These photos were submitted by Carol Wolf Britton. Please contact her directly for any additional information.
Photo of David and Louisa WALTER taken bef. 1890 in Otoe Co. (Louisa d. in 1890, and David d. in 1892). They homesteaded in Otoe Co. in 1856. They were members of the Camp Creek Congregational Church.
David C. WALTER Family group taken around 1870, as all but one of the children are in the picture. Back row: Mary Jane, Edwin Sylvester, William G., Melissa Catherine. Front row: Henrietta Belinda, Louisa (with baby), Wesley Rosswell (on lap), David C., Wallace R. (on lap). Baby Ella Grace had not been born yet, she was b. in 1871. Also they had an infant named Hiram Walter who d. in 1866.
Photo of the Camp Creek Congregational Church of the 1870s. It was located near the farm of David C. WALTER.
Two landscape color photos taken in 1991 of the property in Otoe Co. Where David and Edward WALTER homesteaded. The 2 are right across the road from each other. David's is in sect. 22 township 7 range 14 SW corner, and Edwin's is in sect. 27 township 7 range 14 NW corner. Camp Creek School was in sect. 22 twnship 7 range 14 on the E corner of the property. The first photo is of David's land.
Photo is of Edwin Walter (1858-1922).
Edwin S. WALTER and Emma Jane STRINE mar. in Otoe Co. on 21 March 1882.
Edwin Walter and grandchildren, Emma and Wayne Walter.
This 1991 color photo is of Edwin Walter's land.
Melissa WALTER-LEDGER (1863- 1934).
August Theodore LEDGER (1862- ?) and Melissa WALTER mar. 18 Mar, 1891 in Otoe Co., NE
(Please note: on the photo at the bottom is written "Whittemore And 1891 NE").
Grace Walter. (Please note at bottom of photo is written: "Grace Walter".)
Ella Grace WALTER MATZ (1871-1904).
George Jones WHITE (1839-1901), husband of Henrietta WALTER.
Henrietta Belinda WALTER (1853 - 1921).
Wilhelmine Birkholz (née Meyer).
(Please note at bottom of photo is written: Wilhelmine Birkholz (nee. Meyer).
Mary Jane WALTER-COLE (1861- 1950).
Wesley WALTER (1869-1929).
Wallace WALTER (1867-1885), killed in railroad accident.
William G. WALTER (1856-1930).
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