In those early days of the 1870's the school terms were three or four months long and salaries were $20 to $25 a month. Some of the teachers of that era included Estilla E. Chase, Hattie Scanson, Louisa Price, Maria Smith, Hattie F. Blanchard, C. S. Kelley and Josephine Dunn.
Although many of the patrons and the present school building are located on the Colon mail route with the remainder having a Wahoo address, it was not always so. In the early 1870's Noble R. Gregory, who was a director of the district and resided in the NW ¼ of Section 24-15-7, had an address of Eldred. At that time there were plans to locate the town, Eldred, in the SW¼ of Section 26-15-7 (a site just to the north of the present truck weigh station). There had even been a map drawn with street locations, but it never came to be as records show the address change to Wahoo in 1875.
SAUNDERS COUNTY FOR SCHOOL YEAR 1982-83 -- Left to Right, Front Row: Jamie Dostal, Yori Damewood, Christie Hunter and Suzanne Malchow. Second Row: Rita M. Divis, school board member; Adeline M. Dostal, school board member; Jared Dostal, Henry Hrdlicka, Jr.; Eugene Zeleny and William V. (Billy) Hunter III. Back Row: Francis J. Divis, school board member and Arvella A. Woita, teacher. Absent day picture was taken was Jeremy Coufal. |
In February, 1936, the frame school building was destroyed by fire. The remainder of the school term was finished in a farmhouse located in the NE¼ of Section 22-15-7, the home now occupied by the James Dostal family. The present brick building was erected by W.P.A. and was ready for the fall term in 1936. The exact cost is not known but the bond that was issued was in the amount of $3000.00. The building, 36 feet by 26 feet, houses a classroom, two restrooms and library on the ground floor and a recreation room, two storage rooms, furnace and small storm shelter in the basement. At a later date, water and electricity were installed, and, in the summer of 1974, the chemical toilets were replaced with water flush stools. An electric hot water heater was installed in October, 1980.
Boundary changes have been effected over the years by dissolution of adjoining districts. In June, 1955, District No.2, whose building was located one-half mile east of the present truck weigh station, dissolved and part of its land was attached to District No.23. In November, 1958, District No. 53, whose building was located one-half mile west and one mile south of Colon dissolved with part of its land being attached to District No.23. By June of 1983, the dissolution of District No.27 will be final with all but eleven acres being attached to District No.23. At that time the district will be comprised of approximately 11,600 acres of land and have an actual valuation in excess of nine and one-half million dollars.
Nine pupils are attending the school during the 1982-83 term with Arvella A. Woita as their teacher. School Board members are: Francis J. Divis, president; Rita M. Divis, secretary; and Adeline M. Dostal, treasurer. Submitted by Rita M. Divis
School District 70 has been in existence since the 1800's. It is located in Section 19 of Center Precinct, one and one-half miles West and one and one-half miles North of Wahoo.
Dist. 70 -- Saunders Co. |
The first classes held in District 70 were held in a sod house located somewhere in the vicinity of the Harvey Wagman farm. A wooden structure was later built in the same area. The next school building was a small building on the hill West of Ernie Chapek's. It didn't last long. After this between 1872-1880 a large one room school was built on the site of the present school building.
In 1876 District 70 employed one teacher C.J. Devore. The teacher's salary were $25.00 to $35.00 a month. During this time there were five boys and fifteen girls attending school for twelve weeks or more. The school census did report however that the District contained twenty-six boys and thirty-seven girls between the ages of eight and fourteen.
In the spring of 1917 through encouragement of H. Watson it was decided to build a two room building and include the ninth and tenth grades. Everyone in the district came to help dig the basement. They dug it with horses and scrapers and spades. When September came the new building wasn't ready so for two months classes were held in the old building. In November 1917 the first classes were held in the present school building.
TENTH GRADE GRADUATION CLASS OF 1932 DISTRICT #70 WAHOO, NEBR. RURAL ROUTE -- Top Row: Mildred Anderson, Waldemar Johnson, Frank Kavan, Jr. Bottom Row: LaVerne Lindgren, Ardath Johnson, Viola Nelson. |
In September 1981, the Students of District 70 presented "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" and 1982 they presented "Puppet Shows" at Educational Center at the Nebraska State Fair.
At present 1982 we have sixteen students, six girls and ten boys; two teachers Mrs. Lumir (Dolores) Maly and Mrs. Gawaine (Donna) Dvorak. Present School Board are Mrs. William (Brenda) Kremlacek, President; Mrs. John (Betty) Brabec, Secretary; and Eugene Tomsicek, Treasurer.
The American Legion, Bartek-Carlson Post #265 of Colon, Nebr. was organized in the fall of 1946. Anton Vasina (then a member of the Prague Post) scheduled a meeting of interested veterans at the State Bank of Colon. The Charter members were: Anton Vasina, Carl Nelson, Louis Sanderson, Frank Dolezal, Arnold Rohwer, Andrew Murren, Thomas Rochford, Roy Johnson, Fred Carlson, Edward Ruzicka, Edward Timme, Ed Dwyer, Edward Koutny, Anthony Vasina, Eugene Peterson, Albert Divis, Richard Chvatal, Franklin Warfield, George Benal, Gerald Rochford, Hugo Young, Lloyd Whyrick, James Barrett, Eugene Rochford, George Ruzicka and Harold McCord.
On January 24th, 1947, installation was held with Anton Vasina being installed as commander; Ed Ruzicka as Vice Commander; Lloyd Whyrick as adjutant.
The American Legion Auxiliary was organized in December, 1947. Marvin Martens, Commander; Louis Sanderson, Adjutant and Past Commander Anton Vasina attended. They presented Rosie Lindquist of the Wahoo Unit and Mrs. Mary Vasina of the Prague Unit, who explained the purpose and functions of the American Legion Auxiliary.
On January 15, 1948, Mary Vasina was installed as as our first president, and Vice President was Agnes Ruzicka.
Colon American Legion Hall |
Charter Members of the Auxiliary were: Mary Vasina, Mildred Rochford. LaVerne Carlson, Elaine Martens, Helen Sanderson, Dagmar Peterson, Louise McKenzie, Cora Welton, Louise Timme, Agnes Ruzicka, Meta Martens, Ethel Anderson, Edna Larsen, Lucy Sanderson, Dorothy Warfield, Julia Rochford, Mary Siemsen, Mabel Spoonhour, Norma Murren, Sylvia Nelson, E. A. Peetzke, Lillian McCord, Barbara Koutny, Maria Koutny.
The Post was named for Cecil H. Carlson, son of Conrad Carlson of Colon, and Frank Bartek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bartek, Sr. who were former rural Colon Residents. They both gave their lives for this wonderful country of ours.
The Legion Post gave the Auxiliary $25.00 to start their Unit. They had 33 members in 1947. Both the Legion and Auxiliary met in the Town Hall. In 1947, they started a drive to raise funds for their building. On September 23, 1948, they dedicated their new hall. Each family furnished food for a dinner which began at 4 P.M. They had a carnival in the main street and a dance in the evening at the new hall. This celebration, along with many other money making projects was used to pay the final indebtedness of the building.
Edgar Anderson, was the first deceased Legionnaire and Ruby Pedersen, the first Auxiliary member to pass away.
During the early fifties, carpet rags were sewed and sent to the Grand Island Veterans Home to be made into rugs. In 1951-1952. 53#'s had been sewn; 44#'s were done by Lucy Sanderson. The American Legion Junior Auxiliary was organized on Sept.14, 1954, with three members. Edna Auch was leader and Helen Sanderson, Assistant.
Through all of the years, this Post and Unit have been very active, still trying to serve God and Country to its best ability. Submitted by Elaine Martens, Secretary 1982-1983
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Miss Esther Hoffman, 17, of Colon was named the grand champion milkmaid on June 20, 1939, in a contest held on the main street of Fremont, NE. She ably demonstrated that she had lost none of the skill which carried her to the championship in the milking contest at the 4-H Fair two years earlier.
Colon Girl wins Milking Contest |
Before a large crowd attending the special Dairy Month program, Miss Hoffmann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Hoffman, drew 8 pounds, 6½ ounces of milk in two minutes for grand championship of the two division event.
Her sister, then employed in Fremont, Miss Ruth Hoffmann, milked 5 pounds, 13 ounces, for reserve championship and first place in the city girls' division.
Second place in the city division went to Miss Valetta Hoffmann of Cedar Bluffs with four pounds and five ounces.
In a letter congratulating Miss Hoffmann on her achievement, dated June 28,1939, William Edward Johnson, then Lieutenant Governor, stated: "Nebraskas are beginning to realize that their sole important industry is agriculture, and every time we hold one of these contests we are doing something to further the interests of the agricultural industry."
(image links to larger map) |
The town of Weston is located in Chapman precinct. The first settlers were Isaac M. Goodspeed and Peter Campbell, who took claims in 1867. The following year Thomas P. Chapman, from whom the precinct takes its name, arrived. The first school district was organized in 1869 at a meeting held at the house of Chapman. In 1874 a post office was established under the name of Troy.
The Oxbow Trail crosses this township. Cemeteries in this township are St. John's Catholic located 2 blocks east of the Church. The land was purchased in 1885 from Jacob Mauck. The Znojmesky Catholic Cemetery is located on one acre of land purchased in 1889 from Joseph and Martha Vanicek. The inscription over the gate reads "Co ste vy byly, sme i my. A co sme my, Budete i Vy," translates to "What you are, We were, What We are, You will be."
The Czech Presbyterian Cemetery was purchased in May, 1879, by eight members, in the name of Josef Caha. Since the church was not officially organized at this time. It was dedicated by Rev. Kun. It was transferred to the Cesko Moravsky Reform Brethren Church on Sept.29, 1886.
Weston Cemetery was deeded from the William and Nancy Davis homestead in 1882. Charles Jasa maintains a single grave on his farm.
Schools in this township that have closed are Dist. #28, it was known as Bell, Plato or Coleman school. It was built in 1874 and has now merged with Dist. #24.
In 1877, Dist. #71 was organized. In 1967 it merged with Dist. #44. Dist. #99 is also closed. Dist. #76 was organized in 1872 and built in 1876. It is now abandoned, most of the other buildings from closed schools have been moved, and are used for either storage or shops. Still operating is Dist. #44; it was the first school in Chapman township, organized in 1869 and built in 1870.
Weston Public School was built in 1876. William Mauck was the first teacher. A second school was built in 1882. It was used until the third school was built in 1886. This school was used until the fourth school was built in 1915. Wm. J. Putney was Superintendent for 10 yrs. The high school was discontinued in 1973.
In 1938 Louis Pacal, 21, son of John S. Pacal was nominated for appointment to West Point Academy.
St. John's Catholic School was built in 1954. It was dedicated in 1956. It teaches only the elementary grades; besides classrooms, there is also a convent, gymnasium-auditorium, and a full basement. Many town and community functions are held here.
January, 1952 -- Bob Cerv of Weston and former University of Nebraska baseball star, who batted 2nd in the American Association last year, signed a contract with the New York Yankees.
The Township officers for 1983-87: Chairman Arnold J. Machacek, Clerk -- Ronald Sabatka, Treas. -- Gary Turnwall. Submitted by Charlotte Sousek
Weston once bore the name of Troy. A spot on the prairie by Miller Creek, Troy was 3 miles south, 1 mile east, and about 3/4 mile north of the present town. There was a small postoffice, established April, 1873, where mail was brought by horseback from Lincoln. Also a store, saloon and school. After the event of the railroad, Troy became a 160-acre farm now owned by Alvin Kaspar.
When Weston was platted early in 1877, but organized 8 years later, and the railroad pushed through in July, 1877, the Troy postoffice was moved in and renamed Weston, probably by railroad officials.
Where is Weston? (Peak Population in 1900, 426, now 286 and elevation 1253 feet). It is located near the center of Saunders County 6 miles west and 1 mile south of Wahoo. It is situated on the Union Pacific (Stromsburgh Branch) Railroad. Weston was to be the western terminus of this branch.
According to Government Survey, Weston is in the Southeast quarter of Section 9, Township 14, Range 6, East of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in Chapman Precinct, and surrounded by good farming country, settled by a thrifty class of farmers. Czechs are the chief nationality, although, others are well represented.
A view of Weston, looking south from Highway 92, running east and west, and down towards a branch of Wahoo Creek, is a picture of a hillock covered with old and new buildings nestled among trees. As one enters the town from the north, new and well-kept, old homes are found along each side of oiled streets. However, most of the residential district is south of the business section. At the northeast edge of town is a well-lighted ballpark. In midtown is Weston Community Park where Memorial Day services are held. Several 4-H and Extension Clubs and many church activities also meet.
Weston has a water supply tower, sewage plant system, electricity from Wahoo, and Northeast Nebraska Telephone (Branch) Service. Weston Volunteer Fire Department and Auxiliary, City Hall, plus Rural Fire District No.14 and Weston American Legion Post and Auxiliary Unit 308, which sponsor both Cornhusker Boy and Girl Staters, have new or remodeled buildings.
Many tales have been told, over the years, of Indians, the Railroad, blizzards and snowstorms, hail, rain and windstorms, drouths, grasshoppers, hardships and sicknesses.
Churches: St. John's Nepomucene Catholic, First Baptist, and Czech Presbyterian. Schools: St. John's Catholic and Weston Public District #103. Cemeteries: St. John's Catholic, Bethel, Czech Presbyterian, Snojmesky, Eston, and Cuda.
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