MJH, Buffalo County NEGenWeb Project © 1998-2010
This cemetery is located on the north side of section 28 in
Schneider Twp. Take Hwy. 10 5 1/2 miles south of Pleasanton or
11 miles north of Kearney to Husker Rd. Turn east and go 10 miles
to Maple Rd. Go 1 mile north on Maple Rd. to 235th. Rd. and then
1/4 mile west.

Read by Randy and Jeri Jones, 2000
Bissell, Lewis Alvin, Apr 24, 1872 - Jun 6, 1940
Burgess, Thomas O., "Son of Peter & Ida Burgess",
Died Mar 13, 1897 - Aged 10ys 7ms
Pugh, Lizzie, Born Nov 7, 1884 - Died Jun 2, 1889;
Johnnie, Born March 1, 1888 - Died Aug 12, 1888,
"Children of P. & K. Pugh"
Vogt, Thomas E., "Son of W. & Mary Vogt",
Died Oct 3, 1887 - Aged 1yr 10mos;
William, Died Dec 9, 1895 - Aged 46yrs 6mos 19days
Vogt, George, Born Dec 23, 1898 - Died May 8, 1899
Vogt, Mary, 6, 1846 - 4, 1940 (Jun 1846 - Apr 1940)
The Fort Kearney Genealogical Society may have additional information from the cemetery record book. Offering a donation would be a nice gesture.