sister who was Mrs. William W. Cloyd, a homesteader in Valley Precinct.

Capt. (Civil War) and Mrs. John S. Craig were the parents of Adrian Craig who married Frances Thatch, daughter of the Sam Thatch who accompanied the troops in their quest of the Indians at the time of the famous meeting on Bunker Hill in 1859. Muriel, another daughter, married a Mr. Wolfe and later a Mr. Long at Neligh. Minerva married Peter Fitch another old timer in the area living toward Norfolk, and Sevila who became Mrs. D. L. Best. The Bests for many years operated the Best Hotel on the corner where the Henry Wisch residence now stands and Mr. Best operated the Blue Front livery barn on the spot now occupied by our city hall and fire station.

Wesley Craig married Cynthia Walker, daughter of Johnny Walker who homesteaded in Section 4, Battle Creek Precinct. Later Walker had a livery barn east of where the Aage Peterson residence now stands. The barn can be seen to the left of the Catholic Church in the panorama picture looking to the northwest from the Maxwell water tower. This writer remembers the night when this livery barn burned. It was a frightening sight for a boy of seven or eight years old. Our home was little more than a block away and we could hear the cry of the terror stricken horses (some of them were burned in the building), and the screaming of men trying to save them and fight the fire.

The Wesley Craigs had two children, Nelle who became Mrs. R. C. Huddle and for years resided on the old Whitla farm which they purchased when the Whitlas retired and moved to town. A son, the late Fritz Craig, became an architect in Lincoln. He drew the plans for our present high school building.

Another of the Walker daughters became Mrs. Arthur Parson. Their home was what is now owned by the Tucker family north of Battle Creek. Their daughter, Grace, married John Lederer. The Lederers had their home on the farm where the Orville Hoffman family now lives. Mr. and Mrs. Lederer sold their farm about 1915 and retired to Battle Creek and built the home now occupied by Mrs. Rose Rodekohr.

Mr. Lederer opened a garage and repair business in the location where Victor Klein's Service Station is now located. Henry Kahler, now of Tilden, was his partner for awhile and they had the Ford Sales franchise. John served on the town board for a number of years.

Another Parson daughter was Laura, who married Richard "Dick" Ulrich. As has been previously stated, John and his brother-in-law Dick Ulrich built the Auto Service Station which was for many years the Battle Creek Oil Company, operated by the Doerings. Dick was one of the main stays of the old Battle Creek Ball Club and pitched the club to many victories. He died as a young man and Laura later married Noel Rhodes who was the Madison County Extension Agent at the time. Later the Rhodes family moved to Creighton. The aforementioned sister of the Craig brothers who married William W. Cloyd lived and


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