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director at Wahoo High. Boyd arranged several compositions and composed two works which the chorus continues to keep in their repertoire.

Men's Community Chorus
Men's Community Chorus

   At the beginning of the second year, Bill Baumert, band director at the Wahoo High School became the second director. Bill, who has remained the director since that time, has been instrumental in developing the group as a quality chorus. Assistant director-manager of the group is Burton (Nick) Johnson. Bob Arp, the current vocal music director at Wahoo High, ably assists in the directing responsibilities. Jane Johnson is accompanist, assisted on a part-time basis by three local musicians.

   The members of the chorus range in age from 19-76 with the number of members remaining at about 20. Ten of the original 12 are still active members. At the present time -- November, 1982, the chorus has given nearly 145 performances including an annual fall concert, performances as part of the church service, performances for civic, service and fraternal organizations, performances in hospitals, nursing homes, care centers, and performances for banquets, dinners, conventions, conferences and festivals.

   Dedicated to cultivating and improving musical talent in the area, the chorus has given a scholarship to a deserving high school music student to attend a summer music camp for the past two years.

   The Community Men's Chorus in Wahoo sing because they love to sing, but also because they have discovered the fulfillment and joy that comes from inspiring and enlightening the many Nebraskans who have been a part of their audience of the last eight years. Submitted by Jane Johnson


   The Wahoo Coin Club was organized in January, 1961 when a group of interested people met and formed a club.

   The object of this organization is to encourage and promote interest in numismatics and cultivate friendly relations among collectors, students, and dealers. Also, it assists and encourages amateur collectors.

   This club was formed for the mutual benefit of its members, with each member exerting every effort to make it a success by obtaining new members.

   The first president of the club when organized in 1961 was Lee Andresen. The president this year is Larry Rowe of Lincoln. The present membership is around 50 people. The meetings are held once a month on the first Saturday.

   The club usually has a show once a year -- in the fall, but has not had one recently. They also have an annual potluck dinner in November.

   The members come from Omaha, Lincoln, Fremont, Ceresco, Wahoo, Colon, and other areas. Veda McNeely

Veterans Memorial Bldg.
Veterans Memorial Bldg.


   The American Legion Post 82 Wahoo, Nebraska was organized September 18, 1919 by Chapter Members as follows: Alex Pringle, Ray A. Killian, Roy L. Justice, Joe R. Brown, P.L. Smith, W.M. Killian, Jas. B. Walters, A.S. Dolezal, Clifford Cunningham, Sylvester Cunningham, Floyd A. Tharp, Chas. W. Way, E.N. Torell, H.A. Risk, F.J. Kirchman Jr., W.W. Chreiman, A. Brunsdon, Henry J. Pallat, D.B. Fiske, John Saltzman, and John H. Cameron.

   American Legion Post 82 was chartered August 1, 1920 by the National Headquarters of the American Legion. In the charter, the post pledges itself through its members to uphold, protect and defend the constitution of the United States, the principles of true Americanism for the common welfare of the living and in solemn commemoration of those who died that liberty might not perish from the earth.

   The current membership on November 1, 1982 was 226. The primary purpose of the American Legion according to local members is to support and train youth through youth activities in Americanism and community service.

   Programs sponsored by the American Legion locally are as follows: American Legion Baseball, Oratorical contest, County Government Day, Junior Lawman, Boys' State, Military Funerals, Memorial Day Services, and Veterans Day Services.

Legion Firing Squad
Legion Firing Squad

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   The Wahoo American Legion Auxiliary was organized March 5, 1928. On April 5th the new officers were installed by Mrs. Josephine Jenny of the Malmo Unit. They were: Mmes. John Thorson, president; E.O. Weber, vice-president; Leslie Hult, secretary; F.J. Kirchman, Sr., treasurer; Della Simpson, chaplain; N.J. Ludi, historian; and Carl O. Johnson, sergeant-at-arms. There were 56 charter members; 11 are still members.

   Unit has a current membership of 179. There are 14 Junior members, 3 Gold Star Mothers and 7 Gold Star members. Our president is Mrs. Joe Haba.

   The American Legion was formed in 1919 to represent the American veteran and to remind a grateful nation of its responsibility to the veteran, his widow and orphan. The Auxiliary supports all the programs recommended by The American Legion, working together for a greater America. Patriotism and love of country have a special meaning for us.

   Major programs are Americanism, Children and Youth, National Security, Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation, Community Service, Education, Foreign Relations, Girls' State, Legislation and Poppies.

   The Unit sponsors two girls to Girls' State; helps with County Government and the Red Cross Bloodmobile's visits to Wahoo; advises students of scholarships given by the Auxiliary; and assists with their applications.

   The Poppy was adopted as the official flower in 1921. The Unit furnishes poppies for wreaths sent to Post No. 82 members when deceased, and crosses to Unit members. The hundreds of crosses in The Legion Plot Sunrise Cemetery are decorated with poppies on Memorial Day.

   The Unit's Christmas Gift Shop assignment is sent to the Omaha Veterans Administration Medical Center. In July, the county Units hold a picnic for patients of the Medical Center.

   Membership eligibility requirements are mother, wife, sister, daughter or granddaughter of a member of the American Legion; or of a man or woman who was killed or died while serving in World War I, World War II, the Korean War or Vietnam War; or who has died since honorable discharge from War service; or a woman veteran of wartime service.

   The Past Presidents Parley is a committee organized to continue in active service to the Auxiliary. There are 24 members. Objectives are to assist ex-servicewomen; contribute to the Nurses' Scholarship Program and work with membership campaign. Members open all poppies used in wreaths, crosses and on Memorial Day. Submitted by: Irma K. Morris (Mrs. Elmo)


   Veterans of Foreign Wars Post #4502 was formed in Wahoo, Nebraska on March 27, 1945. There are 19 names on the original Muster. Glenn Neal was the Commander and Bennie Judd was the Quartermaster. Post #4502 was not named until a later date. The Charter was mailed from National Headquarters on March 12, 1947 and by that time Ned A. Swanson was the Commander. Post #4502 was named in memory of Herbert Beaver (first serviceman from Saunders County to be killed in action on foreign soil during WW1) and Frank Bartek (first serviceman from Saunders County to be killed in action during WW2). There have been 38 Commanders of the Post. There have been 10 Commanders that were named All State Commanders. Four Commanders have been District Commanders and one Commander will be a State Commander. There has been one commander whose son was commander 24 years later.

   Projects sponsored by the Post are Christmas Baskets started for the needy. Some 50 Families benefited each year from this program started in 1964.

   The 4th of July is a summer highlight when members of the Post collect money from the Merchants of Wahoo and furnish a picnic lunch and games for the children in the City Park. The finishing touch of the day is fireworks in the evening at Sam Crawford Field. This activity is enjoyed by at least 3,000 persons every year. Small fireworks displays are taken to Haven House and Wahoo Care Center. The third project for the year is the Easter Egg Hunt. This is held annually in the City Park. This provides treats and prizes for 250 children.

   The Post assists the Community with any project where help is needed.

   There are 335 Members of the Post, of which 70 are Life Members.

VFW Auxiliary
VFW Auxiliary


   The Beaver-Bartek Auxiliary #4502 located at Wahoo, Nebraska was instituted on March 7, 1948. There are 30 Charter members. The names of the Charter members can be found on the reverse side of the Charter which is displayed during the regular business meeting. The meeting place is at the Veterans Memorial Building. The first President was Margaret Rohman and the current President is Beverly Specht. There are 27 Past Presidents of which 2 are deceased. Eight Presidents have served 2 terms of office. There are seven Past District Presidents in the organization. There is one four generation family who are members. One Auxiliary Sister has 3 daughters that are members. Four Sisters have 2 daughters that are members. We have 3 Gold Star Mothers and 11 Gold Star Sisters. There is one Mother-Daughter combination that are Past Presidents. The regular business meetings are held on the 4th Wednesday of the month with exception of November and December. One member has received a National award for her musical ability. The main purpose of our organization is to instill patriotism in the hearts of the people. We support the VFW Buddy Poppy Program. We donate flags to schools and other organizations. We participate in the Voice of Democracy program. $2 per member is spent to support the Cancer Aid and Research program. We also give Memorials in lieu of dinners or flowers for our Sisters in distress. Thanksgiving Fruit Plates are sent to our elderly Sisters. We try to remember any Sister who may be in need. We now boast a 146 member status.

   The Past Presidents of the VFW Auxiliary to Post #4502 is strictly a social group that holds a regular monthly meeting. These meetings are held in the home. We have 12 members and our only income is monthly dues, birthday dues, and yearly dues. Rose Novotny is the President. We send greeting cards to the members of our Club. The Club donates $3 per month for Bingo prizes at the Care Center and Haven House. We, the Past Presidents, try to assist the Auxiliary any way that we can.


   Loyalty Day was first established by the V.F.W. in 1958 in response to Russia's Communistic May Day. Russia uses May Day to show their military might. Americans take this time to show their loyalty to our country. May 1 is also known as Law Day. The first Loyalty Day was held in Wahoo on May 1, 1968. Joe Bartek was the Post Commander and a small patriotic program was held from a stand in downtown Wahoo. There was a guest speaker.

Loyalty Day
Loyalty Day

   Members of Beaver Bartek Post #4502 had a flag raising ceremony at the schools in the late 1960's and early 70's. In later years a parade was added to the May 1 activities. In the past few years a big parade and program is held on the Saturday afternoon nearest May 1.

   In 1982, two distinguished Medal of Honor recipients from Nebraska were honored. They were Glenn Hancock from World War I and Robert Kerry, now Governor of Nebraska, a Vietnam War Hero.

   During the parade, there is also a bicycle parade where children under age 12 decorate their bicycles in a patriotic theme and compete for prizes. American flags (miniature size) are passed out to all children attending the parade. To climax the day, there are refreshments served at the Veterans Building.


   The observance of Memorial Day was always held on May 30th until our United States Congress changed the date to the last Monday in May. It has since been changed back to May 30th. Programs began after World War I and are still held today. The V.F.W. did not participate until 1947 since there was no V.F.W. Post in Wahoo. In the early 1930's the parade began on the Court House Hill and proceeded east down 5th street to Linden and then south to 1st street. At 1st Street the parade headed east to Sunrise Cemetery. In those days almost everyone walked and children followed the parade to Sunrise Cemetery. In recent years, there is a parade in downtown Wahoo and everyone is transported to Sunrise Cemetery where a Memorial Service is held on the Legion Plot. Wayne Reeves provides transportation for the elderly. When this Memorial ceremony was first started there were 7 crosses for the Veteran's plot and in 1982 there were over 300 crosses. These are Memorial Crosses for Veterans from World War I and to the present date that are buried in Sunrise and St. Francis Cemetery. The program on Memorial Day consists of a parade in downtown Wahoo, a Band at Sunrise Cemetery and a guest speaker. The representative from either Boys' State or Girls' State recites the poem "In Flanders Field." The American Legion #82 and Beaver-Bartek Post #4502 provide the military service. Wreaths are placed by the Chaplains of the Ladies Auxiliary. The American Legion and the V.F.W. alternate planning the Memorial Day ceremonies. At 12:00 noon a wreath is cast onto the waters of Sand Creek in memory of those servicemen buried at sea.


   The Firing Squad was first organized in 1947. Members participate in parades and hold military funerals for deceased Comrades. There are 22 members and some of these men have been members since it has been organized.

   The Firing Squad holds one money making project per year to help defray expenses for Convention and uniforms. The Firing Squad posts the Colors at every home game for Neumann High. One member of the original Firing Squad is deceased.

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   Veterans Day was first known as Armistice Day and began on November 11, 1918 when World War I ceased. It was declared a legal holiday and was always held on November 11th except during the years 1971 to 1977 when Congress made Veterans Day on the 4th Monday of October. Through the effort of Veterans, Congress has passed a bill and Veterans Day is now held on November 11.

   In our community, a short program is held at Sunrise Cemetery at 11 a.m. The City of Wahoo sounds the town whistle from the Light Plant for 1 minute of silence at this time.

   In the 1930's the Past Commanders of the American Legion Post #82 began to have an evening dinner on Armistice Day. At the present time the dinner is enjoyed by the Past Commanders of both the American Legion and the Veterans of Foreign Wars on Veterans Day.


   The first 4th of July Celebration was held in 1962. Bernard Lanik was the newly elected Commander of the Post. Donations were collected from the merchants and business men of Wahoo. The 4th of July celebration usually begins in the morning when the grill is "fired up" to prepare the hot dogs that are part of the lunch that is served from 12 Noon to 4:30 P.M.

   In the late 1960's there were bands from the new Neumann High School and Wahoo Public School playing in the park. A Kiddy Parade, sponsored by the Wahoo Eagles, is held beginning at 1 o'clock. Flags are given to all children participating in the parade. Bicycles are decorated and prizes are given to these children (6 and under). At 2:30 p.m. in the City Park there are games for young and old. Prizes in the amount of $2.50 are given for each game.

   People gather in park to enjoy the lunch served at a minimum cost. There isn't any waiting. Lunch consists of hot dogs, potato chips, and pop and is prepared and served by members of the Post and then wives. Approximately 2000 persons are served.

   The commander of the V.F.W. is usually chairman of the day's activities. In the late afternoon and early evening there are ball games at Sam Crawford Field. While the late ball games are in progress, members of the V.F.W. take a fireworks display to the Haven House and the Wahoo Care Center. The patients of both of these nursing homes really enjoy this display. At 9:00 P.M. a short program is presented and then there is a Fireworks Display to climax a very busy day.

VFW Christmas Baskets Being Delivered
VFW Christmas Baskets Being Delivered


   The first drive for the Christmas Basket Fund began when Ray Syverson was the Commander. Ray has been the chairman of the project every year since. He first started this project 2 years before he was commander and he collected the money in a big glass jar. When he was commander, the V.F.W. adopted this program. In the beginning less than $300 was collected, and 14 families benefited. Wahoo Newspaper began to run articles in the paper starting the last week in November and through the month of December. They listed all persons who donated to the fund plus the fact that they also help collect the monies for this fund.

   Christmas of 1982 received the largest response ever. Over $2700 was collected with 61 families and 112 children having a "Merry Christmas."

   Members of Beaver Bartek Post #4502 deliver these Christmas Baskets on the 23rd of December throughout the county, so that there is sufficient time to check the baskets and prepare the food for Christmas. Any needy person is eligible to receive a Basket. Names are gotten from the Welfare Office and friends of the needy.

   Donations are not money alone. Many extension clubs and other organizations donate canned goods and clothing. Baskets are delivered all over the county. This has been a very worthwhile program.

POST #4502


   The Easter Egg Hunt is held annually in the Wahoo City Park on the Saturday afternoon before Easter. This project began the year that James Shepherd was Commander (1961-62). It has been a yearly project ever since. In the early years of this project eggs were hardboiled, colored, and numbered for prizes. They were hidden in the City Park. In recent years, the Chamber of Commerce has shared expenses. Rudie Rezek is usually the Chairman and is responsible for the prizes. There are at least 300 children and their parents that gather at the City Park on the Saturday before Easter for the Easter Egg Hunt. At least 25 prizes are given and every child that is under 8 years of age receives a treat.


   Members of Beaver Bartek Post #4502 or American Legion Post #82 will perform a Military Funeral for any Veteran. The Veteran does not have to be a member of the organization -- they just have to be a Veteran. This service is done in conjunction with the Funeral Home. Military funerals are held for Veterans living away from Wahoo and whose bodies are shipped back for the service. Several military funerals are held each year.

Bell Dedication
Bell Dedication


   The National Guard Armory Building at 15th and Chestnut in Wahoo was built in 1961. It is currently the headquarters of the Combat Support Company, 1-134th Infantry. The unit is composed of 112 Army National Guardsmen. The offices of unit commander Captain William T. Noble and full-time technicians, Staff Sergeants Joseph Osthoff, Brian Davison, are housed in the Armory. Drill assemblies are held there, also, on a regular basis. The unit is an infantry unit with mechanized armored personnel carriers.

   The unit was officially declared a Combat Support Company on May 1, 1968. Prior to that time a Medevac Unit occupied the building. Earlier, an artillery unit was headquartered out of the Veterans Building.

National Guard
National Guard


   The first meeting of the Eagles #2971 was held at Dance Island. Later Eagles meetings were held upstairs in the building owned by Joe Hajek. On May 29, 1949 membership was at 135. Officers were: Ernest Churda -- Jr. P. President, Tom Barry -- President, Loddie Vculek -- Secretary, Roy Hohl -- Treasurer, Noble Berggreen -- Trustee, Joe Hajek -- Trustee, James Wilson -- Trustee, Bill Stewart -- Chaplain, G. Olson -- Conductor.

   Projects carried out by Eagles #2971 are: Heart Fund, Cancer Fund, Boys Ranch, Golden Eagles, and Childrens Fund.

   In February 1970, The Eagles moved to the present location, 140 West 5th.

   The 1982-83 officers are: Garry Ridgley -- Jr. P.W.P., Vernon Push -- President, Craig Breunig -- V. President, Richard Otto -- Chaplain, Tom Hageman -- Conductor, William Peters -- Secretary, Edgar Knox -- Treasurer, Ricky Lucas -- Inside Guard, Harold Vogler -- Trustee, Clarence Boesel -- Trustee, Joseph Carr -- Trustee.

   Membership now stands at 850 for 1982-83. The Eagles building is currently being remodeled and the completion date is set for April 30, 1983.

   The Wahoo Ladies Auxiliary to Wahoo Aerie #2971 was organized on May 25, 1952, with 40 ladies on the Charter. Today we have 286 members on the rolls.

   The Auxiliary's motto is For Home, For Country and For God.

   We, along with the Aerie, are an organization of "People Helping People."

   We also donate monies to charities, local and national. Charities donated to are Heart, Cancer, Jimmy Durante Children's Fund, Golden Eagle, City of Hope, Kidney, Diabetes, Nebraska Boys Ranch, Mental Health, Youth Guidance, Youth, Young at Heart, and the State President's Project.

   The Auxiliary, under the direction of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, holds two meetings each month, the first and third Wednesdays of each month.

   Grants are available from the different charities to help our local people. We, as an organization, have requested and received grants from the Golden Eagle fund for our Senior Citizens of Wahoo. We have been able to make gifts to the Public Library.

   To date one of our members has served as State President, and, at present, we have one member serving in the capacity of State Trustee.

1982 Bicycle Parade Winners
1982 Bicycle Parade Winners --Amy and Andrea Anderson

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