Entered according to Act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J. M. Wolfe & Co., in the
Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.
Lakey Geo, Mahaska, Kan. Lakey L, Mahaska, Kan. Lamb H, Belvidere Lamb Jos, Hubbell Lamber T C, Byron Lambert G, Davenport Lambert J, Davenport Lambert Wm, Davenport Lamm Joe, Belvidere Lamm J W, Belvidere Lamm Marlon, Belvidere Lamm N O, Belvidere Lamm S, Belvidere Lamm Wm, Belvidere Laney T M, Belvidere Lange Conrad, Alexandria Lapon L, Chester Laramore W H, Gilead Larson B, Stoddard Larue Jos, Carleton Lasey Perry, Hebron Latham V P, Hebron Laughery J P, Belvidere Laune Fred, Alexandria Louie J W, Carleton Law David, Alexandria Lawig R O, Carleton Leary J O, Deshler Leckfelt J, Friedensau Ledgwood J, Carleton Lee J E, Carleton Lee M J, Carleton Leedom D, Hubbell Leedom E C, Hubbell Leedom Jno, Hubbell Leedom M J, Hubbell Leedom W A, Hubbell Leermann U, Carleton Leerman Wm, Friedensau Leff Jno, Belvidere Leff R, Friedensau Lehmann F, Deshler Lemke F, Carleton Lemmon J, Deshler Lemmon L, Deshler Lence J W, Hubbell Lence L P, Hubbell Lonard Walter, Belvidere Leslie C C, Chester Leslie Chas, Belvidere Leslie James, Belvidere Lewis Chas, Hubbell Lewis F M, Hubbell Lewis W J, Hubbell Lichtenwalter C, Hubbell Lichtenwalter J, Hubbell Lichty C J, Davenport Lichty F D, Davenport Lichty J R, Carleton Lierman A, Deshler Lierman E, Friedensau Lijsker W H, Carleton Limes J, Carleton Lindermann D, Byron Linderkugel E, Alexandria Lindsey J, Davenport Littler T B, Belvidere Livengood P J, Carleton Livings A W, Davenport Lobe A S, Davenport Lobeda C, Davenport Lobeda M, Davenport Lockhart F M, Carleton Lockwood E, Hubbell Lockwood G A, Hebron Lockwood M L, Deshler Lockwood S D, Hubbell Loeber G, Hebron Loetterle C J, Carleton Loetterle J M, Carleton Logue W H, Hubbell Long W J, Carleton Longbrake Hiram, Chester Loontjer Geo, Kiowa Lorins C F, Kiowa Losey Jno, Hubbell Losey W S, Hubbell Lottulle H, Hebron Love U S, Gilead Lovell R B, Carleton Lovenburg John, Hubbell Lovercheck G W, Belvidere Lovercheck J W, Hebron Luce A S, Hubbell Luce J, Hubbell Luchman Fred, Hebron Lueders F, Friedensau Luesman F, Alexandria Luther Henry, Hebron McBeth James, Alexandria McBeth John, Hebron McCabe J, Hubbell McClafflin R N, Alexandria McClerary Jos, Hebron McClure A F, Hebron McConnell G W, Deshler McConnell Jas, Deshler McCoy J H, Carleton McDaniels A, Alexandria McDermott T, Reynolds McDonald H, Hebron McDowell R M, Deshler McGinnis R C, Alexandria McGovern T, Deshler McGowan W J, Bruning McGrath J C, Hebron McGrath T, Hebron McHenry N P, Hebron McIntyre Jas, Byron McKee G H, Belvidere McKeever C, Hebron McKell W J, Belvidere McKenzie C E, Hebron McKenzie Geo, Hebron McKillip C D, Belvidere McLain J A, Gilead McLard J, Hebron McLaughlin J R, Ohiowa McMahon Eug, Hubbell McMahon Owen, Hubbell McMillan J F, Hubbell McMillen John, Hubbell McMurphy W H, Byron McNally B, Deshler McNally R J, Deshler McNally Thos, Deshler McNeal C M, Hubbell McNitt F J, Chester McReynolds J M, Davenport McWilliams J, Chester Machett Jos, Carleton Machlon E C, Hebron Macy W R, Carleton Magers Isaac, Gilead Magers J M, Gilead Mahagan Jesse, Hubbell Mahuffay J A, Hebron Malingram Chas, Gilead Mall J A, Hebron Mammon A, Alexandria Manlik Aug, Belvidere Manery John, Reynolds Manner J E, Alexandria Manners R G, Alexandria Mantefel Aug, Deshler Maple S C, Gilead Maple S W, Hebron Mappes A, Davenport Mappes C, Chester Mareshal A J, Gilead Mark D, Belvidere Mark David, Belvidere Markey L, Hubbell Marks D L, Reynolds Marks R H, Alexandria Marquis W N, Hebron Marr W I, Kiowa Marse S J, Alexandria Marsh L J, Chester Martin R B, Byron Mason John, Hubbell Mastin J H, Belvidere Matheny C W, Hubbell Matheny J L, Hubbell Matheny W, Hubbell Matheny W L, Hubbell Matheny W W, Makaney, Kan. Mathewson A O, Belvidere Mathewson E G, Belvidere Mathewson W M, Belvidere Matson Saml, Belvidere Matt M, Hebron Maust A B, Carleton Maxson H A, Hebron Maxwell C D, Hebron Maxwell J Y, Hebron Meek S, Carleton Mendenhall Jas, Hebron Mendenhall M, Belvidere Meshler David, Gladstone Meshoh Fred, Hebron Metzger Chas, Alexandria Meyer Aug. Deshler Meyer C, Bruning Meyer C A, Friedensau Meyer C H, Kiowa Meyer Ed, Bruning Meyer Geo, Hebron Meyer G H, Belvidere Meyer Henry, Deshler Meyer Jno, Kiowa Meyer John, Bruning Meyer W J, Bruning Middendorff F, Bruning Mikle Messing, Alexandria Miles C E, Byron Miles F M, Byron Miles H B, Byron Miles Isaac, Byron Miles J A, Byron Miles J F, Byron Milla S A, Carleton Miller A M, Davenport Miller A P, Carleton Miller E, Carleton Miller F M, Carleton Miller Fred, Hubbell Miller Geo, Belvidere Miller H, Kiowa Miller J A, Hubbell Miller J G, Carleton Miller J L, Carleton Miller J W, Carleton Miller M N, Hebron Miller Robt, Hubbell Miller W A, Hebron Miller Wm, Hubbell Mishler T, Davenport Mitchell Jos, Byron Mitchum B L, Hubbell Moby F M, Hebron Montanye C E, Alexandria Montgomery Nelson, Chester Moon F, Davenport Moon S, Carleton Moore Chas, Alexandria Moore Frank, Hubbell Moore G B, Hubbell Moore Jas, Hebron Moorehouse J D, Davenport Moreley T, Chester Morgan A, Belvidere Morgan G A, Belvidere Morgan W A, Belvidere Morris Jasper, Hubbell Morris J P, Carleton Morris O, Chester Morris W H, Carleton Morrison J D, Chester Morrison J R, Chester Morrison Wm, Chester Mosberger D P, Carleton Moseley F P, Weston Mosier F B, Reynolds Moss C E, Reynolds Moss M, Reynolds Mott H, Deshler Moyer F, Carleton Mule M T, Carleton Mulch B F, Reynolds Mulch W, Hubbell Mumma J, Tobias Murray Allen, Hubbell Murray F H, Hebron Murray R, Byron Murray Wm, Hubbell Murrell Jas, Alexandria Muschertins F, Hubbell Mussmann F, Deshler Muth G, Hebron Nachtegal H J, Alexandria Naeneau Chas, Alexandria Naeneau Jno jr, Gilead Naeneau Jno sr, Gilead Naeneau Theodore, Gilead Nan H, Chester Nance Matth, Hubbell Naylor O I, Chester Nebergall W H, Hebron Nedron W M, Carleton Nehrig A, Kiowa Nehrig F, Kiowa Neistheimes Wm, Ohiowa Nelso S, Carleton Nelson Chas, Belvider Nelson Jas, Carleton Neumann Chas, Byron New C R, Reynolds Newhart Wm, Friedensau Newland A A, Carleton Nickell Chas, Hebron Nightingale Jno, Hebron Niles G E, Hebron Noel Austin, Hubbell Norboe A R, Chester Norman J R, Hebron Norman S N, Hebron Norris G B, Carleton Norris J M, Byron Northrup E E, Belvidere Northdurft Aug, Byron Northnurft C A, Deshler Northdurft J H, Deshler Nynart Saml, Ohiowa Oetzel J T, Belvidere Ogden Ed, Carleton Ohbrich F, Kiowa Ohbrich Wm, Kiowa Oheron Stephen, Alexandria Olsen P J, Hebron Olsen Steen, Hebron Olsen Torris, Hebron Opfer P, Deshler Orr J C, Deshler Orr J S, Tobias Orr W M K, Gilead Ortgies Jno, Bruning Orth Wm, Belvider Othling H, Deshler Othling Wm, Deshler Otto J, Kiowa Otto J H, Carleton Otto Wm, Kiowa Pabst Conrad, Gilead Paddock J W, Kiowa Paddock Wm, Kiowa Page C L, Byron Page I H, Byron Page J G, Kiowa Pagel F, Deshler Palmer C D, Hubbell Palson C, Carleton Pape Wm, Deshler Park Rufus, Alexandria Parmley O A, Hebron Past M, Hebron Patitz F H, Deshler Patrik C A, Hebron Patterson John, Reynolds Paulson P F, Carleton Paulson H, Carleton Paulson M, Carleton Paxton J S, Chester Payne J T, Bruning Payne O, Deshler Pearl C H, Gilead Pearl T H, Gilead Pearl W H, Carleton Pen I, Hebron Pen Jno, Hebron Pendell Jno, Hubbell Perry A B, Byron Peters H, Byron Peters P, Byron Peters W, Deshler Peterson A, Belvidere Peterson C, Belvidere Peterson F G, Belvidere Peterson J, Chester Peterson M, Belvidere Peugh W H, Hubbell Phelps Geo O, Belvidere Phelps J R, Belvidere Phelps M W, Belvidere Phillepi Adolph, Bruning Phillepi G W, Belvidere Philleppi T, Bruning Phillips Geo N, Chester Phillips J M, Hubbell Phillips J S, Chester Phillips L M, Hubbell Phillips Wm, Reynolds Picard Carl, Hebron Pickett E, Reynolds Piggott J J, Belvidere Piggott R A, Belvidere Pike Davis, Hubbell Pilgrim B L, Hubbell Pitman C W, Alexandria Pitman S K, Alexandria Pittam Albert, Hubbell Pittam Joe, Hebron Pittam John, Hebron Pittam M, Hubbell Platt J B, Friedensau Pletcher J E, Gilead Pletcher Sam, Alexandria Plopp E, Carleton Plummer J D, Hebron Pluss J C, Alexandria Poff H J, Hubbell Polage Rudolf, Alexandria Poppe F, Deshler Poppe G, Deshler Poppe H, Deshler Poppe J, Deshler Poppit G W, Carleton Posey John A, Hubbell Pound C W, Chester Pound E C, Chester Powell M, Hebron Pratt A C, Gilead Pratt G T, Belvidere Pratt W J, Gilead Prehn C, Friedensau Preston Colby, Hubbell Preston S E, Hubbell Price J W, Fairmont Priefert Aug, Belvidere Priefert G, Carleton Priefert M, Kiowa Proctor Lewis, Davenport Proctor L G, Alexandria Puckett Jas, Hubbell Pugh M, Deshler Purdy Elmer Alexandria Purdy J H, Ohiowa Quitmeyer H, Deshler Ralertus David, Gilead Ralston R, Hebron Rambo J F, Carleton Randell J, Reynolds Ranner Alois, Gilead Ranner Francis, Gilead Rape L, Reynolds Rasher O F, Bruning Rassow Carl, Hebron Rath R P, Hebron Rawson W H, Hebron Ray L M, Carleton Reams C C, Stoddard Rebarchek Albert, Gilead Rebarchek John, Gilead Redelfs L, Bruning Redget E, Davenport Reed E, Deshler Reed S E, Bruning Rehwoldtt H, Deshler Renans A, Gilead Render Wm, Hubbell Renner J F, Hebron Renner O, Bruning Renner Wm, Bruning Renter C A, Friedensau Rerns Jacob, Chester Reynolds Jacob, Alexandria Reysprecht H, Deshler Rhea C G, Chester Rhodes D H, Hebron Rhodes M P, Hebron Rice C H, Hebron Rich Wm, Deshler Richards E H, Carleton Richardson C, Deshler Richardson P, Deshler Richardson R, Belvidere Richardson Wm, Belvidere Riddell J A, Hubbell Rie Jas, Chester Riefsel H, Belvidere Riefsel Jno, Belvidere Riel Wm, Belvidere Rigi Wm, Belvidere Rile W, Davenport Rimboldt T, Friedensau Riske E, Chester Roberts Wm, Belvidere Robinson G C, Hubbell Robinson J K, Hubbell Rocho D, Carleton Rocho J, Carleton Rocho Robt, Carleton Rocho Wm, Carleton Rodenburg J, Kiowa Roderick D C, Hubbell Roe M, Deshler Roerpaugh J G, Hebron Rogers B, Deshler Rogers J C, Byron Rogers W A, Byron Rolfe C J, Hebron Rollier L K, Carleton Rooch Jno, Deshler Rood Orra, Hubbell Roodmyer A, Alexandria Roper A L, Hebron Roper F E, Hebron Roper Guy, Hebron Rose Arthur, Alexandria Rosenberger Henry, Gilead Ross F D, Belvidere Ross Jno, Alexandria Rosseau D F, Friedensau Row J, Davenport Row P, Davenport Rowe C L, Hebron Rowe & Rouch, Alexandria Rowe W A, Hebron Rocklos H J, Hebron Rudd F, Hebron Rupert E N, Davenport Rupprecht G, Deshler Rissher J H, Carleton Russell G W, Hubbell Rysen G F, Hebron