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Church, Swaberg Community, southeast of Uehling, Nebraska. Mark graduated from UNO and is at home while attending UNL. David is attending Midland College on a track scholarship after winning the mile race in the State Track Meet in 1978. Grace is our adopted Indian girl from Yankton, South Dakota. She is working in Lincoln. We bought our house in Wahoo and moved here in 1978. Jacquelyn is at present the Activity Director at the Saunders County Care Center. Submitted by Rev. Clifford Lindgren DAVE AND LOUISE LINDGRENDave and Louise Lindgren are the parents of Warren, Donald, Lawrence, and Marion (Vermeline).
THE DUANE LINDGREN FAMILYDuane Lindgren and Marjorie Sorenson Lindgren both grew up in Mariposa Precinct in Saunders County.
Duane Walter is the son of Walter Lindgren and Clara Anderson Lindgren. He was the third of six children. They were LaVerne, Helen, Duane, Robert, Jean and Roger. They lived in Dist. 70 by Wahoo and attended the Edensburg Lutheran Church in Malmo. Duane attended District 70 through the 10th grade and graduated from Wahoo High School. He was inducted into the Armed Forces Oct. 5, 1942 and served in the Army with the 96th Infantry Division. Their training was received in Oregon, Washington and California. He took part in the return of McArthur to the Philippines and the Battle for Okinawa. After being discharged, he farmed. Marjorie Louise was the only child of Alfred Sorenson and Bessie Christensen Sorenson. She grew up in Malmo and attended the Malmo School 12 years, graduated from Malmo High School, attended Luther College at Wahoo and taught school at Dist. 97 and the David City Public Schools. Later she graduated from Midland College at Fremont. Duane and Marjorie were married on August 10, 1951 at the Edensburg Lutheran Church in Malmo. "Savior Like a Shepherd Lead Us" has been a family song sung at the wedding, and later at baptisms, confirmations, anniversaries and weddings. Duane and Marjorie live 2½ miles west of Malmo where Duane farms and Marjorie teaches school at the Weston Public School. They attend the Edensburg Lutheran Church in Malmo and are members of Auxiliary and Legion Post #232 in Malmo. Three sons were born to this family: Dean Walter (March 7, 1954), Del Alfred (Feb. 18, 1958), and Paul Duane (April 8, 1963). Dean graduated from Wahoo High School and the University of Nebraska, taught school, farmed and he and wife (the former Cindy Monke of Arlington, Nebr.) are attending the International School of Theology at San Bernardino, California. They were married August 7, 1981. Del graduated from Wahoo High School, Midland College and is teaching at the Winnebago Public Schools. On April 9, 1983 he will marry Valerie Johnson of Carroll, Iowa. Paul graduated from Wahoo High School and is attending the University of Nebraska where he is a sophomore. Duane, Marjorie and their ancestors for 5 generations have enjoyed living in Saunders County and the Malmo area. They live on land that has been in the family for over 100 years. Malmo was originally settled by Swedish people and, in July 1982, Duane and Marjorie enjoyed touring Sweden, Denmark and Norway and visiting Malmo, Sweden. ROBERT L. LINDGREN FAMILYSwimming in Cottonwood Creek, jumping in freshly cut hay in the old barn, standing on the flatbed and singing songs or hikes along the old Burlington tracks are special memories to this family.
Robert LeRoy was born January 25, 1926. He has lived on this farmstead, which has been in the Lindgren family for four generations, all his life. He is the fourth-born of the six children of Walter and Clara Lindgren. Bob attended District #70. He was a member of the last class to receive their tenth grade education of this rural school system. After graduating from Wahoo High School in 1944, he began his farming career. Robert married Maretta Jean Mattson at Elim Lutheran Church at rural Hooper on May 5, 1956. Maretta, born December 12, 1928, is the eldest daughter of Marvin and Ethel Mattson. She graduated from Uehling High School in 1946 and received her degree from the University of Nebraska in 1974. Presently she is teaching in District #44 near Wahoo. Barbara Jean was born November 4, 1957. She and her brothers and sister also attended District #70. Barb graduated from high school in 1976 and then attended Nebraska Wesleyan University. She was united in marriage to Alan Lee Dickhute at Edensburg in Malmo on August 11, 1979. They reside in Lincoln, Nebraska. Mark Robert was born January 6, 1959. Graduating in 1977, his class was the first to graduate in the newly-constructed Wahoo High School. On June 3, 1977, Mark entered the army for his four-year enlistment. He served twenty months in Germany and after his discharge he moved to Lincoln. Continuing to serve his country, he is in the National Guard. He is employed at the Van House. Bruce Walter was born December 31, 1963. Graduating from high school in 1982, he enrolled at Doane College in Crete, majoring in Biology. He plans a career in medicine. Father's Day, June 19, 1906, Marcia Linnea was born. She is a Junior at Wahoo High School and is employed at the Wahoo City Library. Robert and his four children were all baptized and confirmed at the Edensburg Lutheran Church in Malmo, Nebraska. Each member of this family has been active in the organizations of the church and high school, as well as having been members of 4-H. ROGER AND JANET LINDGRENOn February 28, 1932, Roger, the youngest of six children, was born to Walter and Clara Lindgren on the farm northwest of Wahoo, Nebraska
As did the older children, Roger attended District #70 School, finishing eighth grade in 1946. After graduating from Wahoo High School in 1950, he entered the Air Force April 28, 1952, attending schools at bases in Texas and Illinois. He was later stationed in Sioux City, Iowa; Clovis, New Mexico; and Bunker Hill, Indiana. The first two years were spent as an Aircraft Hydraulic Specialist and later as a Mobile Training Detachment Instructor until his discharge in April, 1956. Roger attended Luther College, Wahoo, the fall semester of 1956 and University of Omaha the spring of 1957. March 28, 1957 he married Janet Nygren at the Edinsburgh Lutheran Church, Malmo. Janet was born at the Fremont hospital to Gaylord and Alice Nygren, March 28, 1936. Gaylord died when Janet and her sister, Ruth, were very small and their mother married his brother Conrad Nygren. The family then made their home on the Nygren farm west of Malmo. Janet attended Malmo Public School through the tenth grade. Following her graduation from Luther College Academy in 1954, she entered the Immanuel School of Nursing, Omaha, and completed her training the spring of 1957. Later that summer, the couple moved to Colorado and Roger attended the Colorado State University at Ft. Collins. He received his Bachelor of Science Degree May, 1960 and later his Master of Education Degree in Industrial Arts in 1965. Roger was employed by the high school in Seibert, Colorado from August, 1960 to May, 1964. While living here two daughters were born, Ruth in July, 1958 and Kathleen, September, 1959. The family moved to Johnstown, Colorado in August, 1964 where Roger began his teaching at Roosevelt High School and continues to do so at the present time. Janet has remained active in her nursing career at their various places of residency and is presently employed at Northern Colorado Medical Center in Greeley. page 306 |
Ruth and Kathy both graduated from Roosevelt High School in Johnstown. Ruth entered the Air Force, April, 1981 and was trained to be an Air Traffic Controller. She received her controller's rating in Yakota, Japan, November, 1982. She married Shawn Maricle, November 11, 1982 at Johnstown, Colorado and both are presently stationed at Yakota, Japan. Kathy received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Oceanographic Technology June, 1982 in Florida and is seeking employment in her field of work. Through the years Roger has enjoyed the sports of fishing and hunting. Whenever there is a break in work routine, you will find him fishing for rainbow trout in the mountain streams, or perhaps sitting with his black lab in a blind trying to land a goose or duck. Janet enjoys sewing and knitting and her creative talents have produced some lovely apparel for her family. Nieces and nephews never will forget the Christmas she presented each with a stocking cap knitted in school colors, eighteen caps in all. Statistics by Roger Lindgren, Narration by Mrs. Elmer Vermeline WALTER AND CLARA |
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Walter and Clara Lindgren Family. Top Row: Duane, LaVerne, Helen, Robert; Bottom Row: Jean, Walter, Clara, Roger. Taken 1941 -- 25th Wedding Anniversary. |
On March 2, 1916, Clara, the fifth child of Claude and Marie married Walter Lindgren, son of Nils and Anna Lindgren, both immigrants from Sweden.
After their marriage in February, 1874 in Knoxville, Illinois, Walter's parents and two older children moved to Saunders County and bought land from the Burlington Railroad northwest of Wahoo. A dugout served as a temporary home until a more permanent dwelling was built.
Walter was the youngest and eleventh child of the Lindgren couple. After his father's death in February, 1916 Walter and Clara took over the farm.
Their first daughter, LaVerne, was born in December, 1916. This was near the close of the "Horse and Buggy Age" and on Christmas Day Walter hired Rolland Anderson of Wahoo to take the family to Malmo in his new automobile.
Five other children were born: Helen, 1918; Duane, 1921; Robert, 1926; Jean, 1928; and Roger, 1932.
Difficult times were experienced during the depression years. Walter became very discouraged when one horse after another died from sleeping sickness. Finally, in early nineteen forties, he bought a steel-wheeled tractor. He purchased the farm after his mother's death in 1935.
Carrying water from the windmill pump for family needs was a difficult task. Clara fed her family mostly on products from the farm, usually baking twelve loaves of bread a week. Washing clothes and ironing for eight was an endless task as there was no electricity until 1946.
Worship and much of social life centered around the Lutheran Church in Malmo where all six children attended Sunday School, were confirmed, and married.
Duane was drafted into the Army and served in the Pacific Area during World War II. Roger entered the Air Force following the war. Robert took over the farming during his father's illness and death in October, 1952.
Each of the girls and Roger attended Luther College. LaVerne taught elementary schools for several years, and in 1954, married Elmer Vermeline. They farmed near Prague and Ceresco before moving to Wahoo in 1960.
Helen married Richard Houfek in 1944 and lived in Minnesota four years before returning to Nebraska for a short period of farming. In 1956, they moved to their present home in Lincoln.
Duane married Marjorie Sorenson in 1951. They have continuously farmed her parent's farm west of Malmo.
Robert married Maretta Mattson of Hooper and continues to farm the home place which he purchased after his mother's death (1957). Their children are the fourth generation of Lindgrens to live on this farm.
Jean graduated from Immanuel School of Nursing and later married Morris Erickson, a veteran of the Korean War. They farm southwest of Mead.
Roger married Janet Nygren of Malmo and settled in Colorado. He teaches math at the Johnstown High School.
The family has held close ties through the years, enjoying fellowship together to celebrate birthdays, holidays, etc.
We children cherish the memory of our parental home, the love, labor, and sacrifices they made to give us the best they could in life. Submitted by LaVerne Vermeline
Warren and Deloris live on a farm one and three-fourths miles south of Malmo. Warren Dale was born August 28, 1921, on a Wahoo farm, to David Henry Lindgren and Allie Louise Larson Lindgren. Grandparents were Edward and Ellen Berggren Lindgren and Charles and Angie Anderson Larson of Malmo and Wahoo. Donald, Lawrence, and Marion Lindgren Vermeline are his brothers and sister.
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The Warren Lindgren Family. Left to Right: Russell, Douglas, Deloris, Warren, Norman and Colleen. |
Deloris Ruth was born on a Colon farm August 19, 1926 to Edward and Olga Anderson Person. Grandparents were Gustaf and Eikal Person, Bengtesfal, Sweden and Andrew and Jenette Johnson Anderson from Sweden and Colon. Eugene is my brother.
Warren attended School Districts 97 and 70, is a Wahoo High School graduate, and started trucking and farming. He served in the Army Air Force in World War II, 1942-46. He was Radio Aircraft Inspector as Staff Sergeant for 33 months, stationed in Hawaii. He returned home to farm.
Deloris attended School Districts 88 and 36, graduated from Malmo, attended Luther and Midland Colleges. She taught school five years.
We were married June 13, 1948 at Malmo Covenant Church. We have three sons and one daughter: Douglas Ray, Russell Dale, Norman Warren, and Colleen Ruth. Our first son, Warren Eugene, passed away at seven months.
Our children were the third generation to attend District 97. They were baptized, attended Sunday School, were confirmed and were Wahoo High School graduates. Some childhood activities were: birthday celebrations, friends overnight, 4-H activities, riding horses in fair parades, school field day trips, rollerskating, sleighing, ice-skating, trips, chores, and ponies.
Douglas graduated from Universal Trade School in 1970 as a mechanic. He joined the National Guard, and was stationed in Kentucky and Louisiana. He served for eight years in the Reserves as Staff Sergeant and has worked for Armco Steel twelve years. He has a home in Wahoo. His hobby is hunting. He is a member of Malmo Legion Post #232.
Russell graduated from Nebraska Farrier School, Denton in 1977. He raises quarterhorses, trims and shoes horses. He has been with United Parcel Service five years. Russell won the Junior Swine showmanship plaque in 1964. Douglas and Russell each received superior trophies for accordion solos in 1963 at the Mid-America Music Association Contest. They played accordions in Edensburg Church Band under Mrs. Frank Freeman.
Norman's art picture, "Blowing Snow Makes Going Slow," was chosen to be exhibited in the Miller and Paine Nebraska Elementary Art Show in 1969. His hobby is mechanics. He bought and remodeled his home in Wahoo. He works for Armco Steel.
Colleen graduated from Southeast Community College with an Associate Degree in business in 1981. She is an accountant with Lincoln Industries, and resides in Lincoln. She attended the Farm Bureau Seminar in 1978, received the Outstanding Youth Award, 1979, and was Nebraska Cornhusker Girl Stater in 1978. She exhibited and judged 4-H projects in County, Fremont, and State Fairs. Colleen is a member of Malmo Legion Auxiliary.
Doug, Russ, Norm and Colleen were active many years in 4-H. Warren was a leader and was assistant swine superintendent at the county fair. He received the County Service Award in 1980.
We purchased our farm in 1951 and built a new home in 1967. We were honored as "Farm Family of the Week" on WOW-TV in 1973.
Christian Lindquist was born in Sweden Nov. 13, 1872 to Ola (Svenson) Lindquist and Elna Eliason Lindquist. In 1875 the family immigrated to the United States. From New York they made their way across the country to Afton County, Minnesota, and from there to Mount Pleasant, Iowa. In 1884 they came to Saunders County and in 1886 they purchased 40 acres of railroad land, and later another 80 acres. As a young man Chris went to the western part of Nebraska where he filed on a homestead.
Alice Cerafia Elizabeth Anderson was born Aug. 17, 1882 in Fallbrook, Pennsylvania to Gustav Anderson and Hannah Marie Johnson Anderson, who emigrated from Sweden. The family had sold part of their clothes to gain enough money for Gustav's passage. Gustav worked in the mines in Pennsylvania. When he had saved enough money, he sent for Hannah and in 1880 they were married in Pennsylvania. After Alice was born, Gustav went in search of land and homesteaded in Deuel County, Nebraska. He also worked for the Union Pacific Railroad. In 1886 he lost a leg in a railroad accident and lived with a wooden peg leg until he died in 1936 at Julesburg, Colorado.
Chris and Alice were married in Deuel County October 25, 1899 and in 1902 they moved back to Saunders County where Chris continued farming on the northwest edge of Swedeburg until his death in 1931. Chris was a "Jack-of-all-Trades" including masonry, blacksmithing, etc. Alice was a dedicated homemaker and enjoyed braiding rugs until her eyesight failed. She was a faithful member of the Grace Lutheran Church of Swedeburg. She died August 27, 1974.
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