Brown County NEGenWeb Project

A big Thank you to USGenWeb for hosting our site.

This is a Nebraska Genealogy Website


Welcome To Brown County Nebraska

This page last updated 04-29-2024
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(C)1999-2024 Doris Jones-Harris

Material on this site belongs to the submitters and the NEGenWeb Project. This site is FREE and materials here are not owned by anyone other than this site and its submitters.

Welcome to the Brown County NEGenWeb Project page.

Come on in and sit a spell. Browse our many stories and pages.

Welcome from Brown County!! We are Doris Jones-Harris & Marty Honorable your Coordinators for Brown County, Nebraska, and will try to provide a valuable resource for researching your family tree. Our roots in Brown County go back to1892 when our great grandparents moved to Brown County. We are very proud to help preserve our county and family histories on this page.
This is a great place to find and connect with your family history.

Would you like to contact us? Maybe you have some information, pictures, family history, etc you would like to see on this site? Maybe you would like to volunteer for typing, lookups, reading a cemetery? No information is too small!!! Maybe you just want to drop us a line ....tell us corrections that need to be made. Whatever the reason, we would love to hear from you! Join with others "searching for their roots" in Brown County.

We are very proud of our history and the part that our pioneers played in the settling of this great county during the early pioneer years and settlement of the frontier. We hope that you will like what we have done so far with our site and would like suggestions from you on what you would like to see here. If you know of other links for our guest to these pages, please let us know. If you have any questions or comments, pleae feel free to contact us. Thank you.

We would like to think we are generous people, so if you find something you would like to use, please contact:
County Coordinator

Written Contributions are always welcome.
If you own any genealogical or historical items that you feel would benefit researchers in Brown County, and you would like to see them listed here, just e-mail me. We would also be happy to add a link to your family history homepage on the internet with a Brown County surname connection, but we cannot store GEDCOMs on this server. Good Luck in your quest for your family roots.If you would like to volunteer to host a county in Nebraska, please contact the Contact the State Coordinator

This site is under construction,so check back often for new updates and information


"The NEGenWeb/USGenWeb Project"
Welcome to the NEGenWeb/USGenWeb Project, which is supported by the efforts of volunteers all across the country to help you access genealogical materials on the Internet. The system is organized by states and counties with each county having a coordinator responsible for maintaining a site of resources which are available for that county. You will also find files of genealogy records, organized by state and county.

  • Lakeland Sod High School-Monument Courtesy of Marilyn Calver and the Ainsworth Star Journal

  • Lakeland Sod High School History Courtesy of Marilyn Calver. Also a story by Mrs. Elmer Holm about the difficulties during the first years.

  • Brown County School Districts

    School Districts from thru out Brown County with the names of teachers and yrs that they taught there.
    Also looking for pictures of Teachers and students who attended these schools.
    If you have any pictures or info, please contact the Brown county coordinator.

  • Railroad Town Story contributed by Angela DeBold and Heritage House Museum

  • Long Pine Power And Light - Report contributed by Eugene A. Upstill to Marilyn Calver, local historian, which she contributed to us for use on this page.

  • Coming Sooon!!!! The Drums. A story about Fred M. Enders.

  • The Fitzgerald Farm Flood by Ruth Blundell.

  • Homestead Act and Congrssional Acts Contributed by Marilyn Calver, local historian.

  • Re-Union of Old Soldiers-1892 Contributed by Marilyn Calver, local historian.

  • Re-Union of Old Soldiers-1900 Contributed by Marilyn Calver, local historian.

  • A Few Facts worth knowing about Brown County Contributed by Marilyn Calver, local historian.

  • Marriages Courtesy of Phyllis Quinn.

    Brown County Cemetery Records

  • Brown County Cemetery Listings Courtesy of Doris Jones-Harris. Check back often as we are adding new names monthly.

  • Ainsworth High School Cornerstone Laying Parade on 09-29-1922. Courtesy of Glen Webster

  • Captain James Edward Ainsworth, civil engineer, who was in charge of building train line, Ainsworth, Ne named after him. Story written by Brown County Historian, Marilyn A. Calver,

    (scan down to article)

  • Early History of Brown County Story written by Brown County Historian, Marilyn A. Calver.

  • Historical Markers of Brown County story written by local historian, Marilyn A. Calver.

  • Nannie J. Osborne, Early Brown County pioneer woman and benefactor Story written by Brown County Historian, Marilyn A. Calver.

  • Ed T. Cook, early pioneer rancher Story written by local Brown County historian, Marilyn A. Calver.

  • Nebraska's First Black Cowboy Story is compiled information from Pat Ash, Nebraska coordinator for Blain and Loup counties, and an abstract of Blaine History Book and Settlement of Loup County

    Thank you for your interest!

    If you have problems, please contact the Brown county coordinator.



    Nebraska Dept. of Vital Statistics
    P.O.Box 95065, Lincoln, Ne. 68509 (402) 471-2871 or 471-6440

    Ainsworth Public Library 5th and Main Street,
    P.O. Box 207, Ainsworth NE 69210 (402)387-2032 
    Brown County Courthouse

    148 W. 4th Street Ainsworth, NE 69210-1696 (402)387-2705 
    Brown County Historical Society -HC 65 Box 158 Ainsworth, Ne.69210

    339 N. Ash Ainsworth, NE 69210 (402)387-2427 
    LDS Family History Center

    1725 Crane Ave. Hastings, NE 68901 (402)463-3402 
    Evergreen Chapter, Nebraska Society, NSDAR Contact: Mrs. Ruth Ann Hagen, 1096 E. 4th St., Ainsworth, NE 69210 
    Nebraska Society Sons of the American Revolution

    6731 Sumner St. Lincoln, NE 68506
    Nebraska State Genealogical Society

    P.O. Box 5608 Lincoln, NE 68505-0608 (402)266-8881 
    Sellors / Barton Museum - history of the area

    Courthouse Park, Ainsworth NE 69210 (402)387-2740 
    The Coleman House-Brown County Historical Society - historical information and genealogy files

    on Hiway 20, Ainsworth NE 69210
    " Family Genealogies, old artifacts and clothes,Local Histories 
    Brown County Historical Society

    0 To all visitors to our Brown County NEGenWeb Project site: Please be aware that all information contained on this site, including webpage design, text and photos, is owned and copyrighted by the creator (county coordinator), unless otherwise noted.  "Borrowing/Copying" text or photos without receiving permission to use, can be considered copyright infringement, as well as being discourteous. 
    You may save or print the files for personal use only!!!
    About the NEGenWeb Project In March and April, 1996, a group of genealogists organized the Kentucky Comprehensive Genealogy Database Project. The idea was to provide a single entry point for all counties in Kentucky, where collected databases would be stored. In addition, the databases would be indexed and cross-linked, so that even if an individual were found in more than one county, they could be located in the index.
  • This is an outgrowth of that original Kentucky project. At the same time, volunteers were found who were willing to coordinate the collection of databases and generally oversee the contents of the web page. Contact the volunteer shown on the county page if you have a desire to add your data to the database. If the county in which you are interested does not have a page and/or you wish to participate in some way, please contact the State and Assistant State Coordinator.
  • This page last updated 03-24-2024
    You are the Visitor to this page since 08/01/99
    Doris Jones-Harris

    Thank You-Doris Jones-Harris-Coordinator

    The HTML coding, compilations and layout are copyrighted © Doris Jones-Harris 1999-2024.

    "Should anything unexpected happen to me and I am no longer able to fulfill my obligations, I want it known that all files contained in this website would become the responsibility of the NEGenWeb Project, as part of The USGenWeb Project, to do with as the NEGenWeb State Coordinator(s) feel appropriate. And further, should such an occasion arise, I grant permission to the System Administrator of to release account/password information to the NEGenWeb State Coordinator(s) as needed.-Doris Jones-Harris-

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