Bishop Neumann High School
Junior Ron Koranda receives some individual help from Advanced Algebra teacher Ed Johnson. | Sophomores Darlene Uhlik and Becky Woita look through some reference material for biology class. |
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Part of the clarinet section of the Neumann High Band perform in concert. Left to Right: Becky Kadlec, Alice Benes, Annette Vanek, Barbara Barry, John Skoda in the background. | Rev. Patrick O'Byrne, religion and P.E. instructor, celebrant at an all-school Mass during the Easter season. In the background are instructor Paul Johnson and student Steve Sladky. |
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Seniors Dan Freeman and Ken Stuchlik, dissecting an animal heart in Advanced Biology. | Bishop Neumann High School |
In Tribute
V.R. Shimerka, son of Vincent H. and Anna Uridel Shimerka, was born June 7, 1896, at Abie, NE. He farmed in the Abie area prior to moving to Prague, NE in 1931, and operated a cafe and hotel for 4 years. In 1936, he started the Shimerka Impl. which his son, Richard, is still operating. He served on the Prague Vol. Fire Dept. for 35 years, served on the Saunders Co. Hospital Board for 18 years, led the Silver Moon Orchestra for 35 years and played with area bands for 70 years. V.R. was a well-known auctioneer and a director of the Bank Of Prague. He belonged to the St. John's Catholic Church, Knights of Columbus, and Catholic Workman. This tribute is given to him by his wife Clara, children, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shimerka, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wesely, and Mr. and Mrs. George Otte, and all the grandchildren and great-grand-children.
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