Methodist Church

years that followed, assignments to this place included C. M. Griffith, N. H. Blackmer, G. W. Damon, William Slothhouser, and R. J. Willard.

In the year, 1893-1894, Rev. G. W. Damon was again assigned to Battle Creek. Under his leadership (minutes, page 73) the congregation grew and the present church edifice was erected. The church building was dedicated in March, 1894, by the Rev. W. K. Beans.

Accounts show that the day after the dedication, the pastor began a series of revival meetings, assisted by Miss May Phillips which resulted in "many conversions." The total membership, including probationers, was reported at 144.

The minutes from the North Nebraska District Conference does not so state, but it is presumed that what is now the First Methodist Church was organized by this time as the abstract of title to the church premises reveals that one mortgage for three hundred dollars and another for two hundred fifty dollars were given to the Board of Church Extension of the Methodist Episcopal Church of Philadelphia, Pa. by the "Keziah Fields Memorial Methodist Episcopal Church of Battle Creek, Nebraska." The mortgage was signed by S. K. Warrick, J. L. Knesel, I. J. Daniel, D. A. Callan, and W. H. Avery.

These mortgages were given December 9, 1893. Since the report of the presiding elder for the Neligh District reported that the cost "including lot, building, furniture, organ, carpets, etc." was $2,900.00, contributions at the time the construction bills fell due, approximated $2,450.00.

We have tried to trace the origin of the "Keziah Fields" Memorial. The Methodists should search further, or someone then being honored will be forgotten.


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