© MJH 2004 for
Buffalo County NEGenWeb Project


Word Pictures of "The City Beautiful"

Kearney, the county seat of Buffalo County, Nebraska, is a thriving city of 10,000 cultured, happy, industrious people, located mid-way between Boston and San Francisco on the famous Lincoln Highway. The Union Pacific, Chicago Burlington and Quincy and the Kearney and Black Hills railroads operate between fifty and sixty trains dally in and out of the city. The streets are broad and shady. Many of them are paved. The Lincoln Highway through Kearney is the most beautiful drive in the middle west.

Kearney has a fine public library, a splendid system of public schools, a new parochial school, military academy, state Industrial school for boys, state tuberculosis hospital and the Nebraska State Normal school which enrolls nearly 1,500 students annually. It prepares students for business life and teachers for rural, grade and high school positions. A lecture course and chautauqua system bring the foremost speakers and entertainers to the people.

A picturesque canal, eighteen miles long, develops 5,000 horse power for cheap electric light and power. It irrigates the farm lands of the Platte valley, and supplies Lake Kearney, a beautiful pleasure resort at the Country Club.

Industrial establishments include large flour mills, alfalfa meal mills, grain elevators, brick works, dandelion rake factory, foundry and machine shops. Also natural and artificial ice plants, dairying, stock raising, and feeding interests. Celery, potatoes, sugar beets, alfalfa, wheat and corn grow in abundance.

Kearney has a five story opera house, department stores, exclusive women's outfitting store, four men's clothing stores, two large ten cent stores, two publishing houses, daily newspaper, four banking institutions, wholesale houses, implement dealers, electrolier lighting system, unexcelled garages, many beautiful homes and churches, and a live Commercial Club.

The main points of interest are: Drive to Old Fort Kearney, new concrete bridge, Court House, Watson's Boulevard. "1733" Ranch, The Country Club, Lake Kearney, Kearney Military Academy and the state Institutions.

Good roads and drives leading to Kearney and miles of broad, paved streets within the city encourage motoring, and week end parties frequent the Country Club with its shady drives, rolling hills, natural golf links, and commodious club house overlooking the Platte valley. Boating and bathing also are Kearney features unexcelled. Tourists appreciate "The MIDWAY CITY" as a stopover point.

Building improvements under actual construction include many modern homes, filling stations, garages, Midway City pleasure resort and a seven-story hotel costing 200,000.00.

Other improvements under consideration are--sales pavilion, community auditorium, business blocks, and apartment houses. Subscriptions are being taken for two new hospitals costing $100,000.00 each.

Buffalo County employs an efficient county agent and ranks high in live stock and agricultural pursuits. Each year a fair is held at Kearney.

This community invites your serious attention, especially if you are interested in education under ideal conditions, home building, business openings, intensive farming, or thoroughbred live stock. Irrigation projects are being developed, thus doubling production.

THE CLIMATE HERE IS MILD AND BRACING. THE DEATH RATE IS LOW. Kearney is known as "The City Beautiful" and "a good place to dwell."

Publisher of "Pictorial Kearney."

If at all interested in this growing community write:
Room 18 Hub Building.

Rooms 600-B18, Opera House Bldg.


Page Forty-eight

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