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tions. He retired in 1978 after twenty-six years as a director of the Farm Credit Bank of Omaha. He gave eight years of service as president and a director of the Nebraska Crop Improvement Assn. He received an appointment from Gov. Exon to the Nebraska Soybean Development Assn. in 1975. Gov. Thone reappointed Ralph to the Soybean Checkoff Board and he still serves as Board Chairman. In 1980, the Omaha Dist. of the Federal Land Bank nominated him to the U.S. Federal Farm Credit Board for a six year term. President Carter made the appointment Sept. 18, 1980. Mr. Raikes graduated from the University of Nebraska with a degree of chemical engineering, a profession he followed only one year with Standard Oil of California before he returned to farming in Nebraska. He served on the Deans Advisory Committee for Nebraska Ag. College in Lincoln. He was a director of Ag. Builders of Nebraska and on the Board of Trustees of the Farm Foundation and National Planning Assn. Mr. Raikes has given a life-time of service to Agriculture in Nebraska. HENRY AND ELIZA RANDHenry married Eliza Barnes Bell, widow of Ehpraim Bell, and mother of Edna Bell Manners (John), and they moved to a farm northeast of Colon, Nebraska, and later, to Wahoo, where Henry was a constable until his death in 1927. The Rands had two more children, Vernon and Isabel. Vernon married Myrtle Eason of North Bend where they farmed, and Myrtle became a prominent antiques dealer until Vernon's death in 1955, and Myrtle's death in 1977. Their older daughter, Hazel, married Willis Bixby, and lived in California until her death. The younger daughter, Ruth, married Edward Walla of Morse Bluff, who retired from the F.B.I. to manage the family farms on Highway 30, east of North Bend. They had two children, Virginia, and John. Isabel Rand became an elementary teacher in Long Beach, California Public Schools, and married Harry Pitcher there in 1929. She mothered his four children from a previous marriage, and is now retired, living in a small home on the ranch of Harry's daughter, Mrs. Robert Turnipseed, near Williams, Oregon. DELVER AND DORENE |
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Jan Ratkovec |
John married Frances Tomek who was born on February 16, 1833. When the stringent laws were lifted and emigration was permitted, he sought better opportunities for himself and his family by coming to the United States. Along with three daughters, Mary, Frances, and Anna, they made the difficult journey across Europe and the Atlantic, and settled in Cook County, Illinois. John talked about his work of hauling away the debris after the great fire in Chicago which occurred on October 8, 1871.
Since many of their countrymen were settled on the prairies of Nebraska, the Ratkoveces purchased 65.65 acres of land from Frank Long in Saunders County and later 80 adjoining acres from William Frantz of Dekalb, Illinois. The house on the farm was a soddy in which the remaining children were born: Josephine, Albert, Rose, and other infants. Eventually they owned 320 acres of land in Elk and Chester Precincts. John was an enterprising farmer and was able to return to his homeland in order to bring his brother, Joseph, and his family to Nebraska.
The Ratkovec family were members of SS. Cyril and Methodius Church in Plasi from where all the children were married: Mary to Frank Ptacek, November 10, 1885; Frances to Thomas Dobesh, April 29, 1889; Anna to Joseph Shandera, January 22, 1894; Josephine to Adolph Polak, February 12, 1895; Albert to Anna Havlovic, January 26, 1897, and Rose to John Shandera, January 12, 1897. Several infants never reached maturity, having died during the diphtheria epidemic.
After the children left home and Albert took over the family farm, John and Frances made their home with Rose and John Shandera in Weston. It was there that Frances died in 1913 at the age of 80. John moved again when the Shanderas left for Omaha. He remained with them until his death in 1927 at the age of 88. Both are buried at St. John Cemetery in Weston. Sister Pauline Polak, ND
Johnny Andrew Reed was born on February 7, 1954 in Lexington, Nebraska to Jack and Gail Reed. He was raised on a farm and learned to love farm life. Shelene Reed was born July 16, 1952 in Broken Bow, Nebraska to Louis and Lola Thieman. John and Shelly met in Cozad and wed seven months later on June 12, 1976. They resided in Cozad. From their love was born their first daughter, Amy Jo, on May 3, 1978. One year, 9 months later came their second daughter, Kristen Lee, on February 28, 1891. They moved to Wahoo, Nebraska. Their daughter, Amy, went to school at Nebraska School for the Deaf in Omaha. In the future Kristen will also attend NSD. The family moved in order to be close. Eight months later they bought a farm a mile and one-half out of Ceresco, Nebraska where they now reside and enjoy their new home and farm life. John raises a few head of cattle and sheep and is also employed at Hellstar Corp. in Wahoo, Nebraska. Submitted by Johnny, Shelene, Amy Jo, and Kristen Reed
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John Reed Family |
My father, George Reese, packed his tools in a metal box and left Germany for America in 1878. He worked as a carpenter in Omaha and Gretna, but when he moved to Yutan the only work available
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Mr. and Mrs. George Reese Wedding -- 1890 |
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was as a hired in man. In 1886, he married Catherina Backens. He started farming for himself and, because he was inexperienced, he hired a man to show him how to husk corn. Mrs. Reese died in 1887 when her son, Henry, was born. He was raised by Grandmother Backens. In 1890, Dad married Catherina Lineau who recently came from Germany. They lived northwest of Yutan where eight of their children were born. In 1903, they moved south of Yutan where they farmed until 1919. Dad died in 1933, Mother in 1950. Their children and descendants are numerous. Their son, Herman, died in infancy. Louise married Wm. Prinz. They lived near Mead until the Ordnance Plant took their farm; they relocated near Gretna. Her children are Olinda Grimm, Herman, Laura Sohl, and Irene Brugmann. Emma died at age 4. Anna married Harry Widman and farmed north of Yutan. Their sons are Wayne and Leroy. Harry died in 1935. Anna married Harry Johnson. William married Marie Schulz and farmed the home place. A son, Wm. Jr., died in infancy. Other children are Evelyn Rohwer, twins Kathleen McCright and Kenneth, Marceleen, and Delano. Bertha married John Wageman and farmed south of the home place. A son died at birth. Other children are Marilyn Fehr, Elmer, Harvey, and Rose Nelson. John married Frances Draper and lived several years on a ranch near Merna, Nebraska. Their children are Lester, Twila Snow, and Donald. John was divorced and moved to California. He married Naomi Waldron. Minnie married Arthur Jurgensen and farmed near Wann. Their children are Darlene Odorisio, Maxine Johnson, Harold, and Keith. Arthur died in 1979. Minnie married Louis Karloff in 1982. I, Rosa, second youngest daughter, married John Stamp, son of Fred and Wilhelmina Stamp in 1930, when he returned from serving during World War I. (John's son and two sons-in-law served in World War II.) We spent 42 years farming, feeding cattle and raising our family on Johnnie's home place north of Yutan. We are lifetime members of the St. John Lutheran Church. Since retiring in 1962, we have enjoyed raising flowers, gardening, quilting, and especially entertaining family and friends for a "good old card game." We enjoyed many trips, including our visit this year to see our grandson and family in Utah. We felt especially blessed to celebrate our 50th and 60th anniversaries with open house. Our wonderful memories include dancing on board the boat "Brownville Bell" as it traveled down the Missouri River to Brownville, commemorating our 60th anniversary. Our family includes four children. Marjorie married Howard Whorlow. Their children are Rodney and Rosadale, twins, Diane, and John. Howard died in 1974. Marjorie married Claude Lewis. Winfred married Marian Bull. Their children are Steven, Janice Wiles, and Martin. Roselyn married Robert Jones and their children are Jeffery and Jennifer. Roselyn was divorced and married Wm. Kenkel. Like all grandparents we enjoy our 9 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. By Rosa Stamp THE WILLIAM REESE FAMILYGeorge Reese was born in Holstein, Germany in 1857, and was 21 years old when he came to America. George was a carpenter by trade, but could not find any work. So he got a job as a farm hand. He started farming for himself in 1885 northwest of Yutan, Nebraska. George married Catherine Backins, who died when their son, Henry, was born. In 1890, he was united in marriage to Catherina Lineau. Nine children were born in that union, two of which died in infancy. William was one of the children. George and Catherina later moved to a farm southeast of Yutan. Mr. Reese died in 1933 with Mrs. Reese following in 1950. On February 2, 1921, William Reese, World War I veteran, was married to Marie Schultz. and they spent 28 years of their married life on the family homestead south of Yutan, Nebraska. In 1949, they moved to Yutan, where they resided until William's (Bill) death in 1956. Mrs. Reese still lives in their Yutan home. To this union six children were born -- William Jr., who lived for 28 days, Evelyn, Kenneth, Kathleen, Marceleen, and Delano.
Evelyn married Lorenz Rohwer of Gretna, Nebraska. They lived on a farm southeast of Gretna and later moved to Gretna. Evelyn works at Ben Franklin Motel as a receptionist, and Lorenz works at a paper factory in Omaha. Two daughters were born to Evelyn and Lorenz -- Karen and Pamela. Karen married Jim Becher and they live in Omaha. Karen works for Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and Jim owns his own printing business. Three children were born -- Andrew, who died when he was 16 months old, Amy, and Christopher. Pamela married Stanley Stahleeker of Naper, Nebraska. They live at Emmett, Nebraska. Stan works for the State of Nebraska, and Pam works as a Watkins dealer. They have two children -- Dusty and Adam. Kenneth Reese, a veteran of World War II, married Beverly Grimm of Omaha. They live on a farm southwest of Springfield, Nebraska. Kenneth works for a construction company and Bev is a housewife. Two sons were born to this marriage -- Kenneth Jr. and George. Kenneth Jr. married Barbara Gilroy. They live in Omaha, Nebraska. Kenneth, Jr. is a pilot for Northern Natural Gas. Barb is a school teacher and they have two boys, William and Thomas. George works as a carpenter and has 2 children, Jill and Keith. Kathleen married Donald McCright of Colon, Nebraska. They lived on a farm southeast of Yutan until moving to Yutan in 1975. Don is a U.S. Mail Carrier and Kathleen is a waitress at Miller's Cafe, Venice, Nebraska. They have 2 sons and a daughter -- Douglas, Kevin, and Shari. Douglas is at home with his parents. Kevin works for Cengas Company in Columbus. He married Roxanne Suber of Wayne, Nebraska. Roxanne, a former high school teacher, is at home with their daughter, Shannon. Shari lives in Omaha, Nebraska, and works for Northwestern Bell Telephone Company. Marceleen Reese lives in Omaha, Nebraska. She works for Physicians Clinic. Delano married Edith Mueller of Fremont, Nebraska. They live in Fremont and Delano works for Hormel. Edith is employed by Kelly Kosure. Two sons were born in this marriage -- Jeffrey and Kelly. Jeff lives in Appleton, Wisconsin, and works for Air Wisconsin. Kelly is in Fremont and works for Jayhawk Box Company. Submitted by Kathleen McCright THE FRED REIM FAMILYMax Bruno Reim was born in 1862 in Leisnig Saxony, Germany. He was educated as an accountant. He worked in a lumber yard on the Polish border so had a passport to pass daily to work. At age 18 he decided he was leaving Germany so instead of going to work as usual he just kept going. He boarded a ship for United States but had no destination in mind. Enroute on the boat he met a man bound for Wahoo, Neb. so he came with him to Wahoo. He worked in the mill in Wahoo and later the mill at Ithaca. Then he started farming 1 mile east and ½ mile north of Ithaca. He met Bertha Treptow of Ithaca and married her in 1891. Two sons were born to them, the eldest being my father, Herman August Reim. In 1912, Max sold the farm at Ithaca and bought the farm 1½ miles southwest of Memphis where Fred Reim now lives. In 1921, they retired to Memphis. Max died in 1931 and Bertha in 1941.
Herman Reim attended grade school at Ithaca, finished high school and college at Luther College in Wahoo. He taught school for 4 years in Memphis, Neb. and Burt County in Nebr. He married Gertrude Hennig, also a teacher, of Tekamah, Neb. in 1922. Three sons were born to them -- Herman Frederick (Fred), Kenneth Maurice, a mining engineer in Calif., and Harold Max, a dairy farmer in Colorado. Herman started farming in 1922 when his father retired and farmed till he retired in 1954 and moved to Ashland. He passed away in 1973. Fred Reim left Nebr. at age 17 to work in California in an airplane factory for 3 years but this was interrupted by 3 years in the U.S. Navy, part of which was spent in the South Pacific. He returned to Nebr. in 1949 and started farming. He married Ruth Younkin, a teacher of Dorchester, Neb. in 1950, daughter of Esther Scott Younkin and Jay Younkin. The Earl-Younkin grandparents both came from Illinois and settled near Crete. Four children were born -- Mrs. James Proctor (Diane) of Winston-Salem, North Carolina, Mrs. LeRoy Roeber (Linda), Ashland, Joyce Reim, Lincoln, and Randy Reim of Memphis, Nebr. Randy is married to Theresa Deleski and farms with his dad. They have 2 grandsons -- Landy and Logan Roeber. Fred moved on the farm in 1954 that his grandfather had purchased in 1912, where his father had lived. Fred still resides there. The Herman Reim and Fred Reim children all attended Dist. #3 rural school which is still open. A fond memory of free movies in Memphis is well-remembered. Submitted by Fred Reim WM. AND MARY REISDORPHWm. Reisdorph (8-21-1870 to 6-2-1934) and Mary Bumgardner (7-21-1874 to 4-30-1953) were married on Jan. 27, 1892 in Saunders Co. They traveled to Oklahoma via covered wagon and homesteaded (Sec. 1-17-19) 160 acres in western Dewey County, Okla. Life was very hard and money scarce. This 160 A. had many springs of water, also scarce, and people came from miles around to haul water to their homes. There were many prairie fires and three times someone tried to burn them out so they could use their land for grazing, cattle-raising, and to run the Longhorns from Texas to Kansas. One daughter, Annie Esther, was born at Ashland and is buried in Clear Creek Cemetery. Francis Samuel was born in Garber, Okla., on Jan. 10, 1894. Albert Harold was born at Ashland, Nebr. June 21, 1897. Addie Lon was born in Garber, Okla. June 22, 1900. The family moved from the farm to Seiling, Okla. in 1906. Because of the wild country the children were taught by their parents and did not attend school. They later moved to Carmago, Okla. where the children entered school. Francis entered the fifth grade, Harold, the 4th, and Addie, the 1st. They completed their grammar school education at Carmago, Okla. Francis was in World War I, stationed at Bowie, Texas and Augusta, Georgia. He married Etta Day while in camp. Francis and Addie received most of their college education at Weatherford State University. Francis received a Master's Degree, and Addie a Bachelor of Science. page 382 |
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