MJH, Buffalo County NEGenWeb Project © 1998-2010
Travel 9 miles south of Miller or 6 miles north of Elm Creek, on Hwy. 183.
Turn west on 130th Rd and go 0.2 miles, then turn south and go 0.2 miles on
Turkey Creek Rd. The cemetery is located on the east side of the road.

Read by Randy and Jeri Jones, 2000
Brodine, Otto, Mar 13, 1869 - Nov 7, 1914
Brodine, Fred, Died May 3, 1908 - Aged 43 years; "Called Higher"
Frideen, Eric John, 1851 - 1922;
Gustava F., "His Wife", 1851 - 1911
Kinslow, Baby, "Daughter of Thomas & Ruth L. Brodine Kinslow.
Granddaughter of Otto Brodine", 1915
Losee, Edward (Middle initial looks like a backward J),
"Son of E. & M. Losee", Died Jan 11, 1910 - Aged 4yrs 6ms
The Fort Kearney Genealogical Society may have additional information from the cemetery record book.