Business Directory for 1890-1891
Omaha: J. M. Wolfe & Co., Publishers, 509-510 Paxton Block 1890

Entered according to Act of Congress in the year of 1890, by J. M. Wolfe & Co., in the
Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C.

This page was transcribed and formatted by Brenda Busing. This page is for use as a reference
only and may not be reproduced or published by any method. All rights are reserved


Lakey Geo, Mahaska, Kan.            Lakey L, Mahaska, Kan.
Lamb H, Belvidere                   Lamb Jos, Hubbell
Lamber T C, Byron                   Lambert G, Davenport
Lambert J, Davenport                Lambert Wm, Davenport
Lamm Joe, Belvidere                 Lamm J W, Belvidere
Lamm Marlon, Belvidere              Lamm N O, Belvidere
Lamm S, Belvidere                   Lamm Wm, Belvidere
Laney T M, Belvidere                Lange Conrad, Alexandria
Lapon L, Chester                    Laramore W H, Gilead
Larson B, Stoddard                  Larue Jos, Carleton
Lasey Perry, Hebron                 Latham V P, Hebron
Laughery J P, Belvidere             Laune Fred, Alexandria
Louie J W, Carleton                 Law David, Alexandria
Lawig R O, Carleton                 Leary J O, Deshler
Leckfelt J, Friedensau              Ledgwood J, Carleton
Lee J E, Carleton                   Lee M J, Carleton
Leedom D, Hubbell                   Leedom E C, Hubbell
Leedom Jno, Hubbell                 Leedom M J, Hubbell
Leedom W A, Hubbell                 Leermann U, Carleton
Leerman Wm, Friedensau              Leff Jno, Belvidere
Leff R, Friedensau                  Lehmann F, Deshler
Lemke F, Carleton                   Lemmon J, Deshler
Lemmon L, Deshler                   Lence J W, Hubbell
Lence L P, Hubbell                  Lonard Walter, Belvidere
Leslie C C, Chester                 Leslie Chas, Belvidere
Leslie James, Belvidere             Lewis Chas, Hubbell
Lewis F M, Hubbell                  Lewis W J, Hubbell
Lichtenwalter C, Hubbell            Lichtenwalter J, Hubbell
Lichty C J, Davenport               Lichty F D, Davenport
Lichty J R, Carleton                Lierman A, Deshler
Lierman E, Friedensau               Lijsker W H, Carleton
Limes J, Carleton                   Lindermann D, Byron
Linderkugel E, Alexandria           Lindsey J, Davenport
Littler T B, Belvidere              Livengood P J, Carleton
Livings A W, Davenport              Lobe A S, Davenport
Lobeda C, Davenport                 Lobeda M, Davenport
Lockhart F M, Carleton              Lockwood E, Hubbell
Lockwood G A, Hebron                Lockwood M L, Deshler
Lockwood S D, Hubbell               Loeber G, Hebron
Loetterle C J, Carleton             Loetterle J M, Carleton
Logue W H, Hubbell                  Long W J, Carleton
Longbrake Hiram, Chester            Loontjer Geo, Kiowa
Lorins C F, Kiowa                   Losey Jno, Hubbell
Losey W S, Hubbell                  Lottulle H, Hebron
Love U S, Gilead                    Lovell R B, Carleton
Lovenburg John, Hubbell             Lovercheck G W, Belvidere
Lovercheck J W, Hebron              Luce A S, Hubbell
Luce J, Hubbell                     Luchman Fred, Hebron
Lueders F, Friedensau               Luesman F, Alexandria
Luther Henry, Hebron

McBeth James, Alexandria            McBeth John, Hebron
McCabe J, Hubbell                   McClafflin R N, Alexandria
McClerary Jos, Hebron               McClure A F, Hebron
McConnell G W, Deshler              McConnell Jas, Deshler
McCoy J H, Carleton                 McDaniels A, Alexandria
McDermott T, Reynolds               McDonald H, Hebron
McDowell R M, Deshler               McGinnis R C, Alexandria
McGovern T, Deshler                 McGowan W J, Bruning
McGrath J C, Hebron                 McGrath T, Hebron
McHenry N P, Hebron                 McIntyre Jas, Byron
McKee G H, Belvidere                McKeever C, Hebron
McKell W J, Belvidere               McKenzie C E, Hebron
McKenzie Geo, Hebron                McKillip C D, Belvidere
McLain J A, Gilead                  McLard J, Hebron
McLaughlin J R, Ohiowa              McMahon Eug, Hubbell
McMahon Owen, Hubbell               McMillan J F, Hubbell
McMillen John, Hubbell              McMurphy W H, Byron
McNally B, Deshler                  McNally R J, Deshler
McNally Thos, Deshler               McNeal C M, Hubbell
McNitt F J, Chester                 McReynolds J M, Davenport
McWilliams J, Chester               Machett Jos, Carleton
Machlon E C, Hebron                 Macy W R, Carleton
Magers Isaac, Gilead                Magers J M, Gilead
Mahagan Jesse, Hubbell              Mahuffay J A, Hebron
Malingram Chas, Gilead              Mall J A, Hebron
Mammon A, Alexandria                Manlik Aug, Belvidere
Manery John, Reynolds               Manner J E, Alexandria
Manners R G, Alexandria             Mantefel Aug, Deshler
Maple S C, Gilead                   Maple S W, Hebron
Mappes A, Davenport                 Mappes C, Chester
Mareshal A J, Gilead                Mark D, Belvidere
Mark David, Belvidere               Markey L, Hubbell
Marks D L, Reynolds                 Marks R H, Alexandria
Marquis W N, Hebron                 Marr W I, Kiowa
Marse S J, Alexandria               Marsh L J, Chester
Martin R B, Byron                   Mason John, Hubbell
Mastin J H, Belvidere               Matheny C W, Hubbell
Matheny J L, Hubbell                Matheny W, Hubbell
Matheny W L, Hubbell                Matheny W W, Makaney, Kan.
Mathewson A O, Belvidere            Mathewson E G, Belvidere
Mathewson W M, Belvidere            Matson Saml, Belvidere
Matt M, Hebron                      Maust A B, Carleton
Maxson H A, Hebron                  Maxwell C D, Hebron
Maxwell J Y, Hebron                 Meek S, Carleton
Mendenhall Jas, Hebron              Mendenhall M, Belvidere
Meshler David, Gladstone            Meshoh Fred, Hebron
Metzger Chas, Alexandria            Meyer Aug. Deshler
Meyer C, Bruning                    Meyer C A, Friedensau
Meyer C H, Kiowa                    Meyer Ed, Bruning
Meyer Geo, Hebron                   Meyer G H, Belvidere
Meyer Henry, Deshler                Meyer Jno, Kiowa
Meyer John, Bruning                 Meyer W J, Bruning
Middendorff F, Bruning              Mikle Messing, Alexandria
Miles C E, Byron                    Miles F M, Byron
Miles H B, Byron                    Miles Isaac, Byron
Miles J A, Byron                    Miles J F, Byron
Milla S A, Carleton                 Miller A M, Davenport
Miller A P, Carleton                Miller E, Carleton
Miller F M, Carleton                Miller Fred, Hubbell
Miller Geo, Belvidere               Miller H, Kiowa
Miller J A, Hubbell                 Miller J G, Carleton
Miller J L, Carleton                Miller J W, Carleton
Miller M N, Hebron                  Miller Robt, Hubbell
Miller W A, Hebron                  Miller Wm, Hubbell
Mishler T, Davenport                Mitchell Jos, Byron
Mitchum B L, Hubbell                Moby F M, Hebron
Montanye C E, Alexandria            Montgomery Nelson, Chester
Moon F, Davenport                   Moon S, Carleton
Moore Chas, Alexandria              Moore Frank, Hubbell
Moore G B, Hubbell                  Moore Jas, Hebron
Moorehouse J D, Davenport           Moreley T, Chester
Morgan A, Belvidere                 Morgan G A, Belvidere
Morgan W A, Belvidere               Morris Jasper, Hubbell
Morris J P, Carleton                Morris O, Chester
Morris W H, Carleton                Morrison J D, Chester
Morrison J R, Chester               Morrison Wm, Chester
Mosberger D P, Carleton             Moseley F P, Weston
Mosier F B, Reynolds                Moss C E, Reynolds
Moss M, Reynolds                    Mott H, Deshler
Moyer F, Carleton                   Mule M T, Carleton
Mulch B F, Reynolds                 Mulch W, Hubbell
Mumma J, Tobias                     Murray Allen, Hubbell
Murray F H, Hebron                  Murray R, Byron
Murray Wm, Hubbell                  Murrell Jas, Alexandria
Muschertins F, Hubbell              Mussmann F, Deshler
Muth G, Hebron

Nachtegal H J, Alexandria           Naeneau Chas, Alexandria
Naeneau Jno jr, Gilead              Naeneau Jno sr, Gilead
Naeneau Theodore, Gilead            Nan H, Chester
Nance Matth, Hubbell                Naylor O I, Chester
Nebergall W H, Hebron               Nedron W M, Carleton
Nehrig A, Kiowa                     Nehrig F, Kiowa
Neistheimes Wm, Ohiowa              Nelso S, Carleton
Nelson Chas, Belvider               Nelson Jas, Carleton
Neumann Chas, Byron                 New C R, Reynolds
Newhart Wm, Friedensau              Newland A A, Carleton
Nickell Chas, Hebron                Nightingale Jno, Hebron
Niles G E, Hebron                   Noel Austin, Hubbell
Norboe A R, Chester                 Norman J R, Hebron
Norman S N, Hebron                  Norris G B, Carleton
Norris J M, Byron                   Northrup E E, Belvidere
Northdurft Aug, Byron               Northnurft C A, Deshler
Northdurft J H, Deshler             Nynart Saml, Ohiowa

Oetzel J T, Belvidere               Ogden Ed, Carleton
Ohbrich F, Kiowa                    Ohbrich Wm, Kiowa
Oheron Stephen, Alexandria          Olsen P J, Hebron
Olsen Steen, Hebron                 Olsen Torris, Hebron
Opfer P, Deshler                    Orr J C, Deshler
Orr J S, Tobias                     Orr W M K, Gilead
Ortgies Jno, Bruning                Orth Wm, Belvider
Othling H, Deshler                  Othling Wm, Deshler
Otto J, Kiowa                       Otto J H, Carleton
Otto Wm, Kiowa

Pabst Conrad, Gilead                Paddock J W, Kiowa
Paddock Wm, Kiowa                   Page C L, Byron
Page I H, Byron                     Page J G, Kiowa
Pagel F, Deshler                    Palmer C D, Hubbell
Palson C, Carleton                  Pape Wm, Deshler
Park Rufus, Alexandria              Parmley O A, Hebron
Past M, Hebron                      Patitz F H, Deshler
Patrik C A, Hebron                  Patterson John, Reynolds
Paulson P F, Carleton               Paulson H, Carleton
Paulson M, Carleton                 Paxton J S, Chester
Payne J T, Bruning                  Payne O, Deshler
Pearl C H, Gilead                   Pearl T H, Gilead
Pearl W H, Carleton                 Pen I, Hebron
Pen Jno, Hebron                     Pendell Jno, Hubbell
Perry A B, Byron                    Peters H, Byron
Peters P, Byron                     Peters W, Deshler
Peterson A, Belvidere               Peterson C, Belvidere
Peterson F G, Belvidere             Peterson J, Chester
Peterson M, Belvidere               Peugh W H, Hubbell
Phelps Geo O, Belvidere             Phelps J R, Belvidere
Phelps M W, Belvidere               Phillepi Adolph, Bruning
Phillepi G W, Belvidere             Philleppi T, Bruning
Phillips Geo N, Chester             Phillips J M, Hubbell
Phillips J S, Chester               Phillips L M, Hubbell
Phillips Wm, Reynolds               Picard Carl, Hebron
Pickett E, Reynolds                 Piggott J J, Belvidere
Piggott R A, Belvidere              Pike Davis, Hubbell
Pilgrim B L, Hubbell                Pitman C W, Alexandria
Pitman S K, Alexandria              Pittam Albert, Hubbell
Pittam Joe, Hebron                  Pittam John, Hebron
Pittam M, Hubbell                   Platt J B, Friedensau
Pletcher J E, Gilead                Pletcher Sam, Alexandria
Plopp E, Carleton                   Plummer J D, Hebron
Pluss J C, Alexandria               Poff H J, Hubbell
Polage Rudolf, Alexandria           Poppe F, Deshler
Poppe G, Deshler                    Poppe H, Deshler
Poppe J, Deshler                    Poppit G W, Carleton
Posey John A, Hubbell               Pound C W, Chester
Pound E C, Chester                  Powell M, Hebron
Pratt A C, Gilead                   Pratt G T, Belvidere
Pratt W J, Gilead                   Prehn C, Friedensau
Preston Colby, Hubbell              Preston S E, Hubbell
Price J W, Fairmont                 Priefert Aug, Belvidere
Priefert G, Carleton                Priefert M, Kiowa
Proctor Lewis, Davenport            Proctor L G, Alexandria
Puckett Jas, Hubbell                Pugh M, Deshler
Purdy Elmer Alexandria              Purdy J H, Ohiowa

Quitmeyer H, Deshler

Ralertus David, Gilead              Ralston R, Hebron
Rambo J F, Carleton                 Randell J, Reynolds
Ranner Alois, Gilead                Ranner Francis, Gilead
Rape L, Reynolds                    Rasher O F, Bruning
Rassow Carl, Hebron                 Rath R P, Hebron
Rawson W H, Hebron                  Ray L M, Carleton
Reams C C, Stoddard                 Rebarchek Albert, Gilead
Rebarchek John, Gilead              Redelfs L, Bruning
Redget E, Davenport                 Reed E, Deshler
Reed S E, Bruning                   Rehwoldtt H, Deshler
Renans A, Gilead                    Render Wm, Hubbell
Renner J F, Hebron                  Renner O, Bruning
Renner Wm, Bruning                  Renter C A, Friedensau
Rerns Jacob, Chester                Reynolds Jacob, Alexandria
Reysprecht H, Deshler               Rhea C G, Chester
Rhodes D H, Hebron                  Rhodes M P, Hebron
Rice C H, Hebron                    Rich Wm, Deshler
Richards E H, Carleton              Richardson C, Deshler
Richardson P, Deshler               Richardson R, Belvidere
Richardson Wm, Belvidere            Riddell J A, Hubbell
Rie Jas, Chester                    Riefsel H, Belvidere
Riefsel Jno, Belvidere              Riel Wm, Belvidere
Rigi Wm, Belvidere                  Rile W, Davenport
Rimboldt T, Friedensau              Riske E, Chester
Roberts Wm, Belvidere               Robinson G C, Hubbell
Robinson J K, Hubbell               Rocho D, Carleton
Rocho J, Carleton                   Rocho Robt, Carleton
Rocho Wm, Carleton                  Rodenburg J, Kiowa
Roderick D C, Hubbell               Roe M, Deshler
Roerpaugh J G, Hebron               Rogers B, Deshler
Rogers J C, Byron                   Rogers W A, Byron
Rolfe C J, Hebron                   Rollier L K, Carleton
Rooch Jno, Deshler                  Rood Orra, Hubbell
Roodmyer A, Alexandria              Roper A L, Hebron
Roper F E, Hebron                   Roper Guy, Hebron
Rose Arthur, Alexandria             Rosenberger Henry, Gilead
Ross F D, Belvidere                 Ross Jno, Alexandria
Rosseau D F, Friedensau             Row J, Davenport
Row P, Davenport                    Rowe C L, Hebron
Rowe & Rouch, Alexandria            Rowe W A, Hebron
Rocklos H J, Hebron                 Rudd F, Hebron
Rupert E N, Davenport               Rupprecht G, Deshler
Rissher J H, Carleton               Russell G W, Hubbell
Rysen G F, Hebron
