or had reached 21 years of age; a citizen of the United States or who had declared his intention to become a citizen could file on 160 acres of land. After living on the land, cultivating and improving it for three years, he could apply for a patent to his land from the Government at the land office, which in the early days was located at Dakota City. Many of the early settlers had to walk there as there was no other means of transportation. Even horses were scarce. Then for a time, the land office was in West Point, and still later also in Neligh. In 1873, the land office was opened in Norfolk with J. S. McClary, Receiver and Frank Welch, Registrar.

The new Timber Culture Law was enacted in 1873. This law similar to the Homestead Law as to eligibility did not require residence but instead of cultivation, required tree planting of 40 acres on a 160 acre tract or one-fourth of the area on a lesser acreage and permitted up to eight years to comply and apply for a patent. The filing or entry fee was $14.00.

Then there was an earlier law enacted in 1843, the Pre-emption Act, which allowed a claim on 160 acres. Proof to be made with 6 to 33 months and payment of $1.25 per acre.

Following is a copy of a publication found in the Battle Creek Enterprise dated April 28, 1887:

Final Proof Notice

By Daniel A. Callan, for Homestead No. 7879 on
Saturday, June 4, 1887.
U. S. Land Office, Neligh, Nebraska, April 25, 1887.
Notice is hereby given that the following named
settler filed notice of his intention to make final proof
in support of his claim and that said proof will be made
before the Judge or in his absence before the Clerk of
the District Court at Madison, Nebraska, on June 4,
1887, viz.
Daniel A. Callan for the S 1/2SE1/4 and S1/2 SW1/4,
Section 20, Township 23, Range R 3 West.
He names the following witnesses to prove his cont-
inuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz.:
Jacob Obrist, Chas. C. Palmer, David Reynolds, K. L.
Niles, all of Madison County, Nebraska.
E. S. Butler, Register

Taken from the November 24, 1887, Enterprise:

Timber Culture Final Proof
Notice for Publication
U. S. Land Office, Neligh, Nebraska
November 11, 1887

Notice is hereby given that Rufus T. Thomas, has
filed notice of intention to make final proof before the
Clerk of the District Court in Madison, on Friday, the
30th day of December, 1887, on timber culture applica-
tion No. 526, for Lot 4 and S1/2NW1/4 and SW1/4NE1/4
of Section 2, in Township 23, Range 3 West.


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