Charles A. Keslar, William Miller, Hobart M. Keister, Albert McIntyre, Charles E. McAllister, William Neff, Lyle Glen Meninga, Louis Ottjes, Hinderikus Niewald, Fred Panko, Walter H. Pharoah, Clayton Peters, Peter A Pharoah, William Panko, William Rathe, Fred Rawson, Ernest W. Rengstorf, John F. Ratzlaff, Fred C. Rowe, George A. Rathe, August C. Riffle, Samuel E. Rosenthal, August Roberts, Thomas G. Severin, Harry H. Rathe, George C. Staack, Henry F. Rathe, Henry H. Schmidt, George M. Rathe, Edward F. Schmidt, William H. Rowe, Forrest L. Sangen, Harm Rogge, Wesley Schroeder, Henry Stuve, Otto Herman Schmidt, Brunke G. Stinson, Raymond A. Sikyta, Frank G. Shea, Michael S. Sick, Robert P. Shadley, John B. Tobias, Alva W. Schmidt, Brunkie B. Tyler, Floyd F. Schalkhausser, Erich G. Thiesfeld, George H. Sacha, John Jr. Unversagt, Ervin H. Stoehr, Paul A. Werner, Walter H. Tilton, Herbert G. Wehmer, Gerald C. Thompson, Clinton M. Woltemath, Henry C. Vonasek, Charles Wusk, Herbert Weber, John Wehmer, George Weber, Ell Walker, William G. Wehmer, Henry W. Wehmer, Jacob Wilson, George R. Weber, George R. Williams, Fred E. Wigginton, Fred E. Wilhelm, Walter Yeast, Ralph R. Yeast, Jesse W. Maple Grove Albers, Adolph Lang, William F. Baum, Charley Laue, Henry Jr. Bartels, Emil Lempka, Standy Badertsher, Fred J. Lempka, Adam Ballard, George J. Lempka, Matt Badertsher. Emil Little, Harry C. Bishoff, Lawrence Luedeke, Walter E. Bowers, Faye A. Mahler, William H. Brockmeier, Charlie Moslander, Edwin M. Brockmeier, Albert Mommens, Edward Brockmeier, Christ H. Murphy, John Brockmeier, William, Jr. McCarthy, Charles J. Clark, Guy E. McKee, Charles L. Clark, Dee L. McKee, Samuel W. Crabtree, J. Allen Peschel, Max Cooper, Dale J. Phelan, Bryion S. Derr, Herbert S. Reed, Anderson W. Defreece, Lester P. Rubelman, George H. Defreece, Bertie C. Schultz, Carl F. Dennis, Chas W. Sigerson, John A. Dysart, Porter W. Stindt, Jacob B. Ensor, Grover W. Vanlaningham, Roy G. Fonte, Eathen J. Wagner, Paul H. Fonte, James P. Wagner, Adolph Folden, Walter E. Wagner, Charles F. Gielow, Carl O. Wagner, Herman G. Hauptman, Clarence E. Weakland. Alfred L. Heilig, Eber G. Weakland, Charles W. Jewell, Wilbur E. White, Fred C. Kamen, John S. White, George H. Kamen, Edmond F. Wright, Johnnie Jr. Todd Creek Pct No. 1 Todd Creek Pct No. 2 Ackerson, Alvin C. Kreifel, George J. Bartels, Arthur Bauman, Joseph Krueger, Carl F. Baucke, Henry J. Bebensee, Hans Krause, John A. Baum, August Beethe, Theodore Kuhlman, John Buethe, Frederich H. Beethe, George Lawrence, Joseph R. Buethe, Fred W. Beethe, Ben Lewis, Charles H. Buethe, Ernest W. Beethe, Edwin J. Merwin, Stephen A. Buethe, Paul Beethe, Albert Michaelis, Otto Dehart, Hugh Ellsworth Buethe, Arthur Milow, Arthur R. Griffen, Jasper N. Banham, Charles C. McClanahan, Fred L. Herbest, Lewis J. Boellstorff, William McMiller, Richard Hall, Harry Winfred Boone, Henry C. Peters, Ernest J. Jury. Lee B. Burlington, Grover C. Potter, Walter P. Koehler, Henry Burlington, Ray H. Schultz, Arthur O. Laue, Fred H. Burch, Charles Preston Smith, Irwin W. Lillich, Arthur G. Burch, Orlie Enoch Stanton, Jay Little, Val L. Butler, Charles R. Strother, Joseph F. Nelson, Milo A, Bucholz, Henry F. J. Stiles, Lawrence A. Peek, John W. Burlington, William A. Snyder, Elmer C. Putman, George D. Carman, Ralph L. Stover, Arthur Eugene Todd. Patrick T. Carmine, Wesley K. Taylor, Emmett Stuteville, Marion F. Carmine, Clarion E. Thompson, Eugene L. Wenzl, Alois P. Clark, Cecil W. Tracy, Victor A. Cloud, Otis A. Tucker, Elmer A. Cook, Mearl G. Ulrich, Edmund C. Cummings, Charles A. Vanwinkle, Troy Eversole, Franklin G. Volker, Robert W. Gandee, Ernest M. Way, Harold H. Gibbs, Ezra Wert, Ralph John Gottula, Arthur Theodore Wever, Ray Benson Gottula, William C. Whalen, George C. Halverstadt, Irby W. Wert, George C. Heuke, Louis Wolken, John Hutt, Harry Wert, William H. Holtus, Henry Wever, Ralph A. Hoke, Floyd E. Wilson, Albert C. Karas, Benjamin F. Whalen, Dale Francis Knippelmeyer, John F. York, William F. Vesta No. 1 Vesta No. 2 Adams, Ballard L. Mason, Charles J. Ackerman, Henry H. Auker, Earl O. Maher, Bernard Ackerman, Fred Abbott, Harry E. Olmstead, Amos L. Brown, James A. Churchill, Charlie W. Ostrander, John M. Behrends, George Craney, Joseph W. Ostrander, Floy E. Buehler, Fred Clark, Cecil F. Parrish, Leonard C. Buehler, Carl A. Crile, Louis Robinson, Harry K. Bargmann, Henry J. Diehm, Paul F. Rowe, Clarence A. Bacon, Fay E. Diehm. Gustav W. Ray, Lee Edwards, Louis G. Duschka, Paul F. Royal, Lee Henson, Frank A. Duvall, Carroll W. Ross, Charlie Hutchison, Ray K. Harris, Simon J. Sears, Charles W. Hibbert, Thomas E. Hannaford, Gordon Sturm, George B. Kruger, Pete Hupka, Peter A. Saathoff, William Little, Franklin C. Kruger, George Schuster, Feliz Little, George V. Lempka, George H. Tagart, James R. McMichael, Fred A. Mahler, John H. Wilson. Leslie E. Mahler, Fred H. Morrissey, William T. Ward, Cecil H. Richardson, James R. Meints, Ed Wheeler, James C. Ross, Gerd R, McCulloch, Frank A. Webb, John W. Rusk, Wilbur Meints, Albert Steele, Sherman Morrissey, George B. Zuhlke, Herman A. Western Precinct Bass, Oliver C. Mathews, Leland E. Bailey, Carl Moslander, Harry H. Ballard, Elmer Morehead, John T. Benson, Omer O. Moslander, Chamblin E. Beatty, Wallace M. Myers, Lowell E. Bonney, Harrison Myers, Charles H. Brezee, Louis E. McCoy, Charles E. Bryson, Floyd E. McCoy Arch G. Brown, Howard E. McConnell, Benjamin H. Christensen, L. F. Noakes, Thomas Chilson, Reuben J. Noakes, Clifford C. Clark, Vern W, Noerrlinger, Walter E. Clutter, Claude Pabst, John W. Clutter, Carl Peckman, Clarence O. Compton, Otis F. Phelan, Walter E. Dilworth, Wendell C. Phelan, William G. Diggs, Charles G. Platt, Leslie A. Edwards, John G. Protsman, Joseph L. Ellis, Harry F. Powell, Chester E. Gilkerson, Ralph S. Powell, Carl F. Goosman, Glen Protsman, Frank Griffin, Williaam O. Reutter, Harry Gulden, Arthur C. Richardson. Daniel B. Gulden, Guy F. Sikyta, Carl Haley, Dewitt T. Sisco, Bryan M. Halcomb, August K. Stanley, Earl V. Herndon, Carl E. Steele, Charles T. Hunt, Oliver L. Swan, Karl M Jeffery, Charles R. Swan, Ruben K. Johnson, Raymond S. Trout, Harold H. Kuhns, Herbert F. Watkins, Guerden O. Kunc, Bohumil M. Walrod, Burrel B. Laflin, Lewis E. Walters, Ralph Little, Cleve W. Williams F. E. Lovitt, Floyd E. Witcofski, Frank Mahoney, Carl Wilhite, Jesse L. Malone, James H. Witcofski, George W. Williams, Leroy P.
SUMMARY of Service Men from Johnson County during WW I from "Nebraska Military" WWI Johnson County, Nebraska at NSHS Library, Lincoln, NE. COLLECTION NUMBER RGD18
NAVAL ENLISTEES Anson, James Edward Tecumseh Bates, George Edward Tecumseh Bonham, Charles Childers Elk Creek Brown, Harold Wilkie Cook Brunsdon, Isaac Sterling Buerstetta, Fred Elmer Tecumseh Butler, Lee Selby Tecumseh Dilworth, Wendall Fay Crab Orchard Engleman, Jesse Olon Tecumseh Henry, Lloyd Alton Tecumseh Howard, Elbert George Tecumseh Hutchison, Glen Alfred Crab Orchard Jobes, Raynond Lewis Tecumseh Jones, Walter Clyde Tecumseh Kindle, Sidney Sterling Livingston, Harry Kenneth Tecumseh McDermitt, Herman Ray Cook McIntyre, Charles E. Sterling Malville, George Smeltz Sterling Mattox, Leslie Luther Tecumseh Miller, John Henry Sterling Miner, Charles Arnold Graf Nibbe, Clare Glass Tecumseh Olson, Guy Luther Tecumseh Rubink, John Henry Graf Sherman, Ralph Michel Tecumseh Sherman, Wilbur Harry Tecumseh Shugart, Lewis Garretson Elk Creek Stanton, Jay B. Elk Creek Stollard, Henry William Tecumseh Thompson, John Ray Sterling Tollofero, John Perry Crab Orchard Tracey, Guy Merwin Elk Creek NAVY ENLISTEE CASUALITIES Aitken, Oscar Frye Tecumseh Carmine, Andrew McKinley Cook Curtis, Kenneth Albert Tecumseh Sikyta, James Crab Orchard NOTE: There were no NAVAL OFFICERS from Johnson County ARMY OFFICERS FROM JOHNSON COUNTY Asplund, Peter Tecumseh Boatsman, Louis Dick Sterling Caley, John Sorin Sterling Cramb, A. B. Tecumseh Curtis, Joseph M. Tecumseh Frey, Charles M. Sterling Hall, Walter Elk Creek Hansen, Nile P. Elk Creek Jones, Carl Frederick Elk Creek Lamb, Milton Mason Tecumseh McAllister, William Henry Sterling McQuary, Rodney L. Tecumseh Mowry, Ira Berton Tecumseh Strother, William Hershel Elk Creek Townsend, Wayne LaSalle Cook Webb, John Wheadon Vesta ARMY OFFICER CASULTY Bridges, Thomas Sterling ARMY ENLISTED CASUALTIES Behrends, George H. Crab Orchard Combs, Lloyd Wilber Tecumseh Davey, Michael Joseph Tecumseh Deen, Archie E. Sterling Gandee, Vane W. Sterling Hillard, Thomas E. Vesta Little, George V. Crab Orchard Lynch, Emmett Tecumseh Miller, Harry S. Tecumseh Nelson, Clarence A. Tecumseh Ramsey, Walter E. Tecumseh Sandusky, Harold T. Sterling Sangen, Harm Sterling Tracy, Victor Andrew Elk Creek
Produced for NEGenWeb, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000 by Bill Wever, Ted & Carole Miller 2025 by DFG