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In 1924-25 Frank purchased another farm. Richard Rezac now lives there. Frank died in 1927 due a to heart attack and Antonie died in 1935. JOHN, MARY, AND FRANK REZACJOHN E. REZACMargurite and Jilji Rezac were born, married, and had children in the "old country," somewhere in the Czech part of Europe.
They and their son, Frank Rezac, Sr., came to the United States while he was still young. Frank Sr. married Antonie Virgl, daughter of Vaclav and Josephine (Koutny) Virgl. Being farmers, Frank and Antonie brought into this world on their homestead west of Wahoo, their three children. John Edward Rezac was born June 27, 1895. John married Rose Bouc April 17, 1927. They lived on the farm inherited from his family, west of Wahoo. This farm consisted of 194 acres. They later purchased 40 acres more nearby. In later years, they purchased a house in Wahoo, where John now lives. Rose preceded him in death Sept. 27, 1975. John and Rose were the parents of two children. Their son, Richard, born June 24, 1938, is now residing on the farm of his parents. Richard married Opal Gottberg in 1969 and has one son, Michael Richard Rezac, born August 25, 1970. Richard and his father, John, still farm together. John says he has no plans to retire. Their daughter, Rosemary Lucille Rezac, born September 10, 1939, is residing in Fremont, Ne. Rosemary is a longtime employee of the Campbell Soup Company. MARY H. REZACMary married Jacob Tomsicek, son of Jacob and Victorie (Zahourek) Tomsicek Sept. 27, 1920. They lived on a farm southwest of Wahoo by the Czech Presbyterian Church in Chapman Precinct. The farm was one of them settled by Jacob's father. They were also given 40 acres by her father, and in the depression years, joined the many who lost their land. Born during the depression years was their one and only child, Eugene R., March 14, 1932. They continued living and farming the land until 1950 when they moved northwest of Wahoo in Center Precinct. There they lived until Jacob passed away in 1972. Mary remained at home in Eugene's care until 1977, when she moved to the Saunders County Care Center at Wahoo, where she was residing when she passed away in March of 1982 at the age of 84. FRANK B. REZAC, JR.Better known to his friends as Butch, Frank was born Feb. 17, 1902, the youngest of three children. Frank frequently remembers and tells us of the scrapes he got into as a young boy and man. One that often comes to mind follows: During threshing time a neighbor sent frantically for fresh cream to use at mealtime for a threshing crew already on hand. Frank mounted the faithful steed, trotted down the road to the neighbor's with the carefully wrapped cream, only to find upon arrival, due to holding it tightly against him, he was presenting the harried lady with butter! A quick trip home again, and carefully holding the cream container away from himself and the horse, he arrived with the proper substance on trip number two. He also frequently tells us his receding hairline is due to the speed with which he accomplishes his duties. Frank farmed west of Wahoo on land given to him by his father until he traded down for an eighty during the depression. He still owns the 80 acres near Wahoo and a house in Wahoo. He was in the Army during WWII but was sent home because of advanced age, 40 years old. He came home to his wife, Aletha Margurite Smith, whom he married when older. He and Aletha had one child, a son, Thomas. Tom married Carol Krummy of Red Oak, Ia. They've presented Frank with 3 grandsons. They now reside in Millard, Ne., where Tom teaches school. The loss of his beloved wife, Aletha, deeply affected Frank. In 1975, she was called to the Lord. Frank frequently says she's the one that kept them in touch with the Lord. She was a very devout Catholic. Frank was a long-time employee of the Farmers Union Co-op in Wahoo. His popularity is now enjoyed by his fellow residents at the Haven House Nursing Center in Wahoo, Ne. Submitted by Eugene Tomsicek MR. AND MRS. JOSEPH REZACJoseph L. Rezac was born on a farm southwest of Weston on March 10, 1883. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rezac, had recently immigrated from Krhov, Moravia. To the west of them lived another family who had come to America from Jamolice, Moravia whose name was Mr. and Mrs. John R. Maly. They had a daughter named Sophia Maly who was born on May 8, 1886.
Joseph Rezac married Sophia Maly on September 10, 1906. They farmed in Saunders County for a few years and then purchased a farm near Loma. For the rest of their working years, they were prominent farmers in the Brainard area. To them were born ten sons and three daughters, all living today. Raising thirteen children through the rough times of drouth and depression was often an almost unsurmountable struggle, but one they faced with great courage. In the late 1950's, they moved to Brainard to enjoy retirement years with friends. Holiday and Sunday visits from their children and grandchildren were prized by the Rezac couple. Mrs. Rezac died on December 18, 1971 with one hundred living descendants. Mr. Rezac died on November 3, 1972. Burial is at the Holy Trinity Cemetery, Brainard. Their children are: Adeline Rezac Butte, Lincoln; Stanley Rezac, Valparaiso; Elmer Rezac, Brainard; Joseph F. Rezac, Wahoo; Raymond Rezac, Grand Island; William Rezac, Omaha; Ernest Rezac, Brainard; Cel Rezac, Brainard; Marie Rezac Rejda, Valparaiso; John Rezac, Brainard; Evelyn Rezac Coufal, Brainard; Adrian Rezac, Wahoo; and Eugene Rezac, Denton. Submitted by Mrs. Joseph Rezac JOSEPH AND MARIE REZACJoseph Rezac was born on a farm near Loma on February 20, 1912 to Joseph and Sophia Maly Rezac, the fourth of thirteen children. He attended the Loma and District 6 Schools and then worked for his uncle, Ed Maly, farming and maintaining roads.
Marie Havel was born on December 8, 1911, the daughter of Albert and Maymie Hajek Havel. Mr. Havel was the depot agent in Edholm, a small village in Butler County, located on the new Burlington Railroad that ran from Ashland to Schuyler. Marie attended the Edholm Rural School and participated in 4-H work for six years. Graduating from Schuyler High School in 1929 and passing state exams, she began teaching at seventeen in District 61. She also taught in Districts 53 and 6 receiving salaries ranging from $45 to $90 a month. Joe and Marie met at a dance and two years later were married on June 1, 1937. They lived on a rented farm west of Cedar Bluffs for 29 years. Times were difficult in the thirties when the depression and drouth hit. Corn was 10¢ a bushel, wheat, 30¢, and eggs 6¢ a dozen. Field work was done entirely with horses and often heat would overcome them. Crops failed and the hot, dry days seemed endless. Somehow everyone laughed in those days, people finding enjoyment in visiting friends, playing cards, having sleigh rides, pie socials, school programs, and barn dances. Everyone knew everyone else and was always ready to help when help was needed. Joe and Marie raised chickens, dressed, and delivered them to Fremont Cafes for 45¢ each. They sold hatching eggs and milk; fruit came from the orchard they had planted. Marie had a big garden and canned hundreds of jars of fruits and vegetable. For two years Joe had employment at the Iowa Master Breeders at Fremont. page 385 |
In the forties the rains came and almost every year destroyed at least a third of the crops on the small 146-acre farm. Joe took a job at Omaha Steel, then at Campbell's Soup Company in Fremont. For ten years he worked there; five of those years he worked nights and farmed during the day. To the Rezacs were born three children: Kathleen, March 26, 1942; Darryl, March 11, 1944; Darlene, June 18, 1950. Kathleen graduated from Wahoo High School, St. Elizabeth's School of Nursing, and later received her Bachelor of Science Degree from the University of Nebraska. Today she works at the Memorial Hospital in Fremont in an administrative capacity. Darryl attended Wahoo High School, Milford Vocational School, and spent three years in the Navy as a submarine radar operator. He is now manager of Xonics Medical Systems in Chicago. Darlene has received her Master's Degree from the University of Nebraska and has taught school for ten years. Presently, she is with the Fremont Public Schools. In 1955, Marie started to teach again. By attending night classes, taking correspondence courses, and going to summer school she finished four years of education and graduated from Midland College. She has taught in Saunders County rural schools, at Wahoo Public, and is now completing her 35th year of teaching at St. John's School in Weston. She has been an active member of Extension Clubs for 45 years, having served as county chairman in the 1950's. The Rezacs moved to Wahoo in 1966. Joe was employed by the O.K. Meat Market, then was custodian for Wahoo High until he retired. Now he continues his work as caretaker at the Museum. The past twelve years they have done some traveling, having visited almost all the states and provinces of Canada. A Hawaiian trip was a gift from their children. On most of their travels they are accompanied by Marie's cousin and her husband, Rose and Albert Jambor. Their outstanding adventure was a five-week "on-your-own" trip to seven European countries, including Czechoslovakia, the land of their ancestors. In Germany, Marie met her cousins, Annie and Marie Havel, for the first time, after corresponding with them since childhood. Mrs. Rezac's hobbies are baking yeast breads, embroidering, and making quilts. Mr. Rezac loves to fish, garden, and watch sports. Both take an active interest in the Saunders County Historical Society and are members of the St. Wenceslaus Catholic Church. FRANK AND EMMA REZEKThe youngest son of Peter and Aneska Rezek, Frank Joseph Rezek, was born October 26, 1901, and was their last surviving child when he died December 13, 1976, from the effects of a stroke suffered on August 14, 1976. Being the youngest child, he was very close to his mother and was able to relate accurate and colorful stories of the early lives of his parents, sisters and brothers for the Rezek family history. Numerous hardships were encountered by his parents.
A bitter lesson was learned by Peter when he first arrived in Nebraska. Requiring various supplies and featherquilts for bedding, he paid a merchant passing through town $50, with the understanding delivery would be made the following day. The merchant disappeared. Other lessons were to be learned as people from Europe "the old country" were all too trusting of their fellow man. Having farmed in his Czech homeland, Peter began breaking sod on 40 acres in Chapman Precinct, south of Weston. Knowledgeable of the fruits of the land he soon prospered and bought more land as time went on and soon gave each son a farm. All the sons, except Frank, farmed their land. Before he died, Peter requested Frank to attend college, which he did. Frank worked his way through Grand Island Business College, and after graduating, spent 43 years in the banking business in Omaha. He retired from the Stockyards National Bank, now known as Northwestern National Bank as Assistant Vice President. Many, many people came from far and near to bid him farewell on his final day. Weather could be a friend or foe as evidenced by the blizzard of '88. "It surprised everybody as it was a warm sunshiny day," related Frank. "About four in the afternoon, and all at once, it got dark and the blizzard started. Father said he had to crawl on his hands and knees from the windmill to the house to keep from blowing away." Many people and livestock lost their lives in that infamous storm. Aneska must have often longed for her beautiful, peaceful little village of Biskopici, nestled among the trees in the lush green valley where she grew up. She often told her children of how her sister-in-law wrote "How nice it is here in America, warm and sunshiny." But, Aneska said she found only "work, work, work" and often in Czech would say "if I'd known what was here, I would have stayed in Biskopici." "Mother," Frank said, "once planted 40 acres of oats by hand when the planter broke, holding the seeds in her apron and sliding the oats through her fingers." She bore the children, fed and clothed her family, and worked long hours beside her husband, laboring as hard as he in their many tasks. She suffered double hernias after repeatedly lifting the wagonbox onto the axles. It's no wonder she longed for her homeland and family even though life in Europe was not easy. Frank married Emma Ann Roubal of Omaha, the daughter of John and Mary Roubal of Brainard. They had two sons, Frank Robert and Ronald Edward. In November, 1975, they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Submitted by Mrs. Frank J. Rezek and Mrs. Ray Rezek THE EDWARD A. REZEK |
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Left to Right: JoAnn, Donald, Dennis, Hilda and Joe Rezek. |
Joe was the son of Jos. A. Rezek and Anna Shimerdla, one of six children raised in the Valpa-
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