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   James Nelson Vance was a Civil War Veteran, Vol. Ohio Inf., Co. B, of 68th and the 173 Ohio Vol. Co. H. He owned three farms west of Ashland and on each one he planted a big family orchard. In 1982, Raymond Todd lives on one, Dr. Jack Cooper on another, and Richard Vance (James N.'s grandson), on the third one. J.N. Vance built the house on 12th and Adams St. in Ashland occupied by Charles Gades, and the house at the northwest corner of 18th and Clay. James served on the Board of Trustees of Ashland Methodist Church for 30 years. He and his wife are buried in Ashland Cemetery.

   Ella (Mrs. Herman Weston) had 9 children: Fay, Harold, Claire Marie, Hattie, Clifford, Carl, James, Ruth, and Robert. Elmer had 5 children: Edwin, Herbert, Stanley, Richard, and a daughter who died young. Ethel May (Mrs. Joe Weddell) had 2 children, Arabella and Trivilla. Ella and Elmer were buried in Ashland Cemetery. Ethel moved to Strasburg, Colorado. (See J. Elmer Vance story.) Submitted by Alice Gilkeson Graham


   James Elmer Vance was born in Wilmington, Clinton County, Ohio in 1869 and died in his home near Ashland in 1930. His parents were James Nelson Vance, a Civil War veteran, and Demarius Vandeman. J. Elmer came to Saunders Co. in 1876. His parents had a grocery store partnership with Mrs. Vance's brother, William Vandeman.

   We have been told that when Elmer was a young man he did not want to work in the store but wanted to farm. His parents bought a farm from his Grandfather Vandeman, which Elmer operated until he died. The land remained in the Vance name until 1975, and 20 acres with the buildings still are owned by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vance.

   J. Elmer Vance married Estella May Laughlin on March 24, 1897 in the Saunders County farm home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim D. Laughlin. Estella was born in Cass County, just south of the present I-80 Greenwood Interchange, on February 15, 1875 and died on January 2, 1975, having lived most of her life in Saunders County. Her parents, Ephraim Decatur Laughlin (1845-1921) and Latitia Rhodes Cooper (1850-1926) moved to Saunders Co. prior to 1892 and remained residents until their deaths.

   Mr. and Mrs. Vance had five children: Edwin Elton B. 1899 D. 1957; James Herbert B. 1902 D. 1946; Stanley Laughlin B. 1904 (Living in Grinnell, Iowa); Elizabeth Louis B. 1908 D. 1912: and Richard Ephraim B. 1911 (Living near Ashland, Nebr.).

   The Vances were active in their church, community, and fraternal activities. Cross-reference: James Nelson Vance, Richard Ephraim Vance. Submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Vance


   Richard Ephraim Vance was born November 10, 1911 in the Saunders County farm home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Elmer Vance. He graduated from Ashland High School in 1929 and gradually took over farming of the "home place," originally purchased by his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. James Nelson Vance. On August 8, 1939, he married Zelma Dorothea Linch, daughter of Clarence and Mertie Linch of Valparaiso. Zelma graduated from Valparaiso High School and the University of Nebraska. The Vances have two children, Kathleen Linch, born September 3, 1940, and Michael James, born June 16, 1945.

   Richard retired from farming in 1975 and Zelma retired in 1976, after teaching twenty-six years in Saunders County. They have continued to live in the home of Richard's birth. They are both lifelong residents of Saunders County.

   Kathleen L. married William K. Hautzenroder of Beatrice, Nebr. in 1967. They have one child, Heather Suzanne, born in 1975. They reside in Mission Viejo, California.

   Michael J. married Melanie Jane Glaubius of Wisner, Nebraska in 1968. They have a daughter, Sarah Elizabeth, born in 1976. They make their home in Sacramento, California.

   Mr. and Mrs. Vance attend the First Christian Church in Ashland, and they are also active in community, fraternal, and political affairs. Cross-reference: James Elmer Vance, Clarence Linch. Submitted by Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Vance


   William Vandeman (1812-1893) married Ellen Doak (1813-1894) in Adams County, Ohio in 1837. They came to Nebraska to homestead after the Civil War. Their children were John, Amanda, Elias, Hattie Demarius, Augustus, Lineas, Laura, E. Marietta, William E., and Mary. In the 1870's, these children became adults and all lived in the southern part of Saunders County as they came with their parents from Ohio.

   John's only daughter, Edna, became Mrs. Willis Butler of the Ashland dry goods firm. She had 2 children, Dwight and Hazel. Amanda and Elias Vandeman died young. Demarius became Mrs. James Nelson Vance (see Vance). Augustus married Sally Thrasher and they had Grace, Herbert, and Carl. Lineas married Pauline Helmele and their children were Omar Frank, Claude, William, Harry, and Selma. Marietta married Joel Miller, a farmer west of Ashland, and had a daughter, Maude. William married Catherine Owens and they had Vern, Ora Lee, and Mildred. Mary married Robert Wallace and their children were Myrtle, Charles, and John.

   The younger generations have moved to many western states. There are many Vandeman descendants of this couple yet living in the Ashland area.

   William was the son of Frederick Vandeman, a Pennsylvania Revolutionary War Veteran who was at Valley Forge. Submitted by Alice Graham


   The Vandenacks moved to Yutan from Omaha in November of 1972. Roger and I, Marjorie, thought it would be fun to live in the country, and our five children (Tom, Joe, Mary, Matt,and Patty) agreed. We thought we could live more cheaply in the country with a garden, chickens, and a cow.

The Vandenacks
The Vandenacks

   Our builder presented us with plans for a house which provided a bedroom for each of the children, and we immediately knew that this new life would not be a money-saving venture. We raised chickens for a year at an average cost of $12 per dozen eggs. We bought two ponies and learned that they needed daily attention, not to mention saddles, hoof trimming and much hay. We brought a thoroughbred mare to our pony corral and learned very quickly that she needed much more care than ponies. The garden was a success, however, and I have learned to freeze and to dry our produce. Canning has escaped me.

   Roger decided to move his law business to Yutan and was pleased when he was able to walk to work. I was very fortunate to be able to teach in Yutan, and sometimes I walk the mile to school. The children have all attended and/or graduated from Yutan High School, and at this point all have gone on to Creighton University.

   Originally from Wisconsin, Roger came to Omaha to attend Creighton where he received a Law Degree in 1959. I was born in Buffalo, New York and met Roger when I was teaching in California and he was in the navy. We chose Nebraska as a good place in which to live and raise our family. Living in the country has been an adventure for us sometimes, but we wouldn't change a single breath of country air for the fumes of the city. Marjorie B. Vandenack


   Edward and Rose Ann (Riepl) Vanek were born in Saunders County. Edward was born to John and Rose (Steinbach) Vanek near Prague in 1922. I was born to Charles and Theresa (Solko) Riepl in Weston in 1927. I was told the doctor had to uncouple a train when coming from Malmo to attend my birth.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vanek
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Vanek

   Edward and I both come from a family of nine children. We were married in Colon in 1946, and are members of St. John's Catholic Church, Prague. We have seven children. DENNIS, born in 1947, is a Civil Engineer for OPPD, and married Margaret Forman of Omaha in 1968. He served in the US Army two years. Their children, Dean born in 1974, and Dale born in 1977. CAROLYN born in 1949, married George Novak of Weston in 1968, lives in Columbus, and has Mark born in 1969, and Lynda born in 1971. ED, born in 1951, married Maxine Ferris of Milford in 1972, lives in Cottage Grove, Minn. and works as an Electrical Engineer. Their children; Jennifer, born in 1976, and Charles, born in 1979. RITA, born in 1957, married in 1977 to Ralph Sabatka, lives in Ceresco and they have Lynnette born in 1977, Brenda born in 1979, and Adam born in 1982. LAURIE, born in 1959, married Robert Obering of Lincoln in 1979. They live near Roca. MICHAEL, born in 1960, is a Mechanical Engineer specializing in Metallurgy, attending UNL to attain a Master's Degree. ANNETTE born in 1969, is a freshman at Neumann High, excels in all subjects, and is especially interested in music.

   Edward, a well-known tuba musician, is a farmer, has been a full-time and now part-time employee of Saunders County ASC since 1954. He is a 28-year member of the Malmo Volunteer Fire Department, served as Church Trustee, and became an Acolyte in 1981, is School Board President in District 24, and School Board Member at Neumann. I have been an Avon Representative 28 years, was the first woman to serve on the School Board in District 24, holding the position of Secretary for nine years; am a member of St. John's Rosary Society, PCCW, and taught Religion Classes for 20 years. We are members of Saunders County Czech Club.

   Edward's and my parents were all born in Nebraska. Edward's parents lived in the Prague vicinity most of their lives. Edward's dad was a farmer and county road builder. Edward's parents celebrated their 63rd Wedding Anniversary before his mother passed away in 1979. His father is still living and resides at the Wahoo Care Center. My folks, from Omaha and Nebraska City, moved with their families to Herndon, Kansas, were raised and married there. Living there until 1917, they moved to Fremont, Nebraska, and later to Saunders County, where my father was employed as a farmworker.

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My parents lived to celebrate their 56th Wedding Anniversary.

   Edward's grandparents came from Czechoslovakia and Moravia. My grandparents came from Austria-Hungaria. Submitted by Rose A. Vanek


   I, James B. Vanek, was born in New York City in 1907. In 1911, I came to Nebraska via the Catholic Charities of Lincoln, who sponsored an Orphan Train to this area. There must have been around 8O children on this venture.

   On my arrival in Lincoln, I was indentured by Joseph and Mary Vanek of Bruno, Nebraska. They provided me with a wonderful farm life. Included was my first encounter with Santa Claus on my first Christmas with the Vaneks. Was Santa smart! It seems that he brought me everything I wished for.

   Due to a disability I had, my parents moved from the farm when I was 11 and made it possible for me to get a college education at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska.

   I married Lucille Malloy of Cedar Bluffs, who was a wonderful Irish lady. We had 2 children. Lucille passed away in 1979. We resided in the same home in Wahoo all of our married lives. The home cost us $2000. It was a beehive of happy parties for our friends of long ago.

   I was always self-employed in insurance, real estate sales, and preparation of income tax reports.

   I am proud of the fact that within our family there were 3 adoptions, namely, myself by my parents, our adoption of our daughter, and in turn, her adoption of her son.

   Nebraska has been good to us in every way. Submitted by James B. Vanek


   Martin Vanek (born 1826) and Marie Knedlik Vanek (born 1829) came to America in 1869. There are five children: Josephine (Fujan); Anna (Kubik); Josef; and twins, Marie (Kremlacek) and Jan.

   Jan Krondak (born 1835) and Veronica Vidana Krondak (born 1843) came to America in 1880. They had one daughter, Katherina (Vanek) and three sons, Jan, Vaclav and Josef.

   Jan (John) Vanek was born June 24, 1866 at Plana, Bohemia in what is now the western part of Czechoslovakia. Katherina Krondak was born November 19, 1869 at Kralovice, Bohemia. Jan and Katherina were married February 7, 1888 and lived on a farm one mile west and one mile south of Prague, Nebraska. This farm has been in the Vanek family since 1884. A grandson, Gilbert Vanek, is presently living on the farm.

   The children of Jan and Katherina Vanek were twelve in number.

   Frank married Anna Mach. There are four children: Stanley; Albina (Edward) Lanc; Martha (John) Navrkal; and Adeline (John) Hines; and eleven grandchildren and nineteen great-grandchildren.

   Mary married Rudolph Fujan. There are no children.

   John Jr., married Rose Steinbach. There are nine children: Christie (Anton) Franta; Rudolph; Richard; Edward; Clara (Joseph) Shrader; Milo; Helen (Vernon) Arps; John (III); and Elaine (George) Blum; and thirty-four grandchildren and forty-eight great-grandchildren.

   Bessie married Joseph Pecena. There is one son, Raymond. There are no grandchildren.

   Joseph married Agnes Vavak. There are five children: Victoria (Sammy) Arrigo; Alden; Wilfred; Gladys (Joseph) Sobolik; and Marcella (Gerald) Zadina; and thirty-two grandchildren and twenty great-grandchildren.

   Adolph married Albina Hines. There are three sons: Robert, Gilbert, and Bernard; and sixteen grandchildren and eighteen great-grandchildren.

   Katheryn married Emil Sedlacek. They had one son, Dennis, and four daughters: Dorothy (Leo) Hespen; Dolores (Marcel) Andel; Delphine (Charles) Stepanek; and Deanna (George) Brandsberg; and sixteen grandchildren and twelve great-grandchildren.

Jan Vanek Family
Jan Vanek Family -- 1913. Front Row, L. to R.: Emil, Jan, Emily, Katherina, Ethel, Kathryn, and Helen; Middle Row: William, Adolph, Mary, and Bessie; Back Row: Joseph, John, and Frank.

   William married Rose Zeleny. There are three sons: Donald; Leroy; and David; and thirteen grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

   Helen married Joseph Hines. There is one son, Arnold, and one daughter, Ruby (James) Fencl; and six grandchildren.

   Emil married Agnes Rezek. There is one daughter, Beverly (Frank) Orsi; and six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. To date, there is a line of six generations of a daughter who is the first child of her mother who is also a first child. The six generations are: Kathryn Bores, Marie Brabec, Agnes Rezek, Beverly Vanek, Gwynette Orsi, and Tara Lynam.

   Emily Vanek is the twin sister of Emil.

   Ethel married Tony Rezac. There are two sons, Rodney and Gary, and two grandchildren.

   As of January, 1983, Jan and Katherina Vanek have 303 living descendants. Fifteen grandsons and five great-grandsons have served in the military forces of the United States. Additionally, twelve husbands of granddaughters and of great-granddaughters have also been in the service.


   James Vanek was born July 4, 1871, son of Joseph and Magdalena Dolezal Vanek, in Viliman, Czechoslovakia. He arrived in this country when he was 19 years old. Mr. Vanek worked in the Weston and neighboring vicinity for a number of years, and, later, farmed near Weston for 30 years. On August 8, 1910, he was united in marriage to Antonia Zak at SS. Cyril Methodius Catholic Church, Plasi, near Prague, Nebraska. To this union three children were born. Daughter Mary died in infancy. Son Joseph F. Vanek died March 3, 1970. Daughter Antoinette Cernohlavek is now living near Prague.

Vaclav and Antonia Vanek
Vaclav and Antonia Vanek, 1960; Eric Fisher, grandson

   Antonia Zak Vanek was born February 14, 1886, the daughter of Joseph and Marie Zak, in Dubejovice, Czechoslovakia. She arrived in this country when she was 17 years old. Mrs. Vanek lived with relatives for a few years in the vicinity of Weston. Later, she worked for a family in Prague. On August 8, 1910, she was married to James (Vaclav). After farming for a few years, they moved to Weston. After her husband passed away in 1962, she then moved to her daughter's home for two and a half years. Then she moved to Gray's Nursing Home, David City, Nebraska. She spent six years there. Then she moved to Birchwood Manor, North

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