seven years, Battle Creek became a preaching station served from Green Garden by Pastor Hoffmann. At that time (1878) there were only fifteen members. Pastor Hoffmann began to serve the little group on September 29, 1878, driving over from Green Garden every three weeks. Immediately the congregation decided to purchase a pulpit robe for Pastor Hoffmann and to pay him one hundred dollars a year for his services, the salary to be paid quarterly in advance.

Pastor Hoffmann, in his record of 1889, wrote as follows: "Services were held in the school on the Lucht farm until November of 1881. On November 20 we had the great joy of moving into our new frame church, 24 x 32 ft, which on that day was dedicated to the Triune God . . . ."

In September, 1882, there was great rejoicing among the members of St. John's for it was the occasion of the installation of the first resident pastor, the Rev. A. H. Caemmerer. Quoting from an excerpt of a report by a son of Rev. Caemmerer, Hugo F., one can see why his health entered into the picture five years later:

"Besides taking care of his main charge at Battle Creek, Pastor Caemmerer's duties included regular weekly services at Burnett, now Tilden; as well as regular monthly services at Clearwater, forty miles west of Battle Creek. In a light-weight top buggy, drawn by a span of fleet, tireless ponies, he would criss-cross the prairies far and wide in search of straying Lutheran settlers, discussing with them the One Thing Needful and entreating them to come back into the fold."

The pastor's salary was $300.00 per year plus two bushels of wheat from each member, also as much hay as was needed. Since his failing health proved too great a hindrance to his work, Pastor Caemmerer felt compelled to resign his office as pastor on July 3, 1887. He remained in the community, however, and retained membership with St. John's until March 10, 1892, at the age of only 42 years, he was translated to the Church Triumphant . . .

A call was then extended to the Rev. Jacob Hoffmann, who had been pastor at Green Garden since 1877, and who had supplied at Battle Creek from 1878 until 1882. He accepted the call and was installed by Pastor Bremer in September, 1887. While Pastor Hoffmann reported a membership of fifteen voters in 1878, he found a membership of 58 upon his arrival in 1887, a decided growth having occurred during the pastorate of the Rev. Caemmerer.

After a period of 42 years of service, both as supply and as resident pastor, the Lord brought the faithful and fruitful ministry of Pastor Hoffmann to a close by taking him unto Himself in Heaven, February 14, 1925. He who had done some of the early planting, and who while resident pastor of St. John's also had attended to the watering, must have rejoiced over the privilege of observing too how abundantly God gave the increase. During his 37 years as a resident pastor, Rev. Hoffmann offic-


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