HEAD>< TITLE>First Presbyterian Church - Index of Names TITLE> HEAD>
First PresbyterianChurch
Plattsmouth Nebraska
Semi-Centennial Celebration
Jubilee Exercise
May 6th - 10th 1908
Name | Page | Name | page |
Miss Estelle Baird | 14 | Miss Johnson | 10 |
Rev. John C. Baird, D. D | 1, 8, 12, 17 | Rev. Wm. H. Kearns, D.D. | 10, 14 |
Rev. John T. Baird | 18, 19 | Lauther, Mr. Alexander and his wife Mary Jane | 15 |
Rev. John T. Baird - Portrait | 5 | Rev. Matthew B. Lowrie, D.D. | 23 |
William N. Baird | 19, 22 | Miss Gladys Marshall | 8, 10 |
Miss Sarah G. Baker | 20 | Thomas Marsland | 19 |
Rev. William T. Bartle | 19 | Mrs. Lucy J. Martin | 1, 15 |
Dr. Henry Ward Beecher | 20 | Mrs. Lucy J. Martin - Portrait | 9 |
Dr. Lyman Beecher | 20 | Maxwell, Mr. Samuel and his wife Amelia | 15, 16 |
Mr. Bilhorn | 21 | Thomas McClelland | 19 |
John F. Buck | 19 | Mr. B. A. McElwain | 4, 12, 14 |
Mrs. John F. Buck | 20 | Mrs. Catherine McMaken | 15 |
Rev. Daniel William Cameron | 18 | Mitchell, Mr. Thomas and wife | 15, 16 |
Carmichael, Abraham and his wife Catherine | 15 | Parmele, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin H. | 17, 18, 19 |
Rev. William H. Claggett, D. D | 20, 21 | Mrs. C. H. Parmele, | 20 |
Rev. James H. Clark | 17 | Pollock, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas | 19, 20, 22 |
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Clark | 18, 19 | Rev. A. Allen Randall, D.D. | 12 |
Mr. James Johnson Coale | 17 | John W. Rawlins, M.D. | 19 |
Mr. John K. Demarest | 16 | Mr. C. D. Roberts | 18 |
Miss Donnelly | 10 | Joseph M. Roberts | 19 |
Mr. J. E. Douglass | 22 | Rev. James H. Salsbury - Portrait | 3 |
Rev. J. C. Elliott | 18 | Rev. James H. Salsbury | 8, 12, 22,23 |
Wesley J. Evans | 19 | Rev. Thomas L. Sexton, D.D. | 6,10, 12 |
Mr. George L. Farley | 22 | Mr. J. R. Simms | 4 |
Mrs. Geo. L. Farley | 10 | Rev. Francis E. Smiley, D.D. | 21 |
Mrs. J. W . Gamble | 6,8, 14 | Mrs. H. B. Stowe | 20 |
Henry M. Gault | 19 | Rev. Dr. Stratton | 21 |
S. E. Hall | 19 | Rev. H. D. Thomas | 14 |
Mr. Walter N. Halsey | 22 | Rev. Frederic Tonge | 21 |
Rev. William Hamilton | 16,17 | Mrs. Arthur Troop | 4 |
Mr. Thomas K. Hanna | 17 | Pres. Guy W. Wadsworth | 6, 8 |
Elder J. G. Hays | 15,16, 19 | Mrs. Mary A. Walradt | 15 |
Elder J. G. Hays - Portrait | 11 | Mr. Joseph H. Waterman | 22 |
Mr. James Hodgert | 20 | Mrs. John Waterman | 23 |
Miss Margaret Hodgert | 23 | Miss Weidman | 10 |
Archibald M. Holmes | 19 | Mr. R. W. White | 8,14 |
Rev. Daniel Lawrence Hughes | 15,16 | Mrs. Margaret Winchell | 15 |
Jardin, Mr. David and his wife Margaret | 15 | Mr. J. Newton Wise | 1,6, 15,16, 18,19, 20,22 |
Rev. Edwin Hart Jenks, D.D | 8 | Elder J. Newton Wise - Portrait | 7 |
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